Friend left a warning?

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Joe Smith
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Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

I recently purchased a new place to live from the family of a friend that passed. It was a special place to the group of us, and I am sure he would have been happy that one of us managed to get it.

Recently while cleaning up the study, I found a couple od bankers box full of what seems to be research - into a cult. There were lots of notes, a few catalogued artifacts, and a few really old looking books that look hand written, but not in any language I have ever seen.

The thing that really unnerves me is that he had a warning, written directly to me. It says to be very careful in my dealings with new people and to not to trust people that will not come to my new house.

He also left very specific instructions on destroying the contents of the box. Some are just odd, like burning everything, then burying the ashes and salting the ground.

I already have had two people inquire about about purchasing his research, but I have a very bad feeling about it and they will not come to the house to view any of it, prefering to meet me elsewear.
I have also been seeing shadows in the woodlot just off the property. The shadows don't move like shadows though.

I found this site in his notes, and think I need to know more before I do anything stupid. Where can I find more information? What about shadows?
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Sheyblade »

A friend told me some dude with a screename of Darknight or something did several posts on "shadowpeople" here a bit ago. Maybe check that out? I heard Lazlo was a place to help out with that sort of thing.

But I've come to wonder about that.
Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

I will look into that.

I bought some motion sensitive lights to mount. Maybe that will show what is going on out there.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by AdamaGeist »

Hmm. Sounds like something I'd had a moment in as well. Check my notes on "Book of Shadows", I belive. Don't know if there's any connection, but...
Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

I put the motion sensitive lights up on the house friday night. I got the 500w big'uns since there is about 100ft of lawn to the woodline that needs to be lit up. There is 1 on each side of the house. It was windy and cold out so it took a few hours to get them dialed in so the leaves and cat/racoons wouldn't set them off.

Just after midnight, Muffin (my chocolate point siamese cat - no, I didn't name her) ran out of my lap and hid without making a sound. One minute she's sitting there half asleep and purring, and the next she is running and hiding like she is on fire.

ALL 4 OF THE DAMN MOTION LIGHTS went off at the same time! Then there was this shrill almost screaming - like a tornado whipping through high tension lines, but it quickly faded. I have never heard anything like it and it seemed to come from all sides of the house.

The cat didn't make a sound the entire time, and came out when the motions finally turned off and howled her little head off before laying back in my lap and going to sleep.

There was frost last night and this morning there was dozens of footprints in the grass. They looked barefoot, and kind of funny looking - all twisted. There were no prints within 50ft of the house, and no other tracks in the frost. The motions only have a 25ft range, so I don't know what set them off.

I think I am going to pull the Mossberg out and keep it loaded with SSG when I get home today.
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Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

Same crap again last night, right around midnight. It was overcast with no moon and dark as hell before the motion sensitive lights went off.

I went and looked outside as soon as the motions went off, and all I could see where shadlows outside edge of the floods and that same shrill screaming sound.. Same tracks in the frost again. I followed a set back to the woodlot, but lost them in the bush.

I still have no idea what set the motions off.

On a side note, my neighbors cat was trying to get into my house around dusk, and wouldn't go back outside at all once it got dark out. Luckily "Grover" gets along with "Muffin". They even took off and hid together right before the motions came on.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

Last night, nothig happened. It was pouring rain out though.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

No rain last night and the things were back. I called the cops and they looked at me like a was cracked until I showed them all the footprints in the frost.

They told me to put up "No Tresspassing" signs so they can arrest whomever is doing this for trespassing. Apparently there is nothing they can do.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Tabloid Hound »

Im sorry, I hope your luck improves with this issue.
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Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

Things this weekend started off well, but quickly went downhill.

I got the no tresspassing signs put up.

The new cat seems to have adopted the house, so I took him to the vet. He is healthy, but had a lot more scars that we thought. He also has nerve damage on the left side of his face and can't close his one eye. He's also missing several teeth, and needed his claws trimmed. He wasn't too pleased when he got his shots, but I got some fresh wallye fillets for dinner, and gave him one.

I named him Conan the Barbarian cat. Him a muffin get along fine and he even found the litterbox.

Anyways, he was the one that started acting strange - pacing and staring out the window, then he took off and hid. The lights didn't go off, but it was way too quiet to be on the shores of simcoe. THere was not a sound outside. No wind, no waves - nothing. It was downright eerie. It was overcast and dark as I have ever seen it up here, outside.

It was dead quiet, but that only lasted for a minute or two before Conan started snarling and hissing. I ran to see what he was up too, and he was standing in the middle of the hall facing the rear door - hair standing up, ears back, and in full on fight mode! As he sat there snarling at it, the doorknob turned and the door rattled hard against the jamb! Someone was out there and had gotten past the motion sensitive floods!

I hit the rear porch light, and there was the only way I can describe it, silhouetted by the light through the drawn shade over the door.

It had to be near 7 feet tall, and vaugely human looking, but one arm was twice the size around of the other, and both were way too long. It had curled, knarled hands that it tried to cover its head with, when the light went on. But the head was perched too far to one side on the body, and the entire thing looked...lumpy.

I only got to see that misshappen, horrible, silhouette for a second because whatever it was made that same shrill shrieking sound from the other nights, then lashed out with that thin, lumpy arm and smashed the light to pieces. It started pounding on the rear door, throwing its entire weight against it. I can barely believe it held.

That spindly arm broke right through the window, and started wilding searching for the lock. The arm was sort of flesh colored, but streaked with black under the skin, like it was burned. It looked like it was covered in cancerous growths, various shades of red and burnt black. The worst part was the hand....there where talons where the fingernails should have been and the fingers were longer than any I have ever imagined.

Right about then, it started throwing its considerable weight against the door, and was grunting, and making that shriek. At that, I ran back into the living room and grabbed the mossberg - barely made it back as the arm found the chain lock and ripped it right off the jamb. I put a round of SSG through the shade where I thought its head was. The arm retreated...slithering back throught he broken window, I racked another round and threw another load of SSG at the silhouette. It looked like it went down, but there was a lot of scrambing sounds. Then nothing.

I pulled the shade back with the barrel of the shotgun, and there was nothing out there, but a fizzing puddle of black and red blood, the size of a picnic table. Whatever was there sure bled a lot, but still got away since there was no body.

After a few minutes, Conan calmed down, sniffed the door and came over to me. I think it took about 20 more minutes before I was no longer shaking, and was able to call the cops. I did check the entire house during that time. Didn't look like anything else was out of place. By the time the cops came, muffin was out of hiding also.

There was no sign of whatever it was outside, the pool of blood was gone. The gouges out of the door from the things claws, inside and out, and all the damage it caused was still there. That kept me from being arrested as a loon with a gun.

The police told me it was probably a bear, and I scared it off with the shotgun. There were tracks in the snow all over the lawn from what must have been a dozen of these things - and they are definately not bear tracks! But there was only one set of tracks up to the door...and none away. I don't think it could fly....could it?

I checked all the lights saturday at first light. Its not like I could sleep anyways. All four of the motion sensitive flood lights wiring had been ripped out and the back of the housing crushed. They are mounted 10 feet up, and there were no tracks. How could someone do that?

I boarded up that rear door with some 3/4" plywood, got those lights down, loaded the truck up with the busted lights, the cats, and the bankers boxes from the study and went to my shop out in alliston. Its amazing what you can do when properly motivated.

Took me all day, but I built new housings for the crushed lights. Armored housings that are flush mounted. It wasn't hard. Just sched 80 black iron pipe as the electrical conduit, and some .125" plate steel MIG'd together with hardend steel 1" mesh over the lens of the light. After taking out the reflector and bulb recepticle ad mounting them in the new housings, I had to make some gussets to hold everything in place. I think these lights can take an anti-tank round now. It took me all day, so I ended up sleeping in the shop with the cats, and the mossberg to keep me company. I even painted the lights white to matched the house.

I picked up some breakfast the next morning and some more 12guage shells. Steel shot shells are hard to get and you will get a hefty fine if you use lead shot in a watershed. Luckily there is a store near my shop that has them.

I got back to the house sunday morning at first light and it was time to call the cops again. Back door was actually broken in half, top to bottom, and the entire house was tossed about. Someone or something even flipped over the kitty littler to look over it.

Nothing seems to be missing, but everything is a mess. Police's official stand? - Bear broke in and tore the place up, but didn't eat a thing.

That took half the day, so I spent the rest putting up the lights, closing the shutters on the main floor and bolting them, then fixing the door after the cops took photos for the insurance.

I lucked out with the door - the original door was still in the garage. The one that was smashed was a replacement put in a few years ago because it looked better. It went right in, and I even found the keys for its old locks. They work as good as the day they were put in. Didn't even take a half hour.

Here's the kicker...nothing at all happened last night at home. Not a peep.

When I went to the shop this morning for work however... Something tore open the man door and completely tossed the shop. They even managed to flip the vehicle I am being paid to put armor into. That pig weighs almost 7K lbs and has no interior or engine/trans!

Cops official take on the shop - bears.

I think I need help here.
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Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

It was a surprisingly quiet weekend. No damage anywhere and even though the new and improved lights went off a few times, no bad things.

I did get an email from one of the gentlemen who wanted to buy the research my friend did. He made a very generous offer (5 figures) and I think I am going to take it. He wants everything.

He is even willing to come to the house to get it, as long as I invite him. It was wierd though, because he wanted to pay me in gold or jewels. I want a bank transfer into one of my accounts. We are hashing out the details.

I dunno, but I am getting a bad feeling about this after talking to him. After all this crazyness, maybe I am just getting paranoid.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Shadowstalker »

Maybe you aren't being paranoid.
The bit about this gentleman wanting you to invite them strikes me as a warning flag.
The fact that they were offering Gold, and jewels as payment. Sends up another warning flag.
I advise serious caution.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Lord Shakar »

This sends up alot of warning flags. Especially the him needing you to invite him in. There are very few things that require one to invite them in. None of them Human.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Shadowstalker »

Joe you still with us?
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Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

Busy - will explain later. I would say "bad man" but that was no man.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Lord Shakar »

Often times things are not what the seem. Human or Inhuman.

Please keep us posted as this is of some interest to some.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Diemos »

The reason those things require to be invited in, is that the threshold of a home, NOT APARTMENT, builds up an energy. Usually a positive force of the family that lives there. If something crosses the threshold without being invited, it usually looses a lot of its power...BE VERY CAREFUL. Just stepping out of the way can be implied as an invitation by humans, but you have to actually INVITE those things from beyond.
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Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

Ok, here is a short update.

This all occurred around noon, last saturday.

The "gentleman" came to the house in a limo, with a few "staff" that stayed with the car. He was a dark haired man, tall, and thin, with pale skin. He was clean shaven and looked like he could have been a movie start or something like that. He looked familiar, but indistinctly so - like he was the brother of someone famous. He was well dressed, with a nice three piece suit, heavy overcoat, gloves, and expensive boots. I couldn't determine his age - not young, but not old. He was very genial and smiled alot, even though his eyes never did. He spoke with some sort or accent that I couldn't place. He said his name was Lord Dunsany and he collected rare artifacts.

His staff never got close to the house, and the limo parked at the very end of the driveway so he had to walk up the 150 yards to get to the house.

The cats and I watched him the entire time and I am sure he knew it. He walked around to the rear deck like I had asked him to, and knocked on the door. Both cats had dissappeared by the time he got to the door.

After I answered it he actually tried to do the deal out in the cold on the back deck. Alarm bells were going off in my head, even though he "felt" like I was talking to my Dad, or a dear old friend. It was all I could do to not embrace him and ask him in for a cup of tea.

I luckily had made sure to heed some of the advice given on thei forum.

I told him that I was not going to freeze outside and if he wanted to do the deal he was going to have to come into the house. I made sure I did not invite him, but that he was going to have to come in.

When he attempted to come into the house it was like he walked into a wall. He tried to put it off as nothing, but it obviously took an enormous amount of effort for him to come into the house and stay there in the foyer.

I went to the study and got two of the three bankers boxes he wanted and placed them on the kitchen table adjacent to the foyer. He would have to come in further to see what he wanted. He did - but it obviously was not easy for him. In fact, by the time he had gotten to the kitchen table, he looked like he had aged 20 years, and I could place his age somethere in the late 50's early 60's.

He pulled a small red velvet sack out of his pocket and showed me its contents - jewels! There was a handful of diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. I even inspected one in front of him as he stood there, smiling with nothing but malice in his eyes. The diamond I picked up was the size of an almost and flawless. The entire time he just felt like an old friend droppig by.

I don't know what the hell had come over me, but I went to grab the third box that had the old book in it and that small sword/really big dagger in it.

As I got back to the kitchen with the box, that tomcat came into the kitchen from the dining room door behind the stranger. The cat stopped in the kitchen door, ears flat, tail up, hair on end, and hissed at him! He immediately turned and hissed right back! He must have seen the look on my face because he suddenly dropped all pretense and lept over the kitchen table at me. He grabbed me and threw me into the sideboard, knocking it over onto me, and spilling out all my grandmothers china and silver.

I was flat on the ground, and the box was spilt all ove the place. He was more interested in the contents of the box than me and kept roaring something like "Where is it!" in this really low voice. I can only describe it like dragging a concrete block accross a driveway.

I only had my right arm free since the sideboard was on top of me, but I did bring my Colt M1911 under my sweater. I was barely able to get it and I emptied it into his back. All 7 rounds found a home, and all it did was knock him back, and piss him off. When it turned back to me his face was no longer human...I admit I nearly pee'd myself when I looked into that face.

His mouth was two or three times too big for his face, and full of pointed teeth and inch long. There was two or three rows of them! His tongue was hanging out and was easily a foot long. The nose was shrunken to two holes, and the eyes were just black holes. I was scared sh!tless!

It just laughed at me and lifted the side board off me with one hand , like it weighed nothing, and threw it aside. I tried to reload but it just knocked the gun aside as it lifted me up, fingers wrapped around my neck. It started to say something, but I jammed the large silver carving fork into it neck before it could really get into it. That seemed to REALLY piss it off, but it dropped me and howled in pain.

The silver serving tray had fallen out onto the floor and I started beating it with that. Everywhere I hit sizzled and smoked. I even thought I had the upper had for a second. Boy, was I wrong. It used those long misshappen hands to rip that silver fork from its neck, spewing black slime and blood, and send that tray flying out of my hands. I managed to get the boiling kettle on the stove and flung it at it, but it just caught it, crushed it, and lauched. It then backhanded me halfway into the far wall of the kitchen.

I landed face down on top of the contents of the box I had been carrying, and the monster was almost on top of me before I hit the ground. I tried to get up, but was pretty woozy and bleeding. Everything was spinning pretty good. I landed on that big dagger and I still don't know how I managed to not gut myself.

I though I was a goner until a furry calico ball of hell flew past me and right into the monster with a hiss and a howl. That seems to surprise it long enough for me to get the blade laying under me and drive it right into the center of its chest.

The cat backed off and I crawled away while it screamed and roared and tried to pull out the dagger as its chest. It was all shrivelling up. After about 30 seconds or so of waning fury, it fell, made a few pathetic sounds and was dead. Within minutes it fizzed and popped its way into nothingness, with a empty suit laying on the hard tile floor, a dagger driven through it, and about a half dozen .45 slugs laying inside.

I found the .45 I had dropped and swapped clips. I went to the window and the limo was gone. I started cleaning everything up and within a half hour the police where at the house again with reports of shooting. Good thing I saw them coming and got the Colt hidden. Too bad I forgot about the red velvet bag on the kitchen table.

I got to spend the next few days explaining to them how my kitchen had become a shambles and how I had come into possesion of several large jemstones worth a considerable amount.

They came just short of accusing me of stealing them, but couldn't find any reports of them being stolen. They did search the house however. Didn't find anything illegal, or the colt. They did give me a hard time about improper weapons storage with the loaded shotgun, but I told them I was getting ready to go hunting when the sideboard fell over. I also told them that was when I found the jems, and that was why the kitchen was a mess. I also got a good lawyer. That helped the most, but I still spent three days in jail on "suspicion of possesions of stolen property" while they sorted it out. The jerks arrested me just after midnight on monday morning, so I didn't get out until yesterday.

Funny thing is, that the other person who was interested in the contents of those bankers boxes left a message on my answering machine. He said "I don't think I need those boxes anymore, since they seem to be in a safe place already.". Whatever that means. I still feel like there is a target on my back.

I think I owe those cats a nice halibut dinner. I really should name that big calico tomcat that has adopted me too.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Lord Shakar »

Very Interesting. It sounds like you have had quite a time of it.
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A man with shark teeth?

Post by Clarity »

_____A man with shark teeth . . . ? With his mouth wider than a normal person’s, do you think he could have been a vampire, Mr. Joe? That doesn’t sound like any vampire I’ve heard of.
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Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

What kind of "special" place is this, Mr. Smith, and what makes it so "special?" From what I've read, it sounds to me like this "family friend" may be into something that was illegal. His "warnings" sound like a sick way of telling apart who is "in" on it and who isn't. The man in the suit I have my theories on as well, but I won't voice them without more proof.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Lord Shakar »

Deacon not to be rude but if you had read the full thread, You would know that something Unnatural was also coming around the house as well that may well be linked with something in the stuff that he had received from this friend of his that passed on.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Not rude at all, sir. And I did read the story. The police suggested "bears." I'm perfectly aware some of our civil officers are too lazy to investigate a mystery. Time and adrenalin often distort what we think happened and what truly came about.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by A. Pendragon »

Joe, glad everything "worked" out.
If you need any assistance, let us/me know.
I'm in Illinois, but willing to travel.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
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Joe Smith
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Joe Smith »

It has been quiet on the "monsters attempting to kill me front" but all sorts of wierd stuff seems to be happening. Its like little bits of wierd are attracted to me now. I notice odd people all the time when I am out, and even certain children always give me the creeps. I think I am getting a little paranoid.

I swear that the stupid dagger moves by itself sometimes too.

At least cats are their normal random selves.

And in regard to the bears - there are no bears around where I am. There hasn't been any sign of one for over 50 years and been no signs of any since.
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Did your uncle wanted the dagger destroyed, too?

Post by Clarity »

_____Mr. Ron likes cats, too. They can be very helpful, when they’re not black and invisible. Maybe the dagger is trying to tell you something? Did your uncle wanted the dagger destroyed, too? Why would you follow some of his directions, but not the others?
_____P.S. I still think Mr. Fluffers is adorable.
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Would you like help?

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Is there anything we can do, Joe, or are you able to handle it?
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by InTheDark »

Sounds like you've had quite the time of it lately Joe. Too bad you couldn't get a good look at the "people" in the limo. I wonder if they were the same kind of creatures that you axed in your home, or if they were cult members. From what I've recently gone through I know cults are on the rise, and wouldn't put it past one of them to summon this type of demon. I severly doubt this thing was acting on it's own or in charge of the group.

The short-sword you have also sounds important. Either that, or the book. I do hope you've had the opportunity to go through and read it. There should be some clues or advice in there on this situation. Now as for the demon, it doesn't sound quite like a vampire, as the one's I've encountered are usually more in control of themselves and arn't affected by silver...usually that's a wearwolf or shape-shifter thing. I would say this is some sort of demon.

I am worried for you, as the things giving you the creeps around town, and your perceiving them as you do now, means you've probably been "touched" and are receptive to whatever is lurking in your town. As far as the sword moving...sounds like you need someone to look into it. What does it look like? Any odd markings, stones, or dweomers that you can tell? Does it do anything, glow in the moonlight, seem heavier at night? I'd say it's probably more important than your gun in dealing the with demons, but keep the gun around for the cultists!

I hope I'm not being paranoid.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by Lord Shakar »

Not paranoid at all Dark. When a weapon moves of its own volition there's a reason for it.
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Re: Friend left a warning?

Post by InTheDark »

True, but with what motive? Why do these "things" want it so badly that they would risk so much exposure. I would also note, the local law authorities seem pretty strange, atributing everything to "bear" attacks. Be careful with them.
Worlds without end...
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