Weird surge of energy?

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Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Weird surge of energy?

Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

How to begin, as this is my first time going to the field.

Well, as an amature mathematician, I am currently studying in a field known as Topology, a study of surfaces at the local University. I have been working with a friend of mine who was a Topographer, a map maker, on some local geography around Los Angeles.

I had a theory about local natural disasters following a pattern around the greater Los Angeles area: earthquakes, fires, floods, landslides, even killer bee and fire ant outbreaks. I began to see a pattern around a small suburban valley north east of Los Angeles.

The local indian tribe call it Windy Valley, and boy does it have periodic windstorms that defy the local weatherman's explanations. About every two years, these episodic winds spark massive fires, all in the same spot, all within the same lunar month. The fire inspectors can never pin point the origin of these fires. This same spot is also identified as having two earthquake fault lines, although one has been dormant for decades. A dry river also runs across this spot (the river does flow, even flood, during rainy season).

If my calculations are correct, two nights from now, there will be another episode of these winds. My friend and I are getting some equipment together to see if we can identify their source, as well as identify the cause of the devistating fires.

Has anyone ever seen this kind of cluster effect in other geographical regions? I can easily pull up all sorts of maps and tables via the net and apply the same calculations. If these locations have common features, I hope to identify and track them to prevent the loss of life that is so common there.

Thanks for your timely evaluations.

Euclid's 6th Postulate
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I got a friend whodoes soem GIS wizardry at the local university. He guided me to the approximate location of a thing that was taking kids off the street.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

We are borrowing a neighbor's F-150, and I am renting a small generator from the local hardware store.

I am bringing a compass, level, plumbob, magnetometer, seismic recorder, geiger counter, digital thermometer, laptop, 2 digital cameras, a digital cam-corder and a pair of cheep nightsite lenses. There's a toolbox in the back of the truck just in case we need the odd hammer or screwdriver...

What else do you think I'll need? If we can pinpoint the source of this energy, we should be able to predict where clusters of disasters will happen and save lives. The last fire claimed 14 people who should have had enough notice to get out of harms way.

Tomorrow night is the attempt...I will check this board prior to our exploration and report back our finding.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Always be prepared- arm yourselves.
Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.....
Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

Arm ourselves? Whatever for? This is a purely scientific investigation. The last thing we want is for the local police to come poking around our equipment and find firearms. That would be just inviting unnecessary trouble.

The winds started last night and are building in intensity. Sustained at 20-30 mph, with gusts as high as 50 mph. Again, the local meteorologists have no suitable explanation, as the weather pattern does not support these winds. The moon is full tonight and the sky is clear, so we should be able to see the area well as we hike around to find the best spot to take our readings. It seems to be a good day for wildfires or earthquakes according to my calculations. I hope that none happen while we are out and about tonight. According to our map, we have a dry river to our east, a mountain pass road to our west, an train tracks to our south, and the highway to our north, boxing an area not more than four miles across, so even if we get lost, we should be fine just picking any direction and walking.

Wish us luck.
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Have you considered recruiting a psychic or spellcaster for this project? Might be a bit helpful in tracking these energies, as well as being able to provide back-up in case of a supernatural boojum.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

like I said earlier...arming yourself does not always mean with guns. Knowledge and "special" induviduals can be weapons to your advantage as well. Just be prepared- any type of supernatural encounter could be a detriment to your health, guns are one way to protect yourself, but use other means if they are so distasteful to you.
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Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

i lived...i sent it back...
The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »

Describe "it" if you could, please. No rush, given what you've just experienced. Some of us might be able to identify what you've encountered.
Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

Well I lived, but I am not quite sure how. My wounds are healing in a strange new way I never dreampt possible. I will attempt to relay the events of last Tuesday night, though it might be in short bursts as my strength is still not what it once was.

Joe and I took the highway in our borrowed truck with all of our geer bouncing around in the back. It was very windy and each gust nearly moved us over a whole lane. I was using some topographical maps and some lines I had calculated to try to find the best way to the spot that my computations had indicated to be a "hot spot" for devistating energies (earthquakes, fires, sustained winds, etc.). We got to a our offramp and took a surface street past the old train tracks, well outside the town. Instead of crossing the dry river bed, we went "off roading", which I found to be most unpleasant. Joe assured me the truck would be fine, but I was more concerned for its passengers.

Well the dry river runs down from a canyon and crosses a fault line which crosses the line that marks the widest spot in the valley which crosses another line...well you get the picture. Right at the spot that my calculations told me the intersection of all these lines would be our best shot at taking readings that I hoped for. When we got into site of our target, it was getting fairly dark, and the moon had not yet risen.

We parked under an unusually large oak tree...when I say large, I mean it was easily 3 to 5 times the size of any of the other oaks nearby. Joe identified the oak by some latin name I am unfamiliar with. He explained that it was one of several endangered species in the west, a huge and ancient specimen at that. He added that the tree represented safety, protection and nourishment to the tribes that once called this area home.

We started to set up our equipment to take background readings. The magnetometer was getting weird readings and the compass couldn't find north. Something seemed to be giving weird glares or fogs on the digital photos we tried to take. I recorded all of the data and began to wander in a large circle around the point where the lines intersected. After about 15 minutes, it was so dark that I was using my flashlight, which seemed to flare and dim which I thought was just the batteries.

Back at the truck, Jim had started a small bbq and was preparing dinner. As I completed my walkabout, I was thouroughly puzzled. My calculations appeared correct, and the lines did intersect right where I thought they did, but what could have caused the fires that ripped through this area every 2 years, or the quakes every 20 that shook all of region, or the winds that topple trees and powerlines all over the valley.

Unfortunately I am growing weary once again. I hope to continue when I regain my strength.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Aim some of your research to information on Ley Lines, or Dragon lines/paths. You might find this helpful.
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Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

It is obvious now that what I am measuring is a Ley Line. Not just a Ley Line, but rather four of them at a junction spot. The two fault lines, the width of the valley line and the dry river mark the direction of the four energy paths. I will continue my research via the net rather than the field for the forseeable future.

To continue my story of the events...

After the sun went down, it grew quite dark. The moon was due to be full but had not yet risen. Yet somehow the center of the clearing where my instruments were set to measure had some form of illumination. It did not radiate from anywhere in particular, but it seemed faintly blue as if the moon shone down, even though that was a few hours away.

As far as I can tell, sometime between midnight and the full moon directly over head, all Hell broke loose. By Hell I literally mean Hell. All of my instruments went haywire. The generator whined and sputtered. A bright glow seemed to flow in the directions of the lines towards the central location I was measuring. At first I thought the air was getting so hot that the image beyond the glowing region was blurring...but it appeared to bend inward. I understood that according to physics, strong enough gravity could warp space and bend light. This appeared to be what was happening, though gravity appeared normal here.

At the center of the bending of light and space, a rip appeared in the very air. What was beyond the rip is beyond my ability to explain. Yet from the rip first came a terrible wind. What was worse was as the wind blew up dust around us, a face appeared in the clouds of sand and pebbles. The face was larger than our truck, and if it was attached to a body, I could not determine its size. Much of my equipment was destroyed by this wind face before it finally turned back into the rip.

The scene inside the rip shifted and shimmered to something completely different, very dark and claustrophobic. Out from the rip came something else, very solid, which landed with a thump that shook us even as far away as we were. No sooner had it touched the ground that it melted into the ground, and rose up again, a moving mountain of rock from the stream bed. Again, the rocks moved making what could easily be seen as a face. It moved towards our truck. Joe panicked and ran. The rock thing rose up and gave chase snatching him quickly. As it moved, the earth shook and quaked, knocking me over and bouncing the truck over.

The generator from the back lept out and landed squarely across my legs. I felt them crush beneath the generator that we had brought with us. I cried out in pain and saw my life flashing before my eyes. If that thing could shake the earth and move like that, I knew death would be coming quickly. I could not see Joe but I feared the worst...

Again I feel too weary to continue. I will write more soon, as my strength is returning greater every day.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Interesting- I had heard of the theory of a Nexus point forming where ley lines converge...but never seen or heard any actual evidence of one. The theory is that what you saw could quite literally be a gateway to another dimension. In all likleyhood not a healthy place to be.
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Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

My recovery is nothing short of remarkable. My crushed legs have recovered completely with the help of my new friend and ally Jeremiah Acorn. I am so busy these days analyzing all the data I was able to salvage as well as some new wiring and circuit designs of my own invention that may help me continue my research. But more on that later. While my attention is focussed back on this board, here is more that I can recall about that night now two weeks ago.

Joe must have been grabbed by that walking pile of river rocks. I could not see him from where I was. I feared the worst, that it would come for me next. All I had were a few simple tools and a generator lying across my crushed legs. At least I wasn't bleeding much more than a slight trickle, as the generator pinned my lower legs closed. The generator looked intact, and since I wasn't going anywhere, I would have to wait for the living rocks to come for me. Working quickly, I pulled some wires together in hopes to convert the outlet into a make-shift cattle prod.

As I felt the earth shaking beneath me, knowing that the rockpile was coming, I pulled the cord on the generator. I pulled it three or four times, hurting more with each pull, hoping somehow that the electricity would repel the rockpile. It started just as the mass reached for me. I thrust my shocker at the rocks concentrating as hard as I could on the volts and amps.

What happened next is what frightens me more than the walking rock itself. I saw the blue glow from the line of power...focus on me, along my arm, and into the wires. A bolt of lightning arc'd from my device into the beast. Rocks bent and moved mimicking a mouth howling in pain as it staggared back. I felt drained but it worked...the living rocks seemed hurt.

It was halfway between me and the rip in space/time at the line intersection. It looked to be regaining its composure and gathering its strength to come at me again, when from somewhere behind me an acorn flew at the rocks, exploding in flash of light and heat. The rocks seemed to fall away, revealing something made of a brown light floating in its place. I focussed again, hoping that whatever I did before would draw more electricity out from the wiring and zap the creature, and it did. It fell back into the opening, which seemed to spew forth fire for a fraction of a second before folding in on itself closing our world from that other place.

My savior was an indian named Jeremiah Acorn. He seems crazy, always talking to himself. He claims that he hears the voices of his ancestors, and that they have given him ancient knowledge of the area to help him protect his people. His people evidently don't understand him, or think him crazy also, and asked him not to hang around or scare the tourists away from their casino. Regardless, he did move the generator off my legs, although I did pass out from the pain. When I awoke, I was in a bed in his home. Using herbs and salves from local flora, and some chants that his ancestors taught him, my legs have returned to their original condition, a bit pink and tender and covered in baby soft skin.

That basically concludes the happenings of that night. I don't have any more time right now to continue, so much to say about my findings, and about my new friend Jeremiah, but that will have to wait for another time. My zapper needs more testing before I can try it in the field again, and Jeremiah is storing "ancestral energies" in another acorn. More later...
Euclid's 6th Postulate
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Post by Euclid's 6th Postulate »

It seems that I have made some sort of zapper, which works sometimes. I went to a local home defense store and purchased a tazer device and modified it from the readings I took that night on the blue energy lines. It not only will zap someone as advertised like a tazer, but also it seems to be able to project bolts of electricity when I am near one of the lines and fiddling with the dials I use to tune in the blue line energy. It does sometimes work when I am away from the lines, but it seems to run dry too quickly, even if I recharge it in from generator or electrical lines.

I developed goggles which convert the weird blue energy from the lines, which is very faint even on the darkest nights, into a more visible spectrum. I can also use them to see that individuals collect this light like static cling around and inside them. The weirdest thing is that it too works intermittantly, more frequently when near the blue energy from the lines. Jeremiah seems to have more of the light around him than I, except after he talks to his ancestors, performs a ritual, or focusses the light into his acorn. I do believe that he has somehow subconciously gained some ability to control the flow of this energy out of himself, maybe to power his acorn, or to speed my recovery, or maybe to talk to these ancestors he seems to hear nightly.

I have been able to get the effects from my devices intermittantly near the blue lines, and very rarely beyond their range. However, Jeremiah cannot seem to make them function at all. I suspect it is merely that he is more in tune with the world around him and has a distaste for technology.

I hope I shall never need these tools in the field as they seem somewhat unreliable. But at least I shall try to see concentrations of the blue energy more quickly, and hopefully scare away any threats with my zapper.

I have some time over the next few weeks that I will use to continue my research. I will get some maps from the city planning office and begin applying my calculations to chart these lines around the Los Angeles area. If I can find more of these junctions, maybe I can prevent the weird rock or air beings from coming here in the more densly populated areas.


Euclid's 6th Postulate
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