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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:52 am
by Ron Caliburn
I suspect, if anything, it will go after those of you I know reasonably well first. But if it can do to them what it can do to me, it will start spreading through the Society like influenza.

I tried so long to be careful To keep myself aloof. But here I started to feel appreciated. I started to feel like I belonged to something greater than myself. I got sloppy and started to make friends.

Now I might have set in moton their deaths.

I'm sorry, everyone.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:59 am
by Crosshair MT
Ron this is not your fault. I don't care what this thing is you are not at fault for it's actions. We will find a way to deal with it and then get Rhonda out.

Is it possible this thing could be from Rhonda's fears of the world outside the compond she and you grew up on? If this is the case then you a re not at fault and neither is she, just bad timeing and luck on this thing getting out.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:05 am
by Ron Caliburn
Fear is a way of life in the compound. Fear is the control that keeps everyone there and obedient.

Is there anyway we cans top this thing? I mean, really? It can go anywhere, anywhen it wants. It can turn our own memories agaisnt us. It's stronger and faster than we are and knows us about as well as we know ourselves.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:24 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Now wait a second. We're heroes on this plane of existence. We do pretty well here. Then we have people who can operate on the Astral plane. Is it possible there's a Dream Plane somewhere with heroes that we can get aid from?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:30 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Sorry to say this Ron, I like ya enouh I suppose, I don't know you from Jack. I don't think anybody here can really say they do. You keep referring to this thing as part you and part your dad. From I what read from previous posts, I get the impression ya had a very f****d up childhood. Join the club. But what the hell did YOU unleash. This thing isn't your sister's nightmare, its yours isn't it. Its the sum of your all the crap that's happened to you, happened by you, and rolled into one nasty lil glimpse into who Ron Caliburn really is. Tell me Ron why would this thing go after your sister,
from I what I read in previous posts, the only person so hell bent on freein her is you, so how far would go to "free" her, to save her. Would you kill her to do it.
What twisted dark thoughts are running through the head of Ron Caliburn.

The only way any of us can even begin to understand this thing is to finally get to know the real Ron Caliburn, or whoever the hell you really are. This thing isn't some nightmare, its you isn't it. That part of you that scares you the most. Its time to start talking Ron, let us in for God's sake befoire this thing succeeds in what it's tryin to do.

Im here for you man, but I can not look at my Molly, and not help but think about your sister. This thing isn't your sister's demon, its yours......

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:04 pm
by Ron Caliburn
This isn't my demon. I have no wish to harm any of you or any innocent. That is where me and my father diverged. He'll fight the demons when the final battle comes. I go out to fight them so the final battle doesn't have to come.

He ignores the innocent. I put my life on the line to keep them from harm. So me trying to put her "out of her misery" in the cult is ridiculous. I couldn't do that to anyone, but especially not her. If you check the threads talking about trying to rescue her, the main underlying theme in all of them is Zero Casualties. That means to the people in the compound, to the rescue team and of course, to her.

I don't know where this thing came from or exactly what it is. Shadow says it's one of Rhonda's nightmares come to life. He knows more about this and he was there when it happened. So I have to go by what he says. If you really think this thing came from somewhere else I suggest you take it up with him.

You look at your innocent niece and think she couldn't come up with a nightmare so strong. But your niece didn't grow p getting ready for the end of the world. Every waking thought, every deed, from the time we are old enough to talk, is focused on creating a perfect army for god to scourge the earth with. The men learn how to figh, the women learn how to tend to the men. There is no room for fun, no room for love, no room for life, only duty.

Duty and fear. The fear of what will happen if you fail your duty. The fear that your one momentary distraction (to smell a flower perhaps) will be enough that ultimate evil shall break the ranks of God's army and damn you, your family and all others to eternal torment.

All the children in that compound have nightmares if not nightly at least weekly. Most of the adults too. The children sleep communally so that the parents don't have to wake up when a child has a nightmare. I can still remember the screams from the bunks around me.

If a nightmare could take flesh anywhere, it's there.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:05 pm
by Holister
Looks to me Ron, that your more screwed up than yo relize. You are trying so hard not to be him, that your starting to sound like him.

Maybe you should just go back and pull her out of that place yourself You say you want 0 casulties, I don't think your old man feels that way. He screwed you up but good Ron, you say that your more concerned with saving the innocent, then go save them.

She needs you Ron, maybe its about time you settled the one thing you have yet to.

As for this nightmare thing, why would she have it, ask yourself that question. Or perhaps you don't want to really know the answer to that question. Could your sister see you and your father as one and the same person. If so, why?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:29 pm
by Shadowstalker
Holister some of your ideas hold some merit but you are still working with a major flaw. This thing came from Rhonda, as I have said before these things are not uncommen in youths that have powers and well a little detail I haven't shared with anyone but Ron is that Rhonda saved my hide by casting a spell and knocking the thing off balance so I could put it on the defense, I know where it came from.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:39 pm
by Kolya
Shadowstalker wrote:knocking the thing off balance so I could put it on the defense, I know where it came from.
Yea, that thing has monsterous strength. I wrestled with it once, and if I have to do it again I am not sure I would be so lucky...

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:47 pm
by Shadowstalker
As I have said this thing is dangerous, but it is not unbeatable. On a up side Rhonda's dreams have been a bit more quiet of late, not to many nightmares and the dark feel of an other is gone as well.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:14 am
by Ron Caliburn
Hollister, you weren't here when the first bits of information about the compound started to seep out, but there are good reasons why I don't go in there and take her out physically. As a lawman I'm sur you are familiar with the debacles of Wacco Texas and Ruby Ridge.

My folks are as millitant if not more than those. Worse still, for decades they've been working on a breeding program to develop the abilities of the folks living in the compound. Their goal is to create a new army for heaven. Right now, between 10 and 20% of the people in there are what Dr. Lazlo reffered to as "awakened."

I have some ideas, but right now they have to wait until spring for when the children are out in the fields - otherwise there is no way this won'tturn into blood bath.

As for how messed up I am, I got the clean bill of health up stairs a while back.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:16 pm
by Shadowstalker
Yeah Ron is as sane as the rest of us for what thats worth. But then nobody said being the good guy was a safe or smart idea much less sane. Think about it we deal with things by choice more often than by need we face the Darkness not because we have to but because we feel it is our Duty to protect others. Well thats my take at least.

Dreamscape and You

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:25 pm
by Razor
To a previous post in this thread, there is such a thing as the DreamScape. ITs actually a subdivision of the Astral. Everybody goes there in part when they sleep. There are DreamMasters of all various shapes and sizes and powers there that could possibly help. I myself have some experience in the DreamScape working as a DreamShield.

DreamMasters can warp and play with the DreamScape like virtual reality. They are the ones that would go after Freddy Krueger and could very likely win, if he wasn't 'immortal'.

DreamShields are usually people that go out and find those that are having trouble, such as reoccuring terrible nightmares, and the like and take on those dreams for them, or bring them to another corner of the Dreamscape that they can shape and control so as to give those under their charge rest. They can also fight with such proficientcy in the DreamScape as to leave wounds upon the physical body of those they fight, even to the point of being able to kill them. (Much like Freddy... Dream Masters can do the same) DreamShields aren't as powerful as Masters but they are certainly valuable in their own right.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:30 pm
by Shadowstalker
I have met a few and been called something like that myself by some.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:52 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Great! So can you guys call in some help with this living nightmare thing?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:02 pm
by Kolya
Sounds promising.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:38 pm
by Shadowstalker
I have been looking but they are not people you find readily. The reson being many people find the idea of someone who can move through their dreams to be distrubing.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:38 pm
by KonThaak
The biggest problem here is that Nightmare Ron can manifest physically. We don't know if this is an at-will kind of thing, or if it's something that takes a while... We don't know if he goes back and uses Rhonda to get in and out of the dreamscape or dreamstream or whatever undetected, or if this is an innate ability he possesses on his own. The fact that Shadow alluded earlier to its ability to use magic has gotten me thinking in the past few days...

We're not dealing with an ordinary Nightmare. Ordinary Nightmares can feasibly get into the physical plane, but they lose almost all magic-like abilities they may have had in the dream. It may be because none of my sources know anyone who's known a living Nightmare terribly long (they're one of those things that are put down ASAP, for obvious reasons), but I've not heard of any Nightmares able to just pop in and out of dreamland all on their own. My sources were pretty adamant about that, though several of them did admit that most of the Nightmares they've dealt with or heard about have only lasted a few days.

Ordinary Nightmares can go back to dreamland through the person they originally came out of, but it sounds like Shadow's been monitoring Rhonda's sleep, and that end's been all clear. Kolya has apparently tangoed with this thing physically, and Ron has dealt with it in his dreams...

Which of course begs the question... WTF?

All I can say always, approach with caution. It's been pointed out that it's not unbeatable, so what it is isn't so important as that we can kick the living crap out of it one way or another.

Just be careful not to get taken out in the process, guys.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:13 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
KT, has your researched uncovered anything that would prevent (or at least make it more difficult for) something getting into our dreams? Lines and Rings of salt or garlic or such block some creatures. Have you found anything that would ward off something that travels through the, uhh, dreamscape, dream stream, whatever?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:48 am
by Ron Caliburn
KonThaak wrote:It's been pointed out that it's not unbeatable, so what it is isn't so important as that we can kick the living crap out of it one way or another.

Just be careful not to get taken out in the process, guys.

That's the most sensible thing you've ever said.

As for this thing going away after a few days, we can only be so lucky

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:12 pm
by Bearshaman
Listening in to the posts, I can kind of understand Holister's comments. I think he may be right on some things, but wrong overall. Sounds like its Ron's nightmare, which means that it won't follow what you would normally do. Remember, its a nightmare, where you want 0 casualities, your nightmare may think that slaughtering everyone and everything will be acceptable as long as the task is finished, ends justify means. As for having someone who doesn't know you come and fight the nightmare, that is kind of a good idea, but bad in that if we don't know which one of you is original, might end up with wrong person getting shot.

Good luck, if I can help out, let me know.

As for the barriers, not sure if those would work, from sound of it, this is mostly a PSI talent/effect, rather than magical.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:15 pm
by Ron Caliburn
It reminds me a lot of my father, except it's got my pro-active streak.

I suspect it will be coming around with a convert or die choice and I assure you that niether are options worth taking.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:30 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

Your body double sure gets round Ron. I know that we've never personally met, but when someone usin your name walked into the station house this morning I thought somethin might be amiss. Said he wanted to know where he could find a particular cabin in the woods, something a meeting.

He claimed to know me and even offered to shake my hand for the cash I mailed him. That was untilMolly came running up front with Duke in tow. Duke stopped and growled. Then you looked right at Molly, cursed in some language Im sure you wouldn't know, so I shot it twice. Once in the left shoulder and once in the throat.

Ron, it bled. Alot. It stumbled out the door, bleeding like it was really hurt, and surprised bout it too. Then Duke took a bite out of its legs as I shot at it a third time. I gazed its right temple as it ran off, then it just vanished as it dove into the alley behind The Brick.

When I got back to the station house, I checked on Molly, and she asked me who " The Bad Man Was? " I pulled her into my arms and asked if she was hurt. She looked right into my eyes and asked me who Gabrielle was and if Mr. Fluffers was ok? I don't let her use a computer, so how she knows bout Gabrielle and your cat is a mystery to me. But she tends to do stuff like that.

PS: Im running a full spectrm analysis on the blood, with a CD and DNA test for sits & giggles.
The sample didn't degrade like I thought it would, so this thing may be taking the rest of the night off to lick its wounds.

Ill let you know what I find.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:07 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Nice shooting there Tex :D

Next time you're shooting at a target running away from you, go for a headshot. If you'll notice, when someone is running (typically) the arms and legs are pumping back and forth like crazy, but the head is usually very stable.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:02 am
by KonThaak
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:KT, has your researched uncovered anything that would prevent (or at least make it more difficult for) something getting into our dreams? Lines and Rings of salt or garlic or such block some creatures. Have you found anything that would ward off something that travels through the, uhh, dreamscape, dream stream, whatever?

Unfortunately, our dreams are the connection point between our minds and the dreamscape...or dreamstream...or whatever. Dreamland. That's what I'll call it. Dreams are the connection point between our minds and Dreamland.

So you need to protect yourself on Dreamland's side to keep dream entities from getting into your dreams. Otherwise, my dragons would've had a nice meal, and we wouldn't still be having problems.

I do have good news and more bad news. The good news is that a psychic using mental shielding over there minds (commonly just called a "mind blocker") should be able to keep the thing out.

The bad news is that most psychics can only do such shielding for themselves, don't have the energy to do it all night, and can't do it in their sleep. There are a few that have such shieldings running constantly, and they should be protected, but again, that shielding only protects them. There are a very select few, I've heard, who know the secrets of putting up such shields around others in tight situations, but again, don't have the energy to do it all night.

My biggest suggestion, and the one that seemed to work best for me, is lucid dreaming. As I said before, we are gods in our own dreams. So long as we keep believing that we can do anything, we can do ANYTHING, including make entities such as this one completely powerless before us. The best such entities can do is try to make us feel helpless or terribly confused in our dreams, leaving us vulnerable to their attacks.

Sorry I couldn't help with keeping this thing out... I hope that my suggestion will help keep y'all alive in your dreams, at the very least.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:27 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well the Truth is what the Truth is. I guess I'll start working on those Lucid Dreaming hypnosis MP3's.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:48 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I picked up a book on it, but this isn't really my thing. I don't know how long until I can figure it out.

Either way, I've still put you all at risk.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:29 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ron, man, don't blame yourself.

If it wasn't this it'd be something else.

Besides, you didn't let it out (not that it was intentionally let out in the first place).

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:58 pm
by Bearshaman
Ron, don't blame yourself. If noone else can figure out how the hell this thing is doing the things that it has been doing. If you blame yourself, and let yourself get hurt or killed from guilt, then you let the monster win. That could be part of its plan, make you guilty, so you will get sloppy, get yourself killed or converted over to the dark side.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:13 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I don't even really know you Bearshaman. How did it jump to you? Who have you met that I have? Last time I was in Vegas was almost two years ago.