What is the truth?

General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

This has not been a kind weekend.

I have received word from my clinic that another patient of mine under the care of my clinic has pass away on Saturday evening. According to the autopsy he died in an usual fashion, but they are declaring it natural causes with extentuating circumstances.

From what I was told the young woman bit off her own tongue as the result of a siezure, swallowed it, and then drown in her own blood.

Even more disturbing was the fact that the medical examiner had to break her jaw to get it open as it was so tightly clenched that normal mean could not seperate it.

I have seen all of this before, but this patient has no ties to Lazlo that I know of. What is her connection? Could I have been wrong? Something is amiss here and I must get to the bottom of it.

I will be flying back to my clinic this evening and may be out of contact for an additional 24 to 48 hours depending on the investigation.

What is going on here?
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What is “Lazlo” to you, Doctor Thanatos?

Post by Rowan »

Do you believe Lazlo is the root of that evil, Doctor Thanataos, the train tracks that lead to the evil, something else entirely—perhaps too soon to tell?

You speak of your suspicions about Lazlo as though you have tangible proof you cannot divulge. Or is it gut instinct?—proof enough for me and many others here.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Chalice »

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:Hello. I am sorry for that last outburst. I should be more professional than that. I should not aire my personal laundry in public like that, so again I am sorry.

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:As for your response Chalice. Though we have not met, I have met your kind before. Please take care. It is easy to be merry when one does not see the danger waiting in the wings.
Tell me about my "kind," doc. I wanna see if you're right. And once you have, I'll tell you about yours. After, let's compare notes.

Maybe we'll keep each other from making complete asses of ourselves.

Trust me doc, I know exactly what's waiting in the wings. I'm not merry because I'm a fool. I'm not making fun of you for reasons you may think. Nightmares? Psh. That's every day rot. The baby stuff we deal with. Nightly. Hourly. Minutely.

It's like some chump medical student coming to you after hours all secret like, tapping you on the shoulder, and whispering he's discovered the secrets of the universe. Then, when he's convinced you he's telling the truth, and you've followed him into the abandoned broom closet where no one can overhear, he carefully whispers into your ear:
You're not impressing us with anything spectacular, doc. I once sat up for two nights in a row, watching a friend of mine thrash against her bonds in bed, foaming at the mouth, lips bleeding because she bit them so hard and often, and shriek out uselessly for help. She wanted us to tear her eyes out to stop the visions. She wanted us to drill a hole in her head to let the nightmares leak out like tar.
Her words. When we refused, she fought us and thrashed so hard she snapped her bonds. And some of her bones. She tried to gouge out her own eyes. Then mine. In self defense, I killed her.

By the way, I'm still waiting to hear the answer to my questions.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is “Lazlo” to you, Doctor Thanatos?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Rowan wrote:Do you believe Lazlo is the root of that evil, Doctor Thanataos, the train tracks that lead to the evil, something else entirely—perhaps too soon to tell?

You speak of your suspicions about Lazlo as though you have tangible proof you cannot divulge. Or is it gut instinct?—proof enough for me and many others here.

You are quite astute Rowan. Up until now, Lazlo was the commonality connecting these cases. But, now, well I just don't know. After several years, I am no closer to an answer than I was back then.

All I know is that those involved were in some way were connected to either the Lazlo Agency or the Scoiety, more of the first than the latter. In all actuality the Society angle only came into play about six months ago. As for proof I cannot divulge, you are also correct. Until I have more evidence I can only hope that I am wrong.

Chalice wrote:Tell me about my "kind," doc. I wanna see if you're right. And once you have, I'll tell you about yours. After, let's compare notes.

Maybe we'll keep each other from making complete asses of ourselves.

Trust me doc, I know exactly what's waiting in the wings. I'm not merry because I'm a fool. I'm not making fun of you for reasons you may think. Nightmares? Psh. That's every day rot. The baby stuff we deal with. Nightly. Hourly. Minutely.

It's like some chump medical student coming to you after hours all secret like, tapping you on the shoulder, and whispering he's discovered the secrets of the universe. Then, when he's convinced you he's telling the truth, and you've followed him into the abandoned broom closet where no one can overhear, he carefully whispers into your ear:
You're not impressing us with anything spectacular, doc. I once sat up for two nights in a row, watching a friend of mine thrash against her bonds in bed, foaming at the mouth, lips bleeding because she bit them so hard and often, and shriek out uselessly for help. She wanted us to tear her eyes out to stop the visions. She wanted us to drill a hole in her head to let the nightmares leak out like tar.
Her words. When we refused, she fought us and thrashed so hard she snapped her bonds. And some of her bones. She tried to gouge out her own eyes. Then mine. In self defense, I killed her.

By the way, I'm still waiting to hear the answer to my questions.

Then by means, let us remain simple. Ask your questions in a direct manner and I shall answer them as best I can. As for your friend. Perhaps we need to meet because you just desribed three incidents I have already bared personal witness to.

One question for you however; did she suffer from unexplainable Scotophobia or Nyctophobia?
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Chalice »

Specifically, the questions found in this post.

Polite manners dictate you answer first, since I asked first, right?

I'd like the "tit for tat" questions answered first, if you don't mind. Especially the one about what you're willing to tell us. No sense in airing my dirty laundry if you're not even gonna pony anything up for my trouble, moneywise, or schoolwise. I have enough chatte as it is.

This Victoria has enough secrets. It's an investment, you might say. 8)
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I so do detest jet lag.

Chalice, I can answer what I have answers for. I do not want to provides answers if they may, even in the slightest chance, be incorrect. Certain circumstances also hinder the level of information I am able to publically revale here, however I can answer more questions via PM if you so desire.

As for remuneration, I do have resources at my disposal to offer some to a degree. The type and/or amount I will not discuss here, but again I will be more than happy to discuss via PM.

I do hope that this answers your inquiries, if not some of them.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I have made a very disturbing revalation last night while investigating the death of that most recent patient.

Ever since I returned I have been engrossed in this event; trying to find some connection to the others. Last night I discovered that link, and it left my blood cold.

While the body turned up evidence I have seen before numerous times (though it still sends chills down my spine everytime I attend one), it was the investigation of her room that revealed the answer I saught. You see this particular patient was not like the others; no past case of trauma, night terrors, or paranoia. She in fact was a low security risk patient who was in our care for kleptomania of all things. As I said though, the connection was not with the patient, but the room itself.

You see she shared a room with another patient as most do within the low security ward. When I searched the room I found a crudely drawn lighthouse drawn in what turned out to be human blood from a female donor. The lighthouse had an erie resemblance to the one in the very name flashing above me as I write this.

Another disturbing fact was a piece of paper I found under the matress of the
deceased patient that had something enscribed upon it, again in what was human blood but from a male doner. Interesting, but very confusing.

As for the identity of the other patient who shared the room, I have no idea. The name was a fake and her identity remains a mystery. She was released after being signed into the care of another institution three days ago while I was away. I had my researchers run a check on this mystery institution and they found nothing. A thourough investigation only revealed that it does not exist. So who took the other patient and why? What was her connection to Lazlo? And how was she able to transfer the affliction to our young kleptomaniac?

Everythime I get an answer, I only uncover more questions. I need to get that paper translated.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Hannah »

Dr. Thanatos,

there was a case here, it went on for a few years. An entity was released that attacked a number of Society members through their dreams and occasionally physically as well. My father was a frequent target of its attacks and my mother died at its hands.

There are a few differences between these cases. First off, this entity wasn't transmitted through physical proximity but instead used emotional proximity as the basis of its selection mechanism. Secondly, this entity has remained imprisoned for quite some time now.

As a precaution, I did check on that entity this morning. It is still firmly held in place, so it is not responsible for this.

I will be who I chose to be.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

My researchers pointed out the incident involving the doppleganger of your father. It made for some interesting reading and I agree that it is not the same entity. As this one, if it does exist, I fear that it seems to be far worse.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

It has been a grueling day. I have spent most of it been interrogated by detectives and AMA field investigators over the most recent death. I am affraid it has become the normal around here. It doesn't look like any charges will be brought since she technically died of natural causes. The AMA investigators said pretty much the same thing, but they would need further access to the records at my clinic to continue their investigation.

As for me, I must not dwindle on matters I have no control over. Monday morning I leave for New York for my lecture at N.Y.U. on Tuesday. I also have a contact there who has asked to speak to me in person. It may have with to do with my own investigation.

As for the piece of paper that I was able to recovered from the room, my sources tell me it is not a language, but rather a series a archaic alchemeidal symbols. I took the paper back at that point. I dare not allow it to remain in untrained hands any longer than need be fearing what ill-consequence may unfold. Perhaps if there is someone here knowledgeble in ancient symbology that may be able to help me, please contact me. I feel it my be urgent in unraveling another piece of this puzzle.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Hannah »

Natasha was really good at deciphering symbols. Too bad she doesn't come around much anymore.

I will be who I chose to be.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Thank you Hannah. I will look into that lead. Maybe this paper hold the answers I am looking for.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I would like like to thank you again Hannah for that lead. My researchers have gathered some information and I will be in contact with this Natasha. I do hope she can help.

In other news I do hope that you and Gotham Witch were able to attend my lecture at N.Y.U. I will admitt I must appologize for being late. I had a private matter that I needed to attend to. To make a long story short my office back home was broken into and ramscked. Security managed to chase off the offender, but was not able to catch them. As far I know just one person was involved. I may need to cut my N.Y. trip short to deal with this matter.

If I may for a moment, I do not want to come off as being paranoid myself, but I have the strangest sensation all day, ever since I got to N.Y. as a matter of fact, that I am being followed. I know that it must be just nerves especially after hearing my office was broken into. Still, even now I can not seem to shake that feeling.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Tms3 »

Dr if your office was broken into you may be own to something....

and Dr if you think your being fallowed do take perceptions Hanna can tell you how to shake a tail it seems, if you are not being fallowed and act as if you are little is lost but your time.. and I could porbly do so in a way in a place like nyc that I would manged to see things I want to see there so then not even time would be lost just gives a handy expeces to visit some places.... but if you are being fallowed and dont act accordingly your life could be lost....
We who stand between the flame and the shadow
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Um, I understand you are trying to make some sort of viable point, I just do not know what that point is as your last posting was somewhat undiscernable. I do get the probable " jist " of what you are trying to imply though. That I should aire on the side of caution.

My assistant e-mailed me some photos of the aftermath. My office was not just broken into, it was ramsacked. The police need me back there as soon as I am able to answer their questions and to determine if anything is missing. Fortunately my assistant is more than capable of determining is anything important was dispurbed or stolen. I also do not keep vital information in my office, so at least I have some piece of mind. I just wonder who it was and what they were after?

My research notes perhaps? Maybe my investigation information that I have gathered? or could it be the paper I need translated? Yes, that may be it. It could be mere coincidence that this has happened now, but I am not one for believing in mere coincidence.

The sooner I get that paper translated the better. It must hold some vital clue I need.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

Good luck, Dr. Thanatos. I hope you find what you are looking for. I would offer to help, unfortunately I am currently involved in my own difficulty and cannot, in good conscious, leave that investigation unattended.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Tms3 »

What language is that paper in doc? between my self my family and other contacts I have we may be able to help I know of the top of my head we can handle Gaelic, Latian classic Greek, modern Greek, German (low high and early) as well as French, Arabic, and Hebrew.... if you like I can give you contact info? for some of those that may help.. as I have commuted to help out Dan, I may not be of much help
We who stand between the flame and the shadow
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Thank you for your concern. I have made three copies and sent them each out to seprate individuals for translation this afternoon. I dare not say here whom I sent them to, all I will say is am not taking any chances.

Good luck to you and your investigation as well Danorviel. Perhaps one day our paths will cross and we may have the mutual privalage of working together.

As for my investigation, I will keep you all informed. Again, I wish I could divulge more information, but I fear the closer I get, the more dangerous this investigation will become.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Tms3 »

that always seem to be the case doc.... when people don't want something known, they tend to get grumpy when people dig about what the don't want known.. Watch your back doc good luck
We who stand between the flame and the shadow
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I must return home as something grizzly has happened that requires my urgent attention. I cannot discuss it here just now.

My god, what have I done.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Tms3 »

Doc don't lose hart when you get close to knowing what some people don't want you to now they take action to keep having there Secrets, that may do tear able to those around you... but what you must remember there actions are on them not you.

for each of us bear Accountability for what we do
We who stand between the flame and the shadow
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I have returned home to a grim ordeal indeed. You already know that my office was broken into and ramsacked for what reason I do not quite know or understand just yet. However I was informed by the local authorites that my assistant Rudy had comitted suicide the night after the break in.

The authorities inform me that his death was quick and brought on by asphixiation due to hanging. They also inform me that there was no note but their investigation points in that direction. They also inform me that he may be the one responsible for the break in and killed himself out of guilt.

Two reasons I do not buy into this theory.

1) I knew Rudy quite well. He was loyal, honest, and diligent in his services to me to a fault. He would not willingly betray me.

2) Rudy suffered from acute vertigo he had endured since he was a child. He could not take three steps up the book ladder without feeling faint. So how he able to climb a nine foot step ladder to hang himself.

The police have closed this case. I have not. I am now more determined to find out what is going on here. One moment please, I just heard something outside.

It would seem that a raven or crow has flow into my office window and broken its neck. Odd. An ill omen indeed.

I am sorry. The stress of all of this is taking a toll on me both physically and mentally. I must stop and get some rest. Perhaps I can continue with fresh eyes in the morning.

Rest in peace my good friend.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

Dr. Thanatos, please accept my deepest and sincerest condolences for the loss of your friend. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this, on top of everything else. If I were not involved in a rather intense situation myself, I would offer to see if I could contact Rudy to see if I could help in finding the truth for you.

The Raven or Crow, in many Native American beliefs, is indeed a bird of ill omen. In some others, it is a trickster, similar to Coyote. In Irish legends, the Raven is associated with The Morrigu or Crone, an aspect of the Triple Goddess. Make of this what you will.

Again, I wish you good luck with this troubling situation.
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Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

You have my condolences, Doctor.

Take a bit of time to try and rest before approaching this. Perhaps you'll make an unexpected breakthrough.
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Tms3 »

Seeing a Raven in the Irish Celtic myths is rather like seeing the washer woman at the ford.. unless the death has already happened as is the case here.... so the Raven may be a raven of the Morgan but its reason for being there is the help your friend find his way to tar nag org.. Rest well, It looks like I may be busy come the new year of Doc pm if you need me to look any thing up for you, I could also fax parts of some of my books should you need them
We who stand between the flame and the shadow
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I had to notify Rudy's next of kin of his demise. The detective offered but I insisted due to how close I was to him. That was the most difficult and emotionally taxing thing I ever had to do. It is something I hope that I never have to do again.

His funeral arrangements are planned for Wednesday morning. I must attend the services. If I am out of communication for a few days, please forgive me for these have been a grueling past few days, and the next few do not look any better. I feel my holidays will not be so happy.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

Under the circumstances, I think we can understand your absence from the boards for a time. If it would not be out of place, I would be willing to light a candle for your friend's family and for your peace of mind, as well as his successful crossing to the other side. Be at peace, Dr. Thanatos, as much as possible.
magic is the reality of dreams
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Hello. You are probably wondering why my uncle is posting is a different color today. Well, I thought that it would simplify things a bit. My name is Sam (short for Samantha). I am Dr. Thanatos' niece, techno geek chic, and part time assistant. My uncle Viktor has been really upset lately even though he wouldn't admit it. With his friend Rudy dying like that, the robbery at his office and at the house, and the car accident this week, it is no wonder he is so bummed out right now.

The reason why I am posting in his place is because he asked me to check on things for him here on the site. Being the loving niece that I am I figured why not?, besides it got me out of the house and the chance to finish fixing up his office. I've installed a new security system at the house so I figured I would do the same here. I still have no idea what they were looking for, but I think they hacked the computer at home. I have to run a check on that.

I have also been doing a little investigating on my own despite my uncle's wishes. I guess curiosity runs in the family. I also knew Rudy, he wouldn't have done the things the police accuse him of, and I know he wouldn't kill kill himself. He has plans to see his family for the Holidays and catch a hockey game he had tickets for. Its all he ever talked about. Why would he make plans then out of the blue kill himself.

So I may have done some things my uncle may not have approved of and done some snooping. I haven't shared my findings with my uncle because he is a little out of sorts since the car car accident. It turns out that the police didn't tell him everything about the break in, and the M.E.'s report was accually declared "inconclusive" because they could't figure out why he was apparently tearing at his own throat to get the wire off?

See what I mean. The police seem to just want to sweep the whole thing under the carpet. I also discovered yesterday that three of the four contacts that my uncle sent copies of that wierd paper to have all died mysterious of unfortunate circumstances; a car accident in England, an electrocution in Orgegon, and (get this) decapitation by a piece of falling widow glass while walking down the street in Prague. Now I know that this all can't be a coincidence. I only hope that the last recipient is ok.

Plus I found out that someone has recently been running background checks on me, my uncle, Rudy, and several of my uncle's known colleagues and associates. I ran a trace and found out the source I.P. address was from the Lazlo Agency head office. So I did some more "snooping" with a friend of mine who is very good at what he does.

We were able to download some information that may be important but I can't speak about it here. I think I may need some help figuring this stuff out. It may be the vital piece of information my uncle has been looking for and why someone may have killed Rudy to get it?

And since I am here I guess I should wish you all a Merry Christmas, though it seems more like Halloween right now. :?
Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

Sam, Mel. Hello.

Sorry to hear that things are a mess over there. This whole thing gets deeper and deeper from what I can tell, so I suggest being careful - though all that should be pretty obvious by this point. Lock your doors, watch the corners, and all that.

I'm not sure if there's much I can do to help, but contact me if you feel the need.
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Tms3 »

The Lazlo aginscy is not known for killing people, that being said not long ago I heard they where having problems with there net work sucraty. the Angincy does monater the site so if they are doing back ground check it might be a primarily for doing there own investigation. You know how many Attention hounds there are out there as well as people whom are well meaning but are mentally unstable as your uncle works with the mentally ill. I am watching and keeping an ear to the ground if I find any thing you might find useful I will contact you
sorry for all the trouble you are having. I will do what I can to help indirectly for now. as I hope it is cleared up before I free my self up form my current commencements
We who stand between the flame and the shadow
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