Hot Spots

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Hot Spots

Post by brooksntampa »

Am I the only one who notices things, such as a bridge that was crossed over while driving through the woods, only to be gone when you finally find a place to turn around, and then only after it seems like you've left the middle of no-where and are approaching the uninhabitable? The red glowing eyes in the tops of the trees, and the fact that your thanking the universe your not alone at this moment but have some friends in the car with you? Then, how you happen to stop on the way home in order to relieve's a nice brightly lit golf course in a well kept section of the county, when you feel somthing there...standing in front of you? But it can't be "seen." The worse part is when it starts talking to you...

It introduced itself as Dionysus. Anyone know much about the lesser ancient gods and goddesses? Apparently they're still out there. I never got any evil feelings from it, merely curiosity, but I have noticed the spirit seems to enjoy popping up in wooded, secluded areas from time to time. It's been nearly ten years now.
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Re: Hot Spots

Post by InTheDark »

Yeah, things do tend to move around...we're not in a "static" universe, and we don't understand the nature of reality.
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Chen Lung
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Re: Hot Spots

Post by Chen Lung »

Recently, I and my knights have returned from a dimension that very much resembled the Hell of Western Legend. Things there were absolutely NOT static. Here, at home again, I can tell you that much of the time when you think you have crossed a bridge a short time before, your perceptions and memory are in conflict. It is the nature of the human mind to forget and/or even alter the memories of the things we think we know so well.

When we are alone and trying to remember an event, our memory can be altered by a little known process called "recall error." When we are in groups, we tend to rewrite a memory based on the "collective interpretation" of the recall error altered group story-telling of the event.

The mind when concentrating on one task - driving - will see objects along the side of the road and will place that item in a kind of "event" location (called the Senory Store), but it does not place the object into Episodic Memory (which places memories into a time/space-based "when and where did this happen" store). This means that although you remember seeing the bridge, you can only slightly remember when or where the bridge was.

Next time you think you crossed a bridge, stop immediately, look at your odometer, make a note of the bridge (walk back and walk across it, physically touch it, smell it, maybe even take a picture of it if possible), then some time later, go back and see if it is still there.
The Earth quakes and the Heavens rattle; the beasts of nature flock together and the nations of men flock apart; Volcanoes usher up heat while elsewhere water becomes ice and melts; and then on other days it just rains. Indeed do many things come to pass.
Posts: 57
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:50 am

Re: Hot Spots

Post by InTheDark »

I've done a few temporal jumps before...but they're always involuntary. Getting back to where I started is the hard part. When you do that kind of thing a microsecond is just as difficult as an eon. Usually it's only been a subconsious defense sort of thing. What is funny is when I've used it to send "somthing" away from me or mine. Just waiting for the darkness to return can be disturbing.
Worlds without end...
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