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Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:13 pm
by Grace
Ron would be the obvious choice as Hannah's champion, don't you think? Or did you have someone else in mind, Tms3?

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:26 pm
by Tms3
She has no husband so yes UNLESS she clams her right to be her own champion. Keep in mind that lord greenwood predates both Christ and Rome. He is a Celtic hero/god (I typed it that way because Among the Celts the terms are interchangeable). So lord Greenwood will recognize the right of a woman to clam the mantel of Warrior and be her own champion. just as a man not suited to be a warrior has the right to have a champion to protect him. No Ron I do not think that would be the best Idea. where as I am sure in the case of Hanna it would not be a fight to the death. also given whats at stake both Hanna and lord Greenwood may have to use champions. but yes Hanna not having a husband or a wife ron has the most right to the clam as her champion. if it comes to that I will be willing to surive as second in such a contest and would be honored to intercede in any negotiations

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:31 pm
by Grace
Well, I would expect Hannah would want to fight her own battles of course.

And to be honest, I don't want Ron running off and fighting Fey gods to the death.

But assuming she can't because her powers can't be used against him or something, any other potential champions you can think of, Tms3?

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:50 pm
by Tms3
Honestly, I can only think of a few logical choices. It would almost have to be a druid like me or some one trained by them. anther option would be a human Fae night. Yes the sidhee have morel champions to do things they cant for some reason. in fact if it comes to a dual you will almost certainly not be fighting lord greenwood but his champion. though I have no clue whom that would be at the moment. That does not mean run to the unsellie court. no all the Fae lords and ladies hold there own court. one could try patisaning the high court... (not something I would suggest). The lady of the lake light be an option also the lord of the Islands.

about Hanna's powers. they should work on lord greenwood and hes on her. no that's not the reason why I said she would probably have to use a champain because in a since Lord Greenwood and Hanna are the prize.

her is anther thought. does Hanna have a lover? he might well make a good choice as well. show Lord greenwood that some one else has Hanna's heart. he could be a powerful tool to deal with lord greenwood

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:15 pm
by Hannah
Wow, how about I get a chance to have a say before we go picking fights with ancient deities?

Since it was brought up, my powers will not work on Robin Goodfellow. Why? Because they aren't my powers, they are his. Well technically they are the Oak King's, but Robin is an aspect of the Oak King, therefore he is also the Oak King.

And picking a fight, yeah, major, major bad idea for all concerned. Some of the other aspects of Robin/Oak King have a reputation as hunters and killers beyond compare. I'm not sending anyone to face that on my behalf. the moment any of you tries to step up toe to toe with him I'm totally going to have to agree to his proposal to save your life. So none of that.

As for a champion, in this one, it's a no brainer. Shadowstalker. I'm quite sure he's what TMS3 refers to as a fae knight. He has the skills, he has the tools and most importantly, the fae deal with him as an equal. Sorry Dad, but you know that it makes too much sense.

Except of course there are no duels going to be fought. Period. End of story.

So yeah, next plan.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:37 pm
by Tms3
I am advising negotiation. I think that would be a better chose there. and like I said taking him on in a stand up fight would be a last resort. not that I know every thing there is to know about this case. my many times great grandmother is not being all that helpful at the moment. I dont know if she can not or will not tell me what I need to know. though with her you can never really tell.. let me see if I have the just if this... your grand father bargend with Lord greenwood for power. in return he offered you well probably the first born female form his line. Those are the powers you now posses? and you have accepted them and used them?

That is imported Hanna it determens on rather on not we could go the the Sellie High court

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:21 am
by Hannah
I've been using the powers for years now. If I hadn't I'd be dead.

However the powers I have were never a part of the deal. My grandfather was granted safe return home and told his son would be a great champion in exchange for giving up his first born daughter. My first time in the fey realm, because I didn't understand my true parentage at the time, I identified myself as the daughter of my Grandfather.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:57 am
by Grace
I know Momma and Papa are going to be mad for me being up this late when it's not my watch shift but I just prefer the witching hours.

Hannah, the folk never, ever, ever give away anything. Especially power. There will always be a price to pay.

You have been given the power. You have accepted the power. You have used the power.

Always in the old fables it is the ones who forget to ask the price of something that pay the dearest.

In some of the ancient Celtic tales we are told that it would have been better to die than accept the gifts of the folk.

Your grandfather made his deal and got his wish.

You got your wish but haven't made the deal.

I read in a book once that the folk think it is an insult to be given something because it means to be in anothers power.

I don't like that he has insulted you. It makes me sad. :(

P.S. That something may have been clothes. Still, I think he's insulting. And also that he's a big stupid head.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:48 am
by Ronin
Welcome to the boards, Serpens Walker. I find your attitude and chracteristics to be blunt and honest. May all your hunts be as straight forward as your charm.

Tms3 wrote:here is another thought. does Hannah have a lover? he might well make a good choice as well. show Lord greenwood that some one else has Hannah's heart. he could be a powerful tool to deal with lord greenwood.

Where I come from, it is customary to ask such questions in private. Much of Hannah's life is known to us and she is an honest and straight forward person. There are probably some things she wishes to share with but a few.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:51 am
by Hannah
Hi Cynthia,

Actually the powers I have were the result of a deal between Robin and the Oak King . . . apparently Robin though I needed them for protection or something.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:08 pm
by Cybermancer
Like I said here, there are some questions that need to be addressed.

What was the Oak Kings stake in this? Has that been fullfilled? What happens if its not?

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:53 pm
by GhostSpider
I seem to have come to this discussion late, but I am going to go ahead and put In my 10 cents.

Serpens-welcome to the boards. It always good to see another demon hunter in the mix. I see nothing wrong with making a little money on the side. If you need to discuss the entwining of supernatural and mortal essence, I have first hand knowledge of it. Also, I'd just like to say that a retooled Thompson is bad ass. :twisted:

Hannah-does your Kitty cat know about Goodfellow?

Everyone else-Goodfellow is most definitely a toolbox, but your just not going to be able to kill him. Outwitting him, now that has possibilities.

Cynthia-you are scary knowledgeable about the fae, especially for a kid. Kudos to you.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:14 pm
by Tms3
out witting is always possible, As for your powers the cost could be a gias, if that is the case keep what the Gaas is to our self, do not tell me do not tell your father do not tell your priest that knowledge is for you and you alone. the reasion I know of this is some of my power came at such a cost.

though I thought goodfellow and the Oak king where the same being.

Also it should be noted that the Oak king have been defeated in physical contests. not often, and not recently. That is anther trait of the Sidhee is they link contests and to test there stainth and skill... The knight at the Cross roads

I am also looking into how you might be able to use the tangled Aliceses and none aggression pacts that the shdee courts have in your faver

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:27 pm
by Hannah
Yeah, they are separate, but they are not. Even the Oak and Holly King who fight to the death twice a year are technically both a part of the same being.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:07 pm
by Cybermancer
Like a snowflake. When viewed from different angles, the lattice appears different. But it's still the same structure.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:29 pm
by Serpens Walker
GhostSpider wrote:I seem to have come to this discussion late, but I am going to go ahead and put In my 10 cents.

Serpens-welcome to the boards. It always good to see another demon hunter in the mix. I see nothing wrong with making a little money on the side. If you need to discuss the entwining of supernatural and mortal essence, I have first hand knowledge of it. Also, I'd just like to say that a retooled Thompson is bad ass. :twisted:

Never too late to join in. A few points...

On the money front? Y'know, it's a service, and requesting a fair and equitable exchange for services provided is how America works. Besides that, gotta' eat, and I'd prefer to stay as legal as possible.

I'm more of an adventuring archeologist with an astounding ability to find trouble. Wound up demon hunting more because I happen to have a knack for it. Funny thing to have a knack for... My knowledge is eclectic and not deeply focused, however, I've seen more than a few lab coats go down while over analyzing something in the field. Field work rewards thinking fast and making decisions, not standing there trying to read some ancient inscription that you don't even know how to start translating while you have Dyvalian predators bearing down on you.

As for the Thompson... Yes, yes it is. Fate dropped that thing in my lap. I was going to buy an Ithaca 12 Gauge 8 Round Pump Action, but what can I say. The fellow behind the counter didn't have one, but sized me up and told me try this piece of history on for size. Said he'd had it for years, couldn't move it, practically gave it to me. Gotta' say, I like the range better, and there are very few weapons better for suppression fire. Eats up the ammo though.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:50 am
by Gotham Witch

I always felt bad about charging, but if I'm going to have as much work as I do that makes my part time curation job no longer an option, I have to make a living wage. I don't think that's something anyone here would fault for.

Funny thing. After you left the area was when I finally started meeting all the firearms specialists who might have been able to find you that Ithaca. I know a lovely little place down in DC that might have what you're looking for as well, next time you're on the East Coast.

Firearms wise, I've been partial to a .357 S&W lately as a sidearm, but I've been favoring a Remington 870 with extended tube lately outside of the city. 3.5" Brenneke Slugs are your friend.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:55 pm
by Serpens Walker
I prefer the firearms over powers, honestly. And I'm just fine with the ammo chewing Thompson. Starting to wonder about the gun's history, though. It's been through a few hands, and either a few of them had the spark, or it's picking up stray energies from all the trouble I've been bringing it into.

Firearms obey physical laws and don't break 'the rules.' When we start drawing magic out of both ourselves and the environment... I dunno if you've noticed, you might not be as sensitive to it as I am, but the local reality begins to break down.

Y'know, now that I'm thinking about it, that raises a question... I'm going to put that in another topic.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:15 pm
by Tms3
it depends on what you do and how you do it. If you work with the natural order and go with the forces in the area you do not have that much of a problem with it. its when you start going ageist those forces or the natural order by the stranth of your will then you start having problems. and not just with back lash. or with the law of returns but still to use magic it costs something of your self

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:03 pm
by Serpens Walker
It's not really backlash so much as it is... reality becoming entangled with potential? I'm not sure. It's difficult to describe, like looking through a kaleidoscope, only instead of colors, that's what the world seems to be doing in a subtle manner.

Maybe it's just me. The only time I ever saw something that I would describe as backlash... I think that was less backlash and more trying too hard to produce a result.

In any event, "things" are always attracted to areas practitioners have been in, no matter how benign those practitioners are, whether there's known geomantic convergence in the region or not, and for a long time after anyone has been practicing in the area. I doubt it's coincidence.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:38 am
by Tms3
one reason why I am not careful when casting out side a prepared space. and am careful to clean a perpard space. but even when not casting I have noticed that a mage can attracted things.. I do not know maybe we smell tasty

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:22 pm
by Serpens Walker
I think it's less that we smell tasty and more that casting creates resonance for those creatures to home in on, but that's really more of an application of wave form frequency to magical effects. Obviously, I don't have access to a high end particle laboratory, so this is all purely conjecture.

But y'know, I think Psychics have called it Psychic Resonance for a reason.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:52 pm
by Ron Caliburn
A Thompson huh? M1921 or M1928? Does it have the forward vertical grip as well?

I am strongly in favor of old guns still being live (ie capable of firing) and breathing (ie actually being shot periodically) but such a classic should probably not be going into the field to risk destroying an irreplaceable artifact if nothing else.

If a .45 ACP sub-machinegun is what you feel you need to get the job done and you have the proper permits, I do have H&K UMP-45s in stock and I'm expecting a couple of B&T ACPs in .45 to arrive any day. You'd find either of those just as useful of a weapon, plus lighter and easier to carry. Also if something should happen to one of the newer guns the replacement costs will be considerably less than for a collector's piece like you are toting around. Also, I sell at cost to folks from the Society and the Agency.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:03 pm
by Grace
I love me a Tommy Gun. 8)

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:22 pm
by Serpens Walker
It's an M1928A1, it does not have the front grip, and it uses the extended 30 round box (mine are authentic live fire replicas, the OE parts were missing when I bought it), although that's about the most I can tell you about it. The gun turned up as a backroom bargain because its history is untraceable... which I'm ok with, but to speak to your point, its historical value is extremely diminished. In all honesty, even considering the serial number issues, I don't believe this is an 'authentic' historical gun anyways. They've had several runs of the worlds most famous firearms over the years, and the Thompson M1A1 SMG is no exception.

I haven't found a newer gun that I like. The power characteristics are fine, and the firing mechanisms are better (the old Tommy does jam once and again), but the weight is off and the new guns, with the exception of the AK I keep looking into, are prone to more problems in actual field conditions. The Thompson occasionally jams because it needs to be lubricated. Some of the newer guns jam because of an unfortunate gust of dusty wind.

Again, I've been looking into an AK47 for a long while now-I've always been much more impressed with Russian engineering and durability than I have German. Further more, as you said, the guns you mentioned are smaller and lighter, which is a much more serious problem for me than it would be for most people. There are reasons I prefer steel and hard woods over aluminum, plastic and carbon fibre. I'm not worried about accidentally bending the solid steel construction on the Thompson due to the innate stiffness of steel vs aluminum.

I shouldn't have to be worried about that concern either, but while I'm not sure how inhuman I am at this point, I do know beyond any reasonable doubt that I am not 'simply' human either, and I'm not sure if that's because of that damn chupathingie or my suspicions of an ancient draconic heritage.

I do know that I can't attribute the lightning to skilled sorcery or the chupathingie. >.>

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:45 pm
by Ron Caliburn
A shame, you had me excited that you might have had something a little more unique there.

If weight and sturdiness is what you want, I have to agree that the Thompson is a decent choice there. It's actually about 3 lbs heavier than the AK. Of course the Thompson also lacks the option of a folding stock making it harder to stash someplace.

If you do pick up an AK, there are very few legal full autos rattling around the country. Still, in most circumstances rapid semi-auto is more accurate and more effective than fully automatic.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:37 am
by Serpens Walker
No, the Thompson isn't that unique, or at least, I don't believe it is. Can't prove it either way. But I do have something that is a LOT more unique. I DO own an authentic Mateba Autorevolver. Parts for that are very difficult to find, and it kicks a little hard, but it's one of the only firearms I've ever seen that has enough psychic resonance built up in it that it can shoot ghosts without specially blessed ammunition.

In fact, if you wanted a gun with history, that one has a traceable history. It belonged to a proper mobster during the '80s, sick piece of work that guy. A definite case of live by the gun, die by the gun. Not sure how his piece wound up at Ron's gun shop instead of being destroyed with all of the other pieces of evidence that were rounded up, but it's in my hands now. I'd actually be interested in having a known non-sensitive take a look at it, see if they can see the blood stains on it or if that's actually part of the gun's aura.

It's strange... It's like the gun has unfinished business. I really don't know how else to describe it. It's not evil, it's not good... but it IS restless. I get the feeling that if I ever handed it off, it'd find its way into the hands of someone who needed it.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:52 am
by Ron Caliburn
So it was you that picked it up? Interesting. I don't sell many of my 'historics.'

And no, I've never recalled seeing any blood on the piece after I cleaned it properly.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:29 am
by Serpens Walker
Ron's gun shop from Harlem, New York. Different Ron I think.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:53 am
by Ron Caliburn
Probably, my establishment is in DC.

I did sell a Mateba once. Curious guns, their layout offers a few advantages, especially in higher power rounds, but the added complexity of being an autoloader and a revolver at the same time makes them heavy, finicky and expensive. Which is why they went out of production after only an 8 year run.

But hey, someone will buy just about every handgun configuration you can imagine.