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Eugene Bell - Pedophile and Servant of Dark Powers

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:15 pm
by Father Arden
I recently had a very harrowing incident. For those who don’t know, I work for the RCX, which is a special section of the RCMP that investigates the paranormal in Canada. My partner Anderson and I were called by an Inspector [name withheld], and told that an ‘incident’ had occurred that he needed them to investigate. We tried calling the other members of our usual team but they were all unavailable. In fact, Nanook Hunter (our tracker, werewolf expert and weapons smith) had to take his step-daughter Holly to the hospital. We didn’t have time to find out why before Agents Carter and Clark arrived to drive us to the town of Eerie Falls, a few miles north of RavenRoost. We were told that we need to investigate what has gone on in the Eerie Falls Mental Institute, and to retrieve the files of eight specific inmates.

When we arrived we found an OPP officer and two empty vehicles outside. The cop told us that two nights ago all hell broke loose in the asylum. They had got a frantic phone call from the Institute that ended in screaming and gun shots. The cop revealed that this Institute was run by the RCX, and is where we house our ‘special’ prisoners. (This was news to us!) Four RCX agents had already gone in, and none had come out.

We readied ourselves and entered the building. Blood and gore was every where, the place stank like a slaughterhouse, and the lights were flickering on and off. All around us we could hear scuttling and smell effulgence. As we searched the facility we encountered two types of creatures. The first were three-foot tall balls with huge mouths, a horn, and short limbs. One of them latched onto my already mangled right leg (I have to wear a leg brace due to an earlier attack). The second looked like corpses pulled apart and stitched back together. (Anderson calls them Patchwork Men). They were incredibly fast and drank blood.

At one point we found a security guard who had died while reading a file on an inmate named Eugene Bell. A tall lanky man with long black hair (who matched Bell’s description) then helped a group of the balls break into the guard room to attack us. After killing all the balls, we investigated Bell’s cell and found a glowing portal hanging in the air. For some reason I felt compelled to pass through it, and I convinced the others to go through as well. We emerged into a cave in the Land of the Damned, and through arcane marking floating about the portal, I could tell that the portal had opened from this side. Which means someone in this other world created the portal. We went back through to the asylum and I was able to close the portal.

We continued searching, battling balls and Patchwork Men, all of us getting badly wounded. We saved an orderly named Adam, who had a Patchwork Man trying to stuff him in a dryer. Finally we found Bell in a woodshop cutting up bodies. We ordered him to drop to the floor, but he turned and sent bone harpoons lashing out of his wrists that impaled Anderson and myself! In the ensuing battle Clark was put into a coma. When Bell finally died, Carter (Clark’s childhood friend) beat the body badly. We left it on the floor. Adam carried Clark

In the furnace room we found a secret door leading down into a room full of cells, dominated by an operating table. A young boy named Jake, and man named Jimmy were still alive in the cells. The facility’s head doctor (a Dr. Horace Thespasian) was on the table, cut apart. I searched Thespasian’s desk and file cabinets and found the last file we were looking for. In so doing, I also found a file on Nanook! I showed Anderson, who was appalled. It seems that Nanook had once been incarcerated here, and Dr. Thespasian had been conducting unholy experiments on him! I grabbed all the files I could carry and we went to leave, but found the way barred by two Patchwork Men. We quickly dropped one of them, but the other proved very hard to kill. It jumped on Anderson and bit her neck, sucking out a great quantity of blood. As Anderson has a phobia of having her blood drunk, she went into a phobic panic and just went rigid and started screaming. Carter and I finally got it off her and killed it, but not before both of us were almost killed ourselves.

We finally got out of the Institute, and decided to burn the hellish place down. We siphoned gas from the two vehicles (presumably belonging to the RCX agents who died inside), and torched the asylum. As it fell to the ground, we thought we saw Bell watching us from the doorway.

An RCX helicopter arrived and flew us to the closest hospital. The Inspector arrived and was shocked and appalled when he heard about the experiments outlined in the files we found. The eight files we were specifically asked to retrieve belonged to RCX agents who had to be incarcerated there. The Inspector said he knew nothing of the experimentation. He took Jimmy and Jake and said he will help them. We plan to follow up on that and make sure he does.

When we got back to RavenRoost we went right to the hospital and found out that something (that sounds like a Patchwork Man) attacked and almost killed Holly. I got Special Constable Karen Rampersand to come in and psychically heal Holly, bringing her out of her coma. Without that intervention, the girl likely would have died.

A few days later Anderson and I showed Nanook the file we found on him. He knew he had been sent to that facility for a while, but did not remember the experimentation. He said they do explain all the scars he has. He opened his shirt and I was horrified to see the damage his body has suffered. Scars criss-crossed his chest and stomach, where Thespasian (who was a psychic healer) had tried tog raft body parts from supernatural creatures. Nanook then told us why he had been sent to the Institute (which I won’t reveal here). I can say that it had to do with a pedophile called Eugene Bell. Anderson and I told him about our encounters with Bell, and Nanook said he never used to have these powers.

We took a copter out to review the site of the asylum fire. Nanook used his tracking abilities and found tracks leading away from the remains that could well be Wells, followed by clawed prints that could be Patchwork Men. We found over forty of the ball-creatures, frozen to death.

So, it looks to me like Bell was contacted by some dark power through that portal, and given maleficent gifts. He took over the asylum, and sent a Patchwork Man after Holly as revenge against Nanook for his part in capturing him. And now the bastard is loose (even though I saw him die twice!) and likely now has a vendetta against Anderson and I now too. Needless to say, I’m sleeping with my gun (fully loaded with silver rounds, just in case).

Father Arden

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:51 pm
by Lightning Plant
That is truly some scary stuff. The worst I've had to deal with are garden-variety cultists, and the occasional secret society member.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Geeze padre, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:06 pm
by Father Arden
Ron Caliburn wrote:Geeze padre, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?

I ask myself that question all the time...

Father Arden

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:28 pm
by Elizabeth D. Anderson
Father Arden wrote:
Ron Caliburn wrote:Geeze padre, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?

I ask myself that question all the time...

Father Arden

You and me both, partner...

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:30 am
by Father Arden
Ron Caliburn wrote:Geeze padre, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?

Bell just conered me in the hallway outside my apartment...he asked me if I beleived in god and the devil, because he believed in me...

I wasn't interested in playing any of his mind games and pulled my brigadier on him but he vanished out a window...

Father Arden

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:49 pm
by Debunker
Nice write up, Im sure you'll sell your script soon to some television producer looking for a show to replace the X-files. But dont think your fooling anyone by saying this crap really happened. I admire your imagination, I just hope you put it to better use than a cry for attention with false and bizarre stories.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:31 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Padre - D-Bunk. D-Bunk - Padre.

Welcome to Lazlo.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 1:58 pm
by Eugene Michaels
..Land of the Damned? You went through a portal to New Jersey?

-Euge )8->