Offering my services

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
Shang Li
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Shang Li »

Gabriel, we made it. The druid and his family escaped, they are being looked after. From his reaction to me, I'd say the druid has either been made to forget by someone, or that the shattered reflection of Mr. Caliburn has been here. I have had to go to a nearby park, I am tired, spent, and slow. As I meditate to replenish my energies and rebalaance my chi I will attempt to make more sense of the chaos, so that I may relate it.
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Ron Caliburn »

The real Caliburn is here too.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Re: Offering my services

Post by Gabriel »

Mr. Caliburn, it is wonderful to hear from you again.

Master Li, I do not wish to rush, but the sooner we find out what happened, I believe the happier we all shall be. Were there any casualties or serious injuries?
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Technocrat »

I'm sorry everyone, for how I acted.

I feel so ashamed.

I'm really not cut out for field work afterall.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Technocrat wrote:I'm sorry everyone, for how I acted.

I feel so ashamed.

I'm really not cut out for field work afterall.

Don't be so hard on yourself, kid. When the horror showed up, you were able to help get the family out of there. It's called Fight or Flight for a reason, and you used yours for a good cause. It's when you freeze up that you get yourself killed or worse.

I'm currently checking on our team, and trying to contact the escape party. Give me a place and time to rendezvous with you. But don't drop your guard! There's something else involved, and the family may still be targeted!
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Technocrat »

I will do my best, Mr. Reckoner.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Technocrat wrote:I will do my best, Mr. Reckoner.

Call me Paul little man. And answer your friggin' phone when you can, k? Hehehe, when you can laugh after a fight like that, it's a good night.
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

All right, here's the short version. When we arrived, a large, bat-headed thing made a beeline for the Druid's house. While Technocrat and his crew got them loaded in the van and got out of there, Shang Li, Ron and I stayed behind to cover them and to keep the beast's attention. It had powers, like making energy armor, creating fire pillars that I was caught up in, tried to stick Shang Li in magic flypaper, did something to make it smile, then took off. I caught something else flapping from the roof, but couldn't get a good look. Right now we're checking our wounded, I'm putting my weapons away and trying to come up with a rendezvous spot for our teams while warning the escape crew to keep their guards up. Neighbors are looking out their windows with fear in their faces and phones in their hands, so we need to motor soon.
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by KonThaak »

Technocrat: I'm sorry for the beating my wife gave you. I'm also sorry for the death threats. She says she's not, and she's pissed as hell about the house, but I think (read: hope) when she comes down from her anger, she'll realize it's not your fault that the house took some damage. (She says, "Yes it is, because I could've been there to stop it!")

Most of it was just the porch anyway, which--if we weren't fixing it already--would be the Association's jurisdiction, anyway... Most folks around here know, my wife has...a bit of a temper. So I'm sorry again.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by KonThaak »

The fight was pretty hectic for me, so I didn't see a lot. I saw a big monster that scared the hell out of me, I watched one of Lex's dolls get Lex and the kids into Technocrat's van, and Ron kept me down and under cover a lot. I remember one of the guys that was there (sorry, I haven't figured out everyone's names, but judging by what I've seen here, it was Reckoner...?) go up in flames, only to jump out of the fire a second later...

Shang Li our door Monday evening, and he was there fighting that thing Tuesday evening... I saw him jumping around--when I dared stick my head out--and then he suddenly stopped, right before the thing vanished...

I remember there was someone else there, a real bad-ass looking guy with way too many guns and grenades and whatnot shooting at the thing from our driveway...

Casualties? Our porch, the neighboring unit's porch, our neighbor's car (guess we gotta thank that thing for THAT--maybe they'll stop parking in front of our living room window), and the bushes in the courtyard my unit faces...but beyond that, it would seem that people were all okay, thank all that's holy.

There'd been something on the roof, apparently, watching the whole fight, but it flew off after the fight, and I passed out right after that. Woke up several minutes later, and Ron was talking to me about Hannah... I didn't really understand much at the time, except a lot of pain, and some puking. Migraines are oh so much fun; I hope never to have another one.

My negation is gone, and so is my I'm not really gonna be much help with anything until I can get one or the other back.

I guess Brutal called Technocrat back, and he brought my family back... Shang said something about Cubrious and Claw being involved in the fight, too, but they're either passed out or not talking to me, still, so they must've taken a major beating... Ron is worried about the thing that flew off. He thinks it's still out there, or something, and that my family and I are still in he's sticking around for a few days, at the very least, just to watch over us.

Thank all that's holy for Advil and milk...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Call me Paul. And I'm sorry your family got swept up in all this. Don't worry, we'll gather ourselves up and go from there.
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
Shang Li
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Shang Li »

Welcome home, my friend.

Reckoner, it appears I owe you further apologies, you were right.

I have been cursed with forgetting now, along with the sorrow of watching mankind's "advancement" for so long. I am slowly becoming a sleeper again, doomed to forget my mistakes between revolutions of the wheel once more.

2 oaths. One to a sweet little angel in maine, to keep her "uncle ben" safe from an enemy who has returned. One to a monster, who's struggle against nature it's self showed the definition of character, and hunter who's tears stirred both the ashes in his lap.

I am bound for maine now.

I will see Khavik's entire bloodline undone later.

After these are finished, the forgetting of the cycles before will not matter. I will no longer be stealing bodies from myself, I will no longer be burdened with memories, skills and ways of thought who's time has come and gone. I will finally have rest. If my oaths have been completed, the rest will be the peacefull one I have so long desired. If they have not, I will not be forced to carry the burden of my failure through eternity.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Gabriel »

Master Li... I wish you luck, and I wish you well. If you desire it, I can try to undo the curse that has been laid upon you...
Shang Li
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Shang Li »

We will be talking again as soon as I have carried out my oath in Maine, Gabriel. My friends would release me of my bonds I am certain, but Amaterasu will not.

Kon Thaak and his family should be safe from Khavik - the master considers him harmless. The thing on the roof is, or serves another player who also wishes the druid harm.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Once I make sure that KT's family are safe, I'll be joining Shang Li and heading out to help find Ben. Until then, you guys finding a safe place to go are my priority.

And Shang, I don't know much about you, or why you'd possibly apologize to me. But I WILL make sure you stay awake and alive long enough to find your peace. And hopefully to perform nuptials when all is ready for Gabe and his love. Don't worry old man, if man's 'advancements' are throwing you off, I've got your back to help.
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Cybermancer »

Reckoner wrote:As the creator and CEO of Dead Rekoning Inc., I've been through a lot before finding my way to the Lazlo Society. My signature of 'Professional paranormal extermination, specializing in zombies, undead, monsters, demons and world-devouring ancient gods' isn't just a tagline. They're things I've had experience with, also including ghosts and various spirits. I respect everyone assembled here, everyone has their own experiences and specialties. I suppose if you had to sum up mine, I'd say I excel in the things that go beyond the scope of the 'normal' situations in our line of work.

You know the saying that once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth? That sums up my life in a nutshell. While reluctant to list my entire resume' here, I can tell you that I am psychically gifted. I have a knack for picking up people's emotions, psychometry, remote viewing, and a gut for sniffing out the things that go bump in the night that mean harm to innocents. I'm as handy in a fire fight as I am in melees, and if it's paranormal, I've got a way of hurting them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If I don't respond publicly, I'll PM you. Just keep in mind that most people don't believe me when I open up my case history.. I may not respond right away, that's usually because I'm off on a case. It's not because I'm ignoring you, I don't like doing that to anyone asking for help. I'll respond as soon as I can, I promise.

Take care and good hunting.

You know it's odd, but this reminds me of an old story my God-Father told me before I went away to University.

If you'll excuse me for rambling a bit, I think I will relate it here. I've always liked it, maybe all of you will as well.

The Old Farmer and the Worldly Boy

Once upon a time there was a boy who grew up in a little farming village. He was a bright and enthusiastic young lad who showed a great deal of promise. The little village he grew up in seemed to small in his eyes and he thirsted for more.

The boys family was blessed with many sons to help around the farm. So to help earn extra income, the boy was often sent to the neighbouring farm where there lived an old man with no sons. The old man would pay the family for the boy’s help and also he would tip the boy. It was a modest farm and the two were able to get the chores done by working hard.

While they worked, they talked. Mostly the old man would talk about the weather, the crops and the local goings on. Sometimes this would bother the boy because he wanted to know more than what was going on beyond the small village. “Don’t you ever wish you were someplace else?” the boy would ask his elder.

“I have always been right where I wanted to be, when I wanted to be there,” the old man would reply before commenting how it looked like rain.

The old man was always right about such things.

One day, the little boy got to go to a neighbouring village with one of his brothers. It was still a rural village but at least, thought the boy, it was a different rural village. He met new people and saw different farms and it excited him.

When he returned from his trip, he told the old man about it.

“Did they grow cabbage like us?” The old man asked.

“Sure!” The boy exclaimed, excited. “And carrots and lettuce and everything else we grow!”

“Ah. Huh,” mumbled the old man. “Sky looks clear. Going to be a warm day.”

And the old man was always right about these things.

The little boy grew a little more and he got to see more little villages in the area and he realized they were all the same. Eventually he realized that the part of the world he had seen was still very small indeed. He wanted to see more. He wanted to experience more.

So when his father took him to the nearest town for the big market, he was very excited indeed. He saw many new things and experienced many new things. And when he got home he told the old man all about it.

“Did they buy cabbage like we grow here?” the old man asked.

“Sure they did and everything else we grow,” the boy said excitedly. “Plus they had salt and sugar and spices like the ladies use for their baking and cooking.”

“Ah. Huh,” the old man muttered. “Looks like gophers have been digging their holes. We best do something about that.”

And of course the old man knew just what to do.

When the boy was old enough to be allowed to make his own way in the world, he came to visit the old man, “I am leaving this village. I have seen villages and the town. In the town they told me of the city and I want to see that.”

“Do you think they will have cabbage there?” the old man politely asked.

“Of course they’ll have cabbage there!” The young boy exclaimed. “It’s the big city! It will have everything! Stuff like you’ve never seen.”

“That so?” the old man asked. “Best you start out in the morning. Going to be a dark night. The wolves like to hunt on nights like this.”

The old man knew about things like that.

When morning came, the boy set out on his journey to the city and he remained away for several seasons.

Eventually he returned and stopped to visit the old man. “I have been to the city!” he exclaimed.

“Did they have cabbage there?” asked the old man plainly.

“Of course they did!” the boy related what he saw excitedly. “They had a blacksmith and a mill and a tavern and so many things to do! And the people wore such clothes as you’ve never seen. How small your world is, old man. All you know about is the weather and the local goings on. All you ever ask about is the cabbage, no matter the wonderful places I’ve been.”

“Folks like cabbage,” the old man shrugged. “People got to eat and that is why I farm. There is a lot work to do. Could you lend me a hand and I will pay you what I can?”

The boy scoffed, “after what I have seen? Surely you do not expect me to go back to being some mere farmer in the dirt? I am special now! I am important!”

Knowingly, the old man nodded. “Of course you are. Well good sir, I must soon be to my labours but before I am off, could you do this old man one small favour?”

The young boy wasn’t really a bad sort so he asked, “What is it you need?”

“That box on the top shelf there,” The old man gestured to an old dusty wood box the boy had never noticed before though he had visited many times. “I am frail and could hurt myself trying to fetch it down. You are young and limber and can do what I cannot.”

It was an easy task and one the boy was eager to perform. He wanted the old man to know just how capable he was now that he had seen so much of the world. Easily he fetched down the box.

When the boy handed the box to the old man, the box was fumbled and fell to the ground. Out spilled it’s contents. There were medals and ribbons on the floor along with a brass compass and maps of far off lands. Also were several journals.

“What are these things?” asked the young boy, amazed for he had never seen such things or been to the places the maps shown.

“I was a soldier in my youth,” the old man said as he bent over to pick up a medal. “I got this for saving the life of my sergeant in a far off land that we had to get to by boat.” He put another ribbon in the box, “this one I got when we campaigned through the jungle in still yet another land.” One by one, he returned the items to the box, telling the boy of a different place and time with each one.

“You’ve been so many places and done so much,” the young boy was in awe. “What did you learn?”

“Folks like cabbage. People got to eat and that is why I farm.” The old man sniffed the air. “Rain is coming. We best get the animals in.”

The boy sniffed the air too and realized the old man was right. The young boy took his first steps towards becoming a young man by following the old man who had always been there in that small village.

Every time I revisit this story, I find some new morale. Perhaps there is one or two for you here as well, Reckoner.
This account used to belong to someone else. Now it's mine. My first post on this board begins here.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Not bad. I look forward to going home one day myself, until then, people like to be safe from things in the dark. So I'll help make them that way until I'm tired or the things are gone.
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Cybermancer »



Looks like the gophers are making their holes again.
This account used to belong to someone else. Now it's mine. My first post on this board begins here.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Looks like I'm not the only one down the rabbit hole...
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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I really wish I knew what was going on . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____I really wish I knew what you guys were talking about. I thought this talk was about Mr. Reckoner offering his services?
_____P.S. I hope you start feeling better soon, Mr. Kon.
When my dreams and visions help people, it’s not a burden, it’s a good thing.
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Cybermancer »

It's okay, Miss Grace.

Reckoner and I understand each other. :)
This account used to belong to someone else. Now it's mine. My first post on this board begins here.
"The strong polish their fangs,
While the weak polish their wisdom."
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Re: Offering my services

Post by Reckoner »

Yep. If you'd like some clarity...Clarity, please feel free to PM me.
CEO of Dead Reckoning Inc. Have a problem no one else will believe? Contact me and I'll help. To those threatening you: There WILL be a reckoning.
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I probably will need some . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____Okay. Thanks.
When my dreams and visions help people, it’s not a burden, it’s a good thing.
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