Ron Caliburn wrote:Thomas Sheldon wrote:Let simple men stay simple men, pleased by simple things, going about simple lives, with simple concerns.
Over my career, I have always tried to leave the simple folk their simple lives.
Way I see it lots of these things are like dogs smellin fear, they go after the source of fear. Might be why so few people have just one encounter and why they normally get worse an worse, the meet a monter, they start to be afraid of monsters, more monsters come to feed on that fear.
Why would anyone want to condemn another person to dealing with all this?
Because, if the majority of people don't figure this out in tme, our small battles won't be enough. Sooner or later the floodgates will break open and everything mankind has ever feared will leap from the shadows.
If mankind still pretends it all doesn't exist - makind won't be ready and it will fall.
Mr Caliburn I have seen other places where the supernatural is natural and common place Mr. Greydawn took me there once and it wasn't a very friendly place and the sad thing was that the demons and monsters thier were mostly controlled buy humans that were far more cruel than any monster and almost made me feel sorry for the mansters and demons for no creature should be a slave be it human or otherwise.
My point being if all humanity were to open its eyes here there is a chance of the same thing happening here.