Since I am not sure of the reliability of the site, here is a copy of the text in case the site goes down. Please keep in mind it is a translation.
A report received from Daniel Ubaldo Padilla:
"I am advising you of the mutilations that occurred in Rosario del Tala approximately between July 12-13. Two cows are involved; the mutilations took place in 2do Cuartel (area) at Rosario del Tala, Entre Rios Province, at "Campito Chanar I" belonging to ASEBEL, S.A. The dead animals were found by the foreman, Mr. Juan Ramon Carballo, 61, and were approximately 30 meters away from each other. The discovery was made last Monday and the event probably occured on Saturday night. The Aberdeen Angus specimen displayed mutilations to its tongue, ears and cervical tissue; the Black Pampa specimen exhibited a mutilated anus and sexual organs; also missing were the left eye, udders, tongue, left side of the jaw and chin.
"I visited the site on Tuesday the 15th and on the 16th it was possible to reconnoiter the property. Photographs and video recordings were made. Possible deterioration of the solar panels that feed the "Boyeros" system was in evidence, but this should be left to the expertise of persons knowledgeable about said systems. My apologies for the delay [in reporting this].
Daniel Ubaldo Padilla
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU)