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Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:25 pm
by Logan
Dawes, Holister is a Law Enforcement Officer, collecting information and storing it is his job.

As I am not an Agency member, his records on his fellows are not of my concern.

I am also keeping dossier's on this boards members, as accurate as I can detail - it's part of my job to know which hunters lean which ways.

And Holister, if you want a dossier on myself and my team, you may request them from the bureau.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:12 am
by Michael T
I hope no one attempts to keep too much on me, I very much enjoy what privacy I have. I also do not think it is wise to keep a large amount of data on society members in any location besides some one's head. Please do not be offended by this statement Ben, but you have hadd issues that could have comprimised alot of peoples safety in the past. I also do not belive that the data should be collected with out telling the people affected. Mainly myself, Ron, and a few others.

Michael T.

P.S I hope that the information was at least heavily encypted.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:34 am
by Holister
What? Why do have a feeling Carter neglected to tell me a few things?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:09 am
by KonThaak
Holister wrote:Our armory, our computers, our Society data all stolen.

Holister wrote:Um, well yes. You must understand we had a quite well designed security system installed with the latest in computer protection software...and yet they somehow hacked into the terminal.

And downloaded....everything.

Names, places, dates, activities, member lists, contacts, the whole database, even our own passwords here at the annex.

Everything we have gathered on or about The Lazlo Society seperately or collaboratively over the past several years.

I asked, a while ago, if my last name could be removed from records... Ben, please tell me my last name was removed from yours, as well.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:57 am
by Shadowstalker
Ben? Now that you are back, how about telling exactly how badly you may have screwed up? What was in those files, who did you have files on, and so forth?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:12 pm
by Ethan Skinner
Did you have a backup drive on the information stolen, Carter?

Considering this dybbuk thing... I'm not familiar with their ways. If it's so unusual for the creature to act in such, we ought to consider other possibilities. Maybe it wasn't working alone. Maybe it wasn't a dybbuk, though it had similar powers. Maybe it was smarter than its kind.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:29 pm
by A. Pendragon
When I was head of security here, I too collected information on members here. Both wanted members and the assclowns like Dark, Malakai and others. It has proven useful in the past.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:44 pm
by Holister
I am gonna so break my boot off in his computer affixed ASS!!! Hacker proof my egg crackin white ass Derik. Shit!! I don't know how much info they got or what they took. What they couldn't steal they smashed or burned. We lost just about everything. The Annex is ruined, Hell, we may have to shut it down.

Alot of the research material and library was irreplacable. We can't afford to restock anything, not even the guns and ammo. We are out of business it looks like.

Since I can't get a straight answer out of Derik about what got hacked or not, assume whoever or whatever did this knows your name, address, and face, and maybe phone numbers, contact info, buisness info, e-mail addresses, rank & file, birthdates, known abilities, plus current active membership for Lazlo over the past TWO years, known villains still at large, and all of our passwords here from the annex.

Thankfully Derik had a viral fail safe installed in the sub-programming so that if anyone did hack the system they would download them Mayhem Virus and watch in horror as their system was eaten alive from the core out...and any systems affilated with that one as well.

Hope its not a Lazlo member that did this then.

Anyway, sorry guys. We dropped the ball big time on this one. I'll be handin' in my Lazlo Society Membership first thing Monday morning.

Thanks for the memories.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 5:15 pm
by Logan
Not quite so fast sheriff, if that reasearch is of the nature that it sounds like, I have a vested interest in keeping those archives out of the light of day, and your fellows have a vested interest in seeing those archives destroyed. I do believe we may be able to develop a plan of action that is to everyone's benifit.

That is of course assuming you can work with someone who works counter to several of your societies goals.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:18 pm
by KonThaak
Hang on, Ben. Don't leave us, just yet. I just saved your butt; no I'm not happy about that info getting leaked, but nobody's asked for your resignation just yet.

Besides, your resignation won't fix things, and right now, there's a lot of us who want things fixed.

You've been through some damned tight situations, Ben. You can't tell me you're just gonna lay down and call it quits, now.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Most of my to do list still stands.

We need to get to where that information is and make sure it's not being used to harm us.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:24 pm
by KonThaak
Ron Caliburn wrote:1. We need to recover Hollister and the information.

2. Any information about people who did not consent to such information being collected needs to be destroyed. My lawyer will get involved on this if need be.

3. We need to find out who/what did this and put them out of buisness.

1 is only half-done, as is 3... If the data collection had been performed by Ben under legal authority, 2 may not have been applicable, but it sounds to me like Ben was kept in the dark on this as much as any of the rest of us. Besides, it sounds like Pendragon was keeping tabs on a lot of us as well...

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:02 pm
by Logan
Sheriff, I would like for you to pick me up at the local county courthouse. I will be the chump with the attache case, 5 o clock shadow, and cheap black suit that just screams "government issue". I take my coffee black with one sugar please, I'll buy the next one.

You remember how the "federal liason" game works, sheriff. You don't want me in your town, and I don't want to be in your town, so let's find these records and see them recovered and destroyed, before the information reaches the wrong hands. Then I will be out of your hair and away from your town.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:41 am
by Holister
Buddy what reality are you livin' in? The wrong hands? Those files are already in the wrong hands were guessin'. Thankfully that dipshit Derik made a backup of the information that he keeps with him.

So at least we know what they now know ya' know.

Sorry for bein' so punchy...hangover.

Anyway; I was thinkin' of handin over my membership this mornin' and takin' the wrap for this most recent fiasco...but F*** THAT!!!

The BBQ & Retreat are still on. Maybe if we pull our resources and put our heads together we can think of who's behind this, cause Im thinkin' that Dybbuk couldn't have done all that alone.

I may only have a shotgun and a sidearm, but I'll be dammed if Im gonna let some SupNat SOB get the better of me!!! The Annex isn't gonna close, we will rebuild, and I swear on this God's green earth, my guns will never be empty again!!!!!

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:22 am
by Ron Caliburn
Faster turn around than I expected.

We've seen monsters used as tools and weapons before.

Did they let anything slip while they had you that might give us some info on who pulled the trigger Ben?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:53 pm
by Holister
Nope. Lousy SOB's. Don't they know that the villain is supposed to reveal their sinister plot when they have the dashing hero temporaily captured.

All I know is some Dybbuk possed SOB calling himself Rolf kidnapped me and beat the living snot out of me. If it wasn't for KT, Carter, and those deputies I'ld be a gonner.

Anyway. The BBQ & retreat is still on; I will PM the directions and events I have planned. If your coming just let me know by Thursday. I have the whole inn booked for this this event and the town meeting hall. This needs to be official of course.

By the way Ron, any leads on why these two keeps coming up as coming from your old shop?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:32 pm
by GhostSpider
You know i'll be there Ben. :D

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:42 pm
by Shang Li
Sigh, the joys of being young..... Unable to aquire gainful employment, Not allowed to manage my own affairs. At least no one finds it odd for me stop and observe a passing butterfly, or to laugh at the simple joy of the sensation of the wind and sun upon my face. As soon as I find a way for me to travel freely, I look forward to making the aquantance of those who are new here, as well as re-establishing existing relationships.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:45 pm
by GhostSpider
If you give me your location Shang, I can teleport you to the BBQ.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:34 pm
by Shang Li
The park at the head of the Pike's Place Market. I notice that few children use this park, so I should be easy to find. Oh and I learned a new word today, at least as soon as I look it up. A nice man in a uniform took me back to the temple, I fear I have caused those good men some trouble over something called a "truancy law" whatever that may be.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:53 pm
by KonThaak
Li-sensei... How old are you, now?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:02 pm
by Hannah
Hey everyone!!!

Sorry I haven't posted much lately with summer school and all that but wow oh wow so much is going on and I can't think of where to begin.

Anyway, I wanted to post here that it looks like I may be at the BBQ afterall. Dad had sudden out of town buisness to attend to and had to leave me an Wie by ourselves for a while. So we might just come up and see everyone.


PS: Dad said that Cypress Cove might be dangerous . . . but with everyone there who would dare try anything? Really?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:55 pm
by Logan

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:25 pm
by Ron Caliburn

My records show those went out the door quite a while back, probably one of the piles of stuff that Not Me shipped out.

I owe that figment, big time.

Hannah, we'll talk later, for now it's past your bedtime.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:47 pm
by A. Pendragon
Holister, I would like to be at this BBQ

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:09 am
by Shang Li
This body has seen eight summers. But that can't be right. At most I should be one or two years of age, and I should be a young adult long before these old experiences begin to return.

I am begining to think I may have stolen this body, but I do not know how such a thing is done, much less have the inclination to rush something that should come along in good time. If I did not steal this form, was I forced into it? What became of the mind and spirit that inhabited this form before me? (I know I was not always here, I can remember nothing of this body untill a few short weeks ago, when I awoke on a Seattle beach.)

I am sorry if confused any one, when I started to think about this, the possibilities frighten me, this is not as it has been.

Oh do any of you know how to clean one of these things? The gentleman in the black suit that was at the temple loaned it to me, and it sometimes does things that perplex me. I posted this afternoon, and saw that my words came from someone else. I assume that means that this is Mr. Logan's computer.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:33 am
by A. Pendragon
Shang Li wrote:This body has seen eight summers. But that can't be right. At most I should be one or two years of age, and I should be a young adult long before these old experiences begin to return.

I am begining to think I may have stolen this body, but I do not know how such a thing is done, much less have the inclination to rush something that should come along in good time. If I did not steal this form, was I forced into it? What became of the mind and spirit that inhabited this form before me? (I know I was not always here, I can remember nothing of this body untill a few short weeks ago, when I awoke on a Seattle beach.)

I am sorry if confused any one, when I started to think about this, the possibilities frighten me, this is not as it has been.

Oh do any of you know how to clean one of these things? The gentleman in the black suit that was at the temple loaned it to me, and it sometimes does things that perplex me. I posted this afternoon, and saw that my words came from someone else. I assume that means that this is Mr. Logan's computer.

If you mean the post above that now reads as "..", then yes, the user known as "Mordred" (admin) can fix any future mistakes like that. Just PM him.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:32 pm
by Shadowstalker
Ben It seems the Girls would really like to see Molly again, so I will likely be attending. With at least 4 to maybe 6 Guests along.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 3:04 pm
by Sophoroto
Mr. Holister I will be flying out tomorrow, are there any small airports near Cypress Cove?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:28 pm
by Holister
Shadowstalker wrote:Ben It seems the Girls would really like to see Molly again, so I will likely be attending. With at least 4 to maybe 6 Guests along.

Sure thats fine. I got 24 rooms at the lodge booked, all ya'll have to do is show up.