Old Ones

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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

I have to say, the translation so far gives me the creeps. I'd have to so far guess that it's a lock keeping somthing out. Somthing to do with the Great Old Ones if that translation is anything to go by. I'm certainly not familiar with the language or even culture you have your assistant researching (maybe time for new kevlar?) but I'd say that the latch keeping the two disks together should not under any circumstances be opened. More speculation, but I think that spirit visiting me was more of a guardian than anything. It made another appearance last night. I was reading on the couch in the living room, and heard the front gate open (yes, it's a bit rusty) but when I got up, no one was there, nothing and no one was in the yard, and I have a clear view up and down both sides of the street. There was also some sort of ash on the edge of sidewalk, which I recalled as strange. Then, when I was in the shower, a shelf in the living room fell over. I don't have cats--a very smart Corgie though--but she was in my bedroom when I came out, asleep. Luckily there was nothing broken, just books and papers scattered over the room that I spent the next ten minutes cleaning up. While I was doing it I came across the bag that Ty had given me that had had the talisman inside it originally. I'm going to keep it, just a common red velvet bag, but I was insipired that perhaps if I can slip the talisman inside it then it might stay there.
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Doctor Boggs
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Odd question, but I don't suppose you saved the ash?
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Lord Shakar »

This bag it is just plain no strange marking on the inner lining?
Walking between the Shadows, you come to expect the unexpected.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by InTheDark »

No, the ash was white, I thought it was sand at first (I do live in Florida) but was too fine and powdery. It was also quite windy that night.

As for the bag, no, no markings or anything, but it does have two beads, a red and green, on the ends of the tie.
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Re: Old Ones

Post by Bre'hanna »

Lord NorDeth> I would be most interested in seeing the "manuscript" to which you are referring, and I MAY be able to offer you more insight into it's translation (the Etrurians, being predecessors of the Estruscans, who were some of the Father people of the Germanics, who developed the most common Runic system (The Elder Futhark) used in Western Magics, and all of the above being an area of particular interest to me). If it is what I think it might be, it is part of an ongoing chronicle spread through several cultures, on several worlds, of a Magus from another world seeking to study and develop new magics to aid in a war that took place a VERY long time ago.

As to the talisman, I may be able to offer some insight...without seeing it in person, this is only supposition, but the outward pointing arrows, denote an expenditure of energy (although traditionally, it is only four lines with the arrow points, I will have to look into the significance of the eight line version.) The circle itself usually represents the containment of forces, although it can (and often does) simply represent the use of magical energy for any purpose. Silver traditionally represents purity, and the opposition of supernatural, and preternatural forces (since it so often anathema to anything supernatural, mankind has taken to using it as a generic "cure all" against anything supernatural) but it also traditionally represents purity as well.

The Emerald is a symbol of Elemental Force representing Water, while the Ruby is the same representing Fire, and the "infinity" symbol that ties it all together (although I am curious, in the mid point of the symbol, where the two halves join, is there a mark above and below the symbol...above being a triangle with the point to the bottom, and the lower, a chevron, with the point upward, if so, please DO let me know right away). Since infinity flows from one into the other, it would seem that someone is attempting to direct the flow of elemental energies against each other in a closed system to power some form of magic. (Although I must say I am mystified as to how or why it could/would be used in this manner.)

I would LOVE to be able to examine this device first hand.

Either way, I will be following this discussion closely, as it may have bearing on something I am presently dealing with...if so, then a pooling of resources may be in order.

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Re: Old Ones

Post by Acheron »

Interesting that your friends name mirrors his god yet not. Hmm, but gods they are not. They made those that made the Gods, beware thier works. The talisman you speak of is the twin symbols of Power and Chaos if my research is correct. But research on beings who reputedly created multiple Universes is a little difficult. I will do all I can to help you, but beware; thier dreaming eye is on you, it will be difficult to close.
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