Of Heretics & Matyrs

Notices, advisories, and questions answered by official Lazlo Agency staff.
Posts: 52
Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:44 am

Post by Stephen »

Hello Again Gentlemen

To my dismay, there is in fact a traitor amongst the ranks of Lazlo, then again thereis not. I never would noticed it, but a keen eye for detail and patience pointed ut fromthe surveillance records, that the traitor s not in fact one person, but one person capable of being more than one. A changeling.
A mythical race of polymorphing being capable of becming anyone they see, but with one atal flaw Im affraid. His appearance is too identicle to surveillance footage.

Its features are reversed (scars, tattoos, etc.) are n the opposite sides. This being has been luring around for the past 6 months now, and I have evidence that it has infiltrated my own orginazation.
Looks like I have to include Changelings in my next security upgrade.

As for the Parenovirus, it is secured at the moment. We are still as of yet unable to break the gene sequence of the unknow line of code within the virus. It is similar to the ...Ild rather not say. The last thing I want is to be declared a monster, but Svarius is indeed one disturbed individual.

The viral outbreaks have ceased, this mean that he either has given up, out of virus, or he is stock piling for something very big.

I will keep you informed as things unfold. I hope for the sake of all that he doesn't attempt what I believe is the "worst case senario"

Well until we speak again;

Knowledge is power!
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