Holy Cluck!

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Ron Caliburn
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Holy Cluck!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Boy's voice 'kills 400 chickens'

BEIJING, China (Reuters) -- Hundreds of chickens have been found dead in east China -- and a court has ruled that the cause of death was the screaming of a four-year-old boy who in turn had been scared by a barking dog, state media reported on Wednesday.

The bizarre sequence events began when the boy arrived at a village home in the eastern province of Jiangsu in the summer with his father who was delivering bottles of gas, the Nanjing Morning Post reported.

A villager was quoted as saying the little boy bent over the henhouse window, screaming for a long time, after being scared by the dog.

"One neighbor told police that he had heard the boy's crying that afternoon and another villager confirmed the boy screaming by the henhouse window," the newspaper said.

A court ruled the boy's screaming was "the only unexpected abnormal sound" and that 443 chickens trampled each other to death in fear.

The boy's father was ordered to pay 1,800 yuan ($230) in compensation to the owner of the chickens.

Okay, this has gotta be a cover up for something. We have any folks in China?
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Post by Razor »

Well, it would fit perfectly with some of my own research. It could easily have been a kid that has Triple-helix genetics, and in his stress manifested what we like to refer to as Super-Psi. It's a classified level of psychic ability that can produce insanely phenominal effects. I think it may be likely that this mental outburst manifested in vibrational energy that coincided with the screams, sort of a whole-being scream. ... You can imagine what that kind of sharp vibrational sonic energy would do to a bunch of chickens.
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Post by Natasha »

I heard the story somewhere. All the travel confuses me.

A psionic boy or another virus? I hope a psionic boy - but someone must help him, so that he not kills someone.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Again, the supernatural menace plays Debunker's role as skeptic, I post a more reasonable theory.

The reason the Bird Flu is often called the Asian Bird Flu is because that it mainly occurs in mainland Asia. They keep their poultry in horribly sub-standard conditions, crowding them into enclosed places and leaving them no way to get out once their in there. Windows exist only to allow for ventilation, or the birds would die. Unable to leave to relieve themselves, the birds do so over everything, causing huge piles of waste to form everywhere, a breeding-grounds for disease.

Anyway, startled animals will flee from that which frightens them, and in such an enclosed area with no way to escape, they'll end up on eachother, struggling to get out when there is no way TO get out. You don't need psychic powers to do that.
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