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Demon possessed or crazy?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:39 pm
by DarKnyht
As I posted a few days ago, I was contacted with the job of helping to track down a serial killer. There was a good bounty on his head and I was very much wanting to get a piece of it. The tip that was provided made it almost too easy.

He was hiding in an abandoned building down by the railroad tracks. I think his plan was to lie low and then escape on a freight train as it passed through the city. He had done similar in Baltimore.

The problem was that he apparently couldn't stop himself from killing daily, and there had been reports of strange occurrences around the sties before and after the attacks. This had led the police to arrive quickly at the scenes of the crimes. The events had not been explained, but they learned that it was a calling card for the killer.

I waited until evening to head to the location. I knew that I would catch him tired from his latest kill and possibly take him without problems. I found out that I was wrong on both accounts.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:02 am
by DarKnyht
I sensed that something was wrong seconds before the first shot was fired. I moved as soon as I felt it and the bullet hit where I was just seconds before. I came up with my gun out and was searching for a target, but there was nothing there. From the darkness I could hear someone laughing quietly, but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

The entire place was not dark, but shadowy with the light coming in from the windows giving just enough light to see. I tried to calm down my nerves and not panic as I knew I was visible to him.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:49 pm
by DarKnyht
I ran to get behind something, anything at this point would be better than just standing there in the open. The old crates I found weren't perfect, but I could see into the corner behind me and I was covered on three sides at least.

The second shot that rang out hit the wall behind me, so I knew which way my attacker was for the moment. I still could not see him in the darkness, but I was determined to take that advantage away from him.

I reached into the bag I carry with me and pulled out the flare. It wasn't really intended for this type of situation, but you used what you have. I started it up and threw. At the same time I moved so I wasn't quite the target. The bullet still managed to hit the vest, and the force of it spun me.

However, I could now see something moving in the shadows. As I started to aim at it, something hit me in the side of the head. The shot went wide.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:43 am
by DarKnyht
The second object hit me, and I was not sure if I was given wrong information and found myself fighting two attackers. It was a larger object and it sent me to the floor and the gun slid away. The way I was laying meant I was on my backup weapon, and before I could move to make it accessible I found one of my attackers above me.

Once I saw him I didn't move at all. Was this the one with the wood or the one with the gun?

"I don't like using guns, they tend to bring too much attention to what you are doing." He smiled half crazed. So this was the one without the gun. That meant the armed one was too far away and probably still aimed at me.

"I don't know what to make of you. Either they think I am not worth sending someone qualified, or they want you removed. I doubt you found me through shear luck."

I could hear sirens faintly in the distance.

"Don't worry, either way I will make your death quick." At this he pulled out a knife and waved it in front of me.

The siren was closer and I thought I saw flashing light on one of the walls.

"I prefer to kill with the knife, makes the taste so much better." I closed my eyes to wait for the moment. I heard footsteps approaching.

"Don't move!" Was the next thing I heard. I opened my eyes to see the officer standing over me. I had never been so glad in my life.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:48 am
by DarKnyht
I slowly showed the cop the identification and permits I carry and started to explain what I was doing on the property. My employer had told me to tell them I had been hired by the owner to check out the place. The businesses around the place had complained that homeless people had been using the place. The owner was afraid of legal problems so I was to clear the place out so it could be secured. It sounded like a lie even as I told it.

While the officer was checking this story out. I started thinking on what just had occurred. There wasn't supposed to be a second attacker according to the tip, plus the man acted if he knew who sent me. The more I thought about it, the more there were questions that needed answered. But my thought process was broken by the screech of tires from up the street.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:25 pm
by DarKnyht
Everything became a little surreal for me then. The story must have checked out because the officer in front of me was helping me up and asking me questions about what happened. I filled him in on the situation, the fact that I thought there was another attacker armed. He asked me to follow him up the street to the scene of the accident. He wanted me to identify the man that was hit.

When I got there, a crowd had already gathered and the ambulance was just showing up. They reluctantly parted for the officer and me, and soon we were looking down at the victim. Sure enough it was the nut that was just standing over me. I glanced and saw the young lady that was having a break down from the accident. I could hear her still mumbling, "He jumped in front of me... I couldn't stop."

He looked fine except for a slight trickle of blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. I half expected him to get up and come at me again. The other officer told the one with me that he found a gun on him. That didn't make sense to me, if he had a gun why bother with a knife.

The questioned me some more and once they were satisfied they told me I could go. I had to stay in town in case there were more questions or if they found the other guy I told them about. The ambulance team loaded the body and left.

I called the number I was given and reported in. I thought my job was finished, but that night when I watched the news I got quite a shock.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:07 am
by DarKnyht
I had just turned on KDKA for the news that night, the story was just breaking. A man thought to be dead got up when he arrived at the morgue and attacked the people there. Two were killed and one was severally injured and probably would not live. They then proceeded to tell everyone to remove their children from the room so you could watch the details.

The film footage from the security camera showed my attacker jumping off the table they had just moved him to and grabbing a surgical blade. Faster than eye could follow the whipped it across the first man's face and them grabbed the second man and probably slit his throat. At that point it looked like the other blades flew across the room at the first man turning him into a pin cushion of blades.

The third guy came in from off camera and after a struggle ended up like the down like the second one. The man quickly searched his victims for apparently cash and was off. The reporter came back on and informed me that the man was still at large. The events had taken place an hour ago, but the police were sure to have him back in custody soon.

All of a sudden I had this cold certainty that I would be seeing him again soon.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:22 pm
by DarKnyht
I was still wearing most of of my gear, but the vest I had removed since I had taken a bullet in it. The bruise underneath was quite impressive, but it was better than being seriously injured. I was starting towards my spare when the power went out.

I could hear the battery backups on the computers kicking in. Their alarms blaring that something was amiss. The light coming in from the street light told me my house alone had power problems. I pulled the pistol and switched on the light underneath. When the beam came on, he was standing there in my hallway.

I fired but the television crashed into me sending my shot wide.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:02 pm
by Rain
As you are posting this I am assumeing it all worked out in the end. But with that said it sounds like you could have used some help.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:00 am
by DarKnyht
Backup would have been nice, but since the attack came at my home it would have been unlikely. Also, around the time of the attack was went the second wave of society members were heading off to The Gentleman's mansion.

Before I could get my gun back up to fire he was slamming into me. Having been hit like this before, I knew what to do. I let the force of his hit knock me backwards and I grabbed him at the same time, pulling him with me. As I hit my back to the floor I kicked and pulled at the same time. The result was that he went over me and into the wall behind me.

That didn't buy me much time however, as the gun I started to aim was yanked in the opposite direction and this time once again out of my grip. I would really like to be able to do that particular trick. I didn't have much time though, as he was up almost as quick as he went down. I pulled my knife and got ready for his next attack.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:19 am
by DarKnyht
He had to have been trained in the military or something because it was all I could to stay alive. The fight was dirty and brutal, and I am still not sure how I managed to not have more serious injuries than I did when it was over. The one thing I was very grateful for was that he unable to throw anything else around with his mind.

I did pick up a few cuts, and I am happy to say I managed to do the same to him. I am unhappy because my living room was pretty much destroyed after we were finished. The battle was won simply because when he threw me that last time I managed to land near the gun. I didn't even take time to aim correctly, and it wasn't really needed because of the range. I fired three rounds and two hit their mark.

He just stood there for a second, with a look of confusion. As he dropped to his knees all he said was, "What?"

I sat there for a second with the gun still aimed at him. His confusion seemed to clear up again and he looked right at me.

"What... did they... do to...."

With that he died.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:09 pm
by Ron Caliburn
What did who do?

Sounds like this may not be over.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:00 pm
by DarKnyht
I really don't know what he was talking about. I did a background check on him and had a friend in the force do one on his fingerprints. There was nothing in his background to suggest that he was associated with anyone.

As you said, mysterious.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:30 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I hate mysteries.