Habemus Papam

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Habemus Papam

Post by Nameless »

Pope Benedict XVI

Why I am I scared?

How does this fit with the prophecies?

I think Debunker will have a field day with this, but I'll say it anyway, since the only obvious connection between Benedict and "de gloria olivae" is a tenuous one at best.

St. Benedict, and the Benedictines are always viewed as peace-makers. The last Pope Benedict XV was also a peace-maker, and the Benedictine monks are often referred to as Olivetans. The olive branch is always denoted as a symbol of peace. I think Benedict chose his name because of the connection with peace.

I'm scared. The four horsemen are supposed to descend upon the world after a 3-1/2 year period of peace. Since Benedict and the Malachy prophecy indicate that the world may benefit from this time of peace, we may see a reduction of human-human conflicts, but I'm sure the forces of evil will be building. If Benedict brings peace to the world, I think it's even more reason for us all to stand strong against those not of this world, the paranormal, the supernatural.

I guess I'm also sad that Benedict XVI may also be the last sign that ushers in the apocalypse.

Be on your guard. The real conflict comes, and we have been forewarned. We are here at the most incredible time in the history of mankind, and we need to stand strong against the forces of evil.

Hang on tight folks, we're in for a rough ride.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Don't worry- we are watching the Vatican, and we'll be ready if the flashpoint is there.
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Post by Debunker »

Well, as you already know what I would say about this one, I'll halt my fieldtrip with this one. Consider it a gift. :)
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by Kolya »

I have heard that the end is after this pope dies and some time during the next pope's reign. Not that the pope is the cause, but simply that is the time frame for the end of the world.

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Post by Pastor Greed »

The very thoughts this post has conjured shakes me to the core. This very well could be one of the signs we have all dreaded!
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Post by Huntress »

WOW! And I thought watching "Revelations" on TV was intense! You boys are going the distance!
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Post by Tabloid Hound »

Im sorry gang, but Im not a very religious man, and I have no idea what to do about this information. Im not a warrior, I couldnt defend myself if I tried to, Im just a friend of the site posting articles and warnings where I can. What can we all do about this?
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Stopping the end of the world is like stopping a frieght train by sticking your foot out on the tracks.

My intention is to fight my way through it when it happens.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Tabloid Hound »

Were not the only ones worried here gang, look what I ran across just now…

Doom looms, says 12th-century seer on papal future

VATICAN CITY (AFP) - A 12-century prophet who is claimed to have predicted the identities of all the popes from his own time until what he said would be the end of time, may have got it right again -- in which case the future is looking very gloomy.

Saint Malachy, the archbishop of Ireland, visited Rome in 1139. While there he was said to have had a vision revealing the future popes, the latest of whom would be identified by the Latin phrase "gloria olivae" (the glory of the olive tree).

And that allusion can be attached to the Roman Catholic Church's new pope, Benedict XVI, who was elected Tuesday.

Such alarming predictions rarely get much attention, but at this time of papal election, they always come to the fore, including on many respectable Catholic websites.

Benedict, and the 15 popes with the same name who preceded him, took his papal monicker in honour of Saint Benedict, the sixth century founder of Western Christian monasticism.

There is a community in the Benedictine world, founded in the 14th century, that is called the Olivetans.

There is a complicated history behind the group, which was founded as a reforming movement, but the long and short of it is that its founding fathers lived in a hermitage on an olive-clad mountain.

After being cleared of heresy charges, they renamed their home "Monte Oliveto" (Mount of Olives), in memory of Christ's agony.

And the community they founded came to be known as the Olivetans, with an olive branch as its symbol.

However, there are at least two other cardinals who could just as well have been elected pope and fulfilled the prophecy.

The first was 78-year-old retired French cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, who converted from Judaism at the age of 14. Saint Paul, in his Letter to the Romans, describes the Jews as a cultivated olive tree.

The second is Ennio Antonelli, the archbishop of Florence.
Antonelli is from Umbria, the "land of olive trees." The staff of Florence's archbishops also bears the sun, the symbol of glory, and an olive tree.

But to end the story on a sombre note, John Paul II was to have been the third-to-last pope, according to Saint Malachy, who didn't have a bad batting average if you believe his supporters.

He said the pope with the motif "gloria olivae" would precede "Peter the Roman."

Malachy's final prophecy says: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
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Post by Ron Caliburn »


Don't worry about the end fo the world coming - 'cause you can't control that.

Worry about what you will do when it does come.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Katsumi Kim
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Post by Katsumi Kim »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Whatever,

Don't worry about the end fo the world coming - 'cause you can't control that.

Worry about what you will do when it does come.

He is right about that. You should plan ahead now that you know that it is coming and just remember that there are other people out there fighting the same things you are for peace and for their lives. So do not feel alone and just prepare for the worst because others will help you when the time comes.
Time Heals All Wounds.
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