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Natasha Released

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:49 am
by Sasha
My name is Alexei Sokolov. Some of you know me as Lyosha. Fewer I have met in person.

I have good, bad, and worse news. Natasha was released from prison and she is alive, but her mind and body have definitely seen better days. Sasha is in hospital recovering from multiple gunshot wounds while are our dear comrade Roman Cherepahov has been KIA.

While preparing to pick up Natasha from the prison we acquired two OMON jeeps, sort of like the American HMMWV, I guess, with armour. We arrived at the prison and the guards had to support her while she walked, but released her and she was able to stand on her own.

She was bruised all over her face (and some visible on her arms as well) and had a very deep cut over her left eye. I think we all had the same thing in mind. The guards that did this to her must be punished. She did not seem to notice that anyone was holding her by her arms as she needed help walking. He feet just sort of shuffled across the ground, never really leaving the ground.

Her eyes were dull and almost completely lost their colour. They stared straight, never moving, as if she were looking at something very far away, or perhaps, very close, but in another world.

I gave her her MP3 player but she did not seem to know what it was, she dropped it after a brief look. We got her in the jeep and out of the area as soon as possible. It was a 45 minute drive to her apartment. And for about 40 of them things went uneventfully. And then the shit hit the fan.

The road ends in a T-intersection but it is a one-way street, so you can only turn right. My Sixth Sense went off and I yelled to turn left, and the driver did. At that point we were opened up with small arms automatic fire from somewhere above. It really was impossible to tell. The jeep's armour kept us well protected from the small arms but then I heard, "RPG!" from the driver, and that did a number on our jeep, almost overturning it. It was wrecked. Sasha yelled in the radio for the follow-on car to back out and get around the building where we would take Natasha on foot.

It lurched over the curb as it spun around going through the grass as an RPG flew by skidding across the ground and slamming into a vacant kiosk across the way. Roma grabbed Natasha and pushed her in front of his massive body as the driver (his name is Ivan), Sasha, and I jumped out and made a break for it.

While running I saw Roma's leg explode into pieces as the automatic fire tracked up his left leg. Sasha skid to a stop to grab him as he yelled "cover her!" and I got between Natasha and the fire. The jeep skid to a stop and I pushed Natasha inside. "Wait!" I shouted and turned back to see Sasha dragging Roma as a few bullets slammed into his chest knocking him down. If he was lucky his vest would have taken most of the damage. Ivan and I ran over and I grabbed Roma while he took Sasha. Roma died in my arms before Vlad could get anything going for him, so Vlad went to work on Sasha who had passed out from all the blood loss.

Michael T had been following us using magic. It all happened so fast. As we squeeled away for the hospital we knew that he was either following us or it might be a while before catching up with us.

Natasha's condition continues to deteriorate. We were in the waiting area and she said, "take me to my apartment at last!" and I told her that we would wait to hear Sasha's condition and that it was not a good idea to go there until it could be cleared. She jumped out of her chair and ran screaming out of the hospital. Anyone seen her run knows she is fast. Only Sasha from us is faster. Fortunately a guard had tried to grab her which slowed her down enough for me to grab her.

"Release me!" she screamed as she pulled at my grip - I could not hold her for long because men have man-handled her all her life. She repeated it so I let go but not before moving between her and door; and then she just broke down in hysterical crying. Ivan and Vlad came up and Vlad said, "it's going to be a while with Sasha." I looked at Ivan and he shrugged. Michael showed up looking like a man on fire.

"Alright, we will take you there and you have 5 minutes to get whatever you can, then we are taking you on base. Understood?"

She nodded, sniffing hard and rubbing her eyes which were blood red and full of tears.

We arrived at her apartment. It had been destroyed. Her things were broken, ripped, cut, shattered, thrown about, and just destroyed. She went to get some clothes to wear and a few things which she loves. After we cleared the apartment, she packed a bag, and we took her to a base outside Moscow where she would be safe from physical and non-physical threats until we can straighten a few things out. But with the way things have been going, we are not totally sure.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:59 am
by dym
Just in case anyone missed it during Alexei's babbling.

Roman was killed by my order.

Aleksandr is having some lead removed from him.

Natasha is already broken, and it is only a matter of time before she dies.

Fidel, tell me, what does helplessness and hopelessness combined feel like? Are you conscious enough to see me tear down your life? I am skull fucking you son. How does it feel?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:06 am
by dym
A little more information that your tovarishi probably don't want to tell you:

I will just let the cat out of the bag.

Her uncle went to see her yesterday, moments after her lawyer left. Natasha was broken but hopeful after the meeting with her lawyer. But that all came to a screeching fucking stop right fucking quick. That's right! I pulled some strings of my own.

But seriously, if she is able to, have her tell you all about it. Otherwise, I will.

Being a guest of The Hole means that when visitors come to see you, you go to the non-contact area. You know the place where you sit on opposite sides of the glass from each other.

You all are going to find the following interesting.

Her uncle was in prison himself - runs in the family I guess - but he made it out, just like Kei said it could happen. Way to go kiddo!

On top of that, he was granted immediate visiting rights to the little skank. So when she went waddling into the booth all shackled up expecting to see Irina her lawyer again (oops, forgot to tell you something so I am coming back), she saw her beloved uncle (that's Konstantin for you retards keeping score and/or know a little something something about her diseased past) instead.

Well, she just went apeshit. She took a nasty cut over the eye as she flopped about the little cage like a fish out of water screaming her pretty little head off, screaming until she was blue in the face, screaming like the devil hisself was fucking her silly. The guards finally dragged her out of there. They had to beat her into submission though because all that kicking and screaming. A little cruel being that she was all shackled up, but, hey, life ain't fair, get a fucking helmet.

Who wouldn't want to see their family at a time of crisis such as this?

I thought I was doing her a favour, letting her see her uncle and all. ;)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:03 am
by Michael T
I was flying ovderhead as a crow when the attack occured, I dove for the area as fast as I could and transformed back to human. I hurled a force bolt at the individual with the RPG, he flew through a plate glass window. I then called lighting on the knot of gun men that were trying to gun down the Russians. I began targeting the rest with flame bolts and a fire ball or two, I heard the team yell that Roma and Sasha were down. I cast a spell to stop all projectiles from comeing any where near the jeep and leapt back to the sky to fly cover as the jeep speed away from the scene. I took afew to get directions and vehicles that the attackers used to flee in.

Now I am staying in hiding till I know it's secure again in case some one tries something like this again. I am very sorry about Roma, I only got a brief chance to talk to him during the Silver Spike operation. I am worried for Natasha though, she is not her normal self. I guess being in solitary confinment can be hard on you, I guess Dym has a very long stay in something similar coming.

See Dim even you can't plan for every thing. I will be watching and waiting, hope you sleep well tonight. Maybe something will visit you in your sleep, maybe not, let the games begin as you said.

Michael T.

PS My daughter is well beyond your reach right now, well beyond any of you pathitic assholes reach till I deem it safe for her to come back. So let the party start.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:08 am
by dym
Well done.

Enjoy the insignificant victories!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:23 am
by Natasha
Romchik died protecting my worthless life and Sasha got shot badly trying to save him. I cannot be forgiven for destroying these lifes, and I will only continue to destroy life. I killed Romchik, who I loved as a true brother. I am killing Kolya by living. With me gone, everything changes for you my dear mishka. My life only causes pain, suffering, and death. I shall destroy no more lifes but one more, my own.

I understand you all hate me for now for the lifes I destroyed. It stops now though. dym cannot hurt me anymore. He cannot hurt you anymore.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:31 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Natasha, do not do anything desperate. Dym is not doing this because of you, and if you died he would find another way to hurt them. Please, please don't kill yourself.

We do not hate you. I, I love you.

I'll be there by tonight.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:32 am
by Shadowstalker
NATASHA!! That is bull you have not caused the death of anyone, nor are you the cause of pain to anyone here. Dym is the cause of Roma's death, and Sahsha's being shot, he is the one seeking to cause pain not you.
So don't play into his games don't kill or hurt yourself, because if you did that then you would cause pain to those who care so deeply for you. Please do nothing to harm yourself, you are not at fault.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:40 am
by dym
Not listen to them, child.

They the fools.

If you suicide, the pain ends!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:44 am
by Shadowstalker
DYM!!! go fuck yourself with a .50cal and Fire ti when its up there, you lyeing sack of shit!
Natasha don't even listen to this fuckwad he is only seeking to cause more pain, by your death.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:45 am
by dym
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:We do not hate you. I, I love you.

I'll be there by tonight.
Aww, it the touching words, turtle. (you know that Roman shared the name 'turtle' with you?)

You love the corpse, as Whackjob Holister? What the Society becomes!

You will arrive for the time to visit the funeral of Natasha.

She already dead.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:49 am
by Shadowstalker
Fuck you Dym!! I will not believe that, but if she is.. you have just ended your life.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:49 am
by DarKnyht
Natasha, you are not to blame for this. Don't let this monster get to you mentally. Those that have been hurt knew that it was a possibility in their line of work, but they chose to continue instead of running.

I know this is a dark time for you, but you can do this. This is no different than the caves. You beat them and you can beat this. Don't give in to the dark.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:50 am
by Jeremiah Dark
"Ok Natalia its like this; if you are going to do this do it right.

First take about six or seven asprin to really thin the blood, then its once across the wrist and once straight up the middle of the forearm. Make the sure the cuts are straight and deep. An Exacto blade works well if you do not have a scapel. A razor blade works just as well, but requires more control.

Reapeat on the other arm. You should bleed out in just under 20 minutes as long as you keep your arms resting at your side. The whole tub of warm water is bullshit. Just slice yourself nice and tidy in your kitchen or livingroom.

Oh and don't forget the note. The more detailed about how miserable your life has been, the better we all feel.

Well get to slicing Boss, I am looking forward to your obituary in the next few days.

Sorry Boom Boom, loks like Benny Boy isn't the only one loosing the woman they loved this year. Hahahaha."

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:50 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
I don't believe that she's dead.

But if she is, it only means that I can dedicate the rest of my life to making sure he's in constant agony.

He was dead when he started shit.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:51 am
by Ron Caliburn
Natasha, you are being used to destroy others.

Your suicide would be the ultimate victory in destroying those others.

Hannah has told me much, when I can I will get her to speak to you as well.

You have beaten this before, you will beat it again.

People are counting on you.

You haven't let us down, ever.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:53 am
by Shadowstalker
J. Dork you are going to come to a bad end here soon real soon in fact.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:55 am
by Jeremiah Dark
"Maybe you would like to over there and drive a stake through her heart as well Ronny Boy, to do to Boom Boom what you did to Benny Boy. You seem to be good at that.

You can't have the love of your life back, so you have to kill off everyone elses'. Better watch out Alexis, he may come gunning for you next. Hahaha.

See ya round Boss."

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:58 am
by Ron Caliburn
Again, the monster afraid of a 14 ear old girl tries to say something.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:58 am
by Kei Nakamura
Natasha, do not throw your brilliant mind away over the lies of this game player. Although I do not know you well, that is not the way to go. Dym wants you to commit suicide, dym set up your arrest in order to hurt those close to you, dym is the one who has been playing these games with you, and now you are going to give up and let dym have the ultimate victory over you?

Tsk, Tsk, I had thought I was a better judge of character than that Natasha, I had assumed you would be eager to find a way to strike back at dym for what he put you through.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:01 pm
by Shadowstalker
Kei is right Natasha don't let Dym win, you are better than that.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:04 pm
by Shadowstalker
Michael please check on Natasha.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:05 pm
by Michael T
Natasha I chose you for the stregnth in you as a student. DO NOT allow this fool to crush that stregnth. I am near enough to smack you.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:07 pm
by Shadowstalker
Don't smack her check on her.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:07 pm
by dym
The coup de grĂ¢ce was the uncle.

The uncle trigger something in her brain that make her to transform.

After the visit she not Natasha no more. She lose the brilliant mind, she lose the mental strength Fidel love to boast about. She not Natasha anymore. It broke her, and so it easy to command the broken person. If I not break her, she would fight me back.

If to be honest, she not anything now though. Well, not anything but dead.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:10 pm
by Sasha
Lyosha here.

She is hanging on to life by a thread though.

I guess it was her post that gave me the feeling of sickness in my gut. I knew something was wrong. I called the base to send someone to her quarters immediately. They stabilised her on the spot and then took her to the same military hospital where Sasha had the bullets removed and some other fixative surgery.

She had barred her door with a chair, but they slammed through and found her on her bed. A knife was sticking out of her stomach. Her body was covered in cuts and slashes. Her sheets were absolutely soaked with her blood. They found a note.

Most of it was written in code and in very shakey handwriting. Some of it in Russian though said that she had to suffer a horrible death to atone the pain she has caused. "I must bleed out slow, I must die in extreme agony." Her computer keyboard had blood all over. She sent messages while she was cutting herself. She went back to her bed and stuck the knife in. We believe she lapsed into a coma before she could cause herself more harm. We also found this note in her paper journal:

"I not know how to explain this to you. I wanted to, even tried to, but I not able to. I wrote to you a 100 letters, but I destroyed them all. I not know how to behave. I told you, just to say 'hello' is hardest thing in the world."

She was also listening to one of her MP3 players with just two songs loaded and cycling on repeat.

Vlad arrived in her hospital room from Sasha's room to check on her. In all honesty, Vlad says that it is nothing short of an absolute medical miracle that she had not bleed out completely. "She should be dead, I mean, there is just nothing else to say. There is absolutely no medical explanation for why they did not find her cold and dead."

We got some coma experts here. They have a brilliant talent for pulling patients out of a coma. I will let you know the results.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:13 pm
by Shadowstalker
That does it Dym you are going to die. All of you are going to die, including that peice of shit that calls himself her uncle.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:19 pm
by DarKnyht
I wish I could be there to help flay the skin off you, dym. I will have to be satisfied to hear about your demise here.

Shadow, Bert, whoever else is going after this freak, please put an extra round into him for me.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:20 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
He doesn't die quick.

I'm going to take him alive and make him wish I had killed him.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:22 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Don't be foolish.

Kill it.

Anything fancier gives it a chance for escape.