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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:56 pm
by Michael T
Sounds like amage or Psi-Mechanic are building something. I would lean more toward the Psi-Mechanic myself, not many magics I am familiar with that would require those items. Then again I am not familiar with all forms of magic by any means.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:59 pm
by Kolya
Good observation.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:50 pm
by Sakura
Well, ... I'm still here. But it isn't for the lack of them trying. I'm currently spitting up some blood, and am bleeding from probably half a dozen cuts. ... Should see them though.

I'll update soon as I can. Ugh. Razor, you and I are going to have a long talk soon as you get back from wherever the hell you are.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:57 pm
by Shadowstalker
Another Problem? Why is it things always go wrong in at several places at the sametime?
Before anybody answers, this is a rehtorical queation. I am just venting.
Sakura I am currently in the midst of something but I may be able to send some help your way still, if you wish?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:37 pm
by Sakura

Since I'm a bit down on my luck right now, and I can't really move much, I'm going to compose what happened that put me out of communication so long.

I was on the trail of our thieves, They had just nailed the Asarco Copper Refinery, among a couple other places in Amarillo. With that much copper, they had several problems.
Aquiring the copper
Hauling the copper
Handling the copper
To be using that much copper they had to have a way to shape it or make it into what they needed. This meant that there it was likely they would have to contract a job, or do it themselves. I know of a number of ways they could be handling things, so I started placing calls around Amarillo and the Amarillo area to the local machine shops, and manufacturers. Most of them had the right equipment to work with copper, and the know-how, but only one had been contracted to make a number of forms of the copper. I found the shop, then after interviewing their supervisors and foremans the company that contracted them was Amarillo Electronics Systems. After a little research it turned out to be a dummy corporation. I followed the paper trail until I found a workshop that had been shut down a few years ago, but from outside inspection had seen recent use. The gravel had been disturbed in a noticable pattern of vehicles coming and going. The building while rusty and seeming ready to fall apart, had no loose panels in its steel construction, nor did it's roof or walls have any holes. A building when it is abandoned in the panhandle of Texas, does not stay in good repair for long. Goes that way for most buildings actually. From inside, was the sound of a radio playing 98.7. Least it was that and not cuntry. Anyway. Peeking in through the windows there was the van that hit Asarco. (I knew it from the security videos that I'd gotten access to as a private investigator.)

Off to one side was a set of metal shaping and forming eqipment, mostly a few presses, rollers, cutting torches, a welder, and there was also a forge, and what looked like a couple of molds. This could have nearly been its own full service machine shop. I also saw a few other small items. Several workbenches, and one that looked to be covered with some onamental works. Strewn about on several workbenches were firearms, a few melee weapons, and a large scattering of wires, electronic components, and crystals and gems of various shapes, sizes, cuts and colors. I recognized some of the gems, and off to one side I spotted my own sword. Knowing that I'd found them, I drew my sidearm and lock-pick gun and slipped in through the door.

In the distance I very faintly heard a 'Ding-dong', and I looked up, to see a motion-detector announcement system. Thankfully it wasn't an actual alarm, but it was a good bet somebody knew I was here. I jumped to the side, into a set of offices. I swept and cleared those rooms quickly. They didn't look like they'd seen much recent use, and there was nobody in them, but before I could leave a figure stepped into the door way..

Sadly, I need to go for a little bit. I gotta get some rest. Recalling the details and writting this all out is proving taxing.

Oh, and Shadowstalker, if you could send a healer my way, that might help... but I doubt it. Brandon, my boyfriend is a mystic, and his healing spells aren't working. I've had minimal sucess witth psychic techniques, but then again, what I can do with psychic healing is limited. Maybe a Psi-healer could help. ... or Raz, what about you?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:40 pm
by Razor
Nope, I'm kinda strapped at the moment. Between getting things settled, getting around and all has become quite the problem.

I might see what I can do, but I make nothing even close to a guarentee. Shades might be a better shot. 'Sides, it would be nice to a have a teammate or two of his in the area.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:24 pm
by Shadowstalker
I'll see what I can do things are a little crazy right now thou.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:51 pm
by Sakura
Well, at least I can walk, though I've got help from a cane now. I will probably have to keep it with me for another week or two, unless I can find a good energy healer in Amarillo. I don't have time for a full update of what happened, but I'll give you the gist of it for now.

I got jumped by the smaller guy's friends. I gave them one hell of a fight. Beat two of them so bad that I doubt CSI would be able to ID them without DNA or fingerprint matching. (No teeth left after I knocked them out for a dental record match.) The other one... he fought me to a standstill, until their boss could stun me. After I was out, they searched me, removed my weapons, gear, and special items.

Then it was a fun sesson of beat-her-till-she-can't-see-and-has-to-eat-out-of-a-straw-for-a-while. They would probably have done worse, if they weren't more concerned about getting rid of me. They had locked me up for while, while they were debating about what to do when I manged to get the bolt-lock to my makeshift cell open, thanks to some of my gifts, and I set about getting re-armed. I was lucky enough to find a knife and a Smith & Wesson 9mm. Well, I went after them but when I did the big guy approached slowly. The little guy attached a device to him, and the next thing I know, this guy is like friggin Bane from Batman. And he's got claws!

I'm soooo glad I had to spend a lot of time dodging medicine balls hurled at me at full force a few months back, cuz my Sensei said I needed to dodge better. Came in real handy here. Still didn't keep me from getting beat to peices. I only managed to hurt him, not cripple or kill him, until he had me down. 4 broken ribs, collapsed lung. Broken femur, a couple small ruptures on the insides. Moderate concussion, broken jaw... you know, the fun stuff. Barely able to even stay awake through the pain... I managed to shove it all asside, and I launched a set of copper sheets through him, cutting him up. I faintly remembered hoping that the pieces wouldn't keep fighting.

Then our little friend came in, carrying a rifle of some sort. Probably a TK rifle. Except, when he pulled the trigger, and it went off, the crystal and the main part of the gun actually blew up, sending a blast of force in several directions... one of which was through his head.

Before I completely passed out, I called Brandon, and he was able to find me... though I never found out until I woke up two days later back at the store.

He'd found 90% of the stuff he'd lost, and picked up a bunch of extra items that need sold. He'd done what he could to help me, but Big Boy's attacks weren't exactly healing with magical aid. I'm fine though, and should be ready to go back to work next week. I've got a large case-load to handle, so I need to get back in the swing.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:01 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ouch! Next time bring backup. Glad you're alive.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:09 am
by Kolya
Natasha says I have an ugly cane.

Absolutely no ambiguity intended.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:06 pm
by Sakura
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:Ouch! Next time bring backup.

Ya think?!

Ugh, my head is pounding. Least I can walk now, and drive... and of course shoot. Jaw keeps popping when I eat, which sucks a big fatty. ... Cyanide... about that shooting, and stuff. Can you direct me to some media links?

And Raz... stop screwing with the weather!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:00 pm
by Kolya
Hope you heal up soon.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:15 am
by Natasha
Well, I am all lost in your slang, so I just hope you feel better soon.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:22 am
by Shadowstalker
She is explaining that it really sucks to hurt as bad as she does right now. I think.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:25 am
by Natasha
You circled the last smiley face on the pain chart, I hope..

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:25 am
by Kolya
Got to be careful saying things like sucking fatties around this band of nutcases.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:46 pm
by Sasha
I am pretty sure that there is such slang in the States that a fatty is a large marijuana cigarette. So, we leave the ambiguity to your imagination.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:15 pm
by Razor
sometimes sucking a 'fatty' can also mean sucking a big fat p***s... if you know what I mean. Usually it's not meant in a positive way.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:50 pm
by Sakura
Yeah... what Raz said.

I'm getting around alright, but it's still gonna be some time before all the bills are caught up, and I have internet access at home again. I didn't realize how much I was relying on Brandon's store to help keep the bills up at my place. Then again, the pace has been kinda slow for the last few months. I don't know whether that's the rest of the team taking care of stuff, or if it's been naturally that slow.

Anyway, I guess it's good to see Razor's alright, and that he -is- in contact with some of the other team members.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:14 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I lost my place of buisness recently, fortunately I was able to find ways to keep it running without my building. You might wnat to see what you can come up with.