Werewolves in the United States

A place where members can debate rumors and claims of conspiracies, cover-ups and secret government activities.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Father Arden wrote:I know of at least one case of a person infected with lychanthropy who remains control of his mind and emotions when he transforms...

That's even scarier. All that physical power guided by a human intellect.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Father Arden
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Post by Father Arden »

Ron Caliburn wrote:
Father Arden wrote:I know of at least one case of a person infected with lychanthropy who remains control of his mind and emotions when he transforms...

That's even scarier. All that physical power guided by a human intellect.

In some cases, yes that would be a terrifying prospect...but this man, who was an OPP officer once, takes inhibiters created using my partner Anderson's research...they keep him from transforming even under the most stressfull circumstances...

Father Arden
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If it were me, I'd prefer the silver bullet.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Two quick questions?

1) So do you folks do anything that doesn't end with X?

2) Why does how a werewolf become a werewolf matter? Shouldn't you just kill them so you won't have to worry?

Adrenal-X is the blanket term I am using here, not the official terminology. It's simply a generic 'holding' name until we can break down the hormone and find out what it really is. So, in general, yes, we do do things that don't end in x, however, being Canadian, and living with these cold winters, there is one activity that ends in 'x' that we quite enjoy and like to participate in as often as possible...

And, in answer to question two, I have a friend who is currently using an inhibitor that is controlling the production of 'Adrenal-X', and subsequently controlling his changes. My research has contributed to the synthesis of this compound, which presents hope for those infected with Lycanthrium of a cure, or at least a tool with which to cope with their 'disorder'.

'Kill it' may be your natural instinct, but without learning to understand what it is we're killing, we could be dooming ourselves. If you were bitten by a werewolf, wouldn't you want the chance to control it, and live a relatively normal life afterwards?
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Post by Kolya »

Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:Adrenal-X is the blanket term I am using here, not the official terminology. It's simply a generic 'holding' name until we can break down the hormone and find out what it really is. So, in general, yes, we do do things that don't end in x, however, being Canadian, and living with these cold winters, there is one activity that ends in 'x' that we quite enjoy and like to participate in as often as possible...
If you are ever in Russia... I would love to see some of your research. :)
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Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

[/quote]If you are ever in Russia... I would love to see some of your research. :)[/quote]

I'll keep that in mind. :) I'm sure you've done some extensive research of your own as well...
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Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Father Arden wrote:
Ron Caliburn wrote:
Father Arden wrote:I know of at least one case of a person infected with lychanthropy who remains control of his mind and emotions when he transforms...

That's even scarier. All that physical power guided by a human intellect.

In some cases, yes that would be a terrifying prospect...but this man, who was an OPP officer once, takes inhibiters created using my partner Anderson's research...they keep him from transforming even under the most stressfull circumstances...

Father Arden

I've worked with someone who is a lot like that. He's chinese in origin and his name is An Shen (it means Tranquil Spirit). He told me that he use to live at a monastary in china where he learned to control his Lycanthropy through meditation and martial arts. To me this means that it is possible for someone with enough dedication to conquer their beastial tendencies and retain their humanity even when transformed. I've worked with An Shen on many occasions and I know that he is a man of great moral character and is not afraid to fight for what he believes in. Through his training he is able to control when he transforms into his other forms. I know that in most cases the person has little or no control over themselves when changed and Shen and I have had to kill some of them, much to his regret.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

How nice for you. I hope you let him go first wherever you go.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Silhouette »

The whole subject is a touchy one. In general I agree that when found *were* creatures should be terminated with extreme predjudice. Human intelligence or not, most are ultimatly driven by bestial impulses which will eventually get the better of them.

Remember that these things can live a long time. American fiction is full of romantic notions like the barely-in-control 'Vampire' who turns on his own kind, or the Werewolf who manages to control his bestial impulses with drugs, meditation, or whatever. What these stories don't take into account is that when your dealing with something that could very well be immortal it's eventually going to give in. Holding itself back for 70-80 years might work for a human but in the scope of several hundred, or even a thousand years this take on a whole new meaning.

The thing is that even if such a creature was to exist, and was 'genuine' when you met it, letting it live is just making a problem for a later generation. God forbid that you work with it as an easy solution to your current problems. Then it will learn your methods and when it eventually *DOES* snap your leaving a much bigger problem for someone to deal with.

That said, there have been rumors about organized were-creatures for a long time. I have never run into any such conspiricy but apparently some of them manage to reign themselves in and let their bestial side go in a semi-controlled fasion. Say killing abducted people and then hiding the bodies as opposed to leaving them around for some occult investigator to find and wonder how an animal got loose in a miami high rise. I have never confirmed the existance of any such thing however. But recently I was looking into this "Cults of The Night" thing some people have mentioned, and while I didn't find anything compelling some connected research led to some vague hints about loosely organized group of were-beast clans which might be called "The Tribes Of The Moon".

That said, I would remind you all that not all anthromorphs are "were-creatures". There are also freaks of science like Hisvit, and various occult practitioners like African, Ainu, and Native American shamans who can draw upon strength from animal totems and even assume the form of that animal for a limited time.

Anyone who believes corperations have not been experimenting with splicing human and animal DNA is kidding themselves. There is too much money involved in cloning, and too many researchers who want to play around with high end genetic science just to see what they can do. Just because something is underground does not mean it's non-existant.

Anthromorphic comics like "Ninja Turtles", "Cerebus The Aardvark", "Cutey Bunny", or even "Genus" are cute. But the reality is more like "The Island Of Doctor Moreau" relocated to your back yard. The existance of "Manimals" seems to have been a given since the late 1980s. I haven't run into enough of them to form a strong opinion, but with the recent surge of corperate interest in the subject of genetic researc I anticipate a surge in 'Urban Bigfoot' sightings in the next few years.
Brother Hotep
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Post by Brother Hotep »

Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:
Ron Caliburn wrote:Two quick questions?

1) So do you folks do anything that doesn't end with X?

2) Why does how a werewolf become a werewolf matter? Shouldn't you just kill them so you won't have to worry?

Adrenal-X is the blanket term I am using here, not the official terminology. It's simply a generic 'holding' name until we can break down the hormone and find out what it really is. So, in general, yes, we do do things that don't end in x, however, being Canadian, and living with these cold winters, there is one activity that ends in 'x' that we quite enjoy and like to participate in as often as possible...

And, in answer to question two, I have a friend who is currently using an inhibitor that is controlling the production of 'Adrenal-X', and subsequently controlling his changes. My research has contributed to the synthesis of this compound, which presents hope for those infected with Lycanthrium of a cure, or at least a tool with which to cope with their 'disorder'.

'Kill it' may be your natural instinct, but without learning to understand what it is we're killing, we could be dooming ourselves. If you were bitten by a werewolf, wouldn't you want the chance to control it, and live a relatively normal life afterwards?

and Last I checked... .

Werewolves are immortal.
although they seem to die pretty easy.
" I wanna live, I wanna Love, It's a long hard road out of hell. I want to Live Forever, Forever will always Be... "
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

and Last I checked... .

Werewolves are immortal.
although they seem to die pretty easy.

So, isn't that all the more reason to want to understand these creatures? Has it ever been proven or documented that these things are immortal? Who has studied one long enough to know? Perhaps they only have an extended life span, yet how are we really to know when every gung-ho 'paranormal investigator' out there is a trigger happy monster slayer? Would it not be better to learn as much as we can about them, about how they live, their social structure, why they kill etc. etc. to present us with the opportunity to know our best course of action?
My friend is infected with Lycanthrium. He is not evil. He does not run around killing for pleasure. He's a man, a human being, with the same wants, needs and fears as the rest of us. He was infected by chance. What right do we have to take his life? What if we're wrong? Can we give that life back? No.
Believe me, I am not advocating an open hand policy here. Even the loss of one human life is unacceptable in the name of research or science. But wholehearted slaughter is not the answer either.
There is no easy medium. Each and every case presents its own difficulties and moral choices. I can only act in accordance to my beliefs and what God has taught me. Mankind is often far too eager to sit as judge, jury and executioner over the lives of others, a role God alone has a right to. You may not agree with me, and that's fine. But I cannot sit by and, by my silence, advocate genocide based solely on fear and hatred. Knowledge is our greatest tool and weapon. All I suggest is that we use it.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Perhaps you might consider this simplistic, but if it hunts humans, I hunt it.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Slow down there

Post by Jimu113 »

Gee, I walk around town a couple of days without shaving, and everybody's loading up their guns with silver. Deep breaths, guys; deep breaths.
Son, I've seen more dead bodies than you've had TV dinners-Carl Kolchak, the Night Stalker
David Muir
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were wolves

Post by David Muir »

Were wolves arent so bad once you get to know them.
The wolves run under the full moon. I repeat the wolves run under the full moon.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

It's the getting to know them part that's difficult for me. I never once felt comfortable when they asked if I wanted to join them for dinner.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Father Arden
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Post by Father Arden »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Perhaps you might consider this simplistic, but if it hunts humans, I hunt it.

You know, this conversation could be taken into very interesting hypothetical grounds...

To whit, you say we should kill everyone infected with lychanthropy because many (all right, most) of them are a threat to humans...

However, many people with arcane knowledge or psychic abilities are a threat to humankind as well...I've run afoul of more murderous magic-casters and psychics that I can count, but I can't make a sweeping statement that we should kill all arcanists and psychics...

Likewise even normal everyday people are a threat to everyday normal people...we can't kill everyone...

I personally go on a person by person basis (and that includes people infected by paranormal ailments and diseases)...I try to find out if they can be saved through any means before I move to lethal force...

And that said, yes, I have used lethal force on arcanists, psychics and normal people, because they can indeed by mighty threats...just look at that bastard out in Alberta who shot and killed four of my fellow RCMP officers...

Sorry, I fear I may be rambling...I've got the fluu, borken ribs and I am angry as hell about the cop-slayings...if the bastard wasn't already dead I'd have been on a plane by now...

Father Arden
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I include humans who make it a repeated behavoir to attack innocent people with lethal intent.

Basically if it stalks humans for pleasure, food or profit, I'm happy to oblige it on to the next world
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Father Arden
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Post by Father Arden »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Basically if it stalks humans for pleasure, food or profit, I'm happy to oblige it on to the next world

Basically, so do I...I just make sure it can't be saved from itself first...

Father Arden
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David Muir
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Post by David Muir »

count how many recorded incidents with or without proof of wolves killing people.The number is still just a fraction of wolves killed by people.They have good reason to be angry.Just pray that over time they can forgive the human race.
The wolves run under the full moon. I repeat the wolves run under the full moon.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yeah, I know real wolves got a bad rap.

I really don't care.

I worry about the critters that do hunt us now.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Brother Hotep
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Post by Brother Hotep »

i think David Muir watched too many episodes of Wolf's Rain. Mankind did not come from the wolf.

now there might be some reasoning that the progenitor of the human species DID come from a wolf, But I think this depends on which version of the human mythology you perscribe to. I prefer to think that humanity came about at the meddling of non humans.. and that we were not the first they made.
" I wanna live, I wanna Love, It's a long hard road out of hell. I want to Live Forever, Forever will always Be... "
Father Arden
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Post by Father Arden »

Brother Hotep wrote:i think David Muir watched too many episodes of Wolf's Rain. Mankind did not come from the wolf.

now there might be some reasoning that the progenitor of the human species DID come from a wolf, But I think this depends on which version of the human mythology you perscribe to. I prefer to think that humanity came about at the meddling of non humans.. and that we were not the first they made.

Hotep, what are you a brother of? What order do you belong to?

Father Arden
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Post by ShadowsLight »

actually hotep i fail to see any referance in Muirs writing to the cartoon. all species have memories. . except gold fish.. anyway a wolf can remember watching its pack members being killed by humans. I used to have a dog who attacked everyone who came into my home wearing a baseball cap because he was beat once by a man wearing one. Animals are smarter then most humans give them credit for.
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Brother Hotep
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Post by Brother Hotep »

maybe you haven't watched enough eps of Wolf's Rain but ::

count how many recorded incidents with or without proof of wolves killing people.The number is still just a fraction of wolves killed by people.They have good reason to be angry.Just pray that over time they can forgive the human race.

... Sounds like Werewolf / Garou Mythology. in this case , That Wolves are the masters of man kind..

and after just finished watching the final episode of Wolf's rain.... The wolves get split back into the real world and no longer shape change.
" I wanna live, I wanna Love, It's a long hard road out of hell. I want to Live Forever, Forever will always Be... "
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Post by ShadowsLight »

i've seen plenty of wolfs rain. . however humans have hunted wolves for generations because wolves kill livestock and are turned into 'bogeymen' by many fables, like little red riding hood, three little pigs, boy who cried wolf. . and countless others. Also wolves occasionally represent a health risk as they can carry rabies and the 'black' plague. . its rarely leathal anymore because of antibiotics and such but when one is discovered carrying one of these viruses all wolves in the area are usually hunted and killed. But befor you judge another you should do two things, one do research and two first look in the mirror to make sure you are not displacing your veiws of yourself onto others.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I think you're over thinking.

I don't care if they hunt us for food, for revenge or because we make really nice handbags.

When they hunt us, I hunt them.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Lucas Priest
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Post by Lucas Priest »

Father Arden brings up a good point, due to the fact that most knowledge in this area is from the proto-equivalent of horror stories, and that means they are all bad if we go from those. But there are also accounts of those made so against their will, who seek to be cured and resume a "normal" life. I encountered one such man in Canada, while researching legends on a type of Lycanthrope documented in the Vatican libraries as a "Hexenwulf". The stories detailed the creation of a belt-like artifact imbued with the "spirit" or "essense" of the wolf. This belt could be placed on someone and literally force them to change into a feral monstrosity that would then hunt it's own family and friends until killed. It was documented as a particularly nasty form of time delayed revenge for occultists, who would use the induvidual against his/her enemies and then throw the track onto the affected person- leaving them free to continue unhindered. At the time, a series of animal mutilations were occurring nearby and I accompanied a friend to investigate. We fought with and shot a large wolf-like creature, who I really cannot say was man-like, or walked on two legs (it was very dark) but we followed the blood trail and found a man with bullet wounds, who we helped on the scene and stabilized him. As my friend called the ambulance, I noted a hairy belt the man wore, and nothing else! I removed the belt before the ambulance arrived and identified the man as the owner of the ranch we were investigating. I also later learned he had turned down an offer to have his land purchased by a consortium that was interested in a burial site found by a university group earlier that year. Shortly after, the mutilations started occurring, and profits went down with his dead livestock. I am now tracing this consortium, and in particular a man named Jackson Bishop, whom I belive may have ties to this "cult of night" group mentioned by others in this forum. Incidentaly, the mutilations have stopped, but I shudder to think to my conscience if my aim had been truer and I killed a man who did not deserve to die that night. Perhaps we all could take a closer look before blazing away, but preservation of life still has priority in my searches, so in this regard I also agree with Mr. Caliburn.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If I was in that fellow's shoes, I think the bullet would be preferable to the life as a monster - of course you were fortunate enough to find a better way for him.

If I know someone is under a spell or something in advance, I try to solve the root problem first - but I usually don't have the luxury of even knowing what I'm up agaisnt until I can see the corpse - so I don't sweat it too much - I just go and make sure the ones responsible for putting an innocent person into that position pay more than he did.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Re: Werewolves in the United States

Post by Fiera »

BBC wrote:Now what I hear about what is really going on is that the government has been capturing werewolves alive for several decades and placing them on special reservations in order to study them. Project Roundup has captured about 800 werewolves. But now it appears the population is getting too large to control and rogue werewolves are starting to endanger the human population.

I have read over these postings and am worried that the government may perhaps have one of these reservations near the small town of Xander Hills.
There have been a large rash of animal attacks over the last year, so much so that renowned media tablodists have set up permanent residence. What signs should I look for in trying to hunt or avoid these were beasts?
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Post by Inari »

Hmmm I have known a few types of were beings. Not all evil.. and in the many years. I have never met a single human transformed by a bite. I have had it explained that this myth is indeed that. A myth, maybe there is another type of were being?
May the ladies blessing watch over your family.
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