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Re: Destiny?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:42 pm
by The Councilor
There is no such thing as destiny or fate. Those who chain themselves to such beliefs are truly pitiable. They give their lives over to something beyond their control. Fools, all of them.

Re: Destiny?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:41 pm
by biggie

i don't believe in coincidences...

at the most we can avoid something and put off your destiny...

but what must happen,WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN...

i know some people don't want to feel constricted to one path to follow,
but just because one thing must be done,doesn't mean it can't be changed after the initial effect...

like if someone HAS to die...

they WILL DIE...

but no-one said they couldn't be brought back... :wink:

Would your friends like to come back?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:25 pm
by Clarity
_____Are you going to try to bring back your friends from the cave, Mr. biggie? Do you think they would like that? If it was their destiny to die, does that mean it’s their destiny to come back?

Re: Destiny?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:30 pm
by biggie
i never said that at all...

i just stated that your not constricted to your fate...

like "jesus" died but was returned through resurrection...

what my point is really,is you can except YOUR fate,or alter the aftermath of what is to come...

it's purely up to personal choice...


i'm not evil in anyway if that is what your hinting :?

i'm just looking for answers...

and trying to put my two cents in... :wink:

Goodness! I wasn’t hinting at anything . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:33 pm
by Clarity
_____Goodness! I wasn’t hinting at anything, Mr. biggie. It was just a question, since you seemed very sad to lose your friends. I’m looking for answers too. Something happened to Ethan you see, and I’m not tough like Mr. Ron or powerful like Mr. Shadowstalker or pretty like Miss Huntress or smart like Hannah. I’m just a girl. Ethan taught me, while we are free to decide our own choices, we are not free to choose the consequences of our choices. And I think I believe him, because I don’t think he enjoys where he is right now. Wherever that is. I’ll bet if he could come back, he would. So it’s left to me to help him.
_____If I may use your own grim example, you may kill the teen and feel remorse about it afterward, but you will probably go to jail even though you feel awful about it. Probably because of it. You can try to escape or continue to run, but you’ll have to pay for your actions eventually.
_____P.S. I hope you didn’t really kill a teen.
_____P.S. Again. And I don’t like using “you” examples, because I haven’t killed anybody, I never want to be a hired killer, and I don’t want to be heartless and cold, either. I want to care about people and help them for free.

Re: Destiny?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:16 pm
by Lord Shakar
Questions Clarity. Do you know what sort of place Ethan is being held in?

No . . . I don’t know what sort of place . . .

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:43 pm
by Clarity
_____No . . . I don’t. It’s so frustrating.

Clarity, have you even seen Huntress? You ARE tough . . .

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:56 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Lord Shakar wrote:Immortality has its price sometimes its worth it to pay it.

And sometimes it’s far from worth it.

Clarity, have you even seen Huntress? You’re tough, you’re pretty, and you’re smart. But more importantly to many here, you are kind and thoughtful. More than one member would describe you as an angel, not “just a girl.”

And as for Ethan, do you have anything that belongs to him? Maybe we can get a psychic read on him if you do.

Re: No . . . I don’t know what sort of place . . .

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:30 am
by Lord Shakar
Clarity Grace wrote:_____No . . . I don’t. It’s so frustrating.

Hmmm as Mrs. Solstice has asked if you have something that belonged to him we might be able to get a lead on where he is. And if he is imprisoned somewhere. Well I have met very few prisons that can not be escaped. Though the ones that can't are real.... Nevermind on the ones that can't be escaped. Let us just move one step at a time and focus on if you have something belongs to Ethan.

I haven’t been to his house since I ran away . . .

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:36 pm
by Clarity
_____Well, I haven’t been to his house since I ran away. Though I still have the sunglasses he gave me. But I lost the lighter. Would the glasses help?
_____P.S. Maybe I should start my own thread? That way, Mr. Shang can still talk about destiny.

Re: I haven’t been to his house since I ran away . . .

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:41 pm
by Lord Shakar
Clarity Grace wrote: _____P.S. Maybe I should start my own thread? That way, Mr. Shang can still talk about destiny.

You probably should at that Clarity

That’d probably help, yes.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:05 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
That’d probably help, yes. Just tell us what you have, what you want, and what you’re willing to do and we’ll help as best we can.

Re: Destiny?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:44 pm
by biggie

don't worry i'm sixteen myself,and i've never killed anyone,and hopefully i will never have to in the future...

i'm sorry for your friend,i know my friend is in a good place... :D

somethings are just out of our control...

but with enough will power and concentration,we can take control and put things into place...