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Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:32 pm
by Azrael
Hello again my fellow hunters of things unholy and vile.

I have recovered from my grievous injuries, and I have also restored my fractured soul.

I aided the one you cal Hit Squirrel and her allies in a battle against a pack of summoned Fenry, brought to this plane by, of all things, and blashpemous magical rabbit.

I know this sounds insane, and you should think me mad, but THEY SPEAK! All of them, the squirrel even turned intp the fair maiden who rescued me from the grasp of those insidious vampires who wish to torture me to death.

He name is Izabella, and she is recovering from her woundswith the aid of her animal companions. I can only assume she is a druid like KonThaak and they are her familiars.

One can only imagine.

I have since left their care, thanking them for their help,
but my lady and I have been apart for far too long.

I appologize Mr. Turtle for your residence if you find it a shambles, but my lady truly wanted to return to her master's hand. I will reinberse you for any damages done. I must also thank you for taking such good care of her for me. She says you were kind, but did not enjoy being trated as Hazardous Waste?

I must now atone for my misdeads. Now that Menekhir is dead, I must find his slayer and put that monster to death as well. A slayer's work is never done, but I have seen redemption, and now I must make amends.

I hear that much evil has brewed in my absence, vile filth has crawled from Satan's sewer to challenge the righteous and prey upon the innocent. Once again I take blade in hand to stand for that which is just and to protect those who can not protect themselves.

Should I head to Deleware to offer my service to vanquish this evil that is rising, or go back to my homeland, and seek Kolya and his comrades in order to offer my blade and skill to protect the fair maiden Natalia.

You my firends should be my guiding hand, point me to where I must go, and I shall not disappoint you.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:37 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
First, I didn't treat her as hazardous "waste". Hazardous Materials? Yes. There's a difference.

Second, don't worry about it. I would have delivered her myself had I know where to go.

Finally, Azrael, since you must be in NJ, if you wait there a few days for when I return, I will have some things for you.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:44 pm
by Azrael
I will join you and the others in Deleware then. I may not be one of these chosen seven, but you may still need a hunter's swift blade.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:52 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Very well Azrael. Please be so kind as to bring something of mine then. I'll PM you with details.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:03 am
by Koralth
Azrael, it's wonderful to hear that you're in good health again. I was worried that the only *ahem* only words that I would ever say to you were that you needed to get out of the way, and that we were trying to hold mediations. I really regretted hearing that you were no longer with us, after my insulting words. We didn't have the best of introductions, but maybe some time we can discuss it over some drinks.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:17 am
by Ron Caliburn
It appears I finally get to meet Azrael - with my jaw wired shut so I don't get the chance to talk.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:19 am
by Shadowstalker
Check with Gale out front Ron, she may be able to fix that.