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We rock! (KT's team)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:15 pm
by KonThaak
Heh, sorry it's taking so long for us to get to posting this... We've been celebrating the job well done. ^_^

So, mission successful, and y'all wanna know exactly what all went down, right?

Well, a friend of Ben's had lent us some 4by's, a few of which were stickshifts, for the mission. I got the keys to one of the stickshifts; all in all, we used 4 of the vehicles...

Shadow and his team took one; Kolya, Sasha, Natasha, and their surveillance equipment took a second; Ron and Bert took theirs late, late, late last night (or really, really early this morning); and Michael T, Eric Eland, Pendragon, Robin, and myself in the last one.

Well, once Shadow's, Kolya's and my cars had all personnel and equipment loaded up, we were ready to--

Whoops, my turn to sing again. ^^; I'll post some either later tonight or tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow. I'm wiped.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:35 pm
by A. Pendragon
I feel bad for the dogs they used to try and track us as we were leaving. I left sprinkles of CS crystals all over our area... kinda like riot gas but in crystaline form. Fucks with their sense of smell, but doesnt do any permanent damage.

*Damn, is it my turn to by rounds this time?*

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:00 am
by Ron Caliburn
Hannah is tucked in and sleeping peacefully now. I spent the last two hors or so just watching her sleep.

Feels good.

Thanks again all around.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:18 am
by KonThaak
I'm awake for now, so I'll continue the story a bit... We brought our cars to the rendezvous point. We checked our radios and their frequencies, and Kolya started up his satellite surveillance.

Shadow's team stayed a good distance away, to provide cover in case things went to Hell farther than we could've possibly feared, and our team needed to draw back hella fast.

Everyone else; Sasha, Natasha, Pendragon, Robin, Michael T, Eric Eland, and myself moved into position at the Outer Perimeter fence. By my reckoning and by the map Ron had drawn out for us before, this point was effectively a "chink" in their defenses... Because of the tree formations, the point was hardly visible to their surveillance teams...

The Outer Fence was a basic chain-link with barbed wire atop it. Pendragon had a set of wire-cutters that made short work of that.

I stuffed my radio in a rabbit-skin pouch I had brought along for the occasion, and wished everyone luck... I had no idea how much we were all going to need it.

I shapeshifted into a falcon, grabbed the pouch and the radio inside, and took to the air... I flew my "catch" over the Outer Perimeter fence... I could see Shadow, Michael, Eric and Robin sneaking into the area between the fences, watching out for the traps and making their way through the trees... I lost sight of them as I came within visual range of the compound itself.

I saw the children out working the yards... I saw several of them a bit further than the rest. As I flew in closer, I caught sight of her...

Something plowed into me from below. An angry jay had spotted me and decided I was intruding. I flexed my claws to strike out at it, and the fight was on... Our fight was bringing us closer to the compound, and eventually, I could hear Hannah singing...

So could the jay, apparently. It fluttered mid-air for a moment, looking startled, then darted off... That was when I realized that I'd dropped the damned rabbit-skin, and the radio with it, and I had no idea where it had ended up...

I hoped Kolya hadn't been recording that as I flew in closer to the sound of her voice... I don't even know how I knew it was her voice; it just made sense that it had to be.

As luck would have it, it was...

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:16 pm
by Michael T
We watched KT fly off, then we began the trek in to the inner perimeter, dodging the traps and areas security cameras may sweep. About two thirds of the way in I spoted a rabbit not far away that was not moving, it did not look right. I moved to check it and found out Murphy was watching and interfereing in this endever. It was the pelt with KT's radio, we hurried to the inner fence while I wracked my brain for a way to pull this off without failure. We set up and waited for the time to start and listened for the alarms and commotion that would signal us that the op began.

I almost swore I saw Ron for a moment, but it was a breif flash in my periphial vision.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:21 pm
by KonThaak
I flew into a nearby bush to shapeshift more without interruption or being seen... A black stallion was the form that emerged from the bush when alarms went off from the far side of the compound.

I raced towards where I'd seen Hannah... She smiled as I approached, obviously expecting me.

Sadly, she wasn't alone. One of the adults, a lanky guy who looked about like he might blow over if he sneezed wrong, came over to her. It's hard for me to remember much of what was said, but he seemed quite adamant that she needed to get inside, and she rather serenely was telling him she was fine, or something to that effect.

I heard Ron's old name come on over the radio. They both gave very different reactions. The guy went white as a sheet, and started stammering; Hannah, after I knelt down for her, vaulted onto my back and held on as I started running.

I didn't know where I was running to; I didn't have the radio, anymore... I just knew I had to get away from where I was, fast, and that I'd been seen carrying Hannah off.

We ran in the general direction I'd come from, to the perimeter fence. I knew the guys were going to be somewhere around there, in general, at least...

Again, our luck was two-faced; for while I was seen (and though I didn't know it, being pursued already), I saw the guys. Michael T waved the pouch through the air, pulled out the radio, and tossed it to Hannah. She caught it a bit awkwardly, not being used to riding bare-back, and Michael teleported himself, Robin, Eric Eland, and Shadowstalker all back to the Outer Perimeter breach point.

All I had to do was get Hannah there safely, and hope for the best for Ron's group...and there were only a few miles of well-wooded lands; yes, there were traps, but they were easy to spot. I figured it would be a cakewalk getting out of there.

That is, until I heard the "whing" sound of a bullet bouncing off a tree somewhere in our vicinity...

Kolya's voice crackled on the radio; six bogies, one vehicle and five horsemen...and that wasn't all we had to deal with through our escape.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:03 pm
by A. Pendragon
Yeah, thanx to the info given to us about what traps to lookout for and avoid, and the live satellite feed, getting to the Inner Perimeter wasnt too difficult. I was quite impressed with the breach teams ability to move quickly and quietly. The only problem I noticed was a slight headache I had developed almost as soon as bypassed the outer perimeter. Once we were at the inner breach point, helped conceal the team, I got to work on disabling the alarm on the inner fence.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:40 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I was hoping they wouldn't fire . . . I guess they must have connected the events.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:30 pm
by Michael T
I'm hung up trying to get to Ben, a massive washout in the pipes crossing the path i need. So I'll post more of what happened in this op.

I heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire coming from near the breech we made, I cast a fly speel and told the others to hold the breech. I flew back throught the trees to where I could see KT reunning, Koyla announced the six bogies.

Hannah there is going to be three lighting bolts hitting the ground behind you two let KT know it's Michael. Don't look back, I promise not to hrt anyone." I radioed.

The Call Lighting spell let me put three lighting strikes across the area of pursuit, that slowed all six pursers to a near stop, then I cast a wall of force across there path. The jeep bounced off the wall as the driver never stopped moving, but it was a very low speed crash. The horses were smart enough to hang back when the lighting hit and refused to approach the wall. I turned and flew after KT and Hannah to help prevent any more delays.

Pipes clear now, I'll post more later.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:40 am
by Ron Caliburn
Now I know why I thought I heard thunde.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:26 pm
by Michael T
Unfortunatly the call lighting spell is not quite, but it is very effective in many roles. I flew along in the area a few hundred feet from KT and Hannah to watch for any more trouble. A impact spun me to the side and caused me to plow into the ground, I lay still watching where KT and Hannah fled.

"Goddless bastard consorting with the powers of hell to cause the rightous such pain. Die." came a male's voice.

As I tried to roll over to see who it was a second impact sent me slideing away, I managed to stop just a few feet from one of the nastier traps in the area. I rolled up and fired an energy bolt at the largest rifle I have ever seen, then looked at my attacker when the weapon spun away. It was Ron, I knew it must be the Asshole even before I gave the sign. There was no response.

"I am glad to meet you Asshole, you've caused alot of trouble for too many people. Time to pay up." I said as he drew a handgun.

"I know you mage, you depend on trinkets that hold spells. You can't have too many left after all that has been happening recently. Especially after your daughter's little trip." he snarled.

"Maybe you need to study you opponets better, you have made a grave error with me." Ireplied casting an invunrability spell on myself, "What do you know of my daughter?"

"Who do you think gave them her name?" came an arrogant answer.

Looking back I did not act well, I lost my temper when I heard that. I think the only thing that saved me was he actually did make a mistake on my abilities. I hammered him with a half dozen energy and fire bolts as he fired the gun, when the armor spell failed he seemed enraged when the rounds seemed to have no effect on me. I called lighting once more to try and destroy him. Unfortunatly he escaped.

"Nice try hellspawn!" was the last I heard as he dove throught the air to vanish.

Then the lighting slammed into the ground where he stood seconds before. I cast my flight spell again and headed to the others. Sorry Ron, I may have been able to dispose of that trash had I remained calmer.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:29 am
by Ron Caliburn
He's givent he slip to better men than I. No apology necissary.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:49 pm
by KonThaak
He was also apparently in more than one place...because as I made a mental note to thank Michael later, I felt a spike in the energies. Hannah felt it, too... The radio started giving us static. I could feel her trying to get it to work as I ran through the forest, going in the last heading that Kolya had given me...

I heard a crackle from behind me; the wall that Michael had put up suddenly winked out of existence... I heard Asshole's voice laughing in the back of my head, and I snorted out of frustration. Hannah had to grab onto my mane as I took off running hard...

We must've run by fairly near to where Michael was... We also must've missed each other.

Fortunately, even though our radios weren't working, it appeared that Kolya's satellite surveillance was, because it didn't take Robin and Shadow much time at all to find us. Shadow put down some cover fire for us, which slowed down the horsemen pretty easily, and Robin, hidden in the bushes, waited until the jeep was driving right past him. He lashed out with a blast of telekinesis, knocking both the driver and the gunman (who was focussed on Shadow) right out of the jeep. I heard him make a smart-ass comment about seat-belts as he jumped into the passenger seat, and Shadow took control of the vehicle. Between their two kinetic abilities working together, they managed to put it into a controlled spin pretty easily, blocking the horsemen for at least a bit more time. They took advantage of the armor from the jeep to keep themselves safe as they burst out, Shadow using his psionics to get himself and Robin outta there, pronto.

It slowed them down pretty effectively, and with Shadow and Robin there with us now, we knew how to get out.

I kept running. It was easier than strategizing with the mind of a horse...

It was Hannah who realized first that something wasn't right. "We're going the wrong way!"

We stopped for a moment, and we realized that the sun was in the wrong position in the sky... The radios were still non-functional, which was getting to be a pain in the ass.

I could feel the vibrations in the ground, of something approaching, fast, but they were subtle. I stamped at the ground, snorted, whinnied, anything to get people to get us moving again.

Hannah pointed a direction, and we turned and continued on...which was when we spotted two jeeps coming straight towards us, guns blazing.

There was a pair of popping noises, and next thing we knew, Pendragon had disabled their engines. "Hope I'm not too late," was all he said.

Eric Eland was there next, making a force bubble around us as we all made the last half-mile run to the breach point.

Michael was there when we all got there, along with everyone else...and when our pursuers reached the fence, they all dropped to the ground, sound asleep, thanks to Natasha's runes.

I have to say, it was the most efficiently we've all worked together that I think I've ever seen before...

I shifted back into my human form only after Hannah was lowered off my back and helped into the SUV I was going to be driving. We got everyone packed up, pronto, and radioed into Ron to meet us at the rendezvous. Mission successful.

I put Pink Floyd's "Money" on the radio for our victory music...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:10 am
by Michael T
I have always said this Society can work with extremely efficent team work, we all just sometimes need to put our pride in a box and leave it at home. I am glad no one was injured on our side and that the opfor can only count possible broken bones in thier injuries list. I know Ron is not often a team player, but he has proven again it is not due to lack of ability but by choice. Now if we could put away all the argueing and fght we have had recently and work like this very little would be a drastic issue for us to face.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:50 am
by Ron Caliburn
There's a tiem for talk and a time for action. I know when to seperate the two. I'm not afraid to debate any of you long and hard on any point . . . but out there, we live and die by each other.

I usually work alone because I don't want to drag another one of you down with me when I bite off more than I can chew (which will happen some day). That doesn't mean that I won't work with someone when the circumstances recquire joint efforts.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:12 pm
by Hannah
Hi Everybody!

I just wanted to say thank ya again ta KonThaak and Shadowstalker and Bert the Turtle and Micheal T and Ted and A. Pendragon and Eric Eland and Kolya, Sasaha and Natasha with the funny voices and Shadowstalker.

I know some of y'all have real names, but I went with what y'all want ta be called here.

I owe y'all more than y'all can imagine. When I get older I'll pay y'all back, with interest, I promise.


PS: That Ben fella taught me how to make the funny faces.

:lol: :shock: :oops: :roll: :P :!: :!: :!: :idea: :arrow:

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:45 pm
by KonThaak
You're very welcome, Hannah. Don't worry about paying me back, at least. ^_^ It seriously was the least I could do.

I'm just glad you're alright.

And...Ben? Ben taught you how to do that?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:51 pm
by Hannah
Hi KonThaak

Yeah, that Ben fella sent me a message before I'd even logged into my account for the first time. He seems like a nice fella. He's telling me about Molly right now.

But I will pay y'all back KonThaak. Your least was still everythin' ta me.

Thank ya again.


PS: You were a very beautiful horse. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:54 pm
by KonThaak
Err... o.o; Thanks. ^^;

It's good to hear that Ben's doing okay, since, y'know, nobody from the group that went to try to help him has reported back about his condition...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:02 pm
by Hannah

Was Ben in some kind of trouble? Is he okay?


PS: Your welcome. Is there any reason you were a gelding?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:03 pm
by Azrael
I assure you Mr. KonThaak, your friend is recovering in the safety of a hospital and is under the best of care. For a thrall, he is rather resilient.

Perhaps out of the respect of a fellow hunter, I will not speak of another wounded who is unable to continue the hunt as of yet. Im sure once Mr. Holister leaves the hospital,
he may tell his tale. I just do not see it as my place to do so.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:11 pm
by Hannah
Azrael - whom God helps - I like your name.

Is it a pretend name like everyone else here has, or was it the name you were given when you were born?

Ben is a thrall? To what? He seems to be a nice man . . . aside from his signature.

I will ask Pa to let me go visit Ben in the hospital . . . if the hospital is close.


PS: Is Ben a friend of Pa?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:08 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
You're very welcome Hannah. And you don't need to pay me back at all, seeing you and your dad together is more of a reward than anything in heaven and earth.

And, uhhh, Holister and yer Dad don't really see eye to eye on very many things. But, other then the occasional villain that comes by to spout off (Like Loki in another thread) there aren't any enemies here that I'm aware of.

Ben and Ron . . . friends?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:18 pm
by Celeste Darken
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:And, uhhh, Holister and yer Dad don't really see eye to eye on very many things.

To say the least. But I think they try . . . more or less.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:32 pm
by Shang Li
Welcome to the society, Ms. Hannah, I hope you will find your stay uneventfull. I am not sure if Mr. Caliburn and I are friends, but I do respect him greatly. If you have inherited his determination (some would say stuburness) you will quite likely do well in any endevour you apply it to.

You both have my sincerest apologies for my interruption of your ride home.

Mr. Caliburn, you have my congratulations - had I know the truth I would have sent something more... apropriate than tea sets.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:55 pm
by Deathblaster
Azrael wrote:I assure you Mr. KonThaak, your friend is recovering in the safety of a hospital and is under the best of care. For a thrall, he is rather resilient.

Hannah wrote:Ben is a thrall? To what? He seems to be a nice man . . . aside from his signature.

That would be Celeste. She's controling him.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:10 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Celeste is not controlling him. His hormones are controlling him. :roll:

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:13 pm
by Deathblaster
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:Celeste is not controlling him. His hormones are controlling him. :roll:

Dublo dude: :roll: :roll:

You know your a redneck if you make doe eyes to a dead girl that sucks blod.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:17 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Cee is a beautiful person, inside and out, blood sucking or no.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:18 pm
by Deathblaster
Said like a true thrall. :roll: