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On the demon's trail.....almost?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:41 pm
by Cameron Thorne
Well, I'm sorry to have to leave you to deal with this Mad Bomber, but I am having a hell of a time trying to keep tabs on Gilgrim and his lackies. But no dice.

I followed him to some abandoned glass factory where about 20 of the cultists in red robes showed up. They were performing some sort of ritual involving that iron box.

It started with the usual cult like stuff, then five were selected and approached the box.......they laid their hands upon its lid and began to chant.

Before my eyes I saw all five burst into flames and die very horrible deaths, even for cultists.

Thats when the other 15 cultists began to errupt into flames and die.

I kept my distance, not knowing what was about to come out of that box.

Thats when Gilgrim approached, pulled out some odd looking scepter that was glowing red and recited some chant.....

The iron box melted and someone, or something, rose from the molten slag that looked like living molten slag. Then there was a bright flash of deep red light, and a person was standing there.....someone with long black hair, black eyes, and skin that seemed to burn with a dull crimson hue.

He was wearing a long black duster, black leather pants, and boots.

Across his chest was a burn, or a scar, that was the mark of The Crimson King.

I heard Gilgrim address him as Jeremiah? This has to be the guy you were all talking about. I know this ritual......a demonic laying of hands designed to return an evil spirit to the flesh. POWERFUL STUFF!!!

Gilgrim sacaraficed 20 of his minions to bring this Dark guy back.....why?

Anyway.....I lost track of them after that. There was a huge flash of fire and and suddenly three Baccai were all over me.

I managed to slay the beasts...but before the battle ended, Gilgrim and Dark were gone.

Sorry, I was too late.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:28 pm
by KonThaak
Dammit... Dammit dammit DAMMIT! >_< Why does this stuff all happen all at once?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:04 pm
by Shadowstalker
Karma and all bad by the sound of it.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:23 am
by Koralth
*ahem*... There are no words...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:26 am
by Shadowstalker
Chill Zack we will deal with things. Thou you may want to make arrangements for you and Logos to get a little more protection.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:17 pm
by GhostSpider
They can hang with me for awhile.

So, bets on how long until we hear from J.Dork?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:06 am
by Cameron Thorne
Sorry to hear about Angel, she had real bals of brass to go after that Mad Bomber on her own. I do hope she is alright.

I wish I could say I have better news.

I tailed Gilgrim to a site near Ontario....where he open a Dark Gate to unleash more of his minions; a few dozen Kratich and Death Wings, plus a dozen or so Harbingers and Hunters. There were also 50 or 60 cultists devoted to The Crimson King. The cultists are all dead for the Hunters...and The King's eternal hunger for human flesh and souls.

I saw Dark......standing before a vision of The King. The King did something to him.....made him stronger. I could feel the evil course through the air like lightning. The King then ordered Gilgrim to seek the second Dark Soul.

I didn't hear who it I was set upon by Harbingers. I barely managed to vaporate before too many joined the fray.

I should be able to heal from my injuries within the next day or so, I'ld rather not say by how, but The King will be short an additional six cultists.

By the time I got back to the location, they were all gone.....I fear that where ever Gilgrim is going, he has a small army with him to forfill his objective, whatever that may be.

I also have no idea as to where this Dark has gone either. Apparently he did not stick around.

Due to my wounds, I am affraid I will be offline for a while, until my arm fully regenerates. Damn Harbingers!

I will be in contact soon. Stay Alive.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:52 am
by Koralth
Did you say... *ahem* MORE powerful? Jeremiah's more powerful. He is more powerful. J Dork is more powerful. Jeremiah Dark is more powerful...

Dammit, excuse me for a moment, this... *ahem* might take a while... more powerful!?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:10 am
by Logos
Kor? Love? Are you alright? It's been... It's been a while since you've had problems with repeating phrases...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:26 am
by Koralth
Oh, yeah, I'm fine... Jeremiah Dark is more powerful! Does that even register in your mind!? It doesn't in mine, that makes NO SENSE! I hear it and it's like saying... saying...... Saying that everyone he killed just got more dead. It's nonsense, it's impossible... Yet I don't believe he's lying... Is there really a point, anymore? In any of it, really, is there a point? These guys can not only raise dead enemies, but... make them better, faster, stronger, too? And their NUMBERS! Just from what I've read - Gilgrim, Jeremiah himself, 80 cultists, a mad bomber, innumeral demons, and "The Crimson King"... against what, if we all are in on this, what, 8-10 associates? maybe a couple more? I just... I just don't see the point. He was flying pretty much solo... when he was weaker.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:55 pm
by GhostSpider
J.Dork is more powerful?

So what? It just means he'll have an even bigger ego to go with it. Still, the only one who could really push his buttons was Ben Holister.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:18 pm
by Willie Long
Who is in no shape to do so.

I don't remember Dark. Can I get a recap?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:41 am
by Cameron Thorne
Alright, here it is in a nut shell......Jeremiah Dark was a the end result of a Dark Seed implanted within Ben Holister that became seperated from its host and ran amok amongst the boards, attempting to ruin and inevitably end Holister's life.

Needless to say, he failed. That lich DeleMorte was supposed to have killed him....that was a mistake.

Turns out a Dark Soul can not be destroyed, only contained in a sacred Sephelcur. With the proper resurrection ritual composed of Blood Alchemy and Necromancy you cn bring such a soul back, freeing it from its prison.

Jeremiah is only the first Dark Soul The King is attempting to resurrect.
One of five evil beings he desires to have serve him as he attempts to tare open the gates of Hell itself and devour the souls of man.

I do not know how close he is to his objective, but I do know that the more minions he has on Earth, the more powerful he becomes. And soon he will have enough power to enter into our world and reign in The Age of Chaos.

I can not allow this to happen.

I must find out who the remaining FOUR Dark Souls are, and prevent Gilgrim from unleashing them upon the world.

I have allies I will try to reach, and maybe, just maybe we can end this before it begins.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:45 am
by Gabriel
Jeremiah can be destroyed. Anything and everything can be destroyed.

It just takes the proper application of the right amount of the proper kind of power. Once you find the correct energy, going overboard doesn't hurt, either.

So he's more powerful. I would lay wagers that he is still too much a coward to face me, knowing that I could destroy him.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:03 am
by Cameron Thorne
Gabriel wrote:Jeremiah can be destroyed. Anything and everything can be destroyed.

It just takes the proper application of the right amount of the proper kind of power. Once you find the correct energy, going overboard doesn't hurt, either.

Thanks for the advice UBU, it will be useful when we use it on you.

Bad Dog Gabby....Bad Dog.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:45 pm
by Logos
Alright, Cameron. We don't like Gabe right now, and we don't like Dark, either. I'm all for letting them fight it out amongst themselves, it's one less hassle to work through.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:49 pm
by Cameron Thorne
You know Logos, that sn't such a bad idea. You have actually given me a brilliant idea.


Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:15 pm
by duamerthrax
oh, god, not the pay-per-view idea again! :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:04 am
by Cameron Thorne
I keep forgetting who I am dealing with here.Let me clarify this; take one raw, bloody dying gazelle...we have one hungry lion to the left who wants that gazelle, and to the right, an equally hungry lion who also wants that gazelle. Now neither of these lions wants to share that gazelle so what happens....see the big picture yet boys and girls.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:16 am
by Gabriel
Yes, I can be destroyed. If you hadn't figured that out, Thorne, you're a bigger idiot than I'd given you credit for. I see you're also continuing to insult the people who would call themselves your allies, which adds evidence to that statement. Still going with the dog jokes; still can't learn any new tricks?

My apologies for overestimating your level of intelligence.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:58 am
by D.E.U.S.
Cameron Thorne wrote:I keep forgetting who I am dealing with here.Let me clarify this; take one raw, bloody dying gazelle...we have one hungry lion to the left who wants that gazelle, and to the right, an equally hungry lion who also wants that gazelle. Now neither of these lions wants to share that gazelle so what happens....see the big picture yet boys and girls.

All we see is one nameless "gazelle" being ripped apart and you having no qualms about it. What's your point Mr. Thorne?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:21 pm
by Cameron Thorne
I should have stuck with my original intent and steered far away from you people. If you can not get your heads out of your asses long enough to grasp the larger picture here you are worse off than I estimated.

I may be crude and insuling; but I am someone who has been loosing faith in humanity one person at a time. My only desire to get a firm grip on reality is so that I can strangle the stupidity out of it!

You have enemies browsing through your site, learning our plans, bantering back and forth, and ths is doesn't bother any of you.

You are planning in an open field with more enemies than you can shake a stick at surrounding you, and you still act like this is kindergarten. What is this, a game to you folks?

That is either sheer arrogance, ignorance, or udder stupidity. I am amazed your enemies haven't won already, but then again, they are far to overy dramatic for their own good. Seriously, what idiot broadcasts to their foes what they are up to. What morons do you have arching you guys.

I GIVE UP; you folks are now on your own. This is one train wreck I do not need my fingerprints on.

As for you Gabby, when you get ready for the big leagues, look me up, I will be more than happy to hand your sorry ass to you on a platter any day of the week. Right now I have work to do....

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:52 pm
by GhostSpider
Gee, and he was such a nice guy. :roll:

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:26 pm
by duamerthrax
i guess we were right not to try to deal with this guy from the start, if he's going to lash out like that too easily

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:13 am
by Gabriel
I would make a joke about his leaving,, he threw a fit over someone making a valid point. Big leagues? He has to constantly be on the run from a few monsters.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:53 pm
by GhostSpider
Its ok Gabe, feel free to make all the jokes you want. Someone making a valid point has never stopped me. Anyway, you should enjoy your life now, cause on Oct.31, I'll be ending it.

Duam has a valid point too. This guy pitches one too many temper tantrums. He's like a little kid when he doesn't get his way. It's pathetic really.

Re: On the demon's trail.....almost?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:53 am
by GhostSpider
So Thorne, any updates on this?

Re: On the demon's trail.....almost?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:18 pm
by Cameron Thorne
Well, here I am reporting on a topic I have left for dead.

What do you want to know?

About Gilgrim.....dead.

About Jeremiah Dark.....also dead. this moment so is Azrael. Not by my hand but by that I have warned you about more than enough.

The threat has only been nutralized but not defeated.

If not for that fiasco in Vermont I would have been able to be by Azrael's side for this battle.

An evil is at work here.

Solstice....I see your death! I see your world torn asunder and burned to ash, I see your loved ones lie split open at your feet and your allies strewn about the landscape in finite pieces.

Blood and fire, ash and agony, death and darkness.

The King awaits his return and he will come!!!

He wants you Solstice....and will annihilate all those who try and stop him.

Azrael has given his life to prevent the inevitable.

Least it be not be in vain.

Then again.......what do I know.

Re: On the demon's trail.....almost?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:03 am
by GhostSpider
Well thats...anticlimatic.

Yes . . . What Do You Know?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:17 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Cameron Thorne wrote:Well, here I am reporting on a topic I have left for dead.

What do you want to know?

About Gilgrim.....dead.

About Jeremiah Dark.....also dead. this moment so is Azrael. Not by my hand but by that I have warned you about more than enough.

The threat has only been nutralized but not defeated.

If not for that fiasco in Vermont I would have been able to be by Azrael's side for this battle.

An evil is at work here.

Solstice....I see your death! I see your world torn asunder and burned to ash, I see your loved ones lie split open at your feet and your allies strewn about the landscape in finite pieces.

Blood and fire, ash and agony, death and darkness.

The King awaits his return and he will come!!!

He wants you Solstice....and will annihilate all those who try and stop him.

Azrael has given his life to prevent the inevitable.

Least it be not be in vain.

Then again.......what do I know.

Are you trying to pawn off feelings of guilt to others, Mr. Thorne? We get warnings of paranormal happenings all the time; we do the best we can with what little we have. You may have warned us . . . but did you actually do anything to contribute? All I’ve heard sir, is your warning and then your fleeing when we needed all the help we could get. It sounds like you gave Sir Black a ride, and I’m not sure what your part in Vermont was. You might have tracked and killed this “Gilgrim” person. But you haven’t said anything yet to make me believe so.

And these dreams you have of me; are you going to do something about them? When you told me I was in grave danger eight months ago you demanded to meet with me and retreated when I offered to do so, and no danger has befallen me from it thus far. So will you help me confront an enemy I cannot detect, or will you continue to hiss these cryptic sayings in an effort to scare me? I have had my own nightmares; Ron is supposed to be coming home tonight, and I’ll feel terrible asking him so soon after his adventure to help me decipher a journal I found under my pillow last night, a journal that had not been there until after I had had a nightmare of trying to escape an empty house of blood and insanity.

. . .

I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to be rude. I fear a man I still care for deeply is in great danger, and the one man that was near him to help should that danger show died last Monday.