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Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:52 am
by NicksMind
I have come across some strange incidents which some would call werewolves. I need to find more information on werewolves and where a person under the delusion that he is somehow transformed into one would go and hide? Do werewolves act different? Do they have animal like intelligence? Any information would be helpfull to uncover the truth of these myths.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:15 pm
by mrloucifer
[color=red]Depends on who ya ask bloke, but in the few affairs I've experienced meself, here what I got to tell ya.

First off, the bloody buggers are smarter than one would think. They seem to have lots of instinctual traits and no mistake on that, but they also show evidence of being rather clever and resourceful at the same time. During one of me hunts I chased a werebeast down, but he was smart enough to open doors, dive out windows, ran through sewers, climbing fire escapes, basically every bleedin evasion trick in the book. I finally cornered him in an alley where he made a last ditch effort to hide himself in the bloody trash. I dont know if the bugger was either smart or just had experience with firearms, but while he stared at me I pointed the dangerous end of Matilda (me shotgun) right between his eyes and said "I’m evicting you out of my plane of existence Bub". He seemed to understand and had a look of terror before I put the hairy bloke outta my misery.

Second off, they do act as unique as the next in me eyes to be sure. I’ve hunted a couple of werewolves, one she-werepanther and what I suspect was a werejaguar (could only see his outline in the dark before I put holes in its head). Anyway each one acted unique, and while I can’t be proven to me word, I could swear the panther Sheila was walking among us as a bloody streetwalker before she realized I was on to her, I chased the hooker down to a dark alley, where I saw the panther run in the light next, coincidence in that the streetwalker just ran for whatever reason and scared the werepanther into running off who happened to be in the alley already? I didn’t have a chance to look for the hooker as I immediately chased the she-panther down, but there was no sign of her on me return after bagging the she-panther either.

Anyhow mate, in me own eyes they’s as dangerous as they are resourceful, they seem to be able to disguise themselves to walk among us, but when they sense danger they are all monster let me promise ya that. If you’ve found yourself a bleeding werebeast mate, I say give him both barrels!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:27 pm
by NicksMind
Sir. I think you should seek out a psychiatrist immediatley because monsters and werewolves do not exist, but i have come across a number of whackos who believe they are these werewolves. They have hurt and killed people and need to be stopped.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:55 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Here's my thought on it.

Take all the cleverness an knowledge of a human, mix it with the craftiness and the ferocity of a wolf. That should give you a good idea on the thoguht process.

Whether it is a delusional person or a real monster I think in either case he probably has 2 modes: Hunting and Hiding. You can choose to go after one or the other.

If he's hunting, real wolves tend to have a territory, and I doubt what you're after are any different. There will be a particular area where the bugger will make the majority of his attacks. I have a friend who can plot this stuff out with GIS software, but a map and some coloured pushpins should do you just as well.

Once you go a fix on his hunting grounds, you can either patrol around to see if you can spot him before he spots you, or you can set up a discreet place you have a good field of view from and wait for him to appear.

Now if you want to deal with hiding, this is a bit tricker. Man or Monster, this bugger's going to want to have one or more places where he can hole up and hide when he's not out hunting. These places are probably near or within the hunting territory. Sewers, caves, abandoned buildings, and other low traffic areas are the most likely haunts. I suggest you scout these out.

Once you have a probable hiding spot of his, you can either take up a surviellance position, or you can go in to get them. Just be careful making an entry, he'll react even more agressively if he thinks he's cornered.

As a precaution, I suggest you take a gun loaded wih silver bullets. The gun is just palin useful in dealing with a dangerous individual, and if he thinks he's a werewolfe and you can convince him you have silver bullets, he might just be more willing to surrender.

If of course he really is a werewolf (yeah, yeah, they don't exist, but it never hurts to prepare for the worst) the silver will be the only thing to keep you alive.

Good luck, and I really do hope this is just a nutcase.

were beast info help

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:22 am
by Lore Mayfair
I also am looking for information on Were Beasts, I seem to have encountered a small family of them and believe I may have stumbled upon this accidentally. However my main question is regarding the disposition of these animals. I was walking in an ally behind my apartment and heard screaming, I found a woman being mugged by three men...they spotted me and one shot me, another of the three was about to shoot me and take the girl when a "wolf" took the man's head off. My question then is this are all werewolves/beasts evil? are they bad? or are there any instinces any one knows of when one is good? I have not been able to find this information in my research. PLEASE HELP


Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:27 am
by NicksMind
Congatulations on being a good citizen, but the next time you see a muging call the local authorities. How good of a look did you get at this "wolf" are you sure it wasnt just a maniac wearing a fur coat brandishing a sword or similiar object. I hear fur coats are coming back into style.

re: good citizen

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:22 am
by Lore Mayfair
I thought you should know that in fact before getting involved I did call the local authorities on my cell, however the events that transgressed happened before they were able to arrive on scene, I am aware of the fact that there could be other explanations. However I do not believe that a man with a sword would be able to cleave a man's head off in one fell swoop and prowl away in time for no one to have seen him, besides a sword leaves a clean cut in most cases and unfortunatly the head was not cleanly taken off, it was more like it was ripped or clawed off. Again this is only one area I am researching, but it seems as if I am on the right track as I am finding information to support my theory.

If anyone has information on werebeasts especially there demeanor, characteristics or alignment please reply


Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:20 am
by Debunker
Hey, I got some info on werewolves for ya, they all share one thing in common, THEY ARE FIGMENTS OF YOUR FREAKIN IMAGINATION! "Nicksmind" got it right folks, I've done my homework, and every time I got to inquire on some "Werewolf" story, its always the same. Some guy in a suit or hairy coat, a nut job who needs to be locked away, or some cheap carnival trick and smoke blowing. While they are dangers to themselves and other people, it’s all in their head, not anything supernatural.

In all my data and research, I have nothing, and I mean NOTHING that supports any notion that werewolves exists, except in the movies and in your dreams. If you need to see werewolves so badly, go rent underworld or the Howling for lord sakes. My family has wasted their lives trying to prove the existence of werebeasts (among other things supernatural), and now I gotta beg you all to stop now before you waste yours.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:44 am
by Kolya
Not believing is fine.

A closed mind, however, is saddening.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:09 pm
by NicksMind
Werewolves are big hairy ugly craures (or so people claim they are) so How would you explain a werewolf appeared in front of you without you noticing cleaved (or ripped) a guys head off and then prowled away without any one noticing?Please dont give me some theoretical answer on what could have happened I want cold hard fact.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:58 pm
by Ron Caliburn
What you need to know about the disposition of werewolves - they consider us a food source.

Other than that, about every other convention of dealing with a wild animal applies.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:42 pm
by Father Arden
NicksMind wrote:Sir. I think you should seek out a psychiatrist immediatley because monsters and werewolves do not exist, but i have come across a number of whackos who believe they are these werewolves. They have hurt and killed people and need to be stopped.

Oh they exist all right...I've seen too many of them to deny that...studied their corpses too...and I was trained as a psychiatrist, as well as a medical doctor...

In fact, my tracker friend Nanook Hunter is something of an expert on werewolves, has hunted them his whole life after one killed his father...his instincts onthem are never wrong, and he can almost sniff them out even when they are in human form...its saved our lives many times...

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:23 pm
by NicksMind
Human Form? there is only one form, Human there is no werewolves, and your friend Nanook is taking you for a ride probably laughs at you behind your back. I have almost come to the conclusion that there are people solely out to make monsters seem real.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:09 pm
by Kolya
NicksMind wrote:Human Form? there is only one form, Human there is no werewolves, and your friend Nanook is taking you for a ride probably laughs at you behind your back. I have almost come to the conclusion that there are people solely out to make monsters seem real.
Two sides to a coin.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:03 pm
by Father Arden
NicksMind wrote:Human Form? there is only one form, Human there is no werewolves, and your friend Nanook is taking you for a ride probably laughs at you behind your back. I have almost come to the conclusion that there are people solely out to make monsters seem real.

I've been present when werewolves were confronted...I've fought them, I've killed them...

Father Arden

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:32 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I've seen enough to know that way too much of the stuff that the average joe doesn't think is real, really is.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:58 pm
by NicksMind
Anyone can claim they have fought demons and monster alike. I once blew up earth for fun just to see it then reversed time and went back to my busy schedule, look I claim I did it, it must be real.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:00 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I ain't claiming it. I'm just saying what I did.

So when did you learn time travel?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:22 pm
by NicksMind

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
State or Private?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:30 pm
by NicksMind
I went to CPC if you just had to know

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:01 am
by Kolya
I was not aware that time travel was in any academic program.

So I can learn how to be a Satanist and time travel.

Fear me :twisted:

:idea: Or not..... If I could time travel I would get some lottery numbers and retire and move somewhere a bit warmer than here.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:31 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I'll only retire when it's time to teach the next batch

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:14 pm
by Kolya
I'm not planning to retire either...

...unless NicksMind really can travel time and get the me the winning lottery numbers.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:38 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Naw, he'd probably tell you that the lottery doesn't exist

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:48 pm
by Nanook Hunter
Oh they exist all right...I've seen too many of them to deny that...studied their corpses too...and I was trained as a psychiatrist, as well as a medical doctor...

In fact, my tracker friend Nanook Hunter is something of an expert on werewolves, has hunted them his whole life after one killed his father...his instincts onthem are never wrong, and he can almost sniff them out even when they are in human form...its saved our lives many times...[/quote]

werewolves? who needs info? like Arden said knowing werewolves is my lifes work. i have tracked them across the tundra, thru city streets, there is nowhere on of those bastards can hide from me.

werewolf info

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:53 pm
by Lore Mayfair
Nanook, what info do you have on the disposition and habits of a were wolf?

I fear that I may have accidentally stumbled on a pack and find myself without the knowledge I need to fight or get out.

However these were wolves act odd in comparison to what I have read here, They have attacked and killed some, but those he killed attacked his (pregnant?) girlfriend first.
They do not like me around because they know what I do, however they haven't attacked me ... only warned me to stay away.
I don't want to be on the middle of this but fear I'm already in too deep.
ANY informaation you have I would greatly appreciate


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:58 pm
by Ron Caliburn
LM, my advice is invest in silver bullets and time at a friing range.

This nest may be too much for you to go in and clean out, but werewolves are viscious predators. Any semblance of humanity will be temporary at best and since they know who you are, and know you know about them, eliminating you will be one of their higher priorities.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:03 am
by Debunker
This nest may be too much for you to go in and clean out, but werewolves are viscious predators. Any semblance of humanity will be temporary at best and since they know who you are, and know you know about them, eliminating you will be one of their higher priorities.

Ive seen this movie. They are at war right with a bunch or aristocratic, Gucci model looking vampires, so they would be on their priority list. But dont worry, there is a hottie british latex wearing vampire who's been wasting werewolves away for years now.

Really people, get out of the movie theatres and into the looney bins, they have people who can help you. Who knows? One day you all could still become an upstanding part of society yet! Its not too late for any of you, but you've got to take that first step.

were wolves

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:50 pm
by David Muir
don't challenge the pack if they want you to leave then by all means you should probably not stick around. were wolves have good reason to be angry. Wolves were the most wide spread animal on the planet occupying every continent in the world.That is until mankind hunted them to the brink of extinction.Were wolves live for a very long time.long enough to still be very angry.How would you feel if your entire family was shot skinned then made into a fashion statement? sorry I cant tell you hunt them. A guys gotta live ya know.