It's been a while...

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Lord NorDeth
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It's been a while...

Post by Lord NorDeth »

Haven't been around much, between travelling, and dealin with crap and leftover's.

Still on the outs with my former employer, but the boys from my old team still slip me the occassional bit of info.

Found Genny...took 3 weeks and samples of Dental DNA to ID my lil girl, but the bastards paid for it...damned bloodsuckers...I hate 'em. Damned things need to be wiped off the face of existence, so that's what I intend to do!

I'll still deal with other "specials", but Fangers...they hold a special place in my sights now. YOU HEAR ME YOU BASTARDS! I'M COMING FOR YOU!

I may get around to filing a case report on it eventually...dunno if I wanna put a lot of it down on paper...will have to relive it to do so...but know this. If you've got a vamp problem...I'm interested in helping solve your problem. Let me know where, I won't be long behind.
There are things MUCH scarier than that which goes bump in the night. Take me for example...
Joe Smith
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Re: It's been a while...

Post by Joe Smith »

My condolences on your loss.

What exactly are fangers, and what hurts them? I can make all sorts of interesting stuff.
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: It's been a while...

Post by Ron Caliburn »

He's talking Vampires.

As for what works, there is debate but silver blades, wooden stakes and sunlight seem to be your best bets.
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Delta Sierra
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Re: It's been a while...

Post by GhostSpider »

damned bloodsuckers...I hate 'em. Damned things need to be wiped off the face of existence, so that's what I intend to do!

Now there's a sentiment I can get behind. If you ever need help wiping out the vermin, give me a call.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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