Nashville night life

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Nashville night life

Post by Munin_rob »

recently i have been aproached by several associates regarding some problems that have been occuring in nashville in the printers alley area. they claim that some cult has been hireing succubi to work in several of the local strip clubs (when i agreed they insisted that they meant demons not the average stripper) there have been several disapearances in this area but i doubt it is the work of the demonic (demons? puhlease) but if anyone has any leads on this issue feel free to post here. (go ahead and post your "psychic" drivel as well - i am good at seperating fact from your fancy)
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Shang Li
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Not so crazy

Post by Shang Li »

Hmmmm. perhaps your friends see more clearly than you. one of my students came to me stating that he encountered a large reptilian creature in the printers alley area. he went to investigate last friday and has not made it back to class since..... perhaps i should investigate this more thouroughly. i have already meditated on this and seen the flow of dark energy covering the area. mor ereports to come.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Honest question. If you don't belive in the paranormal, why are you going onto a Forum that allows people interested in Paranormal studies to ask your questions?

I understand the concept of 'Trolling', or coming onto a forum to harrass and harrange the normal users for your own entertainment, but I always found it to be rather juvenile. Perhaps you should go down to those aleys yourself, and if you don't come back with some answers, we'll know it's somthing worth our time. Otherwise, why bother for the sake of someone who does not respect our opinions?
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Post by WonderingMind »

Before you start thinking that you are dealing with the supernatural first determine if you are dealing with something a bit more mundane. I strongly doubt that you have Succubi or Incubi (AKA Dar’ota) in Nashville. Simply watch the missing persons reports and also check with the local urban outdoors men in the near environs of the strip clubs. If no one comes up missing in a few weeks you know you likely don’t have a Dar’ota problem, as they need to feed on blood, preferably every two days or so. Dar’ota are also water phobic, doesn’t hurt them, they just don’t like it.
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don't remind me

Post by Munin_rob »

please don't remind me where i am posting (doing this for a friend that went to investigate some "sightings" in the area and didn't come back. he made a direct request that i post on this site before he went out to check these missing persons cases. by the way 2 missing persons reported in the viscinity (and who knows how many homeless) in the last 3 days. you want a beliver? - show me proof.
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Post by WonderingMind »

Again, you still likely don’t have a Dar’ota problem. If you have the skills in forensics, start following the clues, keep your mind open to possibilities (not necessarily supernatural). As closing one’s mind has the effect of bending the facts toward your own preconceived notions. This allows facts to slip under the radar so to speak, and can cause you to miss subtle clues. This is important in any investigation, be it mundane (if there is such a thing as a mundane murderer) or supernatural. You have to follow the same steps in investigating the situation.

BTW, I (we) don’t want a "believer" an open minded skeptic is much better. One willing to see facts just as they are not as the want them to be. I feel no need to convince anyone of anything. Most folks on this board will agree with me, I am quite sure.

:idea: WM
Keep your eyes and mind open and you just might see something interesting.
Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

I agree this is no "dar'ota". my student had faced and fought the tempters and defeated them in the past and was well trained. I have investigated the area my self and found the place where Li Long died. The place did not feel like a dar'ota. What i felt there was not a visitor to this place. The disruption of chi also felt darker and stronger than the disruption that i have experienced with demon kind. It had a more "earthy" feel to the disruption. almost like someone had smothered the natural flow of chi with a blanket of yin. i would recomend to all who visit that area in the hours of darkness to heed their instincts and see with their spirit not the eyes.
Well i have a debt to pay. Looks like fathers blades must again awaken. May the kami have mercy apon us all.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

Well almost everyone was correct. this was niether "demon" nor natural. a person had focused upon himself too large an amount of yin and it caused him to change. no longer human but not yet demonic. the poor man was well trained in a fighting art and stronger than one would credit him for. he may now rest in peace while he awaits rebirth. my friend is also no longer measured amongst us. he did his part and died well - stubborn as always.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
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