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I shot a real werewolf

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:10 pm
by skorzeny
Hi, my real name is Jim Rogers. I happened across this website when I was doing a internet search for paranormal research.

I was up in Northern Michigan a few years back Near the town of Ontanogan in the U.P. I was bear hunting when my camp was attacked by what I thought to be a wolf. The damn thing stood up on hind legs and came at me and my brother. I shot at it with buckshot and scared it off. We got out of there and went into a local general store and told the owner what we saw. He told us that there are werewolves out there and thats probably what we ran into. He was dead serious. I bought some real working silver bullets from him and carry them to this day whenver I'm out in the woods.

It stood over 7 foor tall and was not a bear. It was grey and had the markings of a wolf. I hope I never see anything like it again.

Werewolf's the good the bad

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:41 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
There not all bad infact I work with one.
Most werewolf's are just like you trying to
make a way in life.But yes there are bad
and good hade to put down two last week.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:14 am
by Ron Caliburn

When that "tame" werewolf (or vampire or boogeyman or whatever else you have pulled from under the bed or out of the closet) has that "momentary lapse" and rips a child's throat out, it is your fault, not theirs. They are supernatural predators, they hunt and they kill, that is what they do. Even the nicest of them will still have those emotions and instincts, and in the thousands of years that these things can live, I can almost guarantee that they will have at least one relapse.

The death of that innocent (or innocents) are your fault for letting the wolf live with the sheep.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:47 pm
by Elijah Sight
You worry me, Mr. Caliburn. I suppose you deem redemption impossible? Are not human being predators by nature? Do we not daily overcome our darker instincts in favor of civilised living? Just because it is more difficult for a creature of darkness to do so does not mean it's impossible.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:49 pm
by Celeste Darken
Being a vampire, I have a somewhat . . . unique outlook to this argument. In a previous post on this topic, you, Mr. Caliburn, suggested you would prefer the bullet if you were ever infected with lycanthropy or a similar malady. I, however, do not. Whatever I have, whether it be called life or unlife, I wish to keep. But I agree about the “taming” part of such creatures. It cannot be done. They must choose for themselves, if free will is something they still possess. Indeed, I would kill any who tried to forcibly “tame” me. Earlier, Mr. Sight offered such a treatment for me that would inhibit my bloodlust, which was kind and well-meant. But I refused on the very grounds that have been so eloquently defended by Mr. Caliburn. I won’t rely on a medication that has a chance of failure. I would not tempt fate in such a fashion; I have sworn off innocents, no matter how hard the temptation gnaws. Instead, I turn my hunger to cult members that would seek to harm humanity by summoning or aligning themselves to Evil in like manner, and those criminals that make their fellow human beings suffer through ordinary vice. In short, I hunt the hunters, and will aid any who follow similar creeds. Certainly, there will be those on this forum that would not trust me to watch their backs. Who would fully trust a potential predator? But I need not defend my choices and actions against those who would obliterate any who have the misfortune of being vampire or werewolf. More than once, history mentions humans who have cannibalized their own companions when there was no food present, so I will not accept such an argument as what my food source may be when there are none but comrades near, because there are equally galling hypothetical situations where the humans may be forced to choose between the deaths of their companions or the deaths of other innocents. There are too many “what if” scenarios that could happen; I defy anyone to claim “their” position is the only “good” one that would absolve all guilt, all regret, and all responsibility. I do what I can to see that justice and goodness are preserved in this world. I can only hope the rest of you out there are doing the same.

Celeste Darken

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:42 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Darken, I find your agreement with my position and reasoning disturbingly comforting.

Elijah, I never claimed to be some kind of holy avenger. I'm just a man who does his best to protect his fellow man from the predators that stalk the shadows. I specialize in the beasts, but more than once I've had to eliminate a cultist or a rapist or a drug dealer.

I also don't go out into the wilds to eradicate the beasts. I let that be their territory. If a person is stupid enough to enter their territory I feel they deserve their fate. I hunt the ones that come to our cities and towns, that invade our homes and school. The ones that come into our turf.

I bear them no ill will, I just look at it like a rancher minding his herd.

Would you trust a wolf to watch your sheep just because he claims to be reformed and to have sworn off mutton? If you raised a bear from a cub with your cows and it killed a calf, is there any surprise?

If the wolf and the bear stay in the woods, I could care less, but when they are on my ranch, my herd is in danger and I must act.

If I don't, any losses are my own fault for being stupid, not the wolf's fault for being a wolf.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:16 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
I never said she was"tame"she can be to work with at
time's but in all I would say she is more trustworthy than most human's.
I give a name as given my word not to but she came to me about 4 year's
past I think it was form I'm frind Dr.Lee.She told me a story about her to
boy's how whene thay hit there teen's thay started to change.You see she is not a lycanthrop but a true born werewolf any way thay whent bad as
Mr.Caliburn said.In the short we had to hunt them down and stop them
she has been working with me ever seice that day to make up for what she has said was her falt.I do not falt her.sorry have to go boss is on the phone.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:40 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Again, you're letting the wolf guard the flock. Sooner or later she's going to stop being able to resist the call of the wild and will take a lamb.

I won't blame her, I'll blame you.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:38 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
Well ron I did it well sort of I had her transfred to R&D it will be safe
for her me and all.She helped me pick out a good dog as a new

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
That's really no better.

All you've done is put a wild animal in a cage

A wild animal who can bend steel bars

A wild animal who has centuries to develop the craving and inclination to get out of that cage. . .

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:23 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
I have tryed my best sorry.I can't shoot her my boss would
have me locked up she is a officer and all and before you
say it NO I was not for that one no way on how...........It's
kind of odd and I'm going to look in to it.He did it rite after
he got a letter from up top any way I don't get to work in the
office any more got a new field job any way talk to you later.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:15 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Anything new on this, or did another pet monster get loose?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:03 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
No nuthing new.Just busy work she is fine also Ron.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:46 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Good news, bad news I guess.

Glad to have to back around Wolf.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:43 pm
by Holister
Greetings from Maine

First off - you can not tame what was eant to be wild, it just ain't, unnatural in this case. Sides' I know for a fact lupine are vicious, predatory beasties that like nothing more than rip int some soft man flesh every now and agin. Heck, we got a pack right here in Cypress Cove. Im dealing with em like they be dealt at a time, and deader than disco by the time were done.
They're just like any other inhuman nocturnal evil thing....its kill or be killed, and I have a town to protect up here. So I say the world belongs to if those things that dwell in the dark places of our domain want to go bump in the night, I say we bump back...most likely wih high caliber rounds and a six pack. Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:27 am
by Ron Caliburn
Glad ta know we got someone else who speaks the language.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:34 am
by Holister

Speak the language...shoot, living up heres got me reading the whole damn book. Ive read alot of your posts there know what yer talkin bout. And for he record Ive tried the phosperous shotgun shell trick too. Its a beaut when you see some bad ass lupine scamper off into the woods set ablaze like The 4th ofJuly. Helps when you huck a bottle of Jim Bean at em first.
" How do you like your lupine...original recipe or extra crispy.." 8-) Shoot, yall should stop some time, head over to the Brick and throw back a couple cold one and talk about old war stoies. Hell I can use caple fella like yourself up here. When until they day they lay me down...keep fightin the good fight 8-)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:07 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I had to quit drinkin' a few years back. I realized that in this job there's no time off and I have to be ready to go 100% of the time.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:43 pm
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Well the offer still stands anyway. We did ake care of our lupine problem earlier, so at least you wouldn't have to worry bout that...
8-). We still got plenty of problems though...any aid or advice you can give Ron, it'ld be appreciated.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:44 pm
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Well the offer still stands anyway. We did ake care of our lupine problem earlier, so at least you wouldn't have to worry bout that...
8-). We still got plenty of problems though...any aid or advice you can give Ron, it'ld be appreciated.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Taming the Wild

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:18 pm
by Bearshaman
Listening to Caliburn and Holister, I begin to wonder if they realize the fact that they are stating that dogs cannot be trusted either. Taming something wild is possible, domestic dogs were originally of wolf stock, but after centuries of living with man they tend to have become our companions. As for werewolves, I agree to a point, if they hunt innocent humans, then my kind has given up their right of living, but you state that you hunt humans Caliburn. The difference is you hunt ones that harm other humans. I myself, have limited my hunting to animals, four legged and two legged kind. I do not consume human flesh, nor the flesh of werewolves as that would be a bit to close to cannibalism.

Thank you for letting me join your conversations. 8)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:18 pm
by Holister
Greatins' from Maine

Oh no....not another inhuman passin for one of us. Listen, I just the worst week of my life dealing with a pack of lupine. They had no intention of talking philosophy or getting " ALL BACK TO NATURE. " They wanted to kill me, I just got to them first. As for Ron, If I may state in his defense, he does what the man's gotta do. Sometimes it may not be cut and dry, but hes a good man fightin a good fight. Just as long as he doesn't good killing anyone in my town, Im ok with that. And as for these inhuman, evil breed, nocturnal predatory posers, doesn't this societyscan for this HI, Im a werewolf...well right this way sir. Enjoy all our society has to offer, then feel free to eat our babies!
I anin't got a problem with live and let live, but I will personally hunt down and fillet any inhuman THING that threatens my town or its people. Thats all I gotta say bout that.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:41 pm
by Bearshaman
Holister, I can understand your attitude. I am not saying that you should treat all werewolves as just a puppy with an attitude. Some of my kind are cruel, evil creatures that misuse their gifts and should be slaughtered. Just as some humans are evil as well. Humans have been known to commit cannabilism, not for survival but to just satisfy some sick inner urge. Also, the mininons of the Unnameable, some of them are human or were human before they surrendered to him. Don't judge a book by its cover, but then again, you don't have to read the entire book to realize that it may be a piece of crap too.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:01 am
by VermisVictus
I cant ge

Werewolves—populous or popular?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:06 pm
by Rowan
There are numerous altercations with werewolves—vampires too—at this website—some even post, if they told the truth.

Are werewolves truly that populous—or are they simply popular—rather, is society more aware of them? In nine years of wanderings—three of which I seemed magnetized to the otherly—none crossed my path.

Perhaps I’m just ignorant of the creatures’ habits and habitats. Legends abound in areas I visit monthly. There have been signs—but are they werewolves or something else?

Where are they—vampires and werewolves alike, in general—located? Do they have hot spots they gather around? What are signs of their presence?

Re: Werewolves in the United States

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:27 pm
by Hannah
They definitely seem to localize. My father has had a number of recurring situations with both Werewolves and vampires around Washington DC. On these boards we've also heard of populations of werewolves or similar creatures in Maine and Nevada.

I've personally met a handful of were-animals, but I wouldn't be sharing their locations out of respect for their privacy.


Do they fear us? Do they hide? Are they just legends?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:44 pm
by Rowan
They—werewolves and vampires—are well hidden? In a place supposedly abound, they aren’t ever seen. It’s very confusing how some members here meet them so often, while others never do.

Re: Werewolves in the United States

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:29 pm
by Hannah
It's one of those things. If you know what exactly you are looking for, it is easy to find the signs. Too easy actually. As many skeptics point out, large feral dogs leave many of the same calling cards that we attribute to werewolves and are becoming more and more common across the country.



Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:23 pm
by Last Moon
Ron Caliburn wrote:I got 2 possibilities for ya.

1) They are too few to make a successful takeover attempt. There are 6 Billion + humans on this little rock, and a helluva lot of guns, bombs, tanks, and nukes


2) They already are in control and are using that superior intelligence of theirs to make sure we don't know about it.

Have you considered that because of 1) they have moved on to 2)?

While there are many therianthropes in the wild, it is my belief that the vast majority have moved into our cities and towns where they masquerade as human. Many have inserted themselves into the higher echelons of human political, economic and criminal power structures.

Judas wrote:May I recomend:

The Book of Werewolves, By Sabine Baring-Gould First published in 1865 by Smith, Elder & Co., London.

As Quoted: Sabine Baring-gould (1834-1924) was a prolific novelist, historian, archaeologist, folkorist and parson with a fascination for the darker side of human nature. This classic work was first published in 1865 and remains a standard reference on the subject.

Here a link for more information, if you are serious about "hunting the were"

The best of luck!

It is a most interesting work, but it focuses much on the concept of the 'savage' therian, rather than exploring the much more dangerous intelligent members of the species.

Father Arden wrote:
Lightning Plant wrote:
Sean O'Neil wrote:I don't think you will be able to get rid of them, they walk around us everyday, hell your neighbors could be a werewolf/shapeshifter.

In my research, I've discovered that some of those might not be your "standard issue" werebeast. There's another race out there. Apparently, they start out looking and thinking like normal human children, but some of them - not all - change during puberty. Also, it seems like they can't be detected in human form, except by each other. These "cults of night" people are reporting seem to be hunting them, so maybe they can be persuaded to be on our side.

In my research I've come across several varients of werebeast...

The first and most common is your typical werebeast,t he one most people encounter, the type that live in packs in the woods or jungle and are an amalgam of beast and man, but not truly either...

Then there are those who were once human or animal, but were infected with an agent called lychanthrium, which mutates their genetic structure, allowing their bodies to morph into a half-man, half-beast form...this is your typical movie style were creature...

I've also heard rumours about a species of werebeast whoe body does not transform, but whose spirit leaves its body, taking on a beastly corporeal form...

Father Arden

Father Arden, I would be most interested in comparing notes with you. Perhaps between the two of us we could add another couple of categories and several sub categories to the taxonomy.

Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:As Arden will attest to, I have done extensive research into Lycanthrium and it's effects. What I have been able to discern is that it bonds with and then alters the structure of human DNA, creating receptor sites for a hormone that is structuraly very similar to Adrenaline, loosely termed Adrenal-X, and at the same time, allowing for the body to produce this new hormone. When enough Adrenal-X is present in the body, it attaches to the receptor site, which in turn activates the 'change' into the werewolf. The hormone must be present in extremely large quantities, however, which is why we don't have werewolves running around in their changed state all the time. Emotional and physical response to stimuli such as rage, hate, and fear all increase production of Adrenal-X, which causes the 'change' to occur. This, I believe, is responsible for the connection to the lunar cycle. The infected individual believes the full moon will trigger a 'change', as the full moon approaches, the individual may become agitated, afraid of it, or even excited and anticipating the change, providing the emotional response required to stimulate production of Adrenal-X. A psycho-somatic repsonse, basically.
There are still many more questions to seek answers to, but believe me when I say that these creatures do exist. Ten years ago, I would have been as staunch a dis-believer as the skeptics on this board, but time and experience, and my own scientific study have proven to me beyond a doubt that Werewolves and many other creatures are indeed real. There is nothing that science cannot explain, we are only limited by what we understand of it.

A very interesting analysis Ms Anderson. I suppose that it has never been published. I would be very interested in the information you have on Adrenal-X and this mutation. In particular, if there are any ways to detect it in a subject without having to wait for extensive laboratory work to be completed.

To those of you that associate with therians. I would be most interested in the opportunity to meet with these beings. Would it be possible?

Bearshaman . . . your public self identification flies in the face of what much of m research indicates. Therians conceal their presence from humans as much as possible. What has brought you to make such a public declaration? Do you feel sufficiently anonymous using an internet name on a overlooked corner of the Internet or is there a specific purpose behind outing yourself? Would you also be willing to meet? There are some research opportunities I would like to discuss with you.

Re: Werewolves in the United States

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:29 am
by Gotham Witch
Last Moon wrote:Bearshaman . . . your public self identification flies in the face of what much of m research indicates. Therians conceal their presence from humans as much as possible. What has brought you to make such a public declaration? Do you feel sufficiently anonymous using an internet name on a overlooked corner of the Internet or is there a specific purpose behind outing yourself?

You meet all sorts of... well, strange sorts on this forum. Of course, there is always the possibility that he was making a deception - but I find that less likely than he feels like the internet offers him enough anonymity.