With more and more people in the world; why.............?

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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

Oh...fun. Fun is pistol whipping every last retard in a rubber mask that thinks they can get the drop on me. Fun is taking a length of pipe and smashing it upside some deranged cult freak's head cause they pull a knife on me. Fun is shooving a can of fix-a-flat down the throat of those psychic frauds who think they can steal my money.

That is a good time.

Welcome to the party; hope you enjoy the show! :P
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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

Heather Dawes wrote:Okay, 'Son of Bitch', please shut the hell up.

Mom...is that you?

:P Get in line sweetheart. Like I said I ain't here to win any damn popularity contests. I used to read your articles Dawes. Shame you don't live up to the hype.

The supernatural is all bullshit. I've proven that without a doubt time and time again. The only way to get that fact through some of the thick skulls out there is to beat some sense into them. If you folks don't like my style. Tough f**king luck. Deal with it.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Shang Li »

You, Mr. Doe, are a rude, boorish sort of man. You threaten violence to people, and claim that such is your "style".

Your mind is already made up, you look only for evidence that proves your claim. I still believe Mr. Doe, and science, to my knowledge still has no better explanation of the things I am capable of than I do. I have in the past, survived by selling my charms and talents. If that means you will be coming after me with a two by four, or a can of whatever, I will meet you man to child, face to belly button, and instruct you on the concepts of "manners", "politeness", and "common courtesy".
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by KonThaak »

John Doe wrote:The supernatural is all bullshit. I've proven that without a doubt time and time again.

It is impossible to prove absolute non-existence. One can only disprove individual events as being mundane. You cannot disprove the non-existence of the paranormal; only that this particular boogie-man was a fraud.

Saying that you have proven that the paranormal isn't real is like a man living an isolated life on an island claiming that he's proven that Asians aren't real, just because he's never seen one in person. The rest of the world knows they're real, but because he's never seen one, he has "proof".

More appropriately, this is like the fundamentalist atheist who claims that God doesn't exist, because he blasphemed in a church, and God didn't strike him down. This proves absolutely nothing, neither the existence nor non-existence of God, and the more rational-thinking atheists just rub their foreheads in irritation at this kind of atheist's stupidity.
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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

Heather Dawes wrote:What hype? I do the exact thing you do, only I don't have a police record to go with my success.

What police record? I thought that I beat all those charges. Well....there was this one time in New Orleans, but they couldn't make those charges stick.

I guess it helps to who the corupt DA's are. :wink:
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by KonThaak »

John Doe wrote:I like to think f myself as more of an " in your face " personality. Simply put, I don't believe in this crap, I have yet to experience any of tis crap, and I look for it 24/7.

You, sir, are either a hypocrite or a liar. There is a difference between nonbelief and disbelief. If you simply do not believe in it, you would have no reason to look for it at all. You would not be concerned by it at all. Our existence wouldn't bother you, you wouldn't feel the need to call our work "crap", you wouldn't feel the overwhelming desire to call us a "sideshow".

Disbelief says that some part of you believes it might be true...so you actively force your will towards believing it to be false, because your world cannot exist if it is real. You believe against it, because you cannot handle the thought of it being real. Noone can ever provide you solid proof, because you will *always* throw it in their faces. This is why you can't even be a decent person about it; to show us decency is to give us even the slightest credence as human beings, and that could threaten your disbeliefs.

I see the same problem in fundamentalist atheists, those who cannot handle the thought of the existence of God, and feel the overwhelming need to belittle those of us with any kind of faith at all, be we Christians or pagans or anything else. They belittle us, they call us names, they insult us, because they, themselves, lack the mental fortitude to handle the thought of a universe where we may be right.

You could not sleep at night with the thought of monsters creeping around just outside your vision. You could not handle letting your children (hypothetical or otherwise) walk out the front door if you had to fear that a goblin would get them on the way to school. You could not handle being alone in a cubicle if you thought something on your computer could hurt you. So you belittle it all, to empower yourself.

I have come to realize, it isn't your fault you're this way... It's just your way of coping.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Grace »

What a nice place this is. It really does have everything.

Discussions of vampires and werewolves.

Comparisons of psionic abilities and magical spells.

It's practically Disneyland with all of its fantastic elements.

Hell, there's even a place for the kiddies to feed the trolls.

Hi, I'm Darcy! :)
"Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to."
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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

Hello again my adoring public. Thought you should know what I was doing last night. Spent most of the night in an Akron Ohio jail cell. Guess for what?

I went out drinking last night at this club when low and behold three goth loosers hopped on on something come into the place acting all Anne Rice.
So I watched as these social outcasts starting making heavy with some other goth chick and left.

I followed them outside...put on my cutom knuckles, and introduced myself.
Go think I did cause these guys didn't know how to take no for an answer.
They started raping the girl...one **king bit her on the dammed neck. Of all the f'd up shit. So I punched him right in the face shattering his jaw, then slammed a fist into goth #2 knocking his eye right of his socket. (I have always wanted to do that to someone).

The last one got all high and mighty with a Dracula sthick, so he came at me.
The son of bitch must have been hopped on on PCP or something cause that f**ker tool two blows to the head and a shot to the nuts and didn't feel a damn thing. The SOB also had a left hook like a 10 pound hammer. Sent my ass to the ground like a light weight. So I picked up a boken piece of pallet wood near by and shanked him with it when he lunged on me.

No one can take a sharpened plank to the heart and walk away...and he didn't. He dropped like a bad habit. :P Supernatural my ass. His two buddies however slinked off into the night. Lousy goth sons of bitches.

Long story short; the girl ran off back into the club, they called the cops, and I got arrested. I would still be in jail except for two things - the girl admitted I saved her whoring little ass, and 2) the cops never "found" that ashat's body that I shanked. Guess his buddies came back and burned it cause all that was left was scattered ashes. Where the hell does a couple of Gothies get Willie Peet I will never know. Anyway...no montsers or vampires or other boogey man bull shit. Just some rapist Goths hopped up on PCP.

Well one is dead, and two had major facial reconstruction thanks to Doc Doe. :lol: That cinches it though, Im getting a gun. :twisted:
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Bearshaman »

Heather Dawes wrote:I guess your world of warcraft account expired. Other wise why else would you be here.

If that were the case, I would gladly renew his account.

Mr. Doe, you are really an ass. We, myself and several of the members of the Society, have tried to be polite, but when you sit there and throw judgement around, such as the calling the poor victim a whore. Did you pay her for sex? Maybe you were high on PCP and hallucinated the whole thing?

Lets see, you hit the guy in the nuts and across the jaw. No effect. You say PCP or something. Even if he was high, there would have been blood and his jaw should have snapped. Wooden stake into the chest and body turns to ash. HMMMMM......You hypothesized that they burned the body. With what? A pocket nuclear torch? Handy dandy, portable cremator? Burning the human body to ash requires a LOT of heat, and I am not talking a bonfire. Bones, bits of flesh, internal organs would still be left.

So, since I just punched a bunch of holes in your theories, perhaps you would like to call me names or lash out at me?

Have a great day.
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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

What holes. They got there hands on some Willy Peet and torched it. I do believed I said that genius. Again, the believers refuse to READ the whole post before listening to themselves rant.

So I will explain Yogi....

Willy Peet...or as it is more commnly known as is White Phosphorous. It burns at temperatures of over 5000 degrees. Enough to flash smelt sand into glass and burns for several minutes. Enough to turn a body to ash in no time flat and burn out fast enough so that "it looks supernatural".

As I said...no boogey man bullshit....logical answers....so go back to to grabbing picnic baskets yogi, cause your making an ass out of yourself.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Hey Doe, how damaged was the ground under the ashes?
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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

Didn't stick around long enough to find out. It was suggested that I leave the city limits. I try to oblige.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Shadowstalker »

Mr Doe. While your idea about White Phosphorous is not with out merit, I have a question. Where exactly did these Goths get their hands on some Willy Peet? It isn't something you can go down to your corner store and just pick up.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

I can't imagine why they wouldn't want someone like you around.

Anyway, you missed a chance at some crucial evidence there . . . anything hot enough to flash incinerate a human body would have damaged the ground underneath - as you pointed out, WP can turn sand into glass.

Probably would have left a sizable circle of damage in truth.

If you'd found such damage, then your WP story has a factual back up.

As is, it's just speculation on your part (not that this whole vampire idea isn't speculation either).
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John Doe
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by John Doe »

You forget that vampires are not real.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

No less real than an incindiary agent that can destroy a human body in a few minutes (cremation ovens take about 2 hours) without causing extensive damage to the surroundings (that would have extended beyond the scope of the ash pile).

Unless you're going to tell me you beleive in spontaneous human combustion.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Grace »

Miss Dawes,

PM me and we can discuss contract details.

Pest removal generally starts at 20k although I would suggest that in this instance, the pest in question isn't worth my time or your money.
Hi, I'm Darcy! :)
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Shadowstalker »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by GhostSpider »

:lol: :lol:
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Eilonwy Solstice
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. . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Welcome to the boards, Mr. Doe.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Grace »

Miss Solstice,

How come the mark gets a greeting but I don't? :?
Hi, I'm Darcy! :)
"Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to."
-Oscar Wilde.
Prof. Rosecrest
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Prof. Rosecrest »

Please forgive Eilonwy for not Greeting you properly Mr. Nemesis. I fear it was a case of squeaky wheel getting the grease with Mr. Doe being responded to, and not you.
I for one offer greetings to the Lazlo Society, and hope you find what you are looking for here.
So again welcome.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Grace »


I try to make a point about someone begging for, and then getting attention and wind up looking like that very sort.

But thanks for the greetings anyway.
Hi, I'm Darcy! :)
"Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to."
-Oscar Wilde.
Prof. Rosecrest
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Prof. Rosecrest »

Yes well Mr. Doe has not been gaining fans to say the least.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Grace »

He doesn't want fans.

Just attention.

And he'll get plenty of that here so long as he keeps hitting the same buttons and people keep responding to it. When enough people put him on ignore or 'foe', then he'll go away.

So what do ya study, Prof?
Hi, I'm Darcy! :)
"Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to."
-Oscar Wilde.
Prof. Rosecrest
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Prof. Rosecrest »

I study a great many things. By training I am a Parapsychologist. Thou I have a bent in my training for helping to heal peoples bodies, and minds after a encounter with the Supernatural. At least I try.
Thou I am fairly capable of investigating things as well.
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Kelly »

Hi ya'll.

Thanks for the computer GS. Right now its our only means of communication with you guys.

Things aren't so good out here. I'll explain to everyone later. WieCee expect a PM from me shortly.

I was able to read some of the most recent posts be eveyone, but decided this would be the best place to let everyone know how were all doing.

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John Doe
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Re: . . .

Post by John Doe »

Eilonwy Solstice wrote:Welcome to the boards, Mr. Doe.

Um....thank you. :?

Can someone tell me why I have an account here?

Come to think of it; how many times have " I " posted?

I have been off my medication for a few days, so do not remember all that much.

If " I " offended anyone please forgive me. I just haven't been the same ever since I ......lost my fiance last year.

I have these times when I blackout and don't wake up for days at a time, no knowing where I am or how I got there. Several times I woke up in jails and covered in blood not my own.

I think I am doing horrible things during these blackouts but I have no memory of it.

Could I be possessed, or worse?
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Re: With more and more people in the world; why.............?

Post by Natasha »

I'd need more details and information to say one way or another. I know for certain that something is definitely going wrong with you, though. You should come in for some observation and analysis immediately before it happens again. Fugues that last for days indicate something is very seriously wrong, especially when you're finding yourself in jail and covered in other people's blood.

I said it, so skeptic doesn't have to.
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Eilonwy Solstice
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I apologize, Nemesis. It’s been . . . a hectic couple of da

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

I apologize, Nemesis. It’s been . . . a hectic couple of days. With the strange happenings at Hannah’s school, my recent adventure with Dr. Boggs, my personal doctor’s orders to take it easy, and work piling up, well . . . I don’t suppose I have to continue?

Rose, I’m not certain what you meant about “squeaky wheels” and grease, but I mean to welcome everyone to the society, and apologize if I ever forget anyone. If you would like to talk more, Nemesis, I’d be happy to exchange private messages with you.

So . . . in the meantime, welcome.

As for the original topic . . . I believe a lot of people do encounter the supernatural. However, they have learned to brush things off and turn to rational explanations. Back in high school, I once dated a boy who had a few . . . “issues.” One weekend night, he was out with friends, though I opted out because my father had begun noticing a decline in my grades. That Monday, he and his buddies returned with a story of visiting the cemetery at midnight and seeing a ghost. Of course, it was well-known they had brought several kegs with them.

Oh, and Mr. Doe . . . well, you haven’t offended me. I’ll say that much.
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
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