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The psychic storm of Katrinas wake

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:49 pm
by Prometheus Ping
In the last two years, since the Katrina event, I have seen a disturbing increase in unexplainable fits of murder and violence in the city of New Orleans, where I live. There seems to be a contagious form of insanity here.
People are just snapping, committing murder and suicide, random violence that seems to have no other intent but to physically harm others etc...
I wonder if, perhaps, this is being caused by some unseen spiritual or demonic force.But that's with the locals. the Tourists are another story all together...
On occasion, I have visions. But since Katrina they have increased in their intensity and frequency. One of these visions keeps repeating itself. Its' shock was painfull, like a lightning bolt hittig me in the brain.
The most recent of them happened in a bar on Bourbon street. I was sitting at the bar, chatting with some khaki clad tourists when I got this flash of pain and an electrical fire type of storm in my left Temporal lobe. I saw, for just about 20-30 seconds, the people in the bar and out in the street walking like some kind of zombies from a horror film. Everything was moving very slowly. All the people had these long, hooked chains digging into their flesh, rising up toward the roof tops of the old buildings. holding these chains, like The Dog Whisperer holds a leash, were several strange, man sized creatures with a sickly yellowish skin, covered in rough scales. Their eyes, however, burned with a darkness so black, so cruel and evil that to look into them filled me with that kind of horror that a child has from a night terror. Their teeth were small and uneven, like they had been pasted into their mouths by a four-year-old in a hurry.
They seemed to be herding people into the more debauched areas of Bourbon street; to the 'Live Sex' shows and the bars with the worst reputations for having an "Anything goes" policy- the bars where the 'Girls Gone Wild' is often filmed. frighteningly, the creatures jumped from one roof to the other, even across what look like impossible gaps. They were dragging these people-zombies along with them.
Then, as painfully as it came, it went away- leaving me with what felt like a migrane for the next four hours. I quickly grabbed my jacket and left the Quarter, going home to take some Neurotin that the doctors prescribed me (I suffer from an idiopathic neuropathy that started a few months after Katrina, when I returned home- I wonder if it is related to these creatures...?) and tried to sleep off the effect. I have had this vision several times now, each one is painful as the last. I am not sure if these visions are real, or if I am perhaps suffering to the same madness that has affected so many others here. I do not feel like I am being influenced by these demons/creatures; but, then again, how would I know if I was. In my limited experience, I've come to understand that the possessed do not realize their possession until they have been properly exorcised.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Re: The psychic storm of Katrinas wake

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:26 pm
by Ron Caliburn
There are more mundane things that can bewitch the masses with little help from the extraordinary.

Doesn't mean that the unusual doesn't pick up on taking advantage of the ususal to weaken resistance.

WIsh I could offer more assistance, but I don't do to well until I have something to shoot at.

Maybe you’re being warned to do something?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:58 pm
by Clarity
_____Hi, Prometheus Ping.
_____Maybe you’re being warned to do something?
_____P.S. Why are you using Eilonwy’s color?