Turkey Day

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Ron Caliburn
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Turkey Day

Post by Ron Caliburn »

So, how did everyone's Thanksgiving go?

Mine was pretty typical. All day on the streets, talking to the street people, the adicts and the ho's. Lettin' 'em no where to find a warm dry place and some hot food. In the evening I was at the shelter, they let me serve the turkey this year. Most people don't know why, but I bailed the Padre out of a nasty situation involving one of the church gargoyles deciding to get up and walk around last winter.

Once we were out of food for the folks (happens all too early) I went home, put my kit together and spent the night making sure those who hadn't taken us up on our hospitality made it through the night.

Fortunately, it was a pretty quiet night. No monsters or vengeful spirits. Just a pimp who had to have the holiday spirit beat into him for taking out a slow buisness night on one of his girls.

All and all, a pretty good thanksgiving by my standards.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Mine was doing pretty good til about 8pm. Walking around, keeping my eyes peeled for anything strange going on in my area, when I spot a flock of ravens. Not a wholly unusual sight in South Jersey but I stopped to make sure it wasn't heralding anything. So I scaled a nearby tree to keep an unobtrusive eye on the area.

So, a few minutes later the manhole cover in the middle of the street slides away and out comes what on first inspection appears to be a dishevled homeless man with a bad stoop. And the ravens go nuts.

Yup, dealing with a bogeyman. But I can't do anything about it in the middle of a public street that early at night. I dropped to the ground and followed him.

So, after a couple of minutes he comes to the entrance to a backyard. He creeps in and I creep in behind him. Two young girls were having a little Thanksgiving party with their little dolls.

At this point I spring into action. I yelled at them to get in the house and bodily hurled myself at the Bogeyman, sending him sprawling into the swingset. The girls run up the stairs and into the house while the Thing is recovering. Then the Bogeyman picks up the swingset and throws it at me.

I dive to the left and roll to my feet, gun in hand, shooting. Three clustered shots to its chest slowed it down momentarily. At this point who later turned out to be the father of the girls and a LEO came out gun in hand. He ordered us both to stop. At this point the Bogeyman uprooted a tree that was near the swingset and swung it at us. We both dodged out of the way and came up firing. The battle followed that format for a couple minutes; we'd shoot and it'd swing or throw something big and heavy at us at which point we'd dodge and come up shooting again.

So having exhausted my .45 ammunition and my 9mm ammunition I drew my knives and prepared to rush It after Its next attack. The officer had exhausted his ammunition as well. Suddenly, screaming down from the heavens was the flock of ravens. They picked that creature apart. The Officer turned away looking quite green. I turned him back around to watch what happened next. The mutilated body dissolved into several dozen rats which in turn evaporated into the air.

After a fairly lengthy explanation as to what happened I left with his business card and a promise of help whenever I needed it and for whatever reason.

I slipped away while he handled the patrol cars that showed up in response to all the gunfire.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yeah, boys with badges are good to have as friends in this buisness - though still best to involve them as little as possible.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Yeah, unfortunately I didn't have any choice on the matter this time.
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Post by KonThaak »

Our day was as nondescript as could be asked. Loaded the tyke and the puppy up in the car, visited my parents to have a moderate Thanksgiving lunch, then turned around and visited the wife's parents to have a moderate dinner. We played a couple rounds of board games next to the TV, then my wife and I went home.

Glad to hear things went (relatively) well with y'all, too.
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Post by SensorArray »

Our thanksgiving was largely uneventful. Some though it would be cute to try and make the turkey into a hand puppet. It resulted in a plethora of silverware being jabbed into it's carcass. That was the highlight of the day, it's been a largely uneventful week overall.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Glad to hear most everyone had a nice holiday with a few exceptions thou I have to say good going there to Bert. For my team and myself it was reasonablely normal that is if you could ever call anything my crew does as normal, lets just say practical jokes get a lot weirder when you add Psi abilites to the mix and Hammer's eyebrows should grow back in about a couple of weeks.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

My thanksgiving...

Wensday: Come off work, rush home to get cleaned up, then spent four hours in the car, driving to my dads. Spent an hour resting, then four more hours to my uncles. Knees begin to ache.

Thursday: Good breakfast, BIG lunch, sandwich dinner, then four hour drive back to Dad's. Knees in significant pain.

Friday: Knees finaly stop hurting, light breakfast, big lunch, drive home (Again, four hours.)
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Shadow, thansk for the compliment.

As an aside, I've fought Bogeymen before solo and they usually die faster than that. But I was working outside my usual MO. Ordinarily I'd react to their kidnapping and track them back to their lair loaded for bear and blow the hell out of them. This time I had the chance to prevent the kidnapping but I couldn't stop and get any of my really good toys.

Adama, what's wrong with your knees man?
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Yeah Raven's Tears can be a major problem if you don't come prepped properly, I had a bad encounter with one when I was still working for as a standard L.E.O. before I got my presant employment situation.
As for Adama's Knee's I'm betting it has to do with his car, a compact I'm guessing.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I wish there was an easier way to deal with them than saturation attacks.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well Ron, you posted an account of fighting one that was pretty clever.

Setting up those stuffed birds and cats sounded like it really screwed with its head.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I enjoyed messing with it, but ultimately defeatign it was jsut a matter of inflicting enough damage. I prefer having an easily exploitable weakness to work with, like staking a vampire out on a roof top and waiting for the sun.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

True. Although, knowing that if you run into one anything is capable of killing it is reassuring too.
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Post by Razor »

Well, I know I'm something of a late poster right now, but I had a fairly quiet Thanksgiving. I just had a couple people in Astral form show up and mess with me a little bit, but other than that I was bored. Well, between that I'm working on picking up Japanese and of course upping my martial arts training some.
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