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Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:43 pm
by danorviel
There are numerous tales of the fey going after the young for various reasons. Of course, there are other tales about creatures that target children where those creatures are not fey. So many things in this world that we mere humans do not understand.

Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:25 pm
by Hannah
danorviel, there are a lot of different sorts of creatures in mythology. In he case you're describing, the origin seems to be a coercive tactic used by parents. However, what original legend inspired its use as such has been lost.

Usually these spirits are descried as coming to get the child. In the case of Rowan's encounter, the spirit lures children to it. So I don't think we are dealing with the same sort of creature.

Rowan, my condolences on the loss you suffered. I am glad you were ultimately able to escape the creature and bring peace to it's other victims.


Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:35 pm
by danorviel
Hannah, I agree that it isn't the same sort of creature. I merely noticed some similarities. Thank you for your answer and I am also glad that Rowan escaped and was able to bring peace to other victims. :)

No hopes for seeing it tonight, but who knows

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:24 pm
by Rowan
Thanks. With luck, something can be done so it never happens to anyone else ever again.

Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:47 pm
by danorviel
I hope something can be done about this place, Rowan. If I come across anything in my research that might help, I will be sure to let you know.

Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:14 pm
by Gotham Witch
I've been awfully busy of late, and didn't have a chance to read this tale in its entirety until lately.

Rowan - needless to say... wow. Clearly you went through a lot. I can't even imagine how I'd go through such an ordeal - though I suppose we all have the capacity to persevere in the face of such horrors, given a little help. When I was growing up, I never realized how much my father worked to keep my family safe from such things until after he was gone.

I appreciate you sharing your story. It must have been hard.

On the brighter side, you have contacts now if such trouble were to occur again anytime soon. One can't change the past, but perhaps the outcome can be different this time.

Nobody has ever believed me before

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:28 pm
by Rowan
Thank you, Gotham Witch. It has been hard indeed. Yet, help is found where help is needed, it seems. The Gingerbread House didn’t show up this year—or the eight years previous, either. Maybe next year will be different.

It’s odd . . . the people here have been the first to believe my words. Perhaps I should relate my other experiences.

Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:34 pm
by Hannah
Well here you're kind of preaching to the converted Rowan. We won't assume your stories are untrue just because they seem impossible. Most of us know that the impossible really isn't.


Indeed, the impossible—isn’t

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:34 pm
by Rowan
Thank you. There doesn’t seem much else I can say, is there?—other than to relate chosen experiences, comment on others’ tales, and become a part of this otherly existence.

Re: Call Me Rowan

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:49 am
by Tms3
Wow Rowan. That is quit a tail.... I can only say I am sorry it was you. I should post some of my experiences... where you dealing with the Sidhee. its possible. maybe of it was lower court that might explain why it could not fallow you. the lower courts of the sidhee are often bound to a place a faerie circle. a grove. they cant go far form there places of power.

those can be vary hard things to deal with...... did it seem like more time passed out side then it did when you where in the house.. that could be a sign that you spent time under hill... just keep in mind that not all of the Sidhee are out to harm you. some dont understand humans all that well... and some mean well but you know what the say about the road to hell. it just can be hard to tell which is which so it may be best to avoid them