closing in on a murderous cult

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closing in on a murderous cult

Post by Det_Gillhouly_PD »

Well Gillhouly isn’t my real name, but I am a detective with a major west coast police dept. I am officially assigned to the gang suppression unit, well that what my file says, anyway. I have recently been assigned to an unofficially sanctioned and undesignated unit that is tasked with identifying and taking action against the sources of recent “supernatural” activity. My current partner and I, lets call her Sarah, are the only members without any military training. But Sarah gets these feeling. You know the kind I mean, when the shit is about to pop off or some big baddy is nearby, she knows. It is the damnedist thing. It is nice having someone like that in my corner. We also have 3 other “psychics” on our team along with 4 shooters.

Anyway I found this site in the history folder of a PDA/Smart phone we had taken from the scene of a gang land assassination, or at least that what the official report says happened. We still haven’t pieced the whole event together but it looks like members of a local Nihilist cult ambushed an amateur paranormal investigator. We believe that the cult members were getting ready to perform some kind of ritual, and the investigator found out. This cult appears to have a decent level of tactical proficiency (this according to Dave, a former U.S. Navy SEAL.). They lured the investigator down to Chinatown, early in the morning, and ambushed him in a dark alleyway.

When we found the body it had been shot 42 times. Chuck, our liaison to the CSU, informed us that it appears that suppressed firearms were used, most likely MP5s. The assailants policed the area real good and left almost no evidence behind. But they did make one mistake, and a damn big one. The didn’t search his pockets, that is where I found Mr. Investigators Palm Treo 700W. I prefer the Motorola Q myself, but anyway using the information stored on his phone we are closing in on these assholes ourselves. So anyway we might have some fireworks in town soon.
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Post by Razor »

Well, Detective... it seems that members of our ranks suffer casualties just like law enforcement, and it fills me with some sadness but no regret. We do what we do because few others will, or are aware of what is out there. I'm glad that even if it is by proxy the Society and some said members are able to help.

My question is this: Are you asking for help, or are you just posting this to make us aware of what happened to a potential member?
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Suppressed MP5s . . . did you check to see if they were made in Iran? H&K has done an amazing job keeping the MP5 out of the wrong hands - thier liscence producers not as much so. Even still, those are pretty damn expensive pieces of hardware. Someone has reallly deep pockets.
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Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

i hope that this is not happenign in the Seattle or San Francisco areas. (if they are i might have more to say about groups with pretty deep pockets)
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Post by technomancer »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Suppressed MP5s . . . did you check to see if they were made in Iran? H&K has done an amazing job keeping the MP5 out of the wrong hands - thier liscence producers not as much so. Even still, those are pretty damn expensive pieces of hardware. Someone has reallly deep pockets.

Are you suggestiong that this cult has government backing of some kind? Crazy dealth cults are bad enough but heavily armed death cults... gee wiz.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I'm saying it's hard to get MP5s, let alone suppressed MP5s without a government, military or law enforcement agency being somewhere in the chain.
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Delta Sierra
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