Halloween With the Boys

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Ron Caliburn wrote:After about two minutes of listening to a four-part harmony about what they were going to do to their girl friend tonight I reached over and turned off the radio.

How can you take a beautiful love song and make it sound so... sleazy?
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Post by GhostSpider »

Its Ron, he has many talents.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I actualyl listened to the lyrics.

Glad to know you haven't gone MIA on us.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by KonThaak »

Well, folks... Except for missing accounts of what happened in Chicago, and the aftermaths of those accounts, this story has finally come to a close...so I guess you could say Ron's, Hannah's, Willie's, Ei's and my own parts of this story have basically come to a close. Ron's dealing with things right now that reach much farther than this story does, and while I wish very much I could help him, I lived with him for a month, and there wasn't much I could do...

I watched a sunrise this morning. I spent a month completely unable to do that... Just a month of having to hide in shadows 24/7. I understand Ei's "location" line even more now than I once did...

Ron, Hannah, Ei, thank you all again for everything you did this past weekend.

Everyone else... I'm sorry for the hesitation in explaining things, particularly how I'm back in my own body, but for this morning... Until I have to go to work, I'm gonna enjoy my morning with Lex.

I will say this. I won't miss what I was this past month.

Malakai, be damned thankful that air compressor was under warranty.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by DroopyDawg »

KT, may I be the first to say WOO HOO!!!! :D
Welcome back man, you were beginning to worry a few of us.

Can't wait to hear the story on this one, but that can wait. Enjoy what you got, because none us know what time we have.

I am not so much bothered by what I perceive, as by what my mind tells me about what I perceive.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Air compressor?

Sounds interesting, to say the least.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »


So, do we need to mind-wipe KT before he develops any insanities from this mess?
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Bert . . .
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Bert trying to do anything like you are talking about is as likely to cause problems as the Memories you are worried about.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Bert . . .

What? I was only asking!
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
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Post by KonThaak »

I don't want my memories erased, Bert...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Malakai »

The attempts to bring you back "Konthaak" should have fail!
Are you prepared to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? :twisted:
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Post by Shadowstalker »

From the sound of things Malakai, you are a day late and a dollor short. Try annoying someone else.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Malakai wrote:The attempts to bring you back "Konthaak" should have fail!

Malakai's Grammatical Equal wrote:All your base are belong to us! We have set you up the bomb!
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
Celeste Darken
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Paradise Lost

Post by Celeste Darken »

“You’ve seen them do this?” I asked in unbelief.

Khavik nodded, enjoying my look of horror. He was telling the truth, I could sense it. But there was something more he wasn’t telling me, something I didn’t like . . . something I didn’t trust. Khavik was watching the beasts stalk the child, anticipation stamped on his corrosive features. Uncertainly, I watched, too.

The boy didn’t dare to breathe, didn’t dare to blink . . . he didn’t dare to think, lest the horrid, misshapen beasts sense the detail in the dead air, dead air that didn’t move or stir in the slightest, as though even the minute energy it would take to think would set off an alarm in a pixilated trap, and the demon dogs would attack if the delicate balance was disrupted.

And then the unthinkable happened.

A hair on his forearm moved, a minuscule little detail that should have been impossible to notice, seemingly violated by some unknown law that refused to obey when others paid obeisance.

The dogs leaped as one.

But I had been moving beforehand, leaping into an aerial cartwheel and bypassing the dogs’ tearing jaws, becoming the boy’s first line of defense. The sky overhead darkened nigh imperceptibly, thickening in color until it was the dark maroon of newly spilt blood. I fought off the damnable beasts with reinvigorated wrath, sensing the boy’s importance within this strange world that wanted all inhabitants inside dead. Their numbers seemed to have grown, though I saw no logical way for them to have done so. However, it was the only case that could be, for as difficult as it was to slay one, two more took its place immediately after, pushing their way through the first demon hound even as it discorporated to ash. One started tearing at my arm viciously while the other took my side. I was slowly being overwhelmed.

And then the impossible happened.

Khavik bowled into them with the fury of the angel of death, scattering the pack like a whirlwind, the stolen Claw used expertly in his hands. For a brief instant he cornered me with a gaze that was terrifying to behold.

“Get the boy. Speak the words,” he said. His smile was no less evil than the serpent that beguiled Eve.

But I was not here to argue the matter. I was here to find the boy and set him free by speaking the words. The same instructions Gabriel had given me . . . .
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Post by Gabriel »

Willie Long wrote:“Brother Winder was quite compelled by your description of the place, decided to move in. But surely you should have known that, Winder speaks of you often, told me you were coming tonight. You were to be my guests until he completes the ritual.”


Montague let his cat drop to the floor. “You are not friends of Windner?!" He shouted, "Mes amie, aidez moi!”

Frenchie always was an idiot. We hated him for the fool he was; he was so incredibly incompetent that he intentionally surrounded himself by those less competent than himself just to make himself look good.

But he'd sworn allegiance to Windner, recognizing that my now-former master was far more likely to do damage to this world than he was.

It's true that Windner related Ron's tales of the asylum; I was there for them all. He was so moved by the beauty of Windner's plans that he had to enjoy a good glass of wine...or five. He was a lush in the disguise of a connoisseur, and the world is better off without him in more than one way.

I was also there when Windner warned him that Mr. Caliburn and Mr. Long would be arriving... His eyes glazed over dreamily, and he had to excuse himself to his wine. Windner left him in disgust, and didn't bother trying to complete the warning. At that point in time, we simply prepared for the inevitable arrival...

I don't know everything, but I will do what I can to fill in as many holes regarding Windner's plans as I can.
Celeste Darken
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Words of Power

Post by Celeste Darken »

The boy was terrified of me, but he dared not move, or the demon dogs were sure to forget the other vampire and go after him. I aligned my face as gently as possible, making soft, crooning sounds. In this way I slowly edged closer to him, my hand held out comfortingly. He let me take his hand.

“You do not have to fear me,” I whispered softly, my eyes looking into his. His had started to regain their color, a vibrant mosaic of kaleidoscopic shades that had no equivalent on earth. He nodded shyly, and the demons turned their sightless gaze to him in a second. I hugged him to my chest, wrapping my arms around him protectively. This time, Khavik did nothing but plant the blade of Claw against the earth and watch me, a look of satisfaction on his hellish features.

As the teeth began to tear at my forearms, I shut my eyes and spoke my own words, unrehearsed.

“Adam tu’la Gabriel.”

The sight I had enjoyed for so long suddenly spun out of control, coursing in dizzying circles before slamming to a halt where they normally would have been . . . where my eyes should have been if I still had them. I felt something intangible reach inside me and lift me out. Suddenly I was being lifted into the air. I saw the dogs fighting each other, but all humanoid figures had vanished.

And then my sight left.
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Post by Gabriel »

Thank you...Eilonwy...for keeping Khavik from bringing harm to that boy...

And Joshua... I am sorry that I could not get Claw away from him... I...was going to try, but something else more important came up, instead.
Eilonwy Solstice
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Humanity Regained . . . at a Heavy Price; the Druids

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Voices from a distance grew nearer. I heard exclamations from a far away place. There were screams, the thunder of bullets . . . .

I gasped, drawing in such a deep draught of air it hurt my lungs. I felt evil all around me, and I struggled to tear my mind free and Open myself to sense them all out. My sixth sense came too late; a strong fist smote me to the ground. When I became fully aware again, I was on the cold cement, the sounds of battle surrounding us. Concentrating on the noise surrounding me, I could make out the voices of Willie, Ron, Hannah, and . . . Gabriel. But before I could do anything else, Khavik reminded me that this was not my night. A mystically sharp blade touched my throat.

Remember, little vampire . . . you owe me. I will come one night to collect my due . . . remember . . . .

And then he left me, turning into a . . . bat. Shrieking maliciously, he wheeled through the air, brushing my hair and neck with his wingtips, making me flinch. At the time, I had no idea what was happening, I was so disoriented. After reading through Josh and Ron’s accounts, the noises and the impressions I came across made perfect sense. I didn’t know what was going to happen; all I could tell was something had gone horribly amiss in our plans. And . . . it was all my fault. I struggled to my feet, tilting a little as I sought a wall and missed. But I managed to keep my feet, regaining my balance. I don’t remember saying anything during that maniacal debacle, but it easily could have happened the way Ron described. I know I was in a delirium as my mind returned to my body.

But I distinctly remember my blood freezing as Hannah stabbed Ron in the heart with her bewildered, hurt question.

“Pa, why’d ya hafta kill Gabe?” Before I could say anything though, my senses took control, and her words didn’t make any sense. Gabriel was right there . . .? I tried to follow him with my gazeless holes, but it was even more useless than was ordinary. The rest is very vague. I remember calling out, begging to know what was going on, and a feeling of falling. I awoke the following morning in my own bed.
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
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Post by KonThaak »

I still don't know when I stopped screaming... That was pry how Ron figured out I was in that jar. That, and I think Hannah could tell, too. I dunno, I didn't really talk to either of them about that night after that night...

I do know that when we were leaving, Ei was moving as if completely dazed, Hannah was helping her up the stairs, and Willie and Ron were carrying the jar I was in...and my corpse. I felt...useless, and a lot of other negative things, too.

When we approached the top of the stairs...I was aware of something big going on. I don't know how to describe the way it felt at first... Just...something very big happening on the spiritual realm. When we got to the top of the stairs...we found the asylum, unburned. The walls were fine. There weren't even singe marks on the door.

But noone was there... Not really, anyway. Shadows of orderlies walked the halls... Shadows of patients banged without noise against the doors, begging in voices that were forever silenced to be released.

A single voice carried through the corridors, singing softly, echoing through the halls...

"...and put out my hand just to touch your soft hair, to make sure in the darkness that you were still there, and I've gotta admit, I was just a little afraid...


We were all disoriented by the sudden appearance of the asylum around us, but hearing Gabe singing like that, it was...distressing, in a lot of ways... It didn't help that I knew the next line...and at the time, I didn't know how to control the new "body" I was in, so I couldn't stop myself from joining in...

"Stop... I wanna go home... Take off this uniform...and leave the show... I'm waiting in this cell...because I have to know... Have I... Have I been... ...Have I been guilty all this time...?"

We tried to get a fix on his voice...but it was too faint, and it echoed, and my uncontrollable singing pry didn't help too much... At the mention of the word "cell", though, I saw Ron go stiff, and like a man driven and possessed, he was suddenly leading us through the hallways, right up to a door... He looked pretty damned certain we were at the right place...and we were.

I couldn't see him... I was at an enforced height of about two feet tall, thanks to being stuck in that damned jar...but everyone started trying to talk to him through the bars in the door... They tried opening the door, but it wouldn't open. The doorknob wouldn't budge. Willie tried knocking the damned thing down, but as he was gearing up to do it, the damned thing fused into the wall...

What happened next was something I never thought I'd see outside of a David Copperfield magic act... Hannah reached out, touched the wall where the door was, and simply stepped inside his cell...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by GhostSpider »

The attempts to bring you back "Konthaak" should have fail!

In other words... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Post by Hannah »

Hi Y'all.

Ya think that a bunch of smart grown ups like my Pa an' Wie an' Josh an' Willie woulda known that the door wasn't real. None of the walls were real either. They were just there 'cause everyone thought they shoulda been.

Gabe noticed immediately when I stepped through tha door. "
Little one, you don't want to be here..." When he turned ta face me the dark chains holdin him to the wall rattled a bit.

"Nonsense, we rescued everybody else, so it's time ta rescue you."

You shouldn't be here. Where I'm going...I hope you never go." The chains were gettin' tighter, it looked like they was pullin' inta the wall. He wasn't even tryin' ta struggle against 'em, he was jsut sittin' there in a straightjacket.

"What are y'all talkin' 'bout Gabe? We'll just get those chain's offa ya and you can come back ta my place with everyone." I grabbed his wrist and looked fer the lock on the chain, I've always been good with locks.

My...my sins are too great to allow me any kind of rest..." I pulled out a hairpin and started tinkerin' with the lock.

"Sins? We all got sins. We've had 'em since Adam and Eve bit inta the fruit from that crazy tree. It don't mean that we ain't got the chance ta get clean."

But mine are so great . . . I have done so much harm."

"That don't matter. Even the worst of us can be absolved if we do the righ things. 'sides, you done a lot of good fer a lot of people, you have ta consider that too."

You really think that." He seemed rather astonished, I thought everyone was taught this sorta stuff when they was little.

"Have I ever lied ta ya?"

The first lock clicked open and the black chain immediately dissolved inta a shadow.

How did you do that?" He was starin' at the wrist the chain had been locked around.

"I didn't. I couldn't find the innards of the lock. Near as I can tell, it unlocked 'cause of you."

I looked up inta his face, a bunch of stuff made sense now. "These chains aren't real . . . you just think they are 'cause you feel guilty about what y'all did ta those people."

That caught him off guard. "
Did you read that on the boards? I only posted it a few minutes before everyone arrived."

"I know you did some stuff y'all ain't proud of, otherwise y'all wouldn't be like this. I'm guessing it was about those people that got killt." I looked him in the eye. "Y'all can feel guilty all ya want. Y'all can want ta be punished fer what ya did wrong all ya want too.

"But you're a good man an' you done a bunch of good things, fer me, and fer others. Pa told me about the people ya rescued, just in case soemthin' happened and I had ta get them home without him. I know what y'all did fer me, even though you knew you was about ta get kilt.

"I don't know what you beleive in, but it seems like you beleive in Hell, 'cause that's where you want these chains ta drag you. So if y'all belive in Hell I'm guessin' y'all beleive in Heaven too.

"Ya know what it takes ta get inta heaven? It isn't bein' without sin. It's about repenting your sins, sincrely and honestly. It's about forgiving yourself and askin' for forgiveness from the Creator.

"We're all worthy of forgiveness, provided we're willin' ta sincrely try.

"You're a good man who made some bad choices . . . don't let thsoe choices destroy you, not when you have so much good left ta do."

I reached up ta him . . . the chains weres still tight but they'd stopped pulling.

He looked me in the face. He was confused, maybe a littles cared too. "
Are . . . are you sure?" I just smiled and nodded at him.

The chains all fell off him at once and he tumbled forward at me. I did my best ta catch him, but we both ended up on the ground. He was all curled up. I held his head on my lap and stroked his hair while he sobbed.

Then it was all gone. The Asylumn, Josh's body, and Gabe. We was jsut there in the burned out rubble.

I could tell they all wanted ta say somethin' . . . that they wanted ta ask what had happened in Pa's old cell.

I just stood up and brushed the dirt off my skirt.

"How about we 'all head home and I cook us up some pancakes?"

So we did.


PS: I was right about Gabe havin' important stuff left ta do too.
I will be who I chose to be.
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Post by Gabriel »

I'm still not quite sure how Hannah did that... Had anyone else said the same things, I wouldn't have listened.

Maybe she just has that effect on people...

Hannah, thank you again. You saved my soul, and Josh's life.
Eilonwy Solstice
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I wish I could have done more . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Gabriel wrote:Thank you...Eilonwy...for keeping Khavik from bringing harm to that boy...

And Joshua... I am sorry that I could not get Claw away from him... I...was going to try, but something else more important came up, instead.

I wish we could have done more, Gabriel. I’m sorry I failed you, and that I wasn’t much help after . . . after that . . . .

I don’t even remember the asylum.
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

The asylum seemed real enough to me, even though I knew the place had burned down a month before.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

Sounds like that apartment in Petersburg that I actually visited in Moscow.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
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Post by Natasha »

I'm really not liking the "it shouldn't be here" talk that's been going on lately...
Наташа Крылова .:. Natasha Krilova
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

You have a story to share Nat, or just a bad feeling?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Legacy wrote:Hey Willie that wasn't a foreign language! :P Gotta get with the times man! LOLOLOLzorz! ZOMG RTFM N00B!zorz (jk btw!) (zorz)

If you told me people talk like that in person, I wouldn't have believed you.

Ron Caliburn wrote:Willie and I argued a fair bit about Eilonwy. We were going into a combat heavy situation and while I was impressed by what she had been able to do at the nightclub, things were probably going to be a lot hairier when we got to where Windner was holed

You don't know how much I wished Bert, Koyla, and Pendragon were with us. Especially when Loni wandered off without a word!

KonThaak wrote:Willie tried knocking the damned thing down, but as he was gearing up to do it, the damned thing fused into the wall...

I'm glad Hannah was able to get through; punching through stone walls ... can be uncomfortable.

Natasha wrote:I'm really not liking the "it shouldn't be here" talk that's been going on lately...

Think we should mention what happened to Montague's suite?
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Re: I wish I could have done more . . .

Post by Gabriel »

Eilonwy Solstice wrote:I wish we could have done more, Gabriel. I’m sorry I failed you, and that I wasn’t much help after . . . after that . . . .

I don’t even remember the asylum.

You didn't fail me. You got Josh home, and helped me restore him, along with Hannah. You didn't fail anyone at all, Eilonwy...

I wish...that you could've stayed a bit longer.
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