Foil Hats = Government Conspiracy

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Foil Hats = Government Conspiracy

Post by ZombieBoy »

Somone sent me this story:

In short - according to the article, foil hats actually amplify the radio frequencies reserved for government use.

Anyone have experience with this either way? Is this just propeganda to get people to remove their hats? Or, as the article suggest, have hats actually been helping mind control?
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Post by eternaleyes »

it seems to me that its not much of a boost but then again i'm still not completely clear with technological world in general. but i do think that you would end up with the same result if you were hold a pack of cigarettes. (encased in foil)
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foil hats

Post by WonderingMind »

Hello all,

About foil hats.. I don’t think a foil hat would have any effect one way or another. I doubt that govt’ mind control would use RF (radio frequency) energy anyway. You would have to focus too many different frequencies into the brain at different locations to affect the subject’s behavior. This would be too hard to do out side of a controlled environment. By the by, the human body (adult) natural resonant frequency is 35mhz if you are grounded and about 70mhz if you are insulated from ground and your head’s frequency is about 400mhz.
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Post by SensorArray »

Consider for a second the type of people who would wear tin foil hats. Then look at the frequencies that are amplified(microwave). If some group out there had know about the amplification decades ago when the hats first came onto the scence than the could have perpetrade the use of tin foil hats among those who could pose a threat to them. Then by using perhaps a maser or something emitting intense microwaves the could fry thier brains while leaving the rest of the populus unharmed.
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Post by WonderingMind »

Microwave radiation in the frequency amplified bands will cause blindness before melting some nut’s brain. However, that might not be entirely a bad thing....

I have seen people make a weapon out of a common microwave oven by removing the shielding elements and point the unit toward another person’s abode. This also works well when trying to remove some types of non-corporeal entities. Tectonic Entities and Poltergeists are vulnerable to high wattage microwave radiation. At very least it will confuse/distract them and allow some one time to use slightly more appropriate weapons.
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Post by VermisVictus »

I cant ge
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