Flying Saucer secret revealed !

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Flying Saucer secret revealed !

Post by Contact_21 »

Sorry I haven't been around lately, but I've been working several cases at once. But here's the point of this post via a Lazlo Agency Associate from England (cut him some slack, he is British):

"Well I dare say we can put that tired old myth to rest about your government being unable to hide secrets from the public for over half a century. I am pleased to report the publication of a factual book that may finally open some eyes, especially those in the UFO research community, who have held tenaciously to the UFOs are extraterrestrial hypothesis even though there is evidence of an Earthly origin.

"A brief recap if I might. What Kenneth Arnold observed in 1947 was a flight of Horten Ho 229s (also referenced as Go 229s), and so the cover-up began with an unnamed reporter coining the term 'flying saucer.' You may recall that your government was very concerned that the Russians may have captured German scientists who worked on such craft during the Second World War, but that was buried under the increasing number of contactee and abductee stories. Some of which were fabrications that your intelligence community now refers to as disinformation.

"Here is the link to the book: ... s_id=52271

"I am proud to say that I contributed to the section on the German efforts. And may I add that people should disabuse themselves of the notion that the Canadian firm of A.V. Roe did not build disc aircraft for your military, which they certainly did do. The pathetic Avrocar was nothing more than a cover to convince the Soviets that no progress had been made.

"I suspect that now that the floodgates have been opened, more books such as this one will begin to appear.

"Best regards from across the Pond.'

Like I said, he's British, but justifiably proud about helping to break the news.

Lazlo Agent
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Interesting read, but nothing ground breaking really.

Just the latest salvo in the debate over weather UFOs are extraterrestiral visitors or military secret projects.

I think a little from column A and a little from column B.

Though if ET comes sniffing around my house he's going to need more than a glowing finger to show proof of intentions.
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Post by Holister »

Oh boy, I can see the scenario now...

Over at Ron's house...(Ding Dong) door open's "E.T. phone ...(BLAM).thud. Door closes.


PS: There are no such thing as aliens, they're just spiders, that grew to enormous size after ingesting toxic waste. How many times do I have to repeat myself.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

So now your quoteing Eight Legged Freaks, you would have had a ball down in Floida when I was there last. I will try to finish that story soon.
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Post by Kolya »

Oh yea!

I have investigated probably 100 UFO crash sites (usually after being shot down by SAMs or air forces). I cannot say that I necessarily miss that line of work though..
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Post by Holister »

Holister wrote:
There are no such thing as aliens, they're just spiders, that grew to enormous size after ingesting toxic waste. How many times do I have to repeat myself.

Oh? space aliens you believe in, and this you have a hard time with!

"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Kolya »

The Brick's got wi-fi, or you got possessed again?
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Post by VermisVictus »

I cant ge
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