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Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:09 pm
by Holister
Well greetin's from Maine.

Its official. Its May already. That means its time to clean off the grill, get some new hickory, and have us a BBQ.

Ive got cold beers, hot dogs, and a lake teaamin' with trout & bass.

So who's up for a Memorial Day cookout backwoods style with ol' Holister and the Lazlo Anex up here.

I figure its a good way to put all this recent BS behind us and enjoy a 3 day weekend. And I pity those fools who don't come.... :wink:

Its RSVP so I know how much meat and beer to get.

I also figured if ya'll want, ya could bring guests. The more the merrier.

Pets are welcome.

Duke & Molly say hi and hope to see you there.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:22 pm
by KonThaak
The 26th this year, right? I can't make that one, but I'm gonna be off for the next couple of weeks (after I get through this one)...and sometime the week after next, I'll be heading up to DC. If it's cool with you, maybe I could drop by for a day or so.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:24 pm
by GhostSpider
Well, you can go ahead and consider this my RSVP. I'd love to come, considering I missed the last Society shindig. I'll make some of my famous Potato Salad, and maybe bring a keg or two. :wink:

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:27 pm
by Holister
You guys are always more than welcome. GS, I have that sword for ya'. Almost forgot until Molly pointed it out.

An KT, got something up here for ya' too.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:11 am
by concrete_Angel
Sounds really tempting.

Would you mind if I brought a friend?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:39 am
by Holister
Why sure Angel. You should know by now that I don't care who ya' bring. Any friend or family of yours is more than welcome. Just tell em' to bring their appitites. :wink:

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:16 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
I too would like to come Mr. Hollister. It will give me the chance to meet my fellow society members in person. Yes, I will most certainly be there.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:42 pm
by Hannah
Hi Ben,

Looks like Pa and I can't come. I got stuck with summer school this year so I'll need to be back in DC in time for bed on Monday night and I'll probably have homework too.


PS: Say hi to Molly for me.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:29 am
by Holister
Sorry you and ya' pop can't make it this year. From what I hear its gonna be nice. Grill's are cleaned, the charcoal is comin' along fine, and the fish are biting somethin' fierce.

We are lookin' forward to this event and meetin' everyone this year. Those who can't make it, I have Derik makin' a video of the event. Plan to make copies and mail them out to all our friends who couldn't make it.

I also have the local lodge on stand by. So all rooms will be comp'd as a favor to me. So hope alot of ya'll come up for the weekend and enjoys yourselves.

PS: Molly says "hi!" right back at ya' lil' lady.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:30 pm
by Sophoroto
I will see if Mr. Greydawn will allow me to come this year.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:55 pm
by Holister
Good. Look foward to seein you here. An I promise I won't make ya sit at the kiddie table Soph... :wink:

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:21 pm
by Malakai
I would love to come to this party.
Perhaps me and Hannah could talk about all the nasty and naughty things that Not Ron did because of and for her?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:26 pm
by Holister
Sorry Malcontent {or whatever your name is} I already booked a donkey ride for the kids so I don't need another ASS at the party. :D

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:03 pm
by Sophoroto
Mr. Greydawn just told me I could come out there for the BBQ.

Hey maladork, No room for the devils soldiers on this plane of existance how bout going back to the hole you have been hiding in and stay.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:22 pm
by Logan
Holister, you said you are a LEO, and you have posted about dealing with all sorts of strange things in the line of duty. My own research shows Cypress Cove to be a fairly quiet area when it comes to reported activity. Have you been fileing your DR 1313's when you have a situation that defies "rational" explanation?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:25 pm
by Sophoroto
I think I remember him talking about that along time ago that sometimes thing don't get officially reported. :mrgreen:

Which from what I understand from reading the reports here in Oregon isn’t all that uncommon in any department.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:31 pm
by Holister
Quiet...I like to keep it that way Logan. Specially when I have 13 ley lines converging over my head. Report it...HELL NO. I would have every spook chaser and wannabe psychic showing with cameras and god knows what else. I have enough trouble up here as it is, I don't need that grief.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:34 pm
by Malakai
Someone say something about HELL? Like what Hannah might go through for Not Ron? :twisted:

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:37 pm
by Holister
Put a sock in it because you are only sounding redundant man. Find a new hobby.

And leave poor Hannah alone.

For your sake.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:18 am
by Logan
Holister, you do realize that some of use who are tasked with keeping things quiet rely on those reports to know where to go, don't you?

As long as they don't push the cases, or try for too much publicity, we are actually quite happy to work with the local LEO's. Personally I find an antagonistic relationship with local officers to be counterproductive. Of course the local officers frequently don't take kindly to juristictional arguments, even if it is for their own safety. (How many police stations stock specialty ammo?)

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:24 am
by concrete_Angel
Malakai wrote:Someone say something about HELL? Like what Hannah might go through for Not Ron? :twisted:

We know you have no idea what you're talking about, so stop trying to sound bad-ass. Besides, everyone else is ignoring you.

Logan, I think that's part of the thing he's trying to avoid. Would you like having a special place that's quiet and reserved, then suddenly have a bunch of cops running around? So long quiet, that's for sure.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:33 am
by Malakai
Holister wrote:Put a sock in it because you are only sounding redundant man. Find a new hobby.

And leave poor Hannah alone.

For your sake.

Is little Hannah gonna cry? Maybe she was better off on the compound you and the rest of these fools took her from.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:37 am
by Malakai
concrete_Angel wrote:
Malakai wrote:Someone say something about HELL? Like what Hannah might go through for Not Ron? :twisted:

We know you have no idea what you're talking about, so stop trying to sound bad-ass. Besides, everyone else is ignoring you.

You talk tough too. Especially since you are partially responsible for Jame's death.

I am curious on one thing. How far would you be willing to go to get him back? Would you be willing to make a deal with the devil?

Hannah: How far would YOU go to make sure Not Ron go away forever?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:41 pm
by Holister
Hey guys, I don't mind any {legit} Lazlo Society member or their affiliated group coming up here for a look around. Every ow and then the help is useful. That is why I had the Society Annex established right here in town and are inviting society members to come for a visit with the Memorial Day Weekend BBQ & Retreat.

But I don't have enough body bags laying around for those rank amateurs that think they know what tey're doing, those snoopy reporters, and those dum ass cultists looking to score an new pet. Right now I have peace and quiet. I like it that way.

If you want to come up for a history lesson and a walkabout Logan, you are more than welcome. Doc Coltraine has a fully documented history of the "Wierd" stuff that has hapened here over the past 350 years. Of course it goes back further, but its mostly legends and myths.

Again...looking forward to the BBQ guys & girls.

PS: The ladies get to drink free at The Brick that weekend. :wink:

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:06 pm
by Logan
I shall not be attending. Face to face meetings would create a conflict of interest.

The rank amatures, as you put it, are exactly why, Holister, agents like myself and those on my team have jobs. If we quit keeping things quiet, the amatures would have all the leads they would need to get themselves in way over their heads. (Most LEO's could be classified as "rank amatures" at this sort of thing, you know.)

As for peace and quiet, we do tend to disrupt that for a little while when we come into town, but normally the locals just remember "those guys from (insert random agency here) asking all the funny questions".

I am quite interested in Coltraine's reports, however. There are few areas that get some extra attention, due to the frequency of events in the area, the St. Lewis riverfront area being a primary example.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:10 pm
by Holister
Oh...hes got a couple journals full of the stuff that's been going on up here. But if ya' think you are gonna take it from him, ya better kill him first cause he's ain't giving those up without a fight. The doc may be pushin 80' but hes a tough ol' codger if I reckon there ever was one. :)

Sorry you won't be comin' Logan. Ya sound like an interestin' fella.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:20 pm
by Logan
You know how it goes Holister, when you swear the oath, the job comes first, even over friends when needed. If I don't meet any of you face to face, then I won't have to file the reports, or reccomend surveilance on any of you.

A good working relationship with any of you will unfortunately require some distance, just do to the nature of my job.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 10:53 pm
by Holister
Well...too bad then. You do seem "interestin". As for everyone who is coming, please sign in here so I know how many rooms to book at the lodge.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 10:55 pm
by GhostSpider
You know Hannah, if your Pa will let me, I can teleport you guys up to Maine and back, with me. That way you can still be home on time for school.

He can even hold a gun on me when we go. :wink:

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 10:59 pm
by Holister
Um...I would be careful with that teleport thing...with this nexus you may wind up in a different dimension or something...... :P