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Halloween from Hell

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:29 am
by Gabriel Matthews
Ok... what the hell are these things?! Why didn't anyone tell me that these things were real? Like... Ok, give me a second. I'm still shaking. This last Halloween.... Ok... I'll tell the story from the start. I had to work this Halloween. I work nights as a night supervisor for a cleaning company. We do contract janitorial work. Anyways, it's about 1am when I'm coming home. I'm heading back long the river towards my place and I can't see squat. It's not uncommon for there to be a fog all around town but I've never seen it quite this bad before. Ya know, this stuff happens though... it's Canada... the weather is always messed up here. So I get home and I walk up to the front door and it's slightly open. The lights are all off inside. So I walk in and try the lights. They're not working. This creeps me out just a little. So I try calling out to my wife and daughter. Neither reply. So I make my way into the bedrooms slowly. By this time I'm getting pretty freaked out. Some idiot who wanted a stereo or a DVD player might have just been through here and did something to them. Well I get to the bedroom and there's nobody in there... well that I could see. I reached into the closet and pulled out the pistol that I keep in the house for protection. I undo the lock and I begin to search the rest of the house. I don't find anything, but as I'm walking by the livingroom window I see one of the neighbors staring in. I wave at him, and I try getting his attention, asking if he'd seen Janice (My wife) or my daughter Claire. He just turns and starts walking down the street. Well I run out of the house to catch up to him... pistol still in hand. He made some pretty good time, as by the time I got out to the street he was already fading through the fog towards the park at the end of the street. Now here's where things get messed up...

I get to the park and there's Mark's body just hanging on one of the swings. I couldn't make it out before, but it looks as though there was a hole bore into the back of his neck. Well about this point I was making sure that my safety was off, and I was spinning in circles. I could hear something moving just beyond the fog. That's when it hit me... this strange feeling. I can't explain. There was just something, like a voice in my head... telling me to move, to run, that something was not right. As I hesitated the feeling just got more intense until I finally started bolting it back to my house. I could hear something coming behind me. Looking back there was this massive shape following me, gaining on me. As it got closer I could make it out a little better. It was this huge, ... thing! It looked like it just crawled out of the pits of hell. It had four arms and like... the friggin thing just looked downright demonic! The funny thing is though... it's like at this point... it just didn't phase me. Like I had this focus, that I couldn't be afraid... I had to go on and fight if I was going to survive. Now I didn't just sit there and examine it, I threw the pistol backwards and let loose.

I must have unloaded the entire clip into the thing, and dispite even putting a hole into it's head the thing just kept coming at me. I tried running harder and faster, but it kept gaining on me... running like some sort of demon gorilla after me. I had made it to the door of my house a split second before it lashed out. I had managed to close the door and started down the hall and I could hear the door straining and breaking behind me. I took a quick look back before I ran into my bedroom and the thing's was already partway through the door. I ran to the small locked chest I keep under the bed and it just felt like an eternity of fiddling with my keys to get the thing unlocked. Finally I got it open and grabbed some more rounds for my gun. I managed to load 2 into the clip before I realized that I didn't hear it at the door any more. I did a quick look around and loaded the clip.

I went back out to the hallway but it wasn't there. Well I figured this was my opening, I ran back to my livingroom to call the police but again... that feeling I had before. That voice in my head telling me not to go any further. I took it as paranoia, and ran to the phone. Just as I grabbed the phone the thing tore through the window, it's massive hand/claw/whatever caught me in the arm and sent me flying. Luckily I managed to keep hold of the pistol.

I slid over the small coffee table and started firing as soon as I hit the floor. I got off two shots before I had made it's way to me and slammed it's hand down on my chest. Just with that one blow, it felt as though someone had dropped a barrel of cement on my chest. I felt something break. A nasty pressure in my chest and my breath went shallow. At this point, that focus I had all along just seemed to go, fear clutched me and I just pointed the gun up and let loose into it's face. Only after the last shot hit did it stumble back and fall.

Before I passed out from the pain I just remember a bunch of bugs or something all over my floor and crawling all over me.

I woke up on my floor. I felt fine, as if nothing had happened. I looked around, the thing was gone. I've spent the last few days looking for it, and my family. I decided to get myself something with a little more oomph for next time I see it. I picked up an SKS and am hoping to set it up for automatic fire. I don't care about the legality. According to the police (which I never did call) I'll be legally insane. Nobody'll believe me. They'll probably say I went insane and killed my family.

Guys... what is that thing? Where can I find it?... like... does anyone know about them? Where they live? eat?... Oh God... please no... Do you think they're ok? What about that feeling? If it was real, why am I fine? No bruising or anything on my chest or my arm. I am so confused. I need answers... and this seems like the best place to ask.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:56 pm
by Michael T
There are a few creatures that can fit the vauge discription you are able to relate, please do not be offended by the way I phrase that. I may be able to come up and see if I can help find any clues to your wife and child's location, PM me and we can make arrangements. From what you have related it sounds as if some one saved you and healed the injuries you took from the creature.

When you say it was gorilla like how much so? What size were the arms? I have an idea of what it may have been, and if it is I belive there is more to the problem than you know. I will be waiting for your PM and will get some research started into the case.

Michael T.

Re: Halloween from Hell

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:20 pm
by Willie Long
Gabriel Matthews wrote:Ok... what the hell are these things?! Why didn't anyone tell me that these things were real?

Because you weren't ready to believe us, brother.

Guys... what is that thing? Where can I find it?... like... does anyone know about them? Where they live? eat?... Oh God... please no... Do you think they're ok? What about that feeling? If it was real, why am I fine? No bruising or anything on my chest or my arm. I am so confused. I need answers... and this seems like the best place to ask.

I've fought thoes things more than once, and KonThaak told me a lot more about them. It's an evil spirit that makes a body out of bugs and shapes them into the "demon gorilla" you saw. The demon gorilla can also hide inside dead bodies. When the body it's wearing has taken too much damage, it falls apart and the spirit flees. We don't know where they come from, but "Hell" is as good an answer as any. While it's here, it eats ... meat.

Check your PM.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:22 pm
by Gabriel Matthews
When you say it was gorilla like how much so? What size were the arms? I have an idea of what it may have been, and if it is I belive there is more to the problem than you know. I will be waiting for your PM and will get some research started into the case.

Basically it had two big arms above, that it used to run like a gorilla would... like it ran after me on it's knuckles... and then two smaller arms below it.

A bit of an update on the incident: It would appear that everyone on the block is missing... well on the block on our street (4 houses). The cops finally got a tip that something was up and they were poking around. I told them that I was at work and that I arrived and my wife and daughter were missing. Apparently I'm the only one still around. So they're doing a search for them... but I don't think I'll put much faith in their ability.

For some reason I feel like they're alright... although it's more than likely just wishful thinking. There's that second guessing again. I have been thinking about that night some more... those feelings I had. I've always had them as far back as I can remember. I remember being a child and having this feeling, like a voice telling me to stop. Or always feeling like someone is watching me... Do you think someone is always watching me? Like I do believe in God, but I mean someone else? These feelings can't all be paranoia right? Maybe the someone who saved me? Or healed me? Or, whatever happened there.

Well even if I do have some secret guardian... I want to be prepared. There have been countless places that I've had to clean or check out at night and have heard noises, or gotten those feelings. Who knows how many others there are? Or do these things just come out during Halloween? Any sources of information or answeres would be greatly appreciated.

I'm hoping to have something with a little more oomph next time I meet one of these freaks... if I ever do... oh God do I ever hope I won't need to.