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Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:17 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Like KT said, it was far from pretty in there.

KT did fight like a man possessed, though it's what almost got him killed. He pretty much dove into the middle of the ghouls with a weapon that requires a lot of room to swing effectively. If he'd pulled that kind of action hero stunt solo, he would be died.

Fortunately we were working as a team and I ove in right behind him. I shifted my Piece to my off hand and drew my Blade. I spend a lot of time practicing the combo of gun and sword in close quarters and it paid off big time in the hotel. I was able to slash and shoot fast enough to keep KT's but clear while he stabalized himself and put his claidmaugh to good use.

Not that I didn't have a fair number of hits on me too, but between KT's spell and the suit I was wearing, I didn't do quite so bad. When KT's back on his feed we'll try sizing him for an armour that he can wear comfortably.

I hate it when the monster behind it all is a human. For some reason we can come up with a hell that is beyond even the demon's imagantion.

Which might be why, right after we opened up the door, Mr. Fluffers took off down the hall hissing and spitting. You can't ever trust a cat.

We later found him out in the parking lot, howling where the baddie's car had been. KT says he must have been tracking the other badguy he says was there. I think Mr. Fluffers just got over his momment of courage.

I was really surprised by KT's aggresiveness - and accuracy, with the .45 I set him up with. Especially since the necro guy had just done somehting that left my ears ringing and my vision blury. KT was barely phased by it and ended the encounter with certain finality.

By my count, there were the pieces of about a dozen different indviduals in the room Some had staf uniform some did not. It's a little hard to be sur eof the number since most of the pieces had been eaten or merged into that half compelet thing.

Fortunately it was half complete and couldn't get off it's table. The one swipe it did land on me before I hacked off it's head probably cracked a few ribs through my armour.

There was obviously another person (or thing) there, but it slipped out and took off in the car. Which is both good and bad. it was a close enough fight as it was, I don't know if we could have pulled it off with another baddie there. On the other hand, I'd liked to have put them both down.

I think this baddie has a personal in for KT, so I'm overring his objections and making sure he has a reasonable assortment with him when he goes home. A full size 2o0 guage, a .45, a set of armour if we can find some he likes, and a large batch of my special purpose ammunition. I'm building a lock box in the trunk of his car for it all that will allow it to be accessible, but very legal and very safe.

If he can get his wife to agree to it, I might make the treck upto Chi-land in a while and help set up a security system in their home. See if I can get her to see the wisedom of a few (well secured) firearms in the home as well.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:13 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Damn, that sounds like an insane battle.

So, what kind of armor do you use? I've tried a few different kinds but they never seem to really help that much. I was thinking of taking a more medival approach next time with hard armor (prolly Ti) over heavy quilted padding. Because so far the usual kevlar anti-ballistic armor, even with ceramic plates, hasn't given me much protection against claws and bites and what have you.

I still haven't gotten to the point of wielding one knife with a gun, (not counting using the bayonette on my M16A1) though when I pull them I usually dual wield knives because for whatever reason my firearms aren't working (not having an effect, out of ammo, not safe to discharge them in that area, etc.)

"If he can get his wife to agree to it..."

Well, you have a pretty strong argument for it now. "My guns saved your husband's ass."

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:10 pm
by KonThaak
Heh, well, it's a good thing my wife doesn't check this forum... She'd be pretty ticked with me if she knew I'd put myself in that much danger.

Spent the vast majority of the morning with a tapemeasure, getting dimensions of each floor of Ron's house, making calculations, and finally chalking in perfect circles around the house. Rings of salt are known to keep out a great deal of supernatural baddies, and though it'll take a lot of salt, any kind of salt will do (so he doesn't need to, say, spring for expensive table salt).

I'm also suggesting that, since salt lying around on the floor is liable to blow away or be tracked around, he paste it down with something sticky, and for added measure, lace the salt circles with silver shavings and whatnot. With the painted wards already in place, that should make this place a veritable anti-supernatural fortress.

Oh, almost forgot, again... Willie, if you check this, you'll be interested to know that this guy had tattoos similar to the Demon Fist's "handshake" all over his back. Maybe they haven't all run back to South America after all? Or maybe this guy was just a wannabe... I dunno. Wish I knew more about the dude that got away...

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:13 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I thought it had to be pure salt though. 'cause when I first heard about rings of salt I asked a guy if it could be mixed with a stabilizing agent like an adhesive and he said it wouldn't be pure salt if you did that.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:42 pm
by KonThaak
You are correct. There's a difference, though, between mixing and pasting... If you use adhesives that won't dissolve much of the salt, such as covering it with caulk, then when it dries, you have an immovable ring of salt.

I wouldn't suggest putting silver shavings under a layer of caulk, as that would severely hamper its effects, but salt is a completely different animal, so to speak. Different properties, effects different creatures, affects them in different ways, etc...

Another possibility is to use double-sided tape, and sprinkle the salt over it, but you might wanna put mats over parts of the ring that will experience heavy traffic, and check on it fairly frequently...

In short, just be careful that the adhesives you use don't dissolve anything even close to a majority of the salt you use (and remember that rock/road salt dissolves more slowly than the more finely granulated varieties), and if you're using other additives, make sure that the adhesives you use aren't going to negatively affect those things, as well.

A lot of it is fairly common-sense-type stuff... Most undead can't cross salt lines because of the energy it gives off, so covering it won't hamper it. Most baddies who react to silver react to it through touch and smell, so covering it *will*.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:51 pm
by KonThaak
Well, we found me an armor that breathes, Ron's got the strongbox in my trunk, I've got it covered by blankets, and I've got about 13 hours on the road... It's been fun, it's been interesting, and Ron's welcome to visit anytime. (I can't extend that to Mr. Fluffers yet, since both my wife and I have family histories of cat allergies, so there's a possibility our son will catch that, but if he's not allergic, then the Fluffster's welcome, too!)

Seeing what I saw the night before last has made me wanna get home real bad, though. I missed the baby shower, and Ron saw the e-mail detailing how happy my wife was at having to ask her dad for help with all the gifts...

I might post from my phone on the road, and I'll drop a line once I'm home safely.

Take care, everyone!

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:03 pm
by Ron Caliburn

My armour is a custom suit. I used a police tacitcal armour for the base, but I pulled it a part and added a few twists amoung the layers of kevlar. Near my body I have a layer of cold forged iron mesh. I have a similar layer of silver mesh on the other side of asheet of kevlar. I found out that most magic and SN energy gets stopped or deflected by one or both of those materials. A similar layer of meshes is woven into the over coat and pants I wear when fighting the baddies.

A couple of layers under the surface I've placed some steel plates in a scale mail sort of configuration. The plates aren't thick and will do nothing against a bullet, but they make slashing and stabing claws and blades slide off fairly well.

I do have the pocket for the trauma paltes, but I rarely go with anymore than the lightest ones - I don't face much gunfire.

In strategic places I've woven holy symbols into the fabric - I had a vamp go for a neck bite a while back and found a cross in his mouth instead.

On a similar vein I take the armour (and most of my gear) to a friendly priest on a regular basis to have it blessed.

I also consulted with a chinese mysic and my armour includes a few interesting substances placed in strategic areas to prevent or reduce the infiltration of negative energy.

Attached to the tactical vest I have a system of athletic padding to make me fall and impact resistant.

I cut this all very carefully for my exact measurements to preserve my maximum mobility because not getitng hit is more important than taking the hit in my mind.

As for the two weapons at once. I wouldn't call my Blade a knife, it's a polycarbonate short sword with repalceable metal edges. Depending on what I am going up against I can switch one or both edges beween steel, silver, cold forged iron or other substances. It has a holy symbol worked into the cross guard and another in the hilt. The hilt also has a spring loaded silver spike in it. My chinese mystic friend advised me on the incoprortion of some materials inside the hilt and the blade that apparently help me channel my own positive energy into the blade.

I'm not sure it works, but it sounded too usefull to pass up.

My Piece is actually a pistol configuration, semi-automatic .410 shotgun. This allows me to switch between special purpose amunition quickly. Like the Blade it's designed to allow positive energy to flow from me into the the gun when it fires. It's not a very good man stopper but KT will attest to what it can do to a ghoul.

Again, all of this gear is customed to me, I'm not sure how well it would work in the hands of someone not used to ir.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:39 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle

Ahhh, ok, I guess I'll be stocking up on caulk and salt and heading back to my home out west before returning East when I'm done in Las Vegas. Thanks for clarifying that.

Thanks for going into detail about the armor. Its funny to note that I was actually thinking of Scale Mail for the outer layer. I really liked the Cold Iron and Silver mesh idea. Holy Symbols in the fabric is clever as well.

As for your blade, the way you described it (and actually referred to it as a blade) I figured it was a sword, the interchangeable blades is a good idea.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:53 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I chose the scale mail to have the minimum interference on flexibility. I put it acouple of lyers into my suit so the bad guys don't knowit's there and to reduce the odds of a strikefinding itsway under the lip of one of the scales.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:15 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Yeah, if you want to keep the weight down you only have a few options. Its scalemail or chainmail. Although, I'm wondering why you chose steel over a titanium alloy or even a high grade aluminum. Granted, Titanium is harder to machine but its weighs considerably less than steel for equivalent protection.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:17 am
by Ron Caliburn
Because of the ammount of dough I put into the silver mesh ruled out titanium, and aluminium, while light, wasn't going give me the protection I wanted without bulking me out considerably.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:36 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
It always comes back to money, doesn't it. I'll tell ya what, if I ever find a cheap supplier of Ti plates I'll hold some back for ya.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:38 pm
by KonThaak
Just got home about half an hour ago. Ended up sleeping in my car at an out-of-the-way rest stop. My phone wasn't getting any wi-fi reception, so I was unable to post where I was... First time I've been unable to access the Net through my phone... Might've been a problem with the phone itself, though... Ah, well.

Yeah, Ron's equipment is pretty amazing. I spent part of the first night I was there just being amazed at the equipment he was capable of making/getting his hands on...

It's good to be home. My wife is fine, the baby's room is coming along nicely, and Claw reports no major incidents over here.

Gotta jet... It's lunchtime.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:32 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Well, most of my miltary and police stuff I get at cost (soemtimes less) because I sell it.

Lots of companies will give or lowball the price on a demonstration model.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:58 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well, I know that, but I'm talking about Titanium plates suitable for use as armor, which if you can get those near cost I'd be very interested.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:10 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Unfortunately I haven't found an armour dealer who wants to part with those cheap.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:22 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I figured, heh. So my offer of Titanium on the cheap if I find some stands.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:22 pm
by Willie Long
KonThaak wrote:Oh, almost forgot, again... Willie, if you check this, you'll be interested to know that this guy had tattoos similar to the Demon Fist's "handshake" all over his back. Maybe they haven't all run back to South America after all? Or maybe this guy was just a wannabe... I dunno. Wish I knew more about the dude that got away...

I'll keep my ear to the ground, find out if the "Crystal Lake Massacre" was the work of an exisiting gang or a new player.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:36 pm
by Bowie
Sounds like you guy have been busy, sorry I missed it.. Had a couple of issues lately and started working solo. (My partners fine she just needs a rest I guess some of this works gotten to her.) So between stashing my partner somewhere safe and the work I've fallen into on my own I haven't had much time to post.
Someone catch me up what's been going on? Who's missing? Who's popped up? ... Let me know.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:26 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well, Dante, Celeste, and I are working on a mysterious evil cult. Ron and KonThaak just dealt with some ghouls and some human necromancer guy. AdemaGeist is tracking down a book of magic. I don't know what Willie Long is up to currently. And I think that covers the general stuff.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:21 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I haven't heard much of anything from the crew that cleaned out that apartment building in LA with me.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:22 pm
by Willie Long
KonThaak wrote:The shotguns. The first one Ron gave me was cool-looking, but my shoulder is still sore from the kick it put out...

His Saiga, right?

She was pregnant...or had been, before these bastards got ahold of her. I lost almost all my vision for a second...all I could see was my wife, lying there in that bloody mess.

When I first read that, I thought you were saying it was Mrs. KT, that they'd gotten hold of her.

(Hate to dredge up bad memories; I'm just killin' time waiting for this Frenchman to show so we can snatch 'im.)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:44 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I read it that way at first too. "Holy cr... err nevermind."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:46 pm
by KonThaak
Well, now that you've both met her, you have just a tiny little taste of what I went through when I saw that...

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:23 pm
by Shadowstalker
Nasty anyway you look at it and in your case more so, don't blame you for going ballistic at the time.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:41 am
by Razor
KonThaak wrote:I haven't done physical wards in some time, but Ron couldn't maintain, upkeep, or reinforce the spiritual wards I use on my home... They're basically modified runes from the Elder Futhark alphabet that are commonly associated with protection, placed in strategic places around the insides of the outer walls of the building.

Wanna make that a little bit stronger?

If you know how to write it out entirely... this was suggested by basically a High Priest of Elder Futhark, which I am training under.

"Protect me (or my house) oh champions of Valhalla" written as one continuous line, over and over and over again around the base of your house, or around a doorframe, ect. I've found that the protection wards work alright, but once I put that phrase up here on campus in my room, well... Nothing has gotten in.

*looks over at the set of Runes he's currently making* I guess that's a hint I should get these finished. Oh yeah... KT, do you use the blank rune, or have you discarded it?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:45 am
by Holister
I believe Razor that the blank rune is called Wyrd. From what I know about runes. How do I know about runes....damn programming!

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:14 am
by Razor
Well, if I had known I would be doing work with Runes today, I would have brought my Rune journal. (Helps me keep track of readings I do, new insights I have, and to get more practice at writting in Runic)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:33 am
by Holister
I also know a guy who has a runic symbol of thorn across his back as a birthmark. Hows that for the ol' believe it or not file.