Problems with Lex's job...

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Problems with Lex's job...

Post by KonThaak »

I'm posting this here, because it's pretty much Off-Topic. As I'm sure some of you have noticed, I haven't been here much in the past week or so. I've popped on, checked my PM's, responded to them and such, but I haven't really been active. I'm posting this at all because I'm hoping some of you may have wondered why...and I'm posting this in Philosophy because I'm not looking for handouts or help, though I'm certain many of you will offer, and I appreciate it.

Lex pays for disability insurance at her job... When you go on LOA, they pay you 60% of your weekly wages for 6 weeks' time. They also turn off your disability insurance payments, but they're supposed to turn it back on when you come back from LOA.

Well, when Lex went on leave after having Julian, they dutifully turned off the insurance, so we didn't have to pay for it. While Lex was on leave, the company changed banks, and the paychecks changed. Now, instead of having a detailed listing of each deduction from your paychecks, there're just numbers that represent a code. It took them almost 2 years from the time they instigated this to actually give their employees a key for this code.

The long and the short of it is, Lex realized recently that she no longer has disability insurance. She signed up for it again, but they may see her current pregnancy as a "pre-existing condition", and they may refuse to pay her all of what's owed--or at all. When Lex confronted Human Resources about this problem, they basically told her "it's not our problem".

In the past few weeks, we've been scrambling to save as much money as possible. Thankfully, Lex is an absolute genius with money--probably because she has her hands in a million dollars every night. She's got a financial plan for us to save money out of my paychecks, that'll help us get through when she goes on leave at the end of July, even if they don't pay us anything at all. We are currently on track with that plan, and are doing alright. I just...haven't had much of a desire to come online this week.

Michael T left us some money after he stayed here with us...for which I am grateful. That gives us enough of a bumper that we'll certainly make it.

For all my flaws, I think my worst one is how depressed I get over monetary issues... I'm glad to see nothing I could help with came up while I was gone.

Again, we don't need help, and I appreciate that most of the time, y'all wanna come to my rescue... We're doing fine. I just wanted to explain why I wasn't here much this week.

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Re: Problems with Lex's job...

Post by Ron Caliburn »

I have a certain dislike of those who do this for money, but I've also longed for us to have some sort of stable income that allows us to continue our efforts.
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Re: Problems with Lex's job...

Post by Willie Long »

That's one of the nice things about working for the Lazlo Agency: a small salary with travel expenses.
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Re: Problems with Lex's job...

Post by Shadowstalker »

I don't do what I do for the money, but the people I work for do pay well. :oops:
But then I see what I, and others here do as sort of a civil service gig. So kind a extention of my old job as a L.E.O. for me.
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