Moved from the list of the fallen

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Moved from the list of the fallen

Post by Logan »

If you can't stand the scrutiny of the press or the harshness of the bitter truth, maybe you should find a new hobby.
Perhaps, Shaytan, you should start looking into the truth rather than playing games with alteration of someone's words. A real reporter, has no need of misrepresenting someones words to rip their credibility to shreds. In fact it tends to be counterproductive, since every quote that is used that is not EXACTLY as the person said the words is another blow to your jounalistic integrity, another step down the slippery slope from legitimate reporter, to tabloid journalism, where accuraccy and honesty have no place, and all that matters is how entertaining the story becomes.

Maybe, Shaytan, you should stop representing yourself as a legitimate reporter and "find a new hobby."

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