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Post by fate »

Truly moving KT. However last I checked you had suffered a mental breakdown. So the question is what does it mean?
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Reminds me of the trip he took when my placewas overwhelemed by the bugs and rats and dogs.

ETA, lunchtime.
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Post by fate »

Looks like it going to be a full house at the mansion. Who is there already at the moment? I have Tony, KT, Shadow, Bert, Ron and Hanna on the way, Ben, Godhand, Kei, and myself incoming. Did I miss anybody? Just trying to get a feel for the “boot on ground.”
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I've been here since yesterday man.
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Kei Nakamura
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Post by Kei Nakamura »

I am going in and coming out, my equipment only holds so much of a charge, thankfully only spirits seem to pay much attention to me in there, and I have some counters for them.
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Post by Shang Li »

"Those who seek to disolve this barrier of time and space, come, come and see if you can best me."

These demons are weak, my friends, but I lack the means to close the seal, it will take flesh to manipulate the parts, and blood to finalize the act, I have neither.

"Come hound of darkness, you too shall meet yout end on my blades."

I cannot replenish my energy here, I cannot keep this up forever, but I shall hold untill I am no more.

Hmm, never thought I would end after dying, but if it stops this seal from being opened, the loss of my spirit will be a small price.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

You're not allowed to die twice Master Li.
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Post by KonThaak »

I know Josh has been singing to himself, but his cell phone batteries are dead. I don't know how he's posting his songs.

I don't know what's going on in that head of his right now. Maybe some of his recovered memories have snapped him...
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Sounds like the breakdown he had back at my place - what happened then.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

He saw Gabriel then.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well Gabe?
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Post by Holister »

What it the name of The Lord All Mighty is going on in this place.

I don't know if anyone can read this, but I suppose it is worth a shot. What else do I have to loose.

One moment me and the others are trecking through a hallway, the next we are hacking our way through some demon infested swamp,
then were are back in some room, then we enter into a burned forest where we are set upon by even more demons.

This has been going on since we entered into the mansion.
I don't how but I got seperated from the others.

I've been opening doors and killing monsters and trying to find some form of life.

I saw someone with a camera and alot of gear, looked Asian I tried to walk to her, but I couldn't. It was as though some weird distortion kept me from reaching her.

I tried another door, it lead to a terrace, and I saw it; The Realm of The Dead.
The Necropolis! Hundreds of Thousands of tortured souls ready to march into our world. There was a dark soul leading them, they kept chanting his name.....Windner!

That is when I heard a single voice coming from a hundred thousand mouths, "We are watching you Benjamin Holister."

I turned around and ran, and I kept running. That was until I heard Sarah's voice. I followed it, it told me where to go. I saw her, again. She
told me she was at peace and that Molly is safe too. She said that Molly wants to see me again and wants to come home.

I dropped to my knees and wept.

She touched my shoulder and said, that I had to save the world, that was my destiny.

She said to me that I did not need a badge to serve and protect, that it was who I was that mattered.

She pointed to a door and told me to "Go save the world."

She faded away and I thanked her, and told her how much I missed her.

Well, here I am, well Duke is here too. My hand is one the knob, wish me luck.

This one is for you Molly!
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Go get 'em Ben!
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I hope you find what you lost along the way.
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Post by fate »

I’ll be pulling up to the mansion in the next 30mins, you’ll know when I get there I’ll be the one in the gun truck. I made a stop by the local National Guard post and picked up some weapons, ammo, water and MREs, don’t know when the last time some of you have eaten anything. I also brought a few NG soldier to block off the road leading to the mansion. I prefer to work on secure sites.

I’ve lost contact with Godhand., Last I heard he was headed inside with the group. That was about three hours ago. Has anyone seen him?

Lastly, I need to know who’s still outside, I’m going to need a back brief on what’s going on and how were planning on getting to this seal. I recommend we all meet outside at the command vehicle I’m bringing. That way we can regroup and head in as one collective unit, Soldiers and scholars. We can make our way to Tony better that way I think
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Post by fate »

Ok I'm here...where's everyone at?
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
Kei Nakamura
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Post by Kei Nakamura »

Ahh, welcome. According to my system on the outside, radios don't work , but if you look in the box next to the small generator you will find some, take an earbud, they may work point-to-point inside, but no link to the main system. According to my scans and footage, the location is shifting between the current building and a land of the dead, for lack of a better term. there is a symbol in what would be the library. I am working on some repair of this seal, both from memory and from the many arcane texts that I am going over while I work at this. Feel free to grab a pair of goggles, dont forget to turn the cylinder on the left counter clockwise, and the one on the right clockwise, this will activate teh IR and the UV lights respectively - the goggles are a simple overlay that will composite the IR, UV, and visual spectrum data.

Good luck to everyone, I hope someone with the appropriate knowledge and skills gets here soon to go over my work. The symbol is very complex, but I have extrapolated 90% of the missing sections with the information at hand.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I found a place I can transmit from that is safe, at least for the moment. Somehow we have not only lost track of Bert, Agent Godhand, and Ben. I don't know how that happened exactly. We also have found ourselves somewhere upstairs? Neat trick when you take into acount we were going downstairs? :?
Oh Ron, Hannah is still with my team and I, and safe. We are taking a breather at the moment.
This place is insane, it seems to shift at will. I would just like to know whos will.
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Post by Azrael »

I have arrived on site, dear God, what gate to Hell has erupted at this unholy place.

Mr. Turle, I have the briefcases you asked for, you may retrieve them if and when you are able. I will keep them safe.

Mr. Caliburn, I too wish to finally meet with you as well. From one hunter from ages past, to the hunter of the present. There is much we can learn from each other.

The evil of this place. It is so vile, so strong. Eve now I can feel its vile grasp calling out to me, trying to PULL ME BACK IN!

This place is an abomination.

It must be cleansed, and my lady is hungry.
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Post by KonThaak »

Josh is comatose. He hasn't responded to anything all day.

We're in the cellar. The spirits and demons leave us alone. I don't know why.

I don't care why.

Josh is supposed to use healing magic on the seal... If it comes down to it, I will do so in his place.
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Post by Holister »

Ok guys, Im here at The Seal Chamber.

Bert is taking care of KT, but KT is really messed up, just jammering on in musical lyrics and odd talk. I think this place is really starting to screw with everyone, like its trying to get into our heads.

I found Tony, I had to tranq him so he is asleep right now.
He was going on about trying to open the seal and ending the world. Ron, he was describing your visions to each last detail. Oh, Thanks for the tranq rifle Bert.

I've been reading through these books here, its wierd, its like the written words morph into a language the reader can comprhend. Its just so damn strange.

I did find a list here, a list of seven Dark Souls who would stand at the wake of oblivion and attempt the dowfall of creation.

Guys, Windner's name is on this list. So is Jeremiah,
DeleMorte, B'Lial, Arawn, and a few others who I do not know. There is also mention of six more of these seals buried throughout the world. I don't know where, but I know where this one is.

From what I can tell, te seven virtuous ones must find the seal, and place their hands upon it at the same time. Ten the seal will be healed. There is however mention of great pain and the drawing back of the evils that have escaped from the rift through the seven. I am not liking this, but is supposed to be some test of their strength and their convictions.

If we ass, there is mention of a reward, if we fail, we are dammed. Nice choices huh?

We need seven, if someone can get either Fate or Azrael in here to take Ghostspider's place that would be great.

Sorry Ron, but you are still pretty busted up, and I want you in one piece for later.

Good luck guys, I am going to try to find out more from these books. Does anyone know Candarian and Summarian?
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

This isn't a gate to hell . . . it's one of the locks.

Good luck, I'd say I was gritting my teeth sitting this one out - but I can't even do that.

Tell Hannah it's past her bedtime, but I'll let it slide this time.

Tell her her father loves her and is waiting for her.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Holister »

Im sure that the others are looking after her Ron, she'll be ok. You'll get her back, have faith.

Gabe, as for you, I don't know if you will survive this. I mean if this "test" happens, I may be worried about myself, but you? You may not live through it. But it is a brave and selfless thing you are doing. Well if we have to check out, its better on our own terms than someone else's.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I'd rather have my Piece and my Blade and the Point.
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Post by fate »

I’m on my way in. If anyone see’s Godhand tell him to stay put. I’ll try and make my way to the basement but it sounds like it might be harder then it sounds. I’m stepping through the doorway, I………………..
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

She's in good hands . . .

She's in good hands . . .
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Any objections to my blowing a hole in the ceiling and opening a more direct route for anyone joining the party late?
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Can you do it wihtout bringing the structure down or injuring any already inside?
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Uh Bert I am not sure that is such a good idea, as my team, Hannah, and I are somewhere above you. Maybe not directly but I wouldn't want to chance it.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

So then I object as well.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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