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Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:03 am
by Kolya
Why is it that Ron and I are the only ones demanding an explanation?

Everyone else just sort of follows the lead of GS's leash he's got them on.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:33 am
by DroopyDawg
I am not following any lead. At the same time I have no capacity other than stomping my foot and waving my fist in the air to get GS to do anything. I have to rely on those of you who have been around so much longer than I to actually determine the truth of things.
I haven't even been on this board for three months and my wife is dead. Because of someone connected to this board. I don't know what I can do to prove anything to anyone.
I just try to offer the support I am able to, and muddle through the rest.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:01 am
by Kolya
Sorry Droop, just really pisses me off and that all I can do is wave my hand. Like Ron said, maybe if we keep kicking and screaming people are going to either demand GS does something or grow tired of being lead on a leash by GS and do something themselves.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:18 am
by DroopyDawg
Either that or they'll just start ignoring us too.

Hmmm... Kolya? Do you notice we're the only ones talking? :wink:


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:33 am
by Kolya
Yes and it's because of that GS knows precisely where he stands with me.

I'm pretty sure he's not going to Russia, the Blight, or Illinois.

Why? Because he knows what will happen if he does.

I'm just going to keep reminding him of that. If the Society chooses to ignore, well you can't fix stupid.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:53 am
by DroopyDawg
So then I ask, is it stupid to kill an innocent man, because you are convinced of his guilt?

This is why I am calling for everyone to calm down. Not that I believe that GS is right, but because, as you just said, "you can't fix stupid." I have just had one, by my counting, needless death. I don't want to see there be another.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:13 am
by Kolya
He's a vampire and he's not innocent.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:17 am
by DroopyDawg
Fine, are you saying that he is guilty because he is a vampire? Or do you have proof that he is guilty that you have elected not to share?


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:42 am
by Kolya
He is guilty because he is a vampire.
He is also guilty of mocking the Society.

GS should take the example from the previous vampire we had among us and realise that the onus is on him, not me. He's just running circles around the Society and three of us are saying that has to stop.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:48 pm
by DroopyDawg
kolya wrote:He is guilty because he is a vampire.

So then he is guilty of everything that people say that he has appeared to have done, because he is, as I understand it, an emotion vampire who has an other-worldly being stuck in his head and uses a rune weapon. My, why don’t you say he is guilty of causing global warming, galactic expansion, and the national debt while you are at it?

Was not Eilonwy Solstice a vampire at one time? Have not others said that they have rune weapons or magic weapons of a similar ilk? Now, I will admit that, he does appear to be in an untenable position, and it may well be so. But, do you have proof that he is truly an evil bastard now? Personally I have no proof of his guilt or innocence. So I will not say that he is either. I will say though, that the truth must be found.

Let me ask you this, how many emotion vampires have you known? I have known none, so I can’t presume to know how their abilities work. I would have to guess that they are different from the traditional vampire from ancient lore, yet again I have no way of knowing. What if emotion vampires don’t kill people, are they evil because they are parasites? Are all parasites evil? What about mistletoe, it’s a parasite, is it evil? Oh dear, do we need to warn KT?

This is my point. I don’t have answers to any of these questions, and I have gotten the impression that GS doesn’t have all of the answers himself. Yet people here are so absolutely convinced in his guilt that you are willing to kill him outright. That is without looking for answers, or allowing him the time to look for them himself.

Here is a thinking question for you. Let’s, for argument’s sake, say that there is a being out there who is terrified of some power that GS has. A power that GS may or may not know that he has. How better to eliminate that power, than to have GS killed off? On top of that, who better to kill him, than the very people who call him ally? How better to get them to kill them off than to instill distrust, using the very things that people fear the most, to get them riled up to the point of irrationality so that they will kill him without thinking. Now with GS out of the way this being can now do large amounts of damage to the countryside, while the rest of us sit by and watch.

Is this a real scenario? I have no clue. I don’t know what the truth is. Quite frankly no one does. Was it GS on the phone that called me in the night? Was that Windner in my house and who killed my wife? I have no clue. All I know is that people are plotting to kill someone based on evidence that is not totally relevant to the alleged activity. Let me ask this, has anyone confirmed the death that I was told about in the phone call I received? Has anyone done anything to prove his guilt or innocence?

Now if you desire to kill him because he is a vampire and uses a rune weapon, then mayhaps we all should be worried about you. Because, if I start using a butter knife that has runes carved in it and has a spirit stuck inside of it, are you going to start egging people on to have my head lopped off? Or are you going to start taking pot shots at the local populace because they may be some kind of vampire? How far are you willing to allow your fears to push you?

The glorious part of being human is the ability to choose. Each and every one of us has the ability to choose how we will respond to the situations life puts us in. Look at my signature. It is a valid statement. What are you allowing to so cloud your mind that you are unwilling to look at the possibility of GS being innocent? Keep in mind I am not saying he is or is not innocent. I am just saying that it is a possibility.
Kolya wrote:He is also guilty of mocking the Society.

Btw, since when has mocking the Society been an offense, punishable by death. If this is true many of the nonbelievers who are on this site should be strung up and left to dangle. Also we all mock the Society in jest at one time or another, so should we die?
Kolya wrote:GS should take the example from the previous vampire we had among us and realise that the onus is on him, not me.
Then are you willing to give him the time to look for answers?
Kolya wrote:He's just running circles around the Society and three of us are saying that has to stop.

Are you worried that you can't keep up?


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:39 pm
by Kolya
If he's innocent why isn't actually doing anything to prove it? People around the Society care more about his innocence than he does. If you look close you'll see the leash you all are on. And the wedge he tries to drive to splinter the society. He's doing this because the Society is the one organisation that can stop him. If he can fuck up the Society, he's free to go about his evil ass ways. Since I don't want to serve this assbag's purposes, I'm going to close my mouth and hope the Society opens its god damn eyes before he's got it completely bent over the table. I guarantee he's not going to kiss you before he fucks you.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:52 pm
by GhostSpider
My, why don’t you say he is guilty of causing global warming, galactic expansion, and the national debt while you are at it?

Damn, you found me out. :wink:

Thanks for trying to clear things up Droopy. I aprreciate it. As for determining whether that call to you was real or not, here's sojme things that may help. Having gone over what you've posted, I think the call originated in Istanbul, where I was conveninetly located several days before I hopped dimensions.

Also, on the subject of empathic vampires, I know that I feed on the ambient energy found in emotions. It is an unconcious ability, and I have little control over it. However, I have never noticed any negative effects from when I feed.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:52 pm
by Kolya

Celeste Darken earned the respect of people I respect. But she was still a vampire.

GhostSpider is not earning anyone's respect. He's just pissing some of us off and jacking the rest off.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:54 pm
by DroopyDawg
Kolya wrote:He's just pissing some of us off and jacking the rest off.

Why GS that was you? :oops:

I knew I liked you.:twisted:

So Kolya, what does he have to do to earn your respect? And don't give me any crap about he should know.

Btw, what have you done to earn his respect? You have condemned him so completely, that you would be unable to see the truth if it came up and smacked you in the face with a fish.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:46 pm
by Kolya
DroopyDawg wrote:So Kolya, what does he have to do to earn your respect? And don't give me any crap about he should know.
Take an active interest in demonstrating his innocence and acceptance that he is a vampire and will be treated as such.

DroopyDawg wrote:Btw, what have you done to earn his respect?
Nothing. Everything. I don't know. I didn't merge with an evil entity and I don't feed on humans. I am not being evasive. I am not giving ambiguous answers. And I don't have fathers telling me to stay away from their daughters.

DroopyDawg wrote:You have condemned him so completely,
That's not true.

Who am I to demand anything?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:10 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Kolya wrote:Why is it that Ron and I are the only ones demanding an explanation?

Demanding hasn’t helped so far. Besides, who am I to demand anything of anyone?

I don’t even know if it was Konrad or not. But I can imagine how he feels . . . wouldn’t you feel a little defensive if you had people down your throat for something you may or may not have done, Kolya? I’m willing to wait for him to get his explanation together. Whether that makes me one of those on his “leash” I don’t know . . . .

But then, Ron hasn’t let me down, yet.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:22 pm
by Kolya
I don't get defensive.

Re: Who am I to demand anything?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:24 pm
by Kolya
Eilonwy Solstice wrote:But then, Ron hasn’t let me down, yet.
Ron's cool like that.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:42 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Hanging around here is going to give me a swollen head.

Darken had to . . . and did . . . proove what she was about. GS currently has fairly severe accusations leveled agaisnt him and refuses to refute or accept them in any rational way. Darken was up front and admited her guilt.

GS answer the questions, tell us what you know, or deal with the consequences of what answers we put together on our own.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:52 pm
by DroopyDawg
Ron Caliburn wrote:GS answer the questions, tell us what you know, or deal with the consequences of what answers we put together on our own.

Honestly, I get the impression that he doesn't have any answers yet. Add to this that the answers he gives are immediately thrown back in his face. Personally I think I might get to the point that I would say screw the lot of y'all as well.

Then if you consider the number of people who "know" that his is guilty, and feel that he needs to "pay" for it. I would be surprised if he did hang around here. I know a lot of you are a bit trigger happy with all that has happened as of late, but who of y'all is willing to kill someone because you believe them to be guilty and not because you have proof of their guilt?


Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:09 am
by Gabriel
Let me field this one... The Society is, always has been (in my experience), and always will be overly judgmental, overly trigger-happy, and overly paranoid. Not all of these are bad things... In point of fact, that last one has served a number of us quite well on quite a few occasions. The first two tend to result in not so pleasant things...

However, because of their judgmentalism and their untrusting nature, I was able to manipulate the lot of them into doing more or less what I needed them to do for me to gain Windner's trust, when I was forced into working for him.

Small silver lining. Very small.

I refer to the Society as "they" instead of "we" because...while I have allies and--dare I say it--friends here, I never truly associated myself with the Society, I was never truly and fully accepted by the Society, and, potentially most importantly for the time being, I am dead...more precisely, a ghost.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:39 am
by KonThaak
Kolya wrote:Why is it that Ron and I are the only ones demanding an explanation?

Everyone else just sort of follows the lead of GS's leash he's got them on.

Like Ei said, I'm not demanding... I've seen what others have gotten for bashing their heads into a wall--nothing. Ron's got the right idea--investigate into things yourself, as far as you can...but I have neither the energy nor the resources right now, so I leave that to others, including Konrad.

Besides which, I get the feeling *he* doesn't know what's going on, and I'd imagine he's a bit preoccupied trying to figure it out. He may be considering what the chances are that the people in this other dimension duped him into leaving his own body temporarily, without realizing he was doing so...

I don't know. I have little power over what happens, one way or another, so I don't see any point in fighting things.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:09 am
by DroopyDawg
Gabriel wrote:I refer to the Society as "they" instead of "we" because...

Gabe, while some of the others in this grouping may have issues with what you are, at the moment, I do not. As long as you are fighting to protect humanity, I am willing to stand by your side and fight with you. Regardless of what anyone else thinks.


Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:20 am
by Kolya

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:20 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Just because Gabe has done the right thing more often than he hasn't, it doesn't mean we can't forget what he is and keep a careful eye on him lest the next time he isn't play acting.

GS's indifference to trying to demonstrate his innocence of what he's been accused of, doesn't do him many favours.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:11 am
by A. Pendragon
Kolya wrote:Why is it that Ron and I are the only ones demanding an explanation?

Everyone else just sort of follows the lead of GS's leash he's got them on.
I have seen the evidence. I dont need an explanation from the vampire. He will burn. And dont even get me started on Gabriel. He has done well to hide himself from me.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:20 am
by Gabriel
I'm in Josh's house...but if you wish to harm me, you'll find the wards here will repel you.

I would like to apologize again for the misunderstanding... I never intended you harm. I've already explained that incident... What can be done to earn forgiveness?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:00 pm
by concrete_Angel
Well, to be fair, Gabe, you're more willing to take responsibility for your actions, which is rare in people causing horrible shit to happen lately. *AHEM*

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:49 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Straight answers are a nice way to start - even if you aren't sure they will get you off the hook.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:50 pm
by KonThaak
Are you talking about Gabe or Konrad...?