Hunter and Hunted

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Didn't Cee and Dante fight one of those things once?
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Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

I think so, Bert, back when they first met.

Ron Caliburn wrote:Willie ran into a similar beast a few weeks back, though if I remember his post right, the one he found was female.

Yeah, I lead an E-team against two of them in mid-July. Looked like a normal man and woman until they turned into vampiric alligator people. Don't know if it was their actual gender.

Frankly, I'm surprised your ally survived being hit. They're crazy strong. I had to throw away the tonfas I used in that fight, they were completely ruined.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

It was still in human form when it slammed her up against the fence - perhaps that limits it's strength.

It also seemed to be interested in her being afraid at the start, so perhaps it wasn't interested in really hurting her at that point.
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Post by Hannah »

Hi Gang.

Now I know why Pa came home smellin' of perfume that one night.


PS: Pa has some really different friends, I wish he'd let me meet some more of 'em.
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Post by Legacy »

Lily sez:

It's hard for me to go downtown. Chicago, I mean. There're all these beggars who don't really need to beg, you see... Theyve got this...this organization. There's no proof, but you see the same people working the same street corners every day.

And then you see the real vagrants, living out of shopping carts, constantly on the move, no hope in their eyes...and because of the fake beggars, they get spit on a lot, or people go out of their way to avoid them--like they've got leprosy or something. It's sick.

The're good people, though. The ones thatr'e really homeless. I go out and comb the streets when I need info; a lot of the "beggars" will charge me for it but the vagrants wanna do what's right. But they all get spit on just the same.

I think something's gotta change. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing here. But...I wanna do more.

I just need to make more time for it sometime. Yanno?

Shade used to live on the streets. She knows what I mean. Even if she pretends she doesn't.
In memory of Jacob Bloodbane; may his legacy live on... Protecting the innocents from evils both mundane and supernatural.

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Post by duamerthrax »

we're thinking of having a private funeral for that guy su knew, i think his name was frank or something. she got really close when she was out there, and he kept an eye on us for her. he sounds like a nice guy, i wish i knew him.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I used to be one of the street people too. I never get sick of helping them out.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by duamerthrax »

not to sound mean, or anything, but there wasn't much left to help.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Another reason to fight for them - too many of them end up that way - they are easy targets.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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