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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:36 am
by Gothicfox
You mind getting to the point, please?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:51 am
by Stephen
Now since that is out of the way.
I may address our problem; does anyone here know about microbiology and gentic engineering, cloning perhaps?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:02 am
by Shang Li
<-- takes a sip from his green tea. "you mean the dolly kind?" " or do you mean the "we are working on a batch of bacteria that has a communal intelligence and should hit a critical mas in a couple generations" kind or the "we just made something that is part demon, part man and part beast" kind??

one of my students about 10 years ago was following that field. he was good. one day he just quit coming to class. a real shame since he only had another 2 years before i would have been able to teach him no more.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:10 am
by Stephen
Ah, I see we have at educated man here. Yes Mr. Lee, and yet no, I am talking about biological warfare on a paranormal level. I am talking about a virus that should never have been engineered.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:44 pm
by Shang Li
me? No. i am not educated. i am actually a bit rustic. i have however over the last 80 years taught a few bright people my art.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:01 pm
by KonThaak
Wait... An engineered virus meant to take out paranormals? Does it affect regular people, too, or only creatures that would be otherwise immune?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:49 pm
by Stephen
I will start at the beginning.

Some time ago a brilliant, yet misguided bio-geneticist named Andre Savarius came to my society's attention. He was arrested for the engineering and distribution of bio-weapons that made AIDs and Ebola look like the common cold. The man was a diviant but brilliant in regards to his work. So my lawyrs got him out and he disappeared only to come work for us.

We always contimplated a bio weapon to be used against the paranormal and supernatural menaces that we had to deal with. But up until then we had no success. Savarius was seemingly grateful and began work. I anything, he was obsessive.

Then last year I had received word from the research facility that he had done it. He did not go into detail, but he engineered a reo-virus that would code for specific genus of supernatural creatures, infect them, and destroy them in a rather grusome manner.
We duded this virus "Parenovirus".
It was all too successful, when it was introduced to test subject of various genus types, the results were alway devastating.

If introduced to a lycanthrope, t hyer accelerated its metabolism to the point where it literally burned itself out from hunger now matter how much it ate. The subject was dead within 24 hours. The same result was recorded on several "packs" we tested it on throughout Cananda.

When we introduced it to vampires, it started a riot in their digestive system, literally turning blood into a virulant poison that would not allow them to gain any sustanance from the blood they ingested. So the more blood they drank, the quicker they coagulated.
Within 4 - 6 hours we witnessed the destruction of 27 vampires. Another success of the virus.

We also tried its affects on other creatures as well, Dybbuk, Boogeymen, Goqua, random demons, a dragon, and even a Mindolar. All with very promising results. Up until then no bio-regenerative ability could counter the Parenovirus. So we had Savarius take the virus one step further and continue his field testing. The one beneficial side effect was that the creatures would not discorperate after their deaths, so our society had specimens to work from and could study indepth.

He evntually developed an even more promising strain, one that would discoperate and eradicate non-corporeal entities. This was an achievment because how could a non physical being be affected. That is when he revealed to us the secret of his parenovirus.

A normal virus invades a living host and then infects it, having the hosts cells reproduce more virus cells.

A retro-virus is a virus that attacks other viruses to have those reproduce more of its own.

A reo-virus is a viruse that codes for specific traits and implants some of its own material into the host, not infecting the host,but altering the host to make the host more accomidating to its needs, like a micro cellular parasite.

The parenovirus second strain Savarius engineered was developed
to directly attack a host's PPE, there by infecting the host's own life force. An attack from which there was no cure and defense. So the more PPE (ISP) than the being actually possessed, the faster the virus spread. It was a grand accomplishment and we final had a bio-weapon that could be used even against our enemies.

That was until Savarius decided to field test the second strain in our research facility, killing all 340 members inside within 24 hours.

Apparently the parenovirus he created, had a secondary function that he never informed us about.
As far as our society knew, it was not not meant to be used against mortals, but apparently Savarius had other ideas. The second strain has the ability to infect mortal hosts without any means of defense.
The more the subject resisted, the faster the virus spread.

Within a psychic, the virus supercharged their minds causing the brain to swell to twice its size, unfortunately not the cranium
The subject's body also hyper matabolized so much raw energy that they literally cooked themselves.
Most died painfully after 3 - 4 hours after initial exposure.

Similar efects were witnessed in magic users, some to the point where the spell caster was made into a PPE starved vampiric creature that could never be satiated. They died after 24 hours after initial exposure.

Savarius has since vanished, gone underground. Apparently though he has engineered plenty of his parenovirus, and has already begun to distribute it. Our society has lost three facilities and over 2100 personnel due to his attacks.

The virus can be disprsed by any means; physical contact, ingestion, contaminate a water supply. And he is insane enough to try. Besides that, he is a bit of a purist. More like an extreme purist who believes that paranomals and arcanists are unclean unholy heathens that should be purged from the face of the earth. Pleasant fellow.

Before he disappeared, our surveillance uncovered a disturbing piece of information, he was engineering enough parenovirus
to sell some religious sect bent on purifying the world in the name of God. Before I could interrogate him, the facility incident occured and he slipped away and vanished.
Even dispite our best resources, we have been unable to find him or his lab, though we believe he has more than one.

You can now see the dire urgency of his matter.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:53 pm
by Stephen
As for the parenovirus effects on ordinary people, it wasn't nearly as drastic, but the brain lesions, sped up metabolism, and drying up of spinal fluid could be somewhat crippling. Fortunately once a norm was burned out 36 - 48 hours after exposure, the virus would simply burn itself out. The down side was, if they survived, the lasting brain damage and physical complication would leave them comatosed and on death's doorstep anyway.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:46 pm
by Shadowstalker
Ok this is a major problem. I will withhold any recriminations so what do we have to do to deal with this, I assume you have info to pass out on this Mad Doctor of yours.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:29 pm
by KonThaak
...too damned many cults. Too damned many cultists. Too damned many fools who think they can get away with things history has proven time and again we shouldn't be tampering with. At least, not for warfare, at any rate.

Feh... So we need a reo-retro-virus? What is it you need us to do, exactly?

And out of morbid curiosity, where was this cult located, that wanted to buy this stuff?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:20 pm
by Gothicfox
Smart, real, smart.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:46 am
by Stephen
Well you see, there lies the dilema. We don't know where he is, or who he is selling his virus to.
He may be a purist bastard, but he will not turn down the chance for profit either.

To matters worse, he did a deep download of our mainframe before he pulled off his little stunt. He possesses all of our society's prior knowledge, all our reconasance,
our surveillance, and other little bits of information; ie: personal residences, places of employment,
names, places, dates, the whole nine yards. He has already used this information to eliminate two of our tracking facilities, killing nearly 1800 in the process.

There is a good chance that he is also selling information as well.
We both have enemies, mutual enemies that would like to see eradicated.

As for a cure, there is a cure. This I know because Savarius would not have engineered a vius without having a cure for himself. Im affraid however that onl he knows what that is. Plus without any knowledge on how he engineered it in the first place, our chances of coming up with a cure is nill. As for now I have come to relization that a negative energy field will confuse the parenovirus, but not stop it. An infected subject could survive infection if they can outlast the 48 burn out cyce of the virus, but only as long as they remain within the barrier. This is why my orginazation has been searching for Nega-Psychics and Psi-Nullifiers for weeks now in an attempt to offer some degree of protection. But even with such protection, Im affraid ones chance for survival only increaseses to 35%.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:51 am
by Stephen
What I need from you are your eyes and ears. Yourowers of deduction and investigation. Somewhere out there in this world of ours is a madman sitting on a powderkeg with a lit match in his hand. He can strike at anytime and we would not know until it was too late. We need to fnd his lab, and destroy it. I fear though killing Savarius may not be plausible, I have my suspicions, but until I am sure, I will remain silent on the matter.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:15 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ok, does anyone want to join me in my bunker? First and maybe last chance guys. KT, want your family moved?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:27 am
by KonThaak
Not yet... I appreciate it, but I can't let my family's future hinge on this.

I smell a rat... How does a society ranging that many people have a security problem large enough to drive a truck through, and let one guy get away with all the things he got away with? It makes no sense to me, unless 1) Stephen is lying through his teeth and there is no virus (not an option I'm willing to stake anything on), or 2) this Savarius guy had inside help, who may or may not now be dead.

So I'll stay and protect my family. Negative energy? I produce that in the shieldings I work around my home. WCS, we'll be fine for a while.

Stephen, it was your society who let this happen. See what you can do about going back to one of the original test sites and getting your hands on some of the expired virites. If it's possible, reverse bio-engineer the little suckers and see what you can do about engineering a reo-virus for this thing.

They were steps away from curing AIDS by turning the HIV into an HIV-killing virus. Had a 90% success rate. And then the religious fanatics screamed it was "playing God" and that it "made no sense" to cure someone with AIDS by giving it to them. (Granted, I understood that the 10% failure margin made the problem worse, but even still, if I were an AIDS patient, I'd like to be given the option.)

So if possible, I wanna do the same thing here. Stephen, you know where those test sites are, you can get the specimens. Anyone who can pitch in equipment, start volunteering yourselves now.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:32 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
This is way out of my area of expertise; so I'm offering a safe haven to anyone that wants it.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:39 am
by KonThaak
Fortunately, what few people know is that druids are supposed to be at least fairly well-versed in the sciences...and I used to keep up with all the news and such, before a certain government leader made me want to puke every time I so much as looked at a newspaper, either physical or electronic.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:42 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
KonThaak wrote:before a certain government leader made me want to puke every time I so much as looked at a newspaper, either physical or electronic.

Every politician elicits that reaction from me.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:04 am
by Shang Li
How much information do you have on the whereabouts of this "problem" ?

As much as i would love to sit back and watch the fallout from this devour your organization, i cannot, for this also threatens many people who deserve my protection not my disdain. You and yours though you could learn to do in a few short years that which took even the gods centuries to get right.

and some people wonder why it is so hard to trust in "organizations". i will provide what aid i can to any that need my help.

i will need to use a telephone when this meeting is over, fate. long distance i am afraid, perhaps some of my former associates back home can help us find the good doctor so that he can be either "re-educated" or "re-cycled".

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:40 am
by fate
(Finishes his scotch and puts out his cigar)

…….I feel I must confess that my agency came across the rumor of a paranormal pathogen a few months ago and in all our wisdom…we ignored them all together. I’m going to put my best RV psi’s on this right away.

(Turns his back to the group and pulls out a cell phone, say’s a few words and hangs up)

There on it. Unfortunately my agency is not equipped with a bio-lab, we do surveillance and tactical ops. We don’t normally handle CDC class bio threats. I’ll have to recall all the field agents I have following the society members and put them on this right away. If for nothing else then to find out if there is any truth to what Mr. Stephen has said.

Mr. Shang Li use my cell and make your calls.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:54 am
by Shang Li
<-- dails the phone and speaks rapidly in japanese. (to those that speak the language it is something about "families" and paying some "price")

"It is done. I now have at our disposal a few teams of men that may be of assistance. Mr. Stephan, if you are decieving us about the nature or seriousness of this situation after i get through with the debts I have just incurred I will deal with ours."

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:46 am
by Gothicfox
Yeah, blame the religious fanatics for a 10% margain of error. Speaking fanatics, I like to have a picture and bio of this guy so I can send it to some friends, who know friends, who know friends.

A good spin terror about this guy being a terrorist and he'll be the most wanted man by the end of 24 hours. There are goverment oganizations who keep a good watch on the more prolific doomsday cults in the world and they woudln't want this guy getting to them with a virus thats gonna wipe out every living thing on the planet.

Course the whole point in letting the anti-terrorist specililists and spy circles in on this is to get back to me with the information with possible locations. I best guess if he wanted someone to use the virus, I'd go with the Islamic fascists. They'll try anything at least once.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:36 am
by KonThaak
Dude, I wasn't blaming the religious fanatics for the 10% failure rate. I was blaming them for shutting down the program when it was 90% successful. Please tell me you're not still sore about the last major argument we had, because this really is not the place, and it most definitely isn't the time to argue differences in faith.

And while I know that there are a lot of people who gladly paint Muslims as terror-mongering murderers, there are plenty of doomsday cults that paint themselves Christian, or follow some "faith" based in what the cult leaders tell them, or on greater demons, such as was a case that some of our members took down before.

But I agree wholeheartedly with your plan. Let's get this guy's face out there, make him a major public enemy. It's probably the best way to get information about him. I would advise against notifying the public in general about what he has and what it's capable of, because for one, widespread panic is in and of itself a bad thing, and two, he may panic and use it.

Beyond that, let's do this.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:13 pm
by Stephen
Gentlemen, I assure you this is no deception, I would not be here in person otherwise.

As for engineering our own virus, we have have quite unsuccessful. The sample degrade to quickly if we are fortunate to gather any at all. The information Savarius povided s was bogus from the start. All the reports, data, charts, and tech were how yo say, misleading. When we tried to reneginer the virus we created a potent strain of E-Bola 12, killing 26 lab personnel before we ad to incinerate the facility and thos who remained inside. So
reverse engineering the virus is only an option if we can get ahold of his data.

Like I said, there is a cure (pauses to speak on the phone). Mr. do work at UPS do you not? Our intel just got word that 7 employees from your depot have been hospitalized in critical condition....due to an unknown illness, (DAMN) and three of our agents have been reported as deceased, they show signs of moment (into his phone - incinerate the bodies, and those they came in contact with...
I know that...but we don't have the man power nor do I have the patience, just do it!)

Sorry gentlemen, it has just been determined that the virus is contagious within the 1st 24 hours after initial contamination. Mr. Turtle, I may take you up on that bunker of yours.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:46 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Stephen wrote:Mr. Turtle, I may take you up on that bunker of yours.

I find it distasteful but I want you where I can keep an eye o0n you.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:27 pm
by Gothicfox
Then stop taking cheap shots at my faith, and yes, they are terror-mongering murderers

I'd like to get that information before you go to ground so we can ge the ball rolling. Obviously we need to get this guy before he does something like release the virus.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:29 pm
by Stephen
Well, lets see what I can remember about Savarius, other than the fact he was an unstable racist purist that would have made Hilter look like Ghandi. As hs records, most were deleted accept for the ones he wanted us to find. He was a genius, but no hacker. He has help from I what I believe. Maybe one of ours, but then again, it may be one of yours. Each of you has enough sway or men, maybe some radical who wants to play mesiah. Im checking from my end, I suggest you all do the same.

For the record, Savairus sold his bio-weapons to all sides. Iraq, Iran, Korea, you name it. He often sold to both sides if he could, let them kill each other off. You remember that Japanese subway attack, he sold them the bio-weapons. The illness the UN forces suffered in Iraq, he sold them the weapons. Interpol, the CIA, NSA, KGB, they all wanted him, but they all needed him as well. Politics of war and all that.

We were fortunate to get to him first, and once we did. We made him a ghost in the system. We purged his existance out of every database throughout the world. However, as you know his gratitude resulted in more betrayal than even I could have imagined.

About him beng crazy enough to use his virus, no, he is a fanatic that will sell his virus to one or more other insane parties and have them release it. But he would wnat to eliminate anyone who might be a threat, so it is possible to launch the virus against any of you here, or those who are not. Plus he is getting information from somewhere else now, or should I say whom. His hacker(s) did a number on our data base, and after the disaster, we could not tell the extent of the damage until it was too late.

I would use extreme caution gentle men, Savarius is no fool, but he is crazy. If he must make an example, he will. Right now he's laying low, probably for a reason. I would like to know why. Money perhaps?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:36 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
"Right now he's laying low, probably for a reason. I would like to know why. Money perhaps?"

Maybe because he's smart enough to know everyone is going to be huntign for him.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:58 pm
by Stephen
I would have to disagree, with his background, Savarius is not the type to o and hide because someone is after him. Just look at what Ive shown you about him. If he is hunted, it gives the fanatic further presidence to continue stronger than before. No, hes waiting for something. Besides, with that virus of his, he can attack us anyplace, anytime, and we would not even know until it would be too late. He'll thin the heard out first, flaunt his intellect by killing a few thousand people first. That is the type of man Andre Savarius is.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:42 am
by KonThaak
Gothic, as a matter of fact, most Muslims are good people. You only hear about the bad ones and the desperate ones on the news, because they're the only ones making any kind of news at all.

As for taking "cheap shots" at "your faith", I wasn't aware you were a moron cultist. When I was talking about religious fanatics shutting down the testing for a very potential cure for AIDS, I was talking about the same moron dickweeds who think it's funny to take potshots at abortion doctors. I was talking about the same asshats who gladly condemn everyone else to Hell for thinking even slightly different than they do. The ones who think that diseases like AIDS are a punishment from God against America for allowing homosexuals to walk our streets. The same idiots who join cults willingly, or strap bombs to themselves, or claim that God hates such-and-such a group, or what have you.

So unless you struggle to compete with potted plants on IQ tests, I suggest you shut the hell up about all of this.

As I said in my reply to your private message, I'll gladly take apologies here or in private, but as I said not one damned thing about you or, in fact, anything to do with Christianity in specific, I have nothing to apologize to you for.