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Things that should not be left laying around

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:48 pm
by Ron Caliburn

Giant Pearl Tied to Family Squabbles

Associated Press Writer

DENVER (AP) -- Legend has it the so-called Pearl of Allah was created as a symbol of peace 2,500 years ago in ancient China. To Victor Barbish, the 14-pound gem has been nothing but a big headache.

The football-sized grayish lump has been tied to enough greed, drama and intrigue to rival any Agatha Christie mystery, including two contract killings and a court fight that ended with one of the largest jury awards of its type in Colorado history.

"It draws the wrong type of people," said Barbish, the pearl's majority owner who lives in Colorado Springs. "It's only a pearl. It has a nice history. It was made to do something good, apparently, but what it's been drawing, it's been terrible."

Barbish says he kept the pearl in a Denver bank vault and a series of safe deposit boxes over the years, but he won't disclose its present location, even though he'd like to unload the gem to a museum or library.

How the pearl wound up in Colorado is quite a tale - an extraordinary one, if the rumors are to be believed. It is purportedly a former amulet of Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu, who is said to have carved his face and those of Confucius and Buddha into its surface. It was then planted in successively larger clams for generations; the convolutions on its surface resemble a human brain.

According to legend, the pearl was lost in a shipwreck centuries ago, then found in 1934 off Palawan Island in the Philippines by a diver who drowned when he reached into a huge clam to take it. The clam and the diver were pulled to shore and the island's chief, a Muslim who named the pearl, took possession.

About five years later, Wilburn Dowell Cobb saved the life of the chief's son and was given the pearl in gratitude. Cobb's heirs sold it in 1980 for $200,000 to Beverly Hills jeweler Peter Hoffman, who in turn sold part ownership to Barbish.

The two men formed the now-defunct World's Largest Pearl Co. Inc. in California and raised money by selling interests in the pearl to investors including Joe Bonicelli.

This is where the history turns bloody.

The pearl is now part of the largest wrongful-death judgment in Colorado history after a jury recently awarded $32.4 million to Bonicelli's adult children, who sued over the 1975 death of their mother in a contract killing.

After Bonicelli's death in 1998, police said they determined that the decades-old killing was done at his behest. The Colorado Springs barber who was convicted of killing Bonicelli's wife also was convicted of killing the wife of another man whom Bonicelli had introduced to the barber.

Bonicelli's children want the pearl sold so they can be paid the settlement they won against their father's estate. They plan to use the money to establish a foundation in their mother's name to help abused women and children, said their lawyer, Richard Tegtmeier.

Bonicelli left his estate to his youngest daughter, whom he fathered with his second wife. Neither her attorney nor Phillips' attorney returned calls.

Appraisers have valued the pearl at up to $60 million, Tegtmeier said.

He said further court action will be necessary to determine how his clients will receive their money - but it will have to include selling the pearl.

Barbish just wants to be rid of it, but on his terms.

"We are donating that pearl," he said. "We don't want the money for it. We want it to go to a charity for everybody to see and view, either a museum or a presidential library."

So, are we going to wait for some death cult to steal it, or are we going to find some safe keeping for it?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:59 pm
by Cipher
it's just a big pearl. Yeah, you could probably use it as a hell of a component. The whole thing about Lao Tzu carving the faces in it. I find that very doubtful. As he's the individual that wrote the Tao (i.e. Taoism) a philosophy style completely uninterested in wealth. I don't see that being a priority for him. That and he was a legislater in China so...when would he have had time. I'll see if I can locate it though. It might take a while, I don't have many contacts in Colorado.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:15 am
by Anthony
Well I've done a little research myself. Cipher is correct in his statement :
Cipher wrote:it's just a big pearl. Yeah, you could probably use it as a hell of a component. The whole thing about Lao Tzu carving the faces in it. I find that very doubtful. As he's the individual that wrote the Tao (i.e. Taoism) a philosophy style completely uninterested in wealth. I don't see that being a priority for him. That and he was a legislater in China so...when would have had time. I'll see if I can locate it though. It might take a while, I don't have many contacts in Colorado.
However, this leads me to believe there is a more sinister agenda for the amulet. None of the obscure text I've been through even talks about this amulet. there is a similar amulet in the rare and dangerous "Shuzu Xang's Journey through the Hells" It is mentioned that the great demonlord Tai Shan Chun Wang (Ruler of the Seventh Hell) had a "minor" amulet noted to bring out the greed in people. Perhaps this pearl is from that instead. I'll try to research more into this and keep you updated.

Dr. Anthony Sears, Parapsycologist

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:17 am
by PSC27
I say return it to China.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:15 pm
by Mile High
Cipher wrote:it's just a big pearl. Yeah, you could probably use it as a hell of a component. The whole thing about Lao Tzu carving the faces in it. I find that very doubtful. As he's the individual that wrote the Tao (i.e. Taoism) a philosophy style completely uninterested in wealth. I don't see that being a priority for him. That and he was a legislater in China so...when would he have had time. I'll see if I can locate it though. It might take a while, I don't have many contacts in Colorado.

I'm in Denver. What I'm concerned about, though, is whether this thing's cursed. It sure seems like a lot of misfortune follows it. In fact, these recent developments may even be the result of its "desire" to get out of some safe-desposit box somewhere, perhaps even into the hands of it's "rightful owner".

Artifacts like this can be awfully powerful, and this thing's a semi-precious stone (sorta) to boot. This type of thing can easily influence people to kill to serve its will.

If that thing is put up for auction or otherwise sold, I'd keep a close eye on who ends up with it. I figure either they'll be in for some misfortune, or they'll be who the pearl wanted to end up with, for some nefarious reason.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:05 pm
by Cipher
In some cases it's worse than a precious stone. It's been created by living things. Think about what would happen to if if the clams/oysters that it was put inside of were corrupted by foul magics?

that could be really bad.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:26 pm
by Ron Caliburn
There's got to be a big bad with it's talons in this. I'm saying the proper authorities (read one of us) should take control of the pearl before something seriously nasty happens. Perhaps we can do a bit of mitigation work while we are at it.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:52 pm
by mr. e
i have heard that their is a type of spirit that feeds off of misfortune like this pearl brings. in my files, i have classified it as a "Siphon Entity", for lack of a better term. they are said to reside in objects and cause no end of trouble for those which possess said objects.

this pearls story is similar to that of the Hope Diamond, and many such jewels and precious objects. if there is a "siphon entity", it would most likely drawn to such objects because their value makes them very likely to be found, and the greed and jealosy aroused by such objects ensure that it will constantly be exchanging hands and exposing the Entity to new food sources.

but such things are just enlightened speculation on my part, i have yet to gain access to such a "cursed" object to study, nor has anyone in my circle of contacts.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:37 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Sounds like a lead. Someody want to trackt his pearl down and git rid of the evil?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:53 am
by Cipher
heh, I know where it is. As to dealing with the evil....when can you be there Ron? :::grin:::
When you or a contracter is there i'll send you the location. Surprisingly it wasn't that hard to find.

pearl of allah

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:44 pm
by alias
Osama bin Laden tried to purchase the world's largest pearl, the Pearl of Allah, as a gift to Saddam Hussein "to unite the Arab cultures," and Hussein was prepared to accept, according to the pearl's owner.

Victor Barbish, who owns 66 percent of the pearl on behalf of his daughter, told WorldNetDaily he received an offer in 1999 from individuals who said they were "from bin Laden's group" to purchase the pearl for $60 million to give to Hussein as an overture of unity between al-Qaida and the Iraqi government.

Pearl of Allah

The Pearl of Allah, the largest pearl on record, was recovered from a giant clam on May 7, 1934, off the coast of Palawan Island, Philippines. The pearl is 9.4 inches long and weighs about 14 lbs. According to the "Guinness Book of Records," the San Francisco Gem Laboratory has valued the pearl at $40 million. The Muslim diver who found the pearl said its surface bore the image of a turbaned face, and he named it the Pearl of Allah.

Barbish says the offer was presented to him in September 1999 by Allen Bhak and Alex Soria of Bhak Development, who at the time were reportedly soliciting an investment from Barbish in a business that promised large returns on a European program involving the buying and selling of bank debt, and who were asked by Barbish if they knew of anyone who might be interested in buying the pearl.

Barbish claims Soria and Bhak received the offer in 1999 from bin Laden through Latif Faed, an Iranian immigrant who was starting a chain of gasoline-station stores in California, and Faed's friend Azad Amiri. He says Faed and Amiri told him they were a "direct connection" to bin Laden's people, and that two bin Laden agents would meet Barbish in Denver to ensure he had the pearl and coordinate a $12 million deposit toward its purchase.

Barbish also says a man who identified himself as Muhammed Faed, a contact for Saddam Hussein in London, was involved in the negotiations and told Barbish that Hussein was prepared to accept the pearl as a token of unity with bin Laden.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:54 pm
by Ron Caliburn
This ain't my line of work. I deal with monsters.

I just thought someone on here might be better able to take care of this buisness.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:02 pm
by Cipher
Fair enough. Anybody in Denver who is willing to receive and safeguard the pearl???


Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:44 pm
by alias
maybe after I find Opie I find stone

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:29 pm
by Lynx
Its rightful place is in a museum of its respecgtive country.

The Archaeologist

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Only if whatever is causing it to kill people is removed first, otherwise the safest place will be where it won't do any more damage.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:36 am
by Lynx
what do you mean whats causing it to kill people?.... probally nothing more than a nutjob with an obession for this pearl plain and simple

The Archaeologist

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:35 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Something with a history like this extends past just one nutjob with an obsession for nastiness. It needs to be purged or secured before more deaths occur.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:35 pm
by Lynx
Mr Caliburn, many stories throughout time have come with tall tales of mysterious deaths linked to them and in the end science has always proven them to be just that tall tales

The Archaeologist.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:23 am
by Joseph Darkhold
Science is the crutch of unbeliever. But use it too much and you won't be ready when it's taken away.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:58 am
by Lynx
never has it failed me, and i doubt it ever will

The Archaeologist.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 6:54 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I've been places where science fails. I'll take you to one sometime L and we'll see how long it takes you to either start to believe or go crazy.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:37 pm
by Lynx
after i have dealt with my current situation we might just take a little trip mr Caliburn and unless you plan on taking me to a creationists history museum driving me crazy may take you longer than you would think

The Archaeologist.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:31 am
by Lightning Plant
On a side note, those negas are occaisionally good to have around, even if they are annoying. The negative vibes they put out tend to scare away minor entities.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:37 am
by Kolya
And the major ones like to keep them around for the propaganda and so-called "voice of reason".

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:50 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I jsut get frustrated by people who refuse to believe that there really is an undeclared war on despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:24 pm
by Joseph Darkhold