What is the truth?

General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »


My name is Dr. Viktor Thanatos. I am a practicing psychiatrist and active psychology professor at a local university. I have a doctorial in both the fields of psychology and neural sciences, as well as a master's degree in the fields of parapsychology, theology, and European mythology. I also have interests in the fields of demonology, spiritualism, occultism, and folk lore which I am working toward associate's degree in most if not all of the latter.

As you can see I have a open and curious mind, yet I attempt to always veiw everything with a scientific outlook. I corale my opinions until I have either deduced the situation or exhausted all other possible avenues of investigation. The latter seldom occurs.

Though I have an open mind, I have yet to actually witness first hand any true supernatural event, encounter any supernatural being, or fail to debunk a claim of paranormal phenomena. In most cases that I have examined the patient was either pyschological unstable due to emotional / mental stress or was dilusional due to narcotic induced hallucination.

I am no skeptic. I have gone out into the field over a dozen invidual times to verify some stories that appeared they may be credible. Each time I came back empty handed because there was simply no truth to their tales or eveidence to substantiate their outlandish claims.

There was one time last year when I was called in to help consult on a case of a man who claimed he saw a monster that gave chase to him over several city blocks over the course the night. He claims that this creature wanted to kill him. A little over a hour later I deduced that from my actual time spent with the man and some help from a blood toxicology report taken that evening that the man in question was strung out on a farily high level of LSD causing him to have severe hallucinations where he could not decern the difference between reality and the phantoms of his own mind. I have since placed this indvidual under my care at a local sanitarium.

One strange bit of happenstance was that he did have a card in his breast pocket with this website scribbled upon it. This is why I am here. Perhaps to continue my investigation, or maybe to gather some further information as to why I have discovered that five patients I have met also were frequent visitors of this website. This line of thought has led me to partake in a side project.

The investigation into The Lazlo Society itself.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Now that the proper introductions have been made and my intentions made clear, I should perhaps begin with how I came to this website. It is a fairly curious tale leading me to investigate seventeen possible leads to authentic paranormal activity. Of those investigations three stand out as those are the ones who clearly pointed me in this direction.

At the moment my research assistants are doing what they do best and are scrolling through over six years of posts here on your website gathering information for me to review. So far some of the stories they have pulled are quite interesting to say the least. If I ever get the chance to sit down and personally interview some of you, the benefits may prove rewarding.

I think I would like to start with Mr. Caliburn as it seems he is the inmate in charge of the asylum so to speak. He has the most posts and remains currently active here amongst the society. Just today he made some interesting posts that I must get around to thoroughly reading later on.

But I digress. My mind does tend to wander when i believe I am on the verge of a breakthrough. But where was I? Ah yes, I was going to tell you about those three poor unfortunate souls that I had the pleasure of meeting.
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An “investigation into The Lazlo Society itself,” doctor?

Post by Rowan »

Good luck with that, doctor. I’m reading up on this website as well.

I’m no expert on the otherly myself, though I have had several experiences that defy basic explanations. Nor are my skills as advanced as some.

But a simple google search on the word “Thanatos” links it to the word “death.” Why would you choose such a moniker?
Ron Caliburn
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Sorry Bub, I've already had enough dealings with psychiatrists and institutions to last me a life time. I'll just point out that I was ultimately determined to be a sane individual who did not suffer from delusions or hallucinations of any kind and posed no danger to the public and released.

So I'll decline to participate in your study.

I'll also point out that my lawyer managed to get a very large settlement out of the last folks who decided to try to put me away.
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Delta Sierra
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

I have no desire to be the subject of a "study" either. Something just doesn't feel right to me. Sorry, bu I agree with Mr. Caliburn on this one.
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Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: An “investigation into The Lazlo Society itself,” doctor

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Rowan wrote:But a simple google search on the word “Thanatos” links it to the word “death.” Why would you choose such a moniker?

I am aware of the subtext there, but good sir, I cannot change the very name I was born into.

As for you Mr. Caliburn. You misunderstand my intentions. I only ask to speak to you about the society and your dealings with it over the past six years. You be able to unlock some answers that have eluded me thus far. I have no intention of psychoanalyzing you Mr. Caliburn, but I do find your history, and that of your daughter Hannah quite interesting. Perhaps you would reconsider my humble request.

As for you Mr. Danorviel I could not help but notice you are a realitively new member. You and I may seem to be on equal footing. I am quite curious to know what brings you to the society, what stories you have to tell.

For the most part my requests to speak with each you is not from a psychological perspective but as a fellow persuer of the truth. I do believe that the paranormal exists. That the supernatural may, no, must in fact pararell on own reallity. Though I have not yet witnessed this evidence, I know that it must exist. I also know that my search has lead me here, so I must investigate this lead to its fullest extent.
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Welcome to the boards, der Doktor.

Post by Grace »

Rowan wrote:But a simple google search on the word “Thanatos” links it to the word “death.” Why would you choose such a moniker?

Thantatos was associated most often with a 'peaceful' death. The image of this god softened a good deal over the ages.

He was also the brother of Nemesis.

Nevertheless, I have no interest in this study/investigation, being interviewed, meeting Viktor or satisfying his curiousity in the least. Quite frankly, I've got better things to do.
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

If you have questions about things that have gone on here, my best suggestion to you is to ask them in the threads that describe the incidents you want to know about. Then those who participated may, if they feel so inclined, answer you.
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Delta Sierra
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Robyn »

On the subject of names, the name Viktor Thanatos could be read to mean, "One who conquers Death".

Apparently your parents wished for you to live forever.

Not an unusual desire for parents as shown by the legend of Achilles.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

You can see what brought me here in my post "New Here" in this forum, Dr. Thanatos. By the way, it's "Ms." not "Mr." Hard to tell online, I know. I'm a psychic sensitive, and I see spirits and can communicate with them. I don't have a lot of war stories and my life isn't full of the type of stories others here have. I'm in my mid-20s and lead a fairly peaceful life, I just don't want to be "examined" like some type of lab experiment.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Chalice »

Remember to "corale" your opinions there until you hear something, doc. :wink:

You willing to pay us for our time?
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Perhaps you should be careful with your words?

Post by Rowan »

There are also some interesting topics that are relatively new. They can be enlightening. Please be sure to read—you and your assistants, doctor—these newer posts as well. They could save you embarrassment and perhaps further your research as well.

Once again, good luck.
Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

Hello, Doctor.

I regret to say you will find many in the supernatural community somewhat... unreliable when it comes to research. Some don't enjoy being in a limelight. Others are just... well, flaky.

I suppose, however, that I might be willing to help if you'd like. Do realize however that I don't demonstrate my talents without a very good reason - threat of death or lost children usually suffice, though hopefully neither of those occur.
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

I will modify my original response this far, if you wish to speak with me here on the boards, I will be happy to talk to you. I still do not wish to meet with you in person at this time. Nothing against you personally, Dr. Thanatos, it's just I don't know you. It takes time to build trust, and talking about my abilities to a stranger is not something I do normally. Online is a bit different, as there is an added layer of "protection" online. I think you'll find that many people that are *different* feel the same about discussing the paranormal with people they don't really know. If you have specific questions about my abilities, you can ask in this thread, or PM me, and I'll try to answer. Please understand that some of what I do is hard to put into words, because it seems to just come naturally to me.

Anyway, good luck in finding the answers you seek, and I hope that you have no plans to harm anyone who posts here.
magic is the reality of dreams
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I do appologize for my abbrupt absence of this past week. I was called away on business regarding two new cases. I do from time to time accept cases not affiliated with my hospital, provided they fall under my line of special expertise and meet certain criteria.

Since I am not bound my doctor patient confidentiality cluases with a portion of my cases, especially those involved in my own research I may be able to discuss them here.

As for the multitude of responses I have received in my absence, I thank you for the warm greetings, and feelings of abject paranoia. As I said, I am mearly an observer of behavior and the inner workings of the mind. I am not here to psychoanalyze anyone, or to even pass judgement. I simply find the social network here surrounding The Lazlo Society interesting to say the least.

If I may discuss your own personal endevors, it is only to better understand you as individuals and the work each of you do involving you personal experiences with the " supernatural ". Though I have witnessed no phenomena firsthand, I must say I do believe that it does pose the question, " Is there more to our own existance and what we perceive as reality? " I can only speculate, hence my research.

I have discovered some interesting facts about the Lazlo Society. I have even managed to arrange a meeting with several ranking officals within The Lazlo Agency next week after the holiday. It is an experience I am looking forward to. As what my assistants have read up on the society here and its members I must say I find some of their findings quite, " unique ", for lack of a better word.

As for my own research, it is what has lead to my absence this past week. I did mention my two newest patients that I have taken on. One stems from Augusta, Maine (who for all sakes and purposes will be called Bill). An interesting case of trauma induced amnesia with traits resembling mild schizophrenia. The second case originates from the Washington D.C. area involving a man (who I will call James) with a truly severe case of paranoia and suicidal tendancies.

What brought these two seperate cases to my attention you ask. They both at some point muttered the world "Lazlo" during individual moments of mental clarity.

I had "Bill" transferred to my hospital for further study as to the cause of his amnesia. The second man (James) was a drastic case. When I first interviewed him, it took a straight dose of formic acid under his nose before he even acknowledged I was a part of his reality. He muttered the word "Lazlo" then flew into screaming fits and had to be sedated by two orderlies. I am currently staying in Washington to evaluate this man's condition and determine if he is able to be safely transferred to my care at my hospital.

Before I leave this evening, I have question perhaps one or more of you can answer. Please contact me via e-mail or " Private Message " as I do not wish to arrouse any unwanted suspicion or feelings of persecution here upon this forum.

Thank You
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Chalice »

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:What brought these two seperate cases to my attention you ask.

No, I don't, but do tell anyway, sweetie. :)

So, Washington D.C. and Augusta Maine, huh.

Here's what I'll ask: how fast have your assistants been reading and telling? Have they told you about Holister, yet? Two guys found places near the cribs of two other guys from Lazlo who might interest you.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Chalice wrote:Here's what I'll ask: how fast have your assistants been reading and telling? Have they told you about Holister, yet? Two guys found places near the cribs of two other guys from Lazlo who might interest you.

Yes. I do find that fact rather interesting. I would rather like to meet with the likes of Mr. Caliburn and Mr. Holister, but as we could tell Mr. Caliburn does not quite like those individuals of my profession. As for Mr. Holister the man simply doesn't seem to exist as my researcher have been unable to reach him.

I did read over something I found rather interesting in the fact both Mr. Caliburn and Mr. Holister also not only had children, but daughters as well. I wonder if that has any signifigance.

I know that Mr. Caliburn's daughter Hannah posts here from time to time. With her traumatic background I would like the chance to talk to her to get her side of the tragedy she has had to endure and where she found the emotional and psychological will to persevere beyond that tragedy.

I on occaision do lectures at local universities, perhaps one day I will have the privilage of meeting her.

It would also seem that any of the older members of this society have vanished of late. This is just an observation seeing that they suddenly just seem to vanish. I wonder if there is any connection?

As for those of you who have replied to my posting, I thank you. It has been brought to my attention about some your posts regarding the following members; Chalice, Gotham Witch (I do hope that is mearly a handle as I would truly like to meet a real life witch), Danorviel, Robyn, and Nemesis (I enjoyed your quip about our names being related, you have a good eye and seem well educated in mythology).

Due to an increase in grant funding, I am able to financially reinburse you for your time if you are will to break "the shroud of silence" and talk to me about those things that do not get posted here. The personal things; emotional, psychological, and spiritual if need be. You motivations, diligence, ethics, and morales; simply put - " why partake in your own persuit of the supernatural and what efefct has it had on those around you. "

Now if you all do not mind, I must go for now. I have a scheduled 3:00 labotomy of one of my patients who has digressed unfortunately into the a dangerously primal state.

Thank you and do have a Happy Thanksgiving to all.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

For me, Dr. Thanatos, money is not a consideration. I am more fortunate than many of those who post here, in that regard. If you have specific questions for me, please feel free to either ask in this thread, or PM me, and I will answer to the best of my abilities. I don't mind that. My reason for pursuing the supernatural is very simple. I am a Psychic Sensitive and have been since childhood. I see spirits, I sense evil, I can commune with spirits. I have been able to do these things all of my life. I feel it is my duty, since I have these gifts, to help others. I particularly feel compelled to help earthbound spirits find their way to the other side. I am a practicing Pagan, Celtic in orientation. I try to be a good person, but like everyone I have my flaws. I'm not particularly scientifically oriented, but I do try to be thorough in my research. As for how my activities affect those around me, everyone in my immediate family has had some gift or other, except for my mother. I don't know if she did or not. But my father's side of the family has contained Psychic Sensitives, Healers, Mediums, an Arcanist or two, and others with special gifts. This goes back for at least 10 generations, maybe more. If this helps your search, I am glad. If you have additional questions, just ask. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well.
Last edited by danorviel on Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

For sake of science I might be willing (that I wouldn't mind being ahead on my rent for once). As I noted before though, don't expect a major demonstration.

Also: Lobotomy? I wasn't aware they still performed those. Your patient must be awfully dangerous to be requiring such.

Addendum: Professionally, I prefer the term arcanist or practitioner over 'witch'. The latter term leaves a bit too much ambiguity over what precisely I conjure (blood, sweat, and tears rather than any sort of granted gift from swearing a pact) or who I worship (the late Clarence Clemons).
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
Ron Caliburn
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Officially there's are about 15 Lobotomies done a year in the US.

I know folks who claim the government is unofficially conducting them by the thousands in preparation for some sort of mass mind control experiment.
Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Delta Sierra
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Robyn »

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote: It would also seem that any of the older members of this society have vanished of late. This is just an observation seeing that they suddenly just seem to vanish. I wonder if there is any connection?

Occams Razor would suggest otherwise. This is a niche site of a niche interest. Even on large forums, people 'disappear' all the time. It only means that they have stopped posting which could be due to lack of interest among many other factors, none of which are connected. Each individual will have their own reason for 'vanishing'.

Also given that one of the oldest and most frequent posters (Ron Caliburn) of this site is still posting, uneffected and apparently unaware of any conspiracy against those who post here, there is a rather large logical hole in the whole idea.

Then there are some posters who have been here a long time but often have months or even years between posts. Cybermancer, who while not one of the original posters has been around some years now is such as poster. Given his last post was nearly four months ago and given his posting history, there is no reason to assume that something sinister (such as murder or assassination) has happened to him.

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:As for those of you who have replied to my posting, I thank you. It has been brought to my attention about some your posts regarding the following members; Chalice, Gotham Witch (I do hope that is mearly a handle as I would truly like to meet a real life witch), Danorviel, Robyn, and Nemesis (I enjoyed your quip about our names being related, you have a good eye and seem well educated in mythology).

What, exactly, has been brought to your attention about these posters? This thought seems incomplete. Or is it merely that these posters have been brought to your attention by the act of replying?

In any case, I'm afraid I won't be of much assistance to you. My interest in the supernatural is purely tangential to my employment. The specifics of my employment are covered by various secrecy and security clauses.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Officially there's are about 15 Lobotomies done a year in the US.

I know folks who claim the government is unofficially conducting them by the thousands in preparation for some sort of mass mind control experiment.

In truth there are more than that done every year. In my profession I know that money buys silence. One average there are about 3 to 5 times your estimated amount done each year; privately and discreatly away from knowing eyes. The lobotomy is a process I wish did not have to be used at all, but in certain circumstances there is no other choice.

Fortunately medical science in the field of modern psychiatry and neurology has allowed us to perform this proceedure as inavasively as possible. This brings some comfort to families, but when the proceedure is actually signed off on, you would be surprised at the heartless reaction I often witness when the pen touches the paper.

As for my most recent case, I would agree no other option was available. He was an extremely dangerous individual both to those around him and to himself. He killed nearly nine people in total before he was finally stopped.
Amongst those were his father, three siblings, two police officers, his family doctor, and two male nurses. His mother was nearly his next victim but managed to survive the horrible ordeal. She is just paralyzed from the waist down due to knife wound. In this case I could see why the order was given.

As I performed the proceedure, I stared into his eyes. They say that the eyes are the windows into the soul. In his case, I saw none there. All I witnessed was madness and evil staring back at me.

Even now, after the proceedure I can still feel those lifeless eyes staring back at me as though I was staring into the abyss itself, and as if it was staring back at me.

I digress though....

Robyn wrote:Occams Razor would suggest otherwise. This is a niche site of a niche interest. Even on large forums, people 'disappear' all the time. It only means that they have stopped posting which could be due to lack of interest among many other factors, none of which are connected. Each individual will have their own reason for 'vanishing'.

Also given that one of the oldest and most frequent posters (Ron Caliburn) of this site is still posting, uneffected and apparently unaware of any conspiracy against those who post here, there is a rather large logical hole in the whole idea.

Then there are some posters who have been here a long time but often have months or even years between posts. Cybermancer, who while not one of the original posters has been around some years now is such as poster. Given his last post was nearly four months ago and given his posting history, there is no reason to assume that something sinister (such as murder or assassination) has happened to him.

You look for conspiracies where they may be none. I never stated that I was looking into a conspiracy theory. My research is based on the facts presented to me. Several individuals who have had in some way or another been linked to or directly associated with this group have crossed my path or a coroner's slab in the past six months. I find that more than some mere coinsidence, as I do not believe in coincedence I believe some commonality links these cases and I am determined to route out the cause.

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:As for those of you who have replied to my posting, I thank you. It has been brought to my attention about some your posts regarding the following members; Chalice, Gotham Witch (I do hope that is mearly a handle as I would truly like to meet a real life witch), Danorviel, Robyn, and Nemesis (I enjoyed your quip about our names being related, you have a good eye and seem well educated in mythology).

Robyn wrote:What, exactly, has been brought to your attention about these posters? This thought seems incomplete. Or is it merely that these posters have been brought to your attention by the act of replying?

In any case, I'm afraid I won't be of much assistance to you. My interest in the supernatural is purely tangential to my employment. The specifics of my employment are covered by various secrecy and security clauses.

Again, you sound paranoid Robyn. I was pointing out their reply to this thread and this thread alone. I appreciated their responses and I was simply acknowledging that fact.

Though I may be investigating a case, I am in no accusing the society or its members of any wrong doing. The society is a commonality that does connect my cases and in turn that fact can not be ignored.

Is it possible someone, or something, has done this? Perhaps? I do not know at this time, nor do I wish to speculate either. I need more facts to base a sound judgement upon.

I believe that my latest case from the D.C. area my hold the clues I seek, or at least get me closer to knowing the truth. A truth that my involve one or more of you. That is not paranoia, that is a FACT.

Good day to you all and enjoy your weekend.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Robyn »

You either did not read or did not understand what I wrote. Or are deliberately attempting to twist things to suite you.

No matter. At this point it is quite safe to ignore you.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

I am sorry for any misunderstanding on my behalf Robyn. I did read your response; several times and I do not know what you are implying by "twisting words" to suit me. Perhaps I was not able to comprehend the point your are trying to make. I would not like there to be any ill blood between us so if you like to try and work this out, please PM me and I will look forward to work this out.

I only want to better undertsand the Society and its workings better, I do not desire to stir up feelings of ill will amongst its members.

Thank You
Last edited by Dr. Viktor Thanatos on Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Hannah »

Dr. Thanatos,

You'll have to be a little understanding here. When someone talks about institutionalizing people forcibly that pushes all sorts of hot buttons around here.

Those of us who have discussed what we believe and what we experienced with non-initiated tend to find ourselves labelled as crazy. Several members here have, in the past, been institutionalized for one reason or another.

So it makes us often a little hesitant to work with someone who has the ability to officially label us as crazy and lock us up for it. Especially when they have apparently locked up or lobotomized three members of the Society already.

That fear or mistrust makes it a little difficult for us to notice some of the finer details of what you were saying.

Like how you've ended up hearing about Lazlo from three otherwise unconnected crazy people.

Like how you didn't check these people out because they were connected to Lazlo, but only after you were dealing with their mental problems.

Now my father has made me promise to stay out of this one, but there at least might be something worth someone talking to this guy about, even if it isn't face to face.

In the mean time, if you are wondering about any of the stuff someone has had to go through, I suggest you ask them, either in PM or in the threads outline the events you are curious about.


PS: When you are next lecturing in New York, let us know. Even if I don't introduce myself I may stop by.
I will be who I chose to be.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Thank you Hannah for your understanding of the situation. I would like to discuss my work more here to provide an far more indepth and open veiw of my research, but certain confidentialities hinder me from doing just that.

You all must accept my word that I in way judge you for your own personal beliefs or lifestyles. I myself have a few perverbial skeletons in the closet.

Anyway I thought you should all know that my patient I have been seeing from the D.C. area died last night. The autopsy was performed quickly and under my authority. The results did not shock me as they once did. Officially he died of a massive stroke brought on by a pulminary embolism in the brain.

Unofficially he could have died in one of two ways; massive anger, or intense fear. Since he was under sedation most of the time while under our care at the hospital. I am affraid he died of the latter. As I said, I have seen this before. I can say no more about it here, just yet, at least until I am certain of my findings.

As for you Hannah, I have spoken to Gotham Witch via PM about a lecture I will be giving next month at N.Y.U.. I will provide both of you with an actual date and time. I hope that the both of you can attend.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Well the official investigation into the latest death is over. The hospital has been cleared of any possible neglagence and cause of death was officially declared as "Natural Causes". I saw the body, I know better. It resembled half a dozen others in my own investigation. As long as the hospital is in the clear agaist any law suits, I was alloed to finish my research and was asked to leave promptly pending my own research. My own investigation is still pending.

I had the nightmare again last night.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Chalice »

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:As I performed the proceedure, I stared into his eyes. They say that the eyes are the windows into the soul. In his case, I saw none there. All I witnessed was madness and evil staring back at me.

Even now, after the proceedure I can still feel those lifeless eyes staring back at me as though I was staring into the abyss itself, and as if it was staring back at me.
You try closing his eyes?

Dr. Viktor Thanatos wrote:I believe that my latest case from the D.C. area my hold the clues I seek, or at least get me closer to knowing the truth. A truth that my involve one or more of you. That is not paranoia, that is a FACT.

Good day to you all and enjoy your weekend.

Um, I did. You? :?

Say, what are your visiting conditions, anyway? What's the reimbursement rate? What exactly, do you want to know? And are you willing to give what you want to take?

P.S. Many of the Gary's and Sally's have nightmares. Have you considered a good shrink? :wink:
Posts: 147
Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:34 pm

Just what—exactly—do you suggest in your posts?

Post by Rowan »

In some of your messages, it nearly sounds like you wonder if you came into contact with some of the “older” posters. Is that correct?—no words in your mouth, just my own suppositions. You wonder if there is a connection, but never say just what that connection is—or have you?
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
Posts: 28
Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:32 pm

Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Hello. I am sorry for that last outburst. I should be more professional than that. I should not aire my personal laundry in public like that, so again I am sorry.

As for your questions Rowan, my investigations have lead me to many people, some leads paid off, many lead me nowhere. I have tried many times to get in contact with some of the "elders" of the Lazlo Society, and some have responded but since then I have not been able to contact them again. Thus far all I know of the patients I have seen. afflicted by this strange psychological malody is that they had Lazlo in common, or it was at least a common denominator.

As of yet, I have not anyone from the Society in person. I can not say the same for members of the Lazlo Agency. AGain, I can say no more until I have more facts. I would not want to arouse any further suspicion, but please believe me when I say, something is amiss, and Lazlo is at the heart of it. I know it is.

As for your response Chalice. Though we have not met, I have met your kind before. Please take care. It is easy to be merry when one does not see the danger waiting in the wings.
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