Bigfoot on vacation in Borneo?

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Ron Caliburn
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Bigfoot on vacation in Borneo?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Large footprints discovered on Borneo may belong to Bigfoot wrote:Kuala Lumpur, June 14 (ANI): Two extra large footprints discovered in a village on the Borneo island may belong to the mythical Bigfoot.

Bigfoot is one of the more famous creatures in cryptozoology, and, like many cryptids around the world, there is a fierce debate as to whether the species exists or not.

According to a report in The Borneo Post, the idea that the newly discovered footprints belong to the mysterious creature, is spreading like wildfire in the village and surrounding districts.

Local businessman Tan Soon Kuang from the Daro district said that each footprint measures 47 inches from heel to toe and 17 inches sideways, clearly too gigantic for any normal human being.

Asked if there is any possibility that the footprints were man-made, Tan said it would be a tough act for a person to create such a mark on the hard ground.

On his conversation with the villagers, Tan said that when he asked the villagers about the first time they discovered the two big footprints, they told him it was on June 9.

They also told me they now recall that before they came across the footprints, the villagers had, a few months ago felt uncomfortable and sick as if there was something unclean in the air, he said.

They said they decided to look for a bomoh (medicine man) who told them to go to an area, dig a small hole, then build a fence around it, he added.

The bomoh further told them to make offerings outside the area fenced.

And then last Monday morning the villagers saw the two big footprints outside the fenced up area, he said.

According to Tan, When I asked the villagers if they were afraid or not they told me some were afraid; other just curious. But all of them apparently believe that the place was unclean.

The villagers are now clearing up the footpath leading to the large footprints in anticipation of more people coming to have a look at the footprints. (ANI)
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Bigfoot on vacation in Borneo?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well, we all need a getaway once in a while.

The more interesting turn of evnts is if you look into the middle of the article:

They also told me they now recall that before they came across the footprints, the villagers had, a few months ago felt uncomfortable and sick as if there was something unclean in the air, he said.

They said they decided to look for a bomoh (medicine man) who told them to go to an area, dig a small hole, then build a fence around it, he added.

The bomoh further told them to make offerings outside the area fenced.

And then last Monday morning the villagers saw the two big footprints outside the fenced up area, he said.

The connection between te medicne man's ritual and the appearance of these footprints probably shouldn't be ignored.
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Can anything be ignored?

Post by Clarity »

_____Can anything be ignored, Mr. Ron? It sounds silly to try, doesn’t it?
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