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Good luck . . .

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:55 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
Good luck everyone.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:05 pm
by Ethan Skinner
Magdalena, Shaman, Clarity.

Check your PM's.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:53 am
by Diemos
GhostSpider wrote:DO NOT OPEN THE JAR!!!!!

Thats sounds like a Lasae demon. Very mean and very viscious. Kill it, kill it now.

Very good Mr GhostSpider. They are very mean and viscious...but to kill it, he would have to open it...and are you sure he should do that? :twisted:

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:12 pm
by GhostSpider
Whats it to you Diemos?

Bear, if your reluctant to open the jar, send it to me. I have experience in disposing of demons.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:47 am
by Magdalena
The demon worries me less than the jar. Those runes could be much more worse than the demon inside it.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:51 am
by Natasha
You can send me a photograph of the runes, and I will tell you what do they say.

Or I can detour before heading back to Russia to help.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:13 pm
by KonThaak
The runes are completely to contain the demon inside the jar...

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:17 pm
by Kolya
Effective way to send a message.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:28 pm
by Bearshaman
Natasha wrote:You can send me a photograph of the runes, and I will tell you what do they say.

Or I can detour before heading back to Russia to help.

I have sent a copy of the runes, well as closely as I could copy them to KonThaak. If you would like, you may come by my home, I will leave a message to allow you access to the demon. If you think you are capable of destroying it, you are more than welcome. I will send the info on where it is locate later.

Right now, I am heading to Bay area to assist Magdelala. Our cases may be more related that we think, and if not, then I still can possibly be of assitance to her and her friends down there.

Oh, Natasha, just a side thought, if you show up, please don't make any threatening moves towards the "dogs" that you may see around the house. Those are actually a couple of Wolf Spirits that I asked to watch over the place, as a favor. That one is going to cost me later, but better safe than sorry. They respond mostly to intent rather than actions, so unless you are intent on harming innocents they should leave you be.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:28 am
by Bearshaman
I have decided to take Ethan and Magdalena up on their offers of assistance. Since Ethan is in Los Angles, I am traveling through the San Fransisco area and picking her up.

First time she saw the box of "items" she paled and said she didn't want to examine them too closely yet.

We were traveling south, when she mentioned that a black van had been following us for about 10 miles now, keeping 3 cars back, but keeping us in view. I didn't think anything of it at first, but from the look on her face I thought that she may have been correct.

When we stopped to get some food to eat, the van was parked several blocks away. It was a black van with tinted windows, but unremarkable by any means. We didn't want to draw attention to ourselves by confronting them, since it could be the Cult that she had been dealing with lately. So we got back in the Explorer and took off.

I had thought that we had lost them when Magdalena mentioned they were back again. Now I am very glad that she was with me.

When we pulled into LA, the van disappeared. They were nowhere to be seen, and Magdalena wasn't sure if they had followed us or kept traveling on the highway.

Heading towards Saint Hope Hospital which was near Ethan's home, we decided to stop and walk the rest of the way, so we could blend in with the crowds and perhaps not stick out.

As we passed the hospital, Magdalena suddenly dropped, as if she was taken ill. As she fell, I heard screeching tires and someone shout, "DIE HELL SPAWN!!!!" and the whistling of bullets as they cut through the air.

I felt the bullets rip through my flesh and bone, splattering Magdalena with my blood, making me drop to one knee. Looking around, I realized that whoever was shooting was an excellent shot, firing from a moving vehicle they kept the bullets in a tight pattern, unfortunately, that target was me. I was having a hard time breathing, and realized that one of my lungs was probably punctured.

Focusing past the pain, I was recalling a healing spell, since I may be able to regenerate, I wasn't sure if I could survive so many bullets even though they weren't silver, when I heard a soft moan to the side.

It seemed I wasn't the only one hit, several people around me had also been hit. I realized that some of them might not survive, so I would have to try and use the healing spells on them first.

"Bear, Guardian of the Dream Lodge, Healer, lend me your strength to heal the wounds of those innocents that have been hurt."

My concentration wasn't the greatest, and I could feel the power slowly flowing towards one of the people that had been hit, when Magdalena placed her hands on my shoulders...then suddenly power surged through me and I felt the spell expand, not just to the woman I was trying to heal, but the others as well. Looking down, I watched amazed as all the wounded started to heal quickly, including myself.

Realizing that we might want to leave before someone noticed what was going on and organized a lynch mob (Have had that happen before) I took Magdalena's hand and used her added strenght for another spell. "Fox, Lord of the Unseen, coat us with your ability to be unseen." We faded, not just from sight, but apparently from the memories of those around us as they seemed to be confused as to what had happened.

We then made our way to Ethan's very rapidly.

Might that be one reason they are after her?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:23 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Bearshaman wrote:My concentration wasn't the greatest, and I could feel the power slowly flowing towards one of the people that had been hit, when Magdalena placed her hands on my shoulders...then suddenly power surged through me and I felt the spell expand, not just to the woman I was trying to heal, but the others as well. Looking down, I watched amazed as all the wounded started to heal quickly, including myself.

Realizing that we might want to leave before someone noticed what was going on and organized a lynch mob (Have had that happen before) I took Magdalena's hand and used her added strenght for another spell. "Fox, Lord of the Unseen, coat us with your ability to be unseen." We faded, not just from sight, but apparently from the memories of those around us as they seemed to be confused as to what had happened.

We then made our way to Ethan's very rapidly.

Wow . . . that’s quite a bit of power behind that healing, Bearshaman. Even considering Magdalena’s help . . .

Might that be one reason they are after her?

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:38 pm
by Bearshaman
Ethan was able to do some quick forensic tests on the items in the box, that is after he got over the initial shock of us walking in covered in blood.

The skins were a weretiger, wererat and a werewolf. All three were professionally skinned, other than that, there was little evidence. No fingerprints. The heart apparently had been removed from a vampire, when blood was placed on it, it started to beat again, but soon stopped. Talk about creepy.

As for Magdalena and the power surge, she explained that to me. When she touched my shoulder, she felt contact with the Spirits themselves and acted as a conduit to their power. It caused her a little discomfort but hopefully nothing permanent.

I still haven't heard back about the demon in the jar, whether or not it was destroyed, so will have to contact those that offered their assistance in that part and see if it was taken care of.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:01 am
by Natasha
I meant to stop by but had to return quickly to work. I should have taken more effort to leave a message.

From all I know, the little demon was destroyed. I hope so. If not, it must be. It cannot be allowed to live, even in a magical prison jar.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:14 am
by Magdalena
I felt crummy for letting him down like that. I'm not used to this sort of action, even after the dreamstream experience of rescuing Hannah. I'm not the fighter type still. I haven't the combat reflexes that some of the guys (and girls) I've met here have. When my Sixth Sense tripped I dropped and before I could warn Bearshaman about the hailstorm of bullets that ripped through the air. I could hear the whizzing bullets overhead and heard them slamming into Bearshaman and the crimson spray of blood covering me. I reached out to pull him down but he went to a knee from the shots he had taken. I realized then that my ears were ringing but somehow managed to hear the screetching tires tearing away from us. I blinked a few times and saw Bearshaman reaching out to a female that I suddenly saw who was laying next to me. I sat up and reached out for his shoulders as I saw his lips moving. It happened so slowly in my eyes but I know it was a lot faster than that, of course. Before I knew it, he had pulled me to my feet and we were running for Ethan's. My ears finally stopped ringing but I was still pretty dazed and confused upon our arriving. I had forgotten about the blood all over me, but I soon became aware of it.

I'm not sure if I was a target or not. They were apparently good shooters. Perhaps they confused me for the other lady and shot her instead. I'm not sure if those shooters are related to the guys I'm after or not but I'd bet the farm that they are.

Do you think they know better now, Magdalena . . .?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:23 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Do you think they know better now, Magdalena? You might want to leave some sort of warning for that woman. And I’m glad you two are doing okay . . . at least as can be hoped for, considering.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:38 pm
by Magdalena
I don't know and I have no idea where she is. I think she'll be OK though. When I dropped they might not have seen me and just opened up on the "female" nearest Bearshaman. I'm questioning the skill of the shooters the more I think about it. Of course, the more I think about it, the more I get to hyperventilating. Somebody's trying to kill me. That's not an easy pill for a woman like me to swallow. But I need to know what's happened to my daughters. And I need to stop these monsters from doing any more harm to people. I'm waking up to the realization that I probably have to kill them and to kill them before they kill me. It's all new. It's freaking me out. Odd though. With each experience it's getting easier to cope with all these things going on. It feels kinda good as if now I'm getting somewhere whereas for the last few years I've felt like I've just been spinning my wheels in the mud. I'm shivering a little. I need to get back to work.

Good luck.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:10 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Good luck.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:05 pm
by Ethan Skinner
It wasn't so much shock at the blood as it was the feeling you exuded, Shaman. But I guess that was from the heart. Truly remarkable. Wish you had let me keep it.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:44 am
by Bearshaman
Mag, you didn't let me down, I am just glad the bullets weren't silver. If they were, not sure if I would have survived long enough to use any healing magicks. As for trying to warn me, from what I understand of those sixth sense warnings, they are pretty much a 2 second warning, enough time to move, but not enough to really get much beyond that.

Ethan, I am worried about that heart, you said something is strange about it?

Sorry if my aura put you off, but sometimes the natural predator comes out, especially if blood has been spilt.

A vampire’s heart is not a bauble . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:08 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
A vampire’s heart is not something one ought to just leave lying around the house . . .

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:25 pm
by Magdalena
Bearshaman wrote:Mag, you didn't let me down, I am just glad the bullets weren't silver. If they were, not sure if I would have survived long enough to use any healing magicks. As for trying to warn me, from what I understand of those sixth sense warnings, they are pretty much a 2 second warning, enough time to move, but not enough to really get much beyond that.

Ethan, I am worried about that heart, you said something is strange about it?

Sorry if my aura put you off, but sometimes the natural predator comes out, especially if blood has been spilt.
You might be a little too forgiving, but I'm not going to argue that. :)

I'm going to be in touch one way or another. I'd like it to be just saying "hi" but I know better than that.

My spirit friend got some details of the vehicle and the shooters and an anonymous tip has been sent to the cops. If the vehicle, most likely stolen, is ever recovered and we can get to it (and that's a realistic shot given my contacts) then we might be able to get a lead on the shooters and then on to frying bigger fish.

But for now I'm laying a little low, trying not to get killed and still make some progress.

Bearshaman, Ethan, Clarity, you all should be extra careful; there's no telling what can happen now that you've been associated with me. Sorry.

Are bad dreams dangerous?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:36 pm
by Clarity
_____Okay. I’ll be extra careful.
_____Do you think having bad dreams is dangerous?

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:24 pm
by skeptic
I think so.
Pain is nature's way of telling you something is wrong.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:53 pm
by Bearshaman
One benefit, if you could call it that, from the slaughter of all the supernatural in the area, is that I haven't heard/sensed anything lately. No critters attacking campers. No missing hikers. No vampire attacks. Although I am beginning to worry about the fires that have broken out up here.

I do miss the others of my clan, but since I was the only one that chose to embrace my animal side, I was used to running the forest alone in wolf shape.

I am beginning to wonder if its the calm before the storm though, it really is too quiet. Even the faeries have seemed to gone into hiding. Has anyone else noticed the quiet in this area?

I think several of us would call that a benefit . . .

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:36 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
Bearshaman wrote:One benefit, if you could call it that, from the slaughter of all the supernatural in the area, is that I haven't heard/sensed anything lately. No critters attacking campers. No missing hikers. No vampire attacks. Although I am beginning to worry about the fires that have broken out up here.

I think several of us would call that a benefit, Bearshaman. No offense intended, of course.

But if they were attacking hikers, it was probably a good thing that they were taken down? Maybe you had better leave, though? If you are the sole remaining . . . werecreature . . . there’s an excellent chance that they’re hunting you. Maybe the fires are their way of trying to lure you out?

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:57 pm
by Bearshaman
No offense taken. Almost all the weres in this area of Northern California were pacifists. There was the occassional migrate from other places that had to be put down.

I hadn't thought about the fires being a way to herd me. They are in a circle around my normal patrol areas. So I have been going less farther afeild. I may have to slow patrols down to human shape, going as a regular hunter.

Thanks for the insight Eilonwy, you are quite thoughtful and intelligent. Keep Ron out of trouble now. :D 8)

I’ll try, Bearshaman . . . but you know how Ron can be.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:57 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
You’re welcome, BearShaman. Keep us posted.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:01 am
by Bearshaman
I thought that saying things were quiet would not be as bad as saying that I was bored. Guess I stuck my foot in my mouth about that.

The other day, my partner and I went for a moonlight walk, when the smoke cleared up a little. We were just relaxing, and I had let my guard down. Big mistake! Before I realized it, we were surrounded by 6 men, all wearing black body suits, like a bunch of ninja wannabes. I figured that perhaps they were just a bunch of idiots looking to rough someone up. I didn't shift, but decided to test out some of my combat skills that I have finally learned.

Even in human form, I am stronger than a normal person; faster too, plus I can see in the dark. So I had advantage over these goons. They were using iron pipes and tire irons in their attack, concentrating on me. I struggled for time to send Kevin back to the car to what I hoped was safety. He has a bad knee, so he couldn't move very quickly. That was when I noticed one of the attackers had pulled a knife. He was staggering towards Kevin, and I lost control.

I must have hit the guy harder than I thought. He flew back into the brush. As his body flew towards the brush, I realized his head had been seperated from his shoulders, and lay 10 feet from where he landed. That stopped me cold. I had just killed a man, at least I thought I did. There wasn't any blood. The guy didn't scream or anything when I hit him. This freaked me out.

The shock gave the last 3 attackers an opening, and they used it. They started wailing on me hard. They cracked a couple of my ribs and bruised the hell out of me. The pain and shock brought me back around. (As a note, I regenerate my wounds, but they still hurt like hell.) It took a few minutes to send those last guys running. I let them go, and was curious about the one that landed in the brush.

Just as I started to go toward where he landed, I realized that 3 more had appeared on a rise nearby and were watching me. They were wearing blood red robes, strange symbols on the sleeves, and I couldn't see their faces. I thought this strange. I see in the dark about as good as most of the members can in broad daylight, almost 50 feet. Thier outlines were like shadows in the dark.

I figured one of them must be using some supernatural power. So I cast a quick detection spell. Not only were they using magic, their robes were magical as well. At least one was a magical creature of some kind, and the sword one of them had drawn was practically glistening with magic. I shifted to hybrid form as fast as I could, figuring I would need all the advantage I could gain.

The one with the sword moved in a blur, and I couldn't keep track of him. He moved so fast, I was swiping at his shadow. His blade sung over my head and I felt a stinging pain. The bastard had cut off the tip of my left ear.

Grabbing it , he jumped back to the others and all three just vanished as I scrambled up the rise. It's taken me a week to grow back the upper part of my ear. I finally don't have to wear a bandage and tell people that I tried to get my cartillage pierced and it had become infected.

Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:00 am
by Bearshaman
Gotten quiet out here again. Beginning to wonder if that....


Re: West Coast Hunters?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:57 am
by Shadowstalker
??? Bearshamen you ok?