
General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.


Post by BBC »

Hello ...I just wanted to introduce myself. I work as an international news reporter. Often, I hear of interesting myths, legends and new stories from all over the world. I hope to share many of them with you.
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Post by Geronimus »

Hello, Since this is lookin like the place for introductions...
I'm Geronimus and I work as a tour guide in New Orleans giving the spooky tours. It's my straight job that gets the bills paid, and it's a way to make a living directly from my um.. research into strange and unusual events. I hope to have a long go at posting here.
There be monsters here...
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Post by Contact_21 »

Hello Geronimus,

I am a Lazlo Agent using this forum to alert people to the latest supernatural goings on. Welcome aboard.
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Post by Geronimus »

Did you know Mr Lazlo? I never met him, and have only seen excerpts of his book "Worlds within Worlds". Sounds like he was really a stand up kind of fella.
If you ever make it down to New Orleans, we'll have to hang out and talk some shop, do a little hunting. They don't call Louisiana "The Sportsmans' Paradise" for no reason, ya know. But bring a full load, there is a wide variety of game here.
There be monsters here...
mr. e
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Post by mr. e »

Hello, my name is Mr. E.

yes, yes, it is a false name, but one can never be too careful. i am posting to you from a undisclosed location, to protect my identity.

i have my ear to the unofficial network of Investigators and Protectors, and sometimes come across tidbits of useful information. needless to say i have made some enemies along the way.
Tabloid Hound
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Post by Tabloid Hound »

Hello, I go by the handle "Tabloid Hound". I’m a freelance writer for news papers, magazines, and other sources, but manly tabloid articles (I've even written a few for the "After Midnight" tabloid publication). I happen to come across all sorts of unusual info while searching for amusing stories and historic moments to warp and twist them into unusual and weird ones to pay the bills (remember the ongoing article about the "Terrifying Tasmanian Devil Boy" and his exploits and sightings since fleeing his captors? well, those are all mine. But in the last few years I’ve learned that the truth is more terrifying that any fictional thing I’ve ever wrote or even dreamed of. So I have vowed to send articles to this site when I get information that seems to have a ring or hint of truth to them. I have some “unique” channels and friends who provide me with some strange stories and sometimes they give enough detail that it warrants my attention to pass them on (perhaps some those channels post on this site as well?). I am not a soldier or a combatant in any way of the supernatural, but I will do my part and arm those who are on the frontlines with any info I may find and point you in that direction. All I ask in return is to be careful when you investigate these stories. I don’t wish for anyone to perish while fighting our secret fight. Be careful and may god have mercy on us all.
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Location: Travelling the Midwest... oh, and Seattle.

Post by mrloucifer »

Good day everyone, me name is Mr. Cifer, Mr. Lou Cifer. I became aware of the bloody supernatural at a rather early age on the streets of London Before I moved to the Midwest area of USA, and have since found myself a fortunate practitioner in the arts of magic from me neibor while still a lad. I have a confession that my upbringing had led me to use my magical talents as a thief and con man for a time (and I was bloody good at it), but then I ran across me first brush with the horrors of the supernatural. Before then me enemies were simply the authorities and rival thieving blokes, but then that night brought me eye to bloody eye with what I know now as grave ghouls, who had the nerve to dig up me recently deceased Uncle and was ripping him to pieces and they was feasting on him like a bloody thanksgiving turkey! I ran like a rotten yellow bellied coward after seeing em, and I've been ashamed of me actions ever since. Needless to say I have since changed me ways, aimed me knowledge of the mystical arts to a more combative, offensive nature, and I have since “ghosted” at least 30-40 ghouls (the Midwest is bleeding thick with them bastards for some reason), and a few other creatures that I cant describe to you if I had a photo to look over. So I will continue to fight me good fight, and I hope me thieving days are forgiven (I apologize to anyone out there if it was me who stole ya knickknacks and whatnot, it feels like a blasted lifetime ago now.) I now work as a manager of a pawn shop (hey, I know me goods alright? No shame in working at a pawn palace!) And at night I ghoul hunt around their favorite haunts, and “fade” any other buggers I come across. Cheers!
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

My name's Ron Caliburn. It's an alias, and if you figure out what it means, kudos to you.

I travel a fair bit, right now I'm in a cold place, but the food and women are nice and warm.

I grew up in a bible-thumping compound deep in the foothills of the Rockies. They was all preparing for something awful to happen. As a kid I asked what they were expecting. The answers never really solved anything for me, so when I got old enough to leave, I did.

Now I go place to place. Sometimes I look for answers, mostly I'm just looking for a fight.
Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Officer D.
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Post by Officer D. »

The Handel is Officer D.

I can't use my real name because I am one of the few police officers turned into a believer. Even guys in my one squad think I'm nuts. If it wasn't for my partner and mentor I might have needed a padded room. My first experience is posted here. I've had more weird stuff happen since. I'm sure I'll be posting more of my experience in the future. Gotta go the kids want a bed time story!

Officer D.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Kids? And you still do this line of work? I can't even bring myself to have kids knowing what I know. The world just ain't no place for them. . .

Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Lightning Plant
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Post by Lightning Plant »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Kids? And you still do this line of work? I can't even bring myself to have kids knowing what I know. the world just ain't no place for them


Well, if we stop, then they've already won. Just tell your children to be careful, and stay away from anything that doesn't seem right.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I am a hunter, A Ghost Hunter. I was not born Andrew Pendragon, but through my research I have traced my family lineage to the great Arthur Pendragon, so in honor of my ancestor I have changed my name. I fear not if someone or something knows my name. Someone wants to challenge me, bring it on. Before I hunted supernatural scum, I hunted human scum. I served for her Majestys Crown in the British SAS when I was brought into a special division of the SAS that deals with things that go bump in the night when my entire unit was wiped out by some sort of black, armor clad demons that fought with swords and polearms. I was the only one that I know of that survived the battle. Why do I speak of all of this? Because this battle is connected to my hatred of the Cult of Night. You see, I found out from some connections that these "demon warriors or Hunters" were summoned by the Cult of Night. So now I take my fight to wherever I find the C.o.N. Yes it is true that I sell my services to take out all sorts of nasities as you yanks would say, but the money I procur in this fashion go to my funds to wage war on the Cult of Night.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
Lightning Plant
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Post by Lightning Plant »

A. Pendragon wrote:<snip>

Well, judging from what I found out, if some group of undercover spellslingers hadn't foiled one of their biggest plots, there'd be a lot more of them around right now. I also hear that this cult had ties to that "Preserver" party that dried up some years ago.

<edited for they're/their>
Last edited by Lightning Plant on Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

It's hard for me to imagine myself with kids right now. It'd make me loose my edge. I'd be too busy worrying about them to get anything done.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Sean O'Neil
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Post by Sean O'Neil »

A. Pendragon wrote:I am a hunter, A Ghost Hunter. I was not born Andrew Pendragon, but through my research I have traced my family lineage to the great Arthur Pendragon, so in honor of my ancestor I have changed my name.

I find it hard to believe that you are a desendent of Arthur, myths and legends claim that he only had one child and that child was killed with out having any of his own.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I've met several dozen descendants of Authur Pendragon by now . . . I met the man himself once. I also know Napolean, Ceaser, Cleopatra and Miceal Jackson.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Demostar »

Heh. Now that was pretty funny.

Hey peoples. I'm no one to be alarmed about--nothing special at all about me, except for the fact that I probably know more than any of you on various subjects... (it's the only thing I can really brag about). So, if you are in the LA or Long Beach area and need some help, contact me here via Private Message.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Know it alls are good. But what do you do when the excrement impacts with the air circulation device?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Cipher »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Know it alls are good. But what do you do when the excrement impacts with the air circulation device?

Put on your raincoat or poncho?
No, wait....you duck.
The Silence holds the answer

Never forget.....nature adapts
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Post by Cipher »

Greetings all:
You may call me cipher. My talents, knowledge, and history have led me to many interesting discoveries. If you need help acquiring information perhaps I can help you. I've got a pretty large web of contacts. As to helping you....all I ask from you is you join my web. Who knows, that little fact you think unimportant might be the keypiece to a much larger mystery.

The Silence holds the answer

Never forget.....nature adapts
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Cipher? Like the dude in the Matrix who wanted to be plugged back in?

Just yanking ya. We have a few mutual contacts allready.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Cipher »

heh, I've been using this moniker for 15 years. I should have copyrighted it. But, plugging back in. Hmm....and not have to think about all the things I know. Sounds kinda tempting.
The Silence holds the answer

Never forget.....nature adapts
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Post by randy_eh? »


My name is Randy. I'm an investigative reporter of the weird and bizarre. My career choice came easy. For as long as I can remember ghosts have haunted me. All my life my parents have taken me to shrinks, put me in boarding schools, special Ed programs for kids with behavior problems, etc. They didn't know what to do with me, because I appeared to be nuts. But in reality it was the ghosts that drove me nuts. At first I had a whole slew of imaginary friends. But these friends, unfortunately, attracted more sinister, evil ghosts, which in turn chased my friends away. Now, all that seem to come around me are evil, insane, or pitifully long lost souls. I really do not know what it is with me that attract these supernatural beings. I'm not even sure how or why I see them...But today, whatever it is, drives my existence...it's now my purpose in life. And frankly, it's one of the only things I am really good at (besides playing Texas hold 'em, craps, and roulette).

You may have seen some of my work in Weekly World News. I have developed an ingenious photographic method for catching ghosts and other supernatural beings on film. In many cases I can film them in broad daylight.

The process requires running the images through a computer program that makes order out of chaos. The best way to describe it is taking white noise and reassembling it. Kind of like taking the static image on a weak or empty TV channel and forming a clear image out of it. This is the supernatural's camouflage, as I like to call it.

When a ghost can be seen, as clear as day, it is not employing any camouflage. Basically, it's like a clear TV signal. But if they're fully hidden, most people will fail to notice anything different about their surroundings. Their physical image is displaced like a static picture on a TV screen. Fortunately (or unfortunately as the case may be) I can see slight refractions in physical space that even the best supernatural camouflage gives off. I call these supernatural signatures. I cannot tell you how many ghosts are among each and every one of us 24/7. Sometimes I just need to take a break from them. A good pair of sunglasses works well in blocking out their signatures.

Depending on the level of camouflage employed by the supernatural being, the process of generating these images can take anywhere from a few seconds on a laptop to several days on a supercomputer. Fortunately, I have access to the best supercomputers in the world to run my programs. :)

If anyone needs my services, feel free to drop me a line.

At your service,

Last edited by randy_eh? on Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My snap shot is as quick as a Wayne Gretzky slap shot!
Mr Sterling
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Post by Mr Sterling »


I have been assigned to monitor. No you do not need to know from whom the orders come. The duration will be as long as it lasts.

I will be observing, I will be identifying, and I will take action.
"It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge....."
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Oh geeze . . . of all the places to be mysterious and melodramatic.

No wonder most people think we're nuts.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Hail to One and All, I am Joseph Darkhold and my current sphere of operations is in the Bay Area of California, if any of you are in the Bay Area, drop me a line and I will do what I can to help. I Have a strong arm, a sharp sword, and a few good guns to offer up at your service. I also have a fair amount of knowledge about demons (Namely how to kill them)
in particular the Asian ones, and I would be delighted to share it as needed.

Good Luck and Good Hunting
Joseph Darkhold
"Ex Ignorantia ad Sapientiam, e Luce ad Tenebras"
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Post by Cipher »

do you hang in Berkley by chance. I might have run into once while aquiring some items from one of the many Wicca shops of of Univeristy Ave.
The Silence holds the answer

Never forget.....nature adapts
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Sometimes, but a companion of mine spends more time there than I do.
"Ex Ignorantia ad Sapientiam, e Luce ad Tenebras"
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Post by Cipher »

ah, it's a interesting little town. I think I prefer it to S.F.
The Silence holds the answer

Never forget.....nature adapts
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Nice to see another one of us who wants to eliminate monsters rather than waste time stdying their feeding and reproductive habits.

The way some of the guys on here talk, I swear they are thinking of setting up a game preserve
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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