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From the Shadows - I Dream of Shadow People part 2

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:23 pm
by DarKnyht
From the Shadows asks the question, is someone being controlled by shadow people?

Read the article and post what you think.

Re: From the Shadows - I Dream of Shadow People part 2

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:52 pm
by biggie
well over the years i've had many dreams like the ones casey was having,and yes,many bad things happened to me...

the shadow people are everywhere...or they were when i was having the dreams alot...

it made me feel crazy when i saw them outside of my dreams...

but after many months of telling myself i was crazy i believed it and it stopped...

but since i started getting back into my old habits the dreams occurred again...

when my friends started dieing i had to forget about it again,i forced myself to...

but now i am safe in my sisters house...
her and her boyfriends influence protect me from the dreams and"shadow people...

but soon i'll have to leave here...
the thought is exciting to me...
i can't understand why though...

but in short...
if you have the same thing going on with you,
you're not alone...

Re: From the Shadows - I Dream of Shadow People part 2

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:50 pm
by biggie
i've been bruised and cut when waking from these dreams...
it was crazy to explain to my mom...

Re: From the Shadows - I Dream of Shadow People part 2

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:37 am
by Lord Shakar
Sounds like something from the Dream Stream is messing with you both. as well as this 'Casey' guy. I am not an expert on the subject of the Dream Realms though. So I won't speculate further.

Re: From the Shadows - I Dream of Shadow People part 2

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:48 pm
by Heather Dawes
After reading it, it reads like a inventive, if rambling, horror story. My first question of course, did any of these events actually come true from hid dreasms?

If not, how the hell was anyone able to hurt him. I suggest laying off the late night horror movies before going to bed.

Re: From the Shadows - I Dream of Shadow People part 2

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:39 pm
by Sheyblade
These "shadow" disturbances seem to be building up lately. Unless more people are admitting.